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tv shows

Guest lilac

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Guest lilac

my favourite series at the moment is ncis it was sharpe but ive got all the dvds and wathed them enough ialso into all the csi

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This is gonna sound super gay but I love The Originals, it's a spinoff from The Vampire Diaries which is just a soppier version of twilight in tv form, but The Orignals left that miles away and is a genuinely class tv show, I watched it over Big Bang Theory when they were on the same night, apart from that I'm a tv freak though. I'm the Ultimate binger, The League was the last one I went through, took about a week, very funny, big fan or House of Cards and House of Lies, love Suits, watched all of Breaking Bad after it was done, it was good, but not what it was made out to be. I only just watched Game of Thrones recently because I only got round to the books in July, (when I say books, I obviously mean I downloaded the mobi files and send them to the kindle app on my phone) but I was pleasently surprised, at points the TV show is better and the change enough to keep you guessing. I could probably go on for days with this, so I will just throw out names and maybe do a top 10 thread next week, Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, Elementary, Sherlock, Modern Family, Family Guy, American Dad, Surviving Jack with only got 7 episodes which is a travesty, Fawlty Towers, Blackadder, Brooklyn 99, House Buffy and I could go on for another two of three pages. I only actually count shows as having watched them if I've seen every episode.

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