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Status Updates posted by andrewrjuhl

  1. Lesson from this weekend: Asking if something counts as cheating on your wife... ...counts as cheating on your wife. #LessonLearned

  2. "I'm not racist. I follow tons of people on #BlackTwitter." --A Racist

  3. What I meant: “My new prescription is interacting with my old one in an odd way." == What I said: “I’ve had a bit of a drug problem lately.”

  4. SAYING: “The more the merrier.” ============= TRANSLATION: “Oh, you overheard us purposefully making plans that didn’t include you, huh?”

  5. If I have one flaw as a person, it’s that I’m too perfect.

  6. It's Friday afternoon, which means cleaning my desktop. #ComicShare! http://t.co/ap5EQYcH3H

  7. I may not have a lot of money, but what I do have is something far more valuable: a chest full of gold bullion.

  8. A man explaining *why* he disagrees with a woman doesn't automatically mean he's #mansplaining. I spell this out to my wife CONSTANTLY.

  9. “This might not suck.” is about as optimistic as I get.

  10. I'm gonna see ONE movie this weekend. I haven't seen anything since Avengers' opening weekend. WHAT SHOULD I SEE? http://t.co/sJsqybWvMS

  11. This is my level of functioning today. http://t.co/qE3TLUAEVp

  12. How I feel about today's news about the solo Han Solo movie. #StarWars #HanSolo #ChewieWereHome http://t.co/4sY8PO3t8B

  13. The good/bad feeling you get when it's time to renew your tags, only to realize the state thinks your car is 35% crappier than last year....

  14. #UnsolicitedAdvice If you believe in ghosts, STOP IMMEDIATELY. The time you waste believing in ghosts now will come back to haunt you later.
  15. Went to Farmers Market to get some local, fresh, healthy foodstuffs. Came home with 2 loaves of bread and 2 blocks of cheese. #CleanLiving

  16. One must keep oneself ever-vigilant if one ever hopes to safeguard oneself against the trappings of pretentiousness.

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