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Tracker which uses Gazelle

Guest borrow

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Guest borrow

I have an important question. How does ban work on gazelle trackers??

If i was banned on a tracker like BTN and i change my ip (which is dynamic) they will ban me again??

(in case i get an invite)

sorry if this is the wrong section.

Please answer! THanks.

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Guest Ethan

Most gazelle trackers have a modification which alerts the staff as soon as the Email on an account is changed.

What.cd , PTP , Fux0r , GGn have it for sure...

They can also track IP Change if its changed with some other country.. PTP , What.cd and Fux0r have it.

I am not sure about BTN...



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Guest borrow

anybody who have experience with gazelle trackers?? (like being banned or having more accounts on a gazelle tracker )) ???

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Guest scar

Yeah. You just gotta be smart. For example, if you get banned from 123.456.123.456, get an invite and sign up tomorrow from 123.456.789.987, they'll know.

There are a few tips and tricks I'd not like to divulge, but I'll say this: change everything about your computer that the site can see. Browser, client, browsing habits, posting habits, etc... also for the love of god don't take all 100 torrents you were seeding prior to the ban, change the passkey and reseed.

edIt: also make sure you clean out all cookies, including flash cookies.

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