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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 x PassThePopcorn, 2 x IPtorrents, 2x Waffles Rules: 1. Reply here to apply 2. Send me a PM 3. Add Like +Rep REGARDS
    1 point
  2. Following confirmation that Dragon Age executive producer Mark Darrah will also serve in the same role on Anthem, a new report has emerged that paints a picture of mounting pressure at BioWare. The next Dragon Age project was reportedly rebooted in the last year, and Anthem may not be released before the end of 2018, as previously announced. According to sources speaking with Kotaku, Anthem will now launch in early 2019. The site notes the complexity of its launch, as BioWare needs to account for not just the release of the game itself, but an earlier release through EA Access, a beta test, and post-launch updates. If EA is still intent on getting the game out during the 2019 fiscal year, its launch could come no later than March 2019. As noted above, Darrah has announced on Twitter he is now serving as the executive producer of both the new Dragon Age and Anthem, with Jonathan Warner as game director on Anthem. That's a change from last June, when Darrah stated that he was not involved with Anthem. Change at the studio has been afoot since the troubled launch of Mass Effect: Andromeda early last year, as BioWare Edmonton GM Aaryn Flynn announced his departure last summer, with Casey Hudson returning to the company to take up his position. Kotaku says that the majority of BioWare is now working on Anthem in the lead up to its launch, with smaller teams continuing on Dragon Age and MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. There is apparently some sense that a poor performance by Anthem could result in significant changes at BioWare. A major move was made last year in the wake of Andromeda's release, with developer BioWare Montreal being absorbed into EA Motive. As for Dragon Age, the game has not been formally announced, though it has been briefly teased previously. The project was apparently rebooted in the last year in an effort to "implement more 'live' elements," as Kotaku put it, though there were no specifics shared about what form those will take. The report also makes note of concerns about anger directed toward EA by big-name YouTubers, as well as the outcry over Star Wars Battlefront II's contentious microtransactions. You can read the full report here. We've contacted EA for comment but have not yet received a response. The company is set to share its latest quarterly earnings report on January 30, at which point it may share further details about BioWare's projects.
    1 point
  3. FluxZone.org staff decided to provide access to UPLOAD TORRENTE and lower classes, today can upload torrents to all members who are in User, Power User, Elite User, Extreme User, Legend User, Star User, VIP
    1 point
  4. Tracker Name: AceHD Tracker URL: http://www.acehd.net Tracker Genre: HD Tracker Type: Ratio Based Tracker Signup: Invite Only Maintaining Ratio: Easy Bonus System: None Banned Countries: None Tracker IRC: irc.p2p-network.net#acehd AceHD is private tracker in which there is HD, 3D, 4K uploads of movies and tv shows. Speed wise is not a good tracker but content wise it's good. HOME CATEGORIES AND TORRENTS FORUMS DONATE RULES FAQ RANKS STATS RATINGS Speed -- 8/10 Content -- 7/10 Community -- 4/10 Rarity -- 7/10 Overall -- 7/10
    1 point
  5. Grumpy Cat feels vindicated and is somewhat pleased. Her owners have won a $710,001 jury verdict in California, against a coffee maker that exploited their copyrights. The bulk of the damages were awarded for copyright and trademark infringement, with a symbolic $1 in nominal damages for contract breach. There are dozens of celebrity cats on the Internet, but Grumpy Cat probably tops them all. The cat’s owners have made millions thanks to their pet’s unique facial expression, which turned her into an overnight Internet star. Part of this revenue comes from successful merchandise lines, including the Grumpy Cat “Grumppuccino” iced coffee beverage, sold by the California company Grenade Beverage. The company licensed the copyright and trademarks to sell the iced coffee but is otherwise not affiliated with the cat and its owners. Initially, this partnership went well, but after the coffee maker started to sell other “Grumpy Cat” products, things turned bad. The cat’s owners, incorporated as Grumpy Cat LLC, took the matter to court with demands for the coffee maker to stop infringing associated copyrights and trademarks. “Without authorization, Defendants […] have extensively and repeatedly exploited the Grumpy Cat Copyrights and the Grumpy Cat Trademarks,” the complaint read. Pirate coffee.. After two years the case went before a jury this week where, Courthouse News reports, the cat itself also made an appearance. The eight-person jury in Santa Ana, California sided with the cat’s owner and awarded the company $710,000 in copyright and trademark infringement damages, as well as a symbolic $1 for contract breach. According to court documents, the majority of the damages have to be paid by Grumpy Beverage, but the company’s owner Paul Sandford is also held personally liable for $60,000. The verdict is good news for Grumpy Cat and its owner, and according to their attorney, they are happy with the outcome. “Grumpy Cat feels vindicated and feels the jury reached a just verdict,” Grumpy Cat’s lawyer David Jonelis said, describing it as “a complete victory.”
    1 point
  6. Tracker's Name: Blues-Brothers Genre: General Sign-up Link: http://blues-brothers.biz/signup.php Closing date: Soon! Additional information: Blues-Brothers is a Private Torrent Tracker for 0-Day / General Releases.
    1 point
  7. Everyday I lost some of my good trackers, just wonder if I can trade some. Thanks
    1 point
  8. Over time, files on your hard drive get fragmented, and your computer slows down because it has to check multiple places on your drive for those pieces. To have your computer run more efficiently, use the built-in tool in Windows to defragment those files. Here's how and when you should do it. Windows 10, like Windows 8 and Windows 7 before it, automatically defragments files for you on a schedule (by default, once a week). However, it doesn't always run consistently, so if you notice files are taking longer to load or you just want to double-check every month or so, you can see how fragmented the drive is in Windows. https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3...R4NDAwLnBuZw== A note about Solid State Drives (SSD): SSDs work differently than traditional mechanical hard drives. Conventional wisdom is that SSDs don't need to be defragmented and doing so can also wear down the drive. However, Windows does defragment SSDs once a month if necessary and if you have System Restore enabled. This isn't something to worry about, though, because the automatic defragmentation is meant to extend your drive's life and performance. So with SSDs, just let Windows do its thing and don't worry about defragmentation. You can use the Optimize Drive tool below to do a general optimization of the drive, including sending the TRIM command to optimize performance. This doesn't do a traditional defrag on the SSD, though. For your mechanical drives, you can check and fix its fragmentation status with the steps below. 1. Open the disk optimization tool by searching for "optimize" or "defrag" in the taskbar. https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3...N4NDAwLnBuZw== 2. Select your hard drive and click Analyze. Note that if you have a SSD, this option is grayed out and not available. https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3...U0eDQwMC5wbmc= 3. Check the percentage of fragmented files in the results. https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3...R4NDAwLnBuZw== There's no hard and fast rule about how fragmented your drive should be before you defrag it. You might want to keep your fragmentation percentage under 5% or so, however, so that the defragmentation process doesn’t take too long to finish. 4. If you want to defragment your drive, click Optimize. It's best to do this when you don't need to use your computer for anything else, so you can let Windows defragment the drive efficiently. https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3...U1NHg0MDAucG5n When Windows is done, your drive should say 0% fragmented in the Optimize Drives utility.
    1 point
  9. A video on YouTube, Twitch or Facebook stutters? You experience frame drops in your favorite game or video chat, or notice other performance issues on your system? While old or less capable hardware may be the reason for that, performance issues may sometimes be caused by less than optimal settings. If you run a Windows PC with Nvidia hardware, you have some options to tweak the system in general and specific programs in particular. Most PC games include options to change graphics settings. You can change the quality of textures or other graphical effects, or turn them off completely. But what if you run into performance issues in applications? Say, stuttering video playback in Firefox or Chrome. You could change the resolution of the video if that is an option and hope that it resolves the issue, or upgrade your system directly. Sometimes, however, there is an even better option to address these issues. Improve Nvidia performance Nvidia's Control Panel includes options to manage global and program-specific settings that may impact performance on the system. You open the Control Panel with a right-click on the desktop and the selection of Nvidia Control Panel from the context menu. Select Manage 3D Settings in the Control Panel window to display the configuration screen. Switch to Program Settings and select the program that you want to customize settings for. If the program is not listed, click on the add button to add it using the displayed list or by selecting it manually. The preference that you want to modify is called Power Management Mode. If it is not set to "prefer maximum performance," you may not get the optimum out of your graphics card. Note: Setting this to the level may increase power consumption on the device. This may not be an issue for desktop PCs, but if you use a laptop on battery, you may notice that power drains faster than before when those applications run. Set the level to "prefer maximum performance" and then on apply to save the change. Run the program afterward to find out if that setting changed the performance of the device. You should see higher framerates and better overall performance when playing games, watching videos, or doing other things that benefit from faster hardware. You may restore the previous setting at any time, for example when the device runs on battery or when you don't notice a considerable improvement.
    1 point
  10. If you run Google Chrome on a Windows PC and monitor processes that run on the machine, you may notice the Software Reporter Tool process eventually. Software Reporter Tool, the executable file is software_reporter_tool.exe, is a tool that Google distributes with the Google Chrome web browser. It is part of the Chrome Cleanup Tool which in turn may remove software that causes issues with Chrome. Google mentions crashes, modified startup or new tab pages, or unexpected advertisement specifically. Anything that interferes with a user's browsing experience may be removed by the tool. Chrome Software Reporter Tool The Software Reporter Tool scans the computer's drive and reports these scans to Google. Google Chrome uses the scan results to determine whether it should prompt the user to remove unwanted software from the computer as it impacts the browsing experience. Google Chrome users may have two main issues with the Software Reporter Tool: It may cause a high system load when it scans the system. User reports range from it using 30% and more CPU while running. Since it may run for as long as 20 minutes, that is something that may interfere with other activity on the computer. The tool informs Google about the scan results which some users may dislike because of privacy concerns. A Google community specialist mentioned that the tool scans folders related to Chrome only, but its scope is not exposed to the user in any way. You find the Software Reporter Tool under the following path on Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\SwReporter\VERSION\software_reporter_tool.exe The Version changes regularly, it was 24.137.203 at the time of writing. Block the Software Reporter Tool Note: Blocking access to the program may prevent Google from removing problematic software from the system or informing you about it. You may use other software, antivirus software for instance, to remove threats or potentially unwanted programs from the system. While you can delete the content of the entire folder or rename the executable file itself, doing so offers a temporary recourse only as Google will push the Software Reporter Tool to the system again when you update the web browser. A better option is to remove permissions so that no user may access the folder or run the Software Reporter Tool. Right-click on the folder SwReporter and select Properties from the menu. Switch to the Security tab. Select Advanced on the page that opens. Click on "Disable inheritance" and select "remove all inherited permissions from this object." Select apply and in the Windows Security prompt "yes." Select ok. Select ok again. No group or user should have access anymore to the Software Reporter Tool. The advantage of this method is that the tool cannot be run anymore and that updates cannot be applied to it anymore either. Closing Words Unless you run into problematic third-party software regularly that interferes with Chrome, you may not need the Software Reporter Tool. Its disadvantages, high CPU load or privacy implications, may be reason enough to block it from running.
    1 point
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