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iSeed: New Seeding system at Iplay

Guest Ethan

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Guest Ethan

New seeding system at iplay.ro.


  • iPLAY wants to help you maintain a good ratio, despite your low internet connection.
  • It's never been easier to maintain your ratio!
  • iSeeD is based on the fundamental p2p principle, sharing.If you seed enough time what you downloaded, you'll never have to worry about your bad ratio even if you haven't uploaded a kilobit on that torrent. So, you won't have any problems with big old torrents anymore.
How it works:

1. If the torrent is smaller than 1 GB or equal, you get 1:1 ratio after 24 hours ( 1 day ) of seed.

2. If the torrent is smaller than 2 GB or equal, you get 1:1 ratio after 48 hours ( 2 days ) of seed.

3. If the torrent is smaller than 3 GB or equal, you get 1:1 ratio after 72 hours ( 3 days ) of seed.

4. If the torrent is not bigger than 4 GB, included, you get 1:1 ratio after 96 hours ( 4 days ) of seed.

5. If the torrent is bigger than 4 GB, you get 1:1 ratio after 120 hours ( 5 days ) of seed.

6. If you download only a part of the torrent you will get 1:1 ratio as by the minimum seed time required.

7. If you make preseed ( download a torrent from another tracker and seeding it on iplay ) you won't get any bonus.

8. Do not click tick near any of your torrents from iSEED unless you want to remove it permanently from iSEED!

9. The seeding time can also be cumulative, not only continuous ( you cand seed today 5 hours, tomorrow 7 and so on). The iSEED manager will track your seed contribution so you can receive your bonus when you deserve it.

10. We would be grateful if you continue seeding after receiving the bonus.



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