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eBookVortex.com | eBV | eLearning | 2011 - Old and Outdated Tracker Reviews - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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eBookVortex.com | eBV | eLearning | 2011

Guest Ethan

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Guest Ethan

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Tracker: eBookVortex
Category: elearning



Registration: web, they are newish/small so usually are open. Dl credit invite system.
Notes: Although small but you can still find some gems there Posted Image. This tracker covers a huge array of subjects as listed below.
Tools Tested to work: Vuze Extreme Mod v4.3.0.5, Ratio Master 1.9.0.; Speeds of over 100kb-130kb are the norm on the most popular torrents.
Established: 30-Aug-2006 but the name has changed about 2 times since then
Exclusivity: Since this is like my first private tracker and the site doesnt advertise whats exclusive to them Im not sure what is exclusive to them. However there are active members who donate cash to the site.
Why its worthwhile: Considering members are willing to donate as much as 60 Pound Sterling for their cause Im sure it will go places. In a general sense no matter how small or large the tracker is there will be some things that that private tracker will not have, but on the other hand people are not centralised and therefor possibly the files from one tracker will trickle out to others eventually. General rule the more trackers you have the better the possiblity of you finding what you want due to the centralised nature of BT. Get in now whilst the gates are almost always open.

Snapshot of 29 Jan 2010
Registered Users: 22,194/35,000
Downloaded: 3.58 TB
Uploaded: 34.53 TB
Tracking 1,320 Torrents
Seeders: 1,719
Leechers: 96
Total Peers: 1,815
S/L Ratio: 1791%
Online Users: 4
Guests Online: 29
Total online: 33
Visitors Today: 304
New Users Today: 69
New Torrents Today: 1
Ratio: 9.65

Torrent Contents
Animals & Pets
Arts & Photography
Biographies & Memoirs
Business & Investing
Comics & Graphic
Food & Wine
Fiction (Audiobooks), Fiction (Text)
General General Computing
History Home & Garden
Java Languages
Operating Systems
Outdoors & Nature Perl
Sports & Hobbies
Visual Basic

Ratio Info
Why do I get a "Not authorized (xx h) - READ THE FAQ" error?

From the time that each new torrent is uploaded to the tracker, there is a period of time that some users must wait before they can download it.
This delay in downloading will only affect users with a low ratio, and users with low upload amounts.

Ratio below 0.50 and/or upload below 5.0GB delay of 48h
Ratio below 0.65 and/or upload below 6.5GB delay of 24h
Ratio below 0.80 and/or upload below 8.0GB delay of 12h
Ratio below 0.95 and/or upload below 9.5GB delay of 06h

"And/or" means any or both. Your delay will be the largest one for which you meet at least one condition.

This applies to new users as well, so opening a new account will not help. Note also that this works at tracker level, you will be able to grab the .torrent file itself at any time.

N.B. Due to some users exploiting the 'no-delay-for-seeders' policy we had to change it. The delay now applies to both seeding and leeching. So if you are subject to a delay and get the files from some other source you will not be able to seed them until the delay has elapsed.

Seeder Bonus Exchange
What? A Seed Bonus Exchange?
You can get download credits two ways.
1. Standard upload it and then download to reduce your ratio (credits)
2. Seed it for x number of hours to get GB Download credits or exchange for invites.
Seeder Bonus
Here you can exchange your Seeder-Bonus (currently: 6.00).
(If the button's deactivated, you do not have enough to trade.)
Option What's this about? Points Trade
1 1.0GB Uploaded
If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 200.0
2 2.5GB Uploaded
If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 400.0
3 5GB Uploaded
If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 750.0
4 10GB Uploaded
If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 1000.0
5 25GB Uploaded
If you reach the points for this case, you can exchange these points on the fly into traffic, we take off the points and you receive the traffic. 2000.0
6 1 Invite
Trade your points in for invites to the site. 10.0
7 3 Invites
Trade your points in for invites to the site. 20.0
8 10 Invites
Trade your points in for invites to the site. 50.0
9 15 Invites
Trade your points in for invites to the site. 75.0
10 25 Invites
Trade your points in for invites to the site. 100.0

How do I get points?
You receive 1.0 point for every hour the system registers you as being a seeder.


You get 1 point per hour. But it multiplies depending on how many you're seeding.

5 or more: 1.5x
10 or more: 2x
20 or more: 2.5x
30 or more: 3x

*Sumarised and collated. Even their faq didn't have everything in one place

Site Rules

Site Rules

General rules - Breaking these rules can and will get you banned!

• We are a English only site, so please only talk in english!
• Keep your overall ratio at or above 0.5 at all times!
• Do not defy the moderators expressed wishes!

General Forum Guidelines

• No aggressive behaviour or flaming in the forums.
• No trashing of other peoples topics (i.e. SPAM).
• No language other than English in the forums.
• No links to warez or crack sites in the forums.
• No serials, CD keys, passwords or cracks in the forums.
• No bumping... (All bumped threads will be deleted.)
• No double posting. If you wish to post again, and yours is the last post
in the thread please use the EDIT function, instead of posting a double.
• Please ensure all questions are posted in the correct section!
• Last, Please read the FAQ before asking any questions!

Posted ImageClick this bar to view the original image of 800x402px.Posted Image

Well Seeded
Posted ImageClick this bar to view the original image of 773x486px.Posted Image

Well Leeched
Posted ImageClick this bar to view the original image of 767x482px.Posted Image

Seed, No Leech
Posted ImageClick this bar to view the original image of 792x497px.Posted Image

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