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Roman Polanski Is A Key Character In Tarantino’s 1969 Movie


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Roman Polanski, disgraced film director and one-time husband of Manson Family victim Sharon Tate, will be a character in Quentin Tarantino‘s 1969 movie. Tarantino’s planned ninth film is set in the year 1969 and uses the Charles Manson murders as the backdrop for a Los Angeles-set story. Tarantino reportedly seeks Margot Robbie to play Tate, the actress murdered along with four others by followers of cult leader Charles Manson. The film may go before cameras as early as this summer with Sony bankrolling.

Recently revealed plot details about Tarantino’s film say it largely revolves around a former TV actor and his stunt man. Tarantino recently nabbed Leonardo DiCaprio to play the TV star, described as an older actor trying to break into movies. Brad Pitt and – surprisingly – Tom Cruise reportedly have been circling other roles.

In a tweet, Variety reporter Justin Kroll revealed several more details about Tarantino’s film. The biggest of these reveals says Roman Polanski will be a key character in the film. Tarantino seeks a Polish-speaking actor to tackle the Polanski role (obviously, the real Polanski will not be in the movie). Additionally, Kroll says DiCaprio’s character is a neighbor of Sharon Tate’s. In a third reveal, Pitt and Cruise reportedly are in consideration for the stunt man character. Previous reports indicated Pitt and/or Cruise were vying for the role of a prosecutor.

The revelation that Polanski will be a key character adds to our picture of what Tarantino’s film may be about. Clearly, Tarantino’s story will largely revolve around Hollywood figures and the movie scene. Polanski began as a maker of art films in Poland in the ’60s before moving to Hollywood. He became a major movie director with Rosemary’s Baby, a psychological horror film starring Mia Farrow. The director later married rising actress Sharon Tate, who starred for him in the vampire comedy The Fearless Vampire Killers. Tate was pregnant with Polanski’s child when she was slain by Manson’s followers. Polanski would go on to direct more Hollywood classics including Chinatown.

In 1977, Polanski was arrested in Jack Nicholson’s Hollywood home on allegations of sexually assaulting Samantha Gailey, a 13-year-old model. After accepting a plea deal, Polanski fled the country and took up residence in France. In the decades since his arrest, Polanski has directed many more acclaimed films including the Oscar-winner The Pianist. Despite overseas arrests and extradition attempts, he has never returned to America and his case remains pending. Further accusations have surfaced over the years, including allegations that in the ’70s Polanski assaulted girls as young as 10 years old.

We will have to wait and see how Quentin Tarantino tackles the character of Polanski, who is obviously a controversial figure for many reasons. Though his 1969 movie takes place many years before Polanski’s arrest, further assaults alleged to have taken place before 1977 open up the possibility of Tarantino somehow addressing that aspect of Polanski’s life. Movie buff Tarantino likely mostly cares about depicting Polanski’s place in the Hollywood scene of the late ’60s, a distinctive era when things were changing in the movie industry. Or perhaps Tarantino, being Tarantino, means to tackle angles that none of us could possibly anticipate.
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