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AnimeBytes - February Maintenance - Tracker News - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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AnimeBytes - February Maintenance

Guest Ethan

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Guest Ethan

As you might have noticed, the site has been down the past ~9 hours. This was because we were trying to alleviate the immense problems we've had the past days. You are probably as tired of this situation as we are. The reasons for this instability can be boiled down to our amount of users. While the amount of users here is not immense we've gained 2500 new users, that's about 50% more than we had when we got our Nanashi. The amount of torrents we have has doubled in this time. However, all of this is old news. We managed to raise the amount of money we needed for a new server in record time, why hasn't there been any change?

The reason for this, and why we have been so quiet is that there hasn't been much to say. We ordered a new server shortly after having enough money to do so, but due to a misunderstanding with our server retailer the order was cancelled. By the time we were able to get in contact with them again some time had passed. We've re-ordered a server and while we have not received a set date we are expecting it to arrive in a period of about three weeks.

You might be left wondering what we have done during this downtime. Since our main issue has been disk IO we moved our database to another server, one of our irc nodes, to give a bit of breathing space. We can say that the goal was accomplished successfully but we're left to see how big of a difference it has made. We upgraded the tracker a bit as well, moving from ruby 1.8 to 1.9 should give us a slight performance increase. It has been adjusted to give you an error message when it can't handle your request, rather than a nondescript error.

At any rate. We apologise for the prolonged downtime, and for the situation that we are in. We really hope that it will be resolved soon, so hang in there.

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