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Seedbox for HDBits?

Guest Electric

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Guest Electric

I have a seedbox already but sadly it doesn't allow use of Deluge client which (for better or worse) is the preferred client on HDBits.org. I believe that Ovi Systems is the popular provider over there (so better speeds for everyone and of course better ratios) can anyone confirm the above information and/or recommend a suitable seedbox for achieving good things with a HDBits.org account?

Ideally I'd also like to use SAZnzb (usenet downloader) as my ISP throttles this traffic (even SSL!) whereas FTP traffic from my seedbox is unaffected.

I'd be grateful for any info on this before I go spend my money... :)

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Guest Electric

On HDBits a seedbox is not about building buffer it's about keeping with the pack. Literally everyone has a seedbox and very, very good ones. Mine at the moment can achieve ratios of 6+ on every other tracker I belong to (including other large file-size trackers with similar content) if I join an active swarm.

On HDBits unless you join a swarm in the early days (15-20% peer completion) then you have absolutely no chance of building buffer, none at all, you'd be lucky to reach 1:1. There are some serious torrenters on there and they have serious seedboxes. So I want to pick a box that is going to perform at that level. Make sense? Hope so. :)

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Guest JohnDilinger

What is the point try to compete with those pack? Grab only thing that you want, you just need to seed at least 0.5, its almost impossible not to achive if you leave pc open.

if you cant do it, change to x264-bb.com ^_^

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Guest Electric

Why? Because I want to and am able to afford to buy a high-end seedbox. I started this thread to try and ascertain which box is going to be the right one for my needs before I make a purchase.

Also HDBits.org content > x264-bb.com content not to mention that getting things first/early opens up co-seeding and upload opportunities on other trackers and so improves my ratio/buffer all round.

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Guest JohnDilinger

Did you know x264-bb have 100k content without the hassle of seeding back & wasting money for seedbox? Torrenting really a good business for seedbox company :rolleyes:

Get back to your real question, if you want to play torrent game, buffer here buffer there, just get dedicated seedbox from Xirvik. I never get below 2.0 ratio last time i use Xirvik (semi-dedi 1GBps) on hdbits. Have try several provider before, but not as good as them.

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Guest Electric

:) I agree with the cash side of things re: torrenting and paying for a seedbox etc. but its more fun, more of a community on trackers isn't it?

Re: my 'real' question. :) Thanks for giving a supplier a +1. Xirvik were already on my short list, along with maybe two others. I haven't decided which way to go yet and even buddying up with someone trustworthy and getting a dedi between us might be a good solution for me.

I'd be interested in other people's opinions or other supplier recommendations before I purchase something.


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Guest Mr.Mustache

you can't buy from OVH?

never had problem with them.

btw can u find old torrents at HDBits, I mean in CHDBits you can find really old ones well seeded because of the large userbase ( 40,000+ )

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Guest Electric

OVH is another contender, their prices look the best for what you get also. Are you with them Mr.Mustache?

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Guest Mr.Mustache

Yes, I bought mine from Kimsufi specifically. Its a dedicated server so you gonna have to set it up as a seedbox yourself.

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Guest Electric

Mr.Mustache - I was looking at their "2G" offering, the price looks really good. Mind me asking what kind of performance you get from yours upload speed-wise? Which one did you get?

As for the self set-up, yep. I need to get my head down and read some tutorials or find someone to do it for cash hence why buddying up for a box might suit me more. Kimsufi I think are the favourite over on HDBits so this one is definitely favourite for me to buy at the minute.

Feral Hosting is popular as well tho. Any thoughts on that one vs. Kimsufi?

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Guest Mr.Mustache

I have tried both 2G and 16G plans and despite 2G plan having old processor and only 2 Gigs ram I still get maximum speed on both download and upload. I seed usually around 60 torrents and server never crashed ( didn't try seeding more )

It depends on your usage though. I mean They give 5TB bandwith ( when exceeded speed is limited to 10mbps) and 1TB HDD Space so if that's enough for you then no need to pay more. 16G plan offers 2TB HDD with 10TB Bandwidth.

As for Feral Hosting, I don't know anything about it. In terms of torrenting, OVH is safest choice here since torrenters never complained of them "spying" on their servers. You're downloading illegal stuff you know ;) so you shouldn't worry about privacy ..

P.S. They ask you for ID and proof of address if its your first time buying from them.

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Guest Electric

Cheers for the good info Mr.Mustache. :)

What kind of speeds did you achieve on the box? I mean my box atm if I'm on the right swarm can achieve maximum 10/10 - what's the highest you've seen on Kimsufi?

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Guest Mr.Mustache

as I said it is maximized when downloading well seeded torrents ..the upload can even reach 11 mb/s +

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Guest Electric

as I said it is maximized when downloading well seeded torrents ..the upload can even reach 11 mb/s +

Tbh I think I'll get better results just being able to use Deluge and being on OVH because I was getting 10 mb/s up and down on my current box (rutorrent client, not OVH). I received the box yesterday and my speedtest was 90Mbps down and 40Mbps up. I've got the FTP sorted (took an age!) it's Deluge I'm wrestling with atm so box performance speeds are yet to be determined. ;)

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