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  1. like and hit rep. apply here. i will ask for mail. give feedback after recieve invite..
    1 point
  2. The season finale of Game of Thrones is the highlight of the year for many TV fans, including those who get their fix on pirate sites. Like previous years, Game of Thrones piracy peaks after the final episode. For HBO this also ends a period of rough weeks full of leaks and hacker threats. The seventh season of Game of Thrones has been the most-viewed thus far, with record-breaking TV ratings. Traditionally, the season finale is among the most-viewed episodes of the season. This is true on official channels, but also on pirate sites. Despite numerous legal options, Game of Thrones remains extremely popular among pirates. Minutes after the official broadcast ended last night people flocked to various torrent and streaming sites, to watch it for free. Looking at the torrent download numbers we see that the latest episode is topping all previous ones of this season. At the time of writing, more than 400,000 people were actively sharing one of the many available torrents. Some of the more popular GoT torrents While the demand is significant, there is no all time “swarm record” as we saw two years ago. In part, this may be due to improved legal options, but the recent rise of pirate streaming sites and services are also ‘stealing’ traffic. While there is no hard data available, millions of people now use streaming sites and services to watch pirated episodes of Game of Thrones. Record or not, there is little doubt that Game of Thrones will end up being the most pirated show of the year once again. That will be the sixth year in a row, which is unprecedented. In recent years, HBO has tried to contain piracy by sending DMCA takedown notices to pirate sites. In addition, the company also warned tens of thousands of BitTorrent downloaders directly. Nonetheless, many people still find their way to this unofficial market. While HBO has grown used to mass-scale piracy in recent years, it encountered some other major setbacks this season. Hackers leaked preliminary outlines of various episodes before they aired. The same hackers also threatened to release the season finale, but that never happened. There were two episode leaks this year, but these were unrelated to the aforementioned. The fourth episode leaked through the Indian media processing company Prime Focus Technologies, which resulted in several arrests. Two weeks later, HBO Spain accidentally made the sixth episode public days in advance, which spread online soon after. On the upside. Piracy aside, the interest of the media and millions of ‘legal’ viewers appears to be on a high as well, so there’s certainly something left to celebrate. https://torrentfreak.com/game-of-thrones-piracy-peaks-after-season-finale-170828/
    1 point
  3. Last weekend millions of people were glued to their television to watch the megafight between Floyd Mayweather and Conor McGregor. While the event was a sporting and financial success, not everyone was willing to pay close to a hundred dollars to view it. This resulted in a surge in pirate IPTV streams on Saturday night. The boxing matchup between Mayweather and McGregor was an unusual sporting event in many ways, not least financially. With close to a billion dollars at stake, various rightsholders did their best to ensure that piracy was kept to a minimum. However, despite an injunction against pirate streaming sites and mysterious tracking codes embedded in streams, they were easily defeated. New data published by Canadian broadband management company Sandvine reveals that there was a massive surge in live streaming piracy around the fight. The company monitored traffic at a fixed access tier-1 network in North America and found that many people tuned into pirate IPTV services. Generally speaking, a single pirate live streaming channel never accounts for more than five percent of the total bandwidth generated by these unauthorized broadcasts. However, it was quite different last weekend. “On Saturday that all changed, as the report below shows: at its peak, the pirated UFC and PPV channels for the Mayweather/McGregor fight accounted for 50% of all pirate TV streams,” Sandvine notes. Streaming piracy boost According to Sandvine, roughly 8% of the sampled subscribers have pirate live streaming devices at their homes and many of these were tuning into the fight between Mayweather and McGregor. Towards the end of the event, 3.5 percent of total bandwidth consumed on the network came from these pirate streams. To give an illustration of the traffic that was generated, Sandvine notes that the unauthorized boxing streams totaled more traffic than Twitch, Facebook, and Instagram together. Streaming piracy market share While the figures are based on a sample of North American fixed access network traffic, Sandvine believes that it provides a good indication of the total traffic. In the near future, the company plans to release more details on this pirate streaming trend, to better understand what’s going on. Sandvine informed TorrentFreak that the current numbers apply to pirate IPTV services, not the live streams that people watch in their regular browser. This means that the complete piracy numbers are even higher. There is a wide varietyof live streaming options available to pirates, and tracking outfit Irdeto estimates that close to 3 million people watched streams through YouTube, Facebook, Periscope and various pirate streaming sites. It’s safe to say that in theory, the rightsholders could have made millions more. But then again, with hundreds of millions fresh in the bank, they’re not doing too badly at the moment. https://torrentfreak.com/mayweather-vs-mcgregor-caused-massive-surge-in-streaming-piracy-170828/
    1 point
  4. Hello everyone, I am new here and new to this new way of torrenting in general. I have used isohunt, piratebay and demonoid before. Am looking to get invitation to bitspyder. Looking forward to learning something new everyday, and maybe help someone out along the way when I can. Tell us something about yourself?: How did you find InviteHawk?: Google Search What Torrent Sites are you looking for? (Mention none if just browsing): Bitspyder Do you use your InviteHawk username on any tracker? (If yes, contact a staff member immediately): No
    1 point
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