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PixelHD recently added features

Guest Evilblade

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Guest Evilblade

What's New?

Lots of stuff. We've added more of the cast, with roles, we've added writers, composers, producers, more MPAA ratings, edition separation, etc.

What's It's Purpose

It's all part of a bigger plan to be able to sort by almost anything, to search for movies based on composers, writers, producers, ratings, country etc. If we store the information, we are going to be able to parse it to provide better user experiences in the long run.

Example: If you like Danny Elfman and you want to see more movies where he's composed music, you will be able to click his name and see his body of work. Pretty simple stuff.

User Rating

This is just a minor added bonus, we aren't using this for any sort of sorting/parsing metric currently, it's just to give a basic Like/Dislike rating on torrents on site. Maybe if a lot of users use it then we could sort torrents by it at a later date, but until we get lots of data from it, it's almost useless as a sorting function.

Posters Posters Posters

They disappear, it's annoying, we replace them, they disappear again. Nevermore. We are storing posters locally now and linking back to them on our own server. This is going to stop dead links, speed up loading, plus we've been nice and took those jumbled up names for images and set them as 'Movie Name (Year).jpg' they are nice and neat and organized, plus they work really well on boxee when saved as a .tbn file or saved as folder.jpg if you store movies in individual folders.

The End

This is a pretty big leap in torrent details, but remember it's only 50% of our main goals. We have lots of other features planned plus we are still going through looking for missed bugs, or browser incompatibilities, which are a possibility. Especially when using FireFox (The New IE).

We'll be bringing more and more features over eventually, we did this because we reached 100$ in donations, so the more donations we receive, the more apt we are to give back to community, cause donations help inspire us to bring new features, so donations really do keep our community here alive and we are dependent on that.

Thanks and enjoy the new Details page. Remember, if you see any bugs, please report them. They help us more than you know and allow us to test and debug things that we will implement in the future (Required Seeding System).

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