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PTP is at WAR with BTN !! - Tracker News - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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PTP is at WAR with BTN !!

Guest HellYeah

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Guest HellYeah



BTN sounds like BEATEN!!!

There comes a time in the lives of men where they must break the shackles of oppression and stand up against tyranny. That time, for us, the denizens of PassThePocorn, is now. We call upon you brothers and sisters, to join the Popcorn Liberation Army and stand strong against the fascists of BTN! Too long has the tyranny of Bitey kept us in fear, too long has bree used his iron fist to steal food from the mouths of our children. TOO LONG HAS THE EVIL THAT IS BTN BEEN ALLOWED TO FLOURISH. So this month, we will be soldiers, and will fight for the future of the internets! We are soldiers, soldiers fight, soldiers upload, and soldiers die for what they believe in. Brothers and sisters, we shall hold each other up as we enter our darkest hour, PTP is at WAR with BTN!! May God have mercy on us all!

No war is without it's casualties, and blood has already been spilled. I'd like to take this moment to say goodbye to three of my friends, R***, j*****, and z**** have all laid down their lives in the service of PTP, they have gone to a better place, called real life, good bye friends, I hope you haunt us from time to time, say goodbye to them in this thread: We dropping like flies - Goodbye R****, j******, and z*****.

All uploads tagged with the genre "WAR" or "ADVENTURE" will receive 24 hour freeleech, and they'll all count toward your total on the leaderboard.

Post your uploads in the contest thread to receive the ONE TIME entry bonus of 10k!

No one nation can stand against a conglomeration of evil so terrifying as BTN. To this end we thank our ally at Seedmybox, and they thank you for your sacrifice by not only providing prizes for our top warriors but a 2010 GOLD SEEDBOX WILL BE AWARDED TO A RANDOM PERSON IN THE TOP 50!!! In honor of our fallen hero trza, we will rotate between his old SMB banners for a few months.

Source: PTP


It's time for war!
PTP Must Die!


Citizens of BTN we need you! Sign up for the fight in this thread. PTP has declared war on us. We're calling out to the citizens of BroadcasTheNet to help fight against the forces of PTP. We pay all of our soldiers really well don't miss out on a chance to kick some PTP butt and get paid doing it!

1: Uploads only count if they're a TV show relating to War / Crime - Example
2: For every episode you upload you will gain 1 point.
3: For every season pack you upload you will gain 'x' amount of points where x is the number of episodes in the season pack.
4: At the end of the month we will tally up the three soldiers with the most amount of points and they will win prizes shown below.
5: You must tag contest uploads with 'war' and/or 'crime' for them to count. - They will appear in this list if tagged correctly
6: The torrent must be alive at the end of the contest so keep seeding!
7: Portable encodes of existing shows WILL NOT COUNT
8: Re-encodes / transcodes WILL NOT COUNT
9: You MUST post in this thread that you are participating, so we can tally your scores
10: You MUST post in this thread with the episode/season (including how many episodes are in a season) name AND supply a link to EACH of your uploads.

Special Exception:
** For the purposes of this competition, single episodes ARE allowed, including partial packs.

A BONUS 5 points will be awarded PER complete season pack, this will be in addition to 1 point per episode contained in the pack; so a complete season pack of 20 episodes will be worth 25 points.

POST competition, people will be able to compile individual episodes into COMPLETE packs which will trump the individual episodes (just like when a season finishes). Uploaders of individual episodes (uploaded for this competition) will NOT lose snatches etc gained through uploading the single eps should they be trumped by a complete pack POST competition completion (ie from 1 February).

The preference for uploads, for this competition is:
Complete Season Packs > Single Eps > Partial Packs

Complete Packs are best: You get 5 additional points, plus 1 point per ep and you get all the snatches during and after the competition!

Single Eps are ok: You get 1 point per episode; but if someone collates all the episodes (yours, their own, other peoples) and makes and uploads a Season Pack AFTER the comp has finished, then while you keep your snatches & upload you earned during the competition, future snatches of the complete-season-pack will go to the uploader of that pack once your episodes are deleted.

Partial Packs are last: You still get 1 point per episode, but it makes it harder for people to make full packs, and know which episodes are missing (so they can find and upload them). Per the single eps advice above, if someone makes a full-season pack (after the comp has finished) from your partial-pack (plus the missing episodes) they get the ongoing snatches.

Just to be clear, you cannot download someones individual episodes (or partial packs) from the competition then add the missing episode(s), make a pack and upload it DURING the competition - you have to wait until the competition has CLOSED (ie anytime from/after 1 February GMT) - People caught doing this will be disqualified and their snatches/upload gb associated with that torrent will be removed.

Vice-versa also applies - YOU CANNOT download a pack, and upload its individual episodes.

Finally: Once a COMPLETE season pack has been uploaded for a particular format THAT'S IT!! further uploads of episodes (of the same format) will not count

You CAN upload a season-pack of the same show in A DIFFERENT FORMAT (so long as its not a re-encode/transcode) during the competition.

You CAN upload a complete season-pack of a show in the same format where other members have already uploaded individual episodes already so long as you DO NOT USE THEIR competition entries to do so. After the competition the individual episodes will be deleted per normal site practice (uploader snatches /stats will be retained). Both the uploader(s) of the individual episodes/partial packs AND the uploader of the pack will receive points for the purposes of the competition. In this scenario the uploader of the complete season pack recieves an additional 5 points, plus 1 point for each episode in the pack; the uploader(s) of individual episodes or partial packs only receive 1 point per episode

1st Place: Gold 2011 Seedbox + 2,500,000BP
2nd Place: Gold 2011 Seedbox + 1,500,000BP
3rd Place: Gold 2011 Seedbox + 750,000BP

Three soldiers will be randomly selected to win a custom title of their choice AND 100 lumens!!!

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Guest lawl

hahahahahhahahahahahah... oh dear wow :blink: IDUNO WHO TO FIGHT FOR!! :ph34r:

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Guest FAGuru

A Mod/Admin On BTN, "Bree" Is The Admin Of FSc...It Must Be First FSc Vs. BTN.

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