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TorrentReactor Launches Proxy to Circumvent Torrent Site Censorship - Piracy News and Crypto Updates - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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TorrentReactor Launches Proxy to Circumvent Torrent Site Censorship

Guest HellYeah

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Guest HellYeah

TorrentReactor is making a stand against the increasing censorship efforts targeted at BitTorrent sites. Less than two days after an Italian court ordered local ISPs to censor the popular torrent site, they have launched a free proxy to circumvent the blockade. The proxy, operating from the fitting domain “come.in,” works not only with TorrentReactor, but also with The Pirate Bay, KickassTorrents and Torrents.net.

This week an Italian court ordered all Internet providers to block access to the domain names and IP-addresses of both TorrentReactor.net and Torrents.net

The verdict follows a police investigation that was initiated after complaints by the local music industry. Previously, courts had already ordered similar blockades against The Pirate Bay and KickassTorrents.

The TorrentReactor team are not amused by the blockade and have quickly taken action to allow their Italian users to regain access to the site.

“It is really sad to see authorities intervene with the free and open internet. Pressure from media conglomerates is not doing any good and people should definitely defend their rights and freedoms,” the TorrentReactor team tells TorrentFreak.

Over the past 24 hours the site’s operators have worked hard to get a proxy service operational and it eventually went live a few hours ago. The proxy site “Come.in” allows people to access TorrentReactor when it’s blocked, and it also works with the three other BitTorrent sites that are currently censored in Italy.

Source: TorrentFreak

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