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Guest Morpheus34

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Guest Morpheus34

Managed to get into the forums took forever but i got into it and this is what i found.

We have been in the midst of a massive DDos attack (hosts words not mine) and its still going on, we have just had someone in out IRC waitingroom saying they are responsible for it. reasons are.

1: having crappy servers with all the donation money

The servers cost me $4,000 each, we have 2, they also cost $700+ per month to keep going, and we only get about 200 donors a month. I wish i could go and spend $20,000 on a new server or 2, but its just not possible.

2: The Game companies asked them to do it

DDos is illegal, so i very much doubt this

3: We have 3 days to close completely, or the game companies are going to start legal proceedings against us.

Will believe it when i see it happening, not from a DDosser.

We are doing everything in our power to get the site stable again, but there isnt a lot we can do (just ask sony and psn) about a massive DDos attack, so you will just have to have a lot of patience while we try to get it stable (which could take awhile, usually you just have to wait a ddos attack out for the most part and hope they get bored).

So hopefully they will get it fixed.

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Guest viperz

Thanks for information Morpheus34.

Hope they'll be back online soon.

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Guest Morpheus34

Seems to have gotten worse can't even seem to get to the site now all i get is this

[1129] dbconn: mysql_connect: Host 'bc4' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

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Guest Stepwiihen

I don't know why anyone bothers withe that site, it's shit.

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