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TorrentZilla Community Christmas Lottery no

Guest FAGuru

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Guest FAGuru

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Torrentzilla Lottery now active!

Who can play?

All Torrentzilla Members!

Start date: 2012-12-05 11:00:00

End date: 2012-12-23 11:00:00

Ticket fee: 100mb

Maximum allowed tickets: 3

Number of Winners: 1

Prize: 1.00TB!

Read more info about the lottery http://www.torrentzilla.org/forums.php?action=viewtopic&topicid=3675'>HERE.

Get your tickets http://www.torrentzilla.org/tickets.php'>HERE

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The Torrentzilla Lottery

The Torrentzilla Lottery is a permanent feature that regularly allows members to enter and
participate in a jackpot lottery system with and about upload credits.

How does it work?

When a lottery is active, members can enter the lottery by purchasing lottery tickets. These
lottery tickets have a preset value and are "paid" for with some of the uploaded ratio credit
on your account. (e.g 100mb per ticket)

It is possible to get multiple tickets, but for each lottery applies that there is a maximum to the
amount of tickets that each member can buy.

The ratio upload credits used to get these lottery tickets do not just vanish. Those go straight
into the Torrentzilla Lottery Jackpot. Therefor, as more tickets get "sold" the jackpot will grow
and once the lottery expires, the winner will get credited with ALL of the grand total.

The lottery system is fully automated meaning that once it has been given it's criteria to run by
and has been activated, it does all that it needs to do completely on it's own.

Other then just let you buy tickets, it will also show you how many tickets you have and how many
you can still get. It will also allow you to see who else has bought tickets and how many they got
as well as of course...the total number of tickets sold and size of the current jackpot.

At the end of a lottery, the system will credit and notify the winner as well as make a public record
on the lottery page so that everybody can see who has won.

When does the lottery run?

Selecting the settings (ticket price/amount etc) for a lottery as well as it's activation are a manual
process. We are a team of few trying to do a lot and prefer not to be pinned down to set dates
but count on the lottery to run once or twice a month.

Who can play?

That's one of the settings that the lottery system allows us to select and set for each lottery
individually. We may choose to run a lottery for the entire community as a whole or just a single
member class and our choice does not have to be the same every time.

What does a ticket cost and how many tickets can I have?

That too can very per lottery but as all of this is to be and remain in the spirit of good fun, we
think in terms of a little and a few.

How long does a lottery run?

As long or short as we set it to.

How do I know that a lottery I can play in is currently active?

Of course we will make sure to keep you informed.

Where can I get tickets and see the jackpot?

You can see if a lottery is active and get tickets

This page will also tell you how long the lottery still has to go, how many tickets you have
and who won the last lottery.

Where can I see a list of ticket sales?

You can find a list of all tickets sold http://www.torrentzilla.org/viewtickets.php?'>HERE.

What to do if I have more questions regarding the lottery?

Ask before playing. We are here to help.

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