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Posts posted by ALAN30

  1. You may have heard some scary words this afternoon about new laws to fight terrorism. Inside those words is a proposal for something called “data retention”. This is what it means, and whether you need to start proverbially flushing your internet history.
    Wait, What’s Happening?
    For those who have been left massively out of the loop, data retention is a system that will see telcos and ISPs retain metadata on their customers for a prescribed period of time. The data would then be used by law enforcement agencies to catch bad guys and home-grown terror threats according to the announcement from Prime Minister Tony Abbott today.
    The nation, and key members of Parliament, have been divided on the issue, with one politician saying that the system would treat all Australians “like criminals”. Others say that if you’ve got nothing to hide, you’ve got nothing to fear. Hmmmmm.
    New legislation set to be introduced by the Government will compel industry players to retain the data, meaning that there’s no escape.
    Privacy groups, telcos and ISPs alike see it as a privacy nightmare, simply because it scoops up everyone’s data at once, treating everyone as a suspect when no real crime has been committed by the overwhelming majority of users. Spy agencies see it as a blessing because all the relevant evidence needed to score a conviction against a suspected terrorist is there in black and white and easily accessible.
    Where Did This All Come From?
    Even though it was Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Attorney-General George Brandis who presented this scheme in a press conference today, this plan wasn’t their idea to start with. It originated a long time ago with the former Labor government who wanted a data retention scheme for similar reasons: to help out law enforcement catch bad guys and get the all-important conviction without having to go back in time to get a warranted wire-tap.
    We all thought the data retention scheme was dead when the former Joint Select Committee on Security and Intelligence tabled a report to the former Labor government and then-Attorney General Nicola Roxon saying that it would be “up to the government” to decide what happened with data retention. Labor Attorney General Mark Dreyfus later dropped the government’s plan for data retention.
    When Will It Take Effect?
    The Government will need to pass legislation in order to legally compel ISPs and telcos to retain data on their users. That means a lot of negotiation and red tape to get around for the Government. The short answer is that right now, our privacy is safe, but it won’t be forever.
    Attorney General George Brandis said that he expects data retention legislation to form the “third tranche” of the Government’s new counter-terrorist plan. The second is new laws for police and spy agencies and lowering the burden of proof for search warrants (among other policies). The Government plans to enter legislation into the House for the second tranche in the first two weeks of the Spring Sitting Session.
    The third tranche, the data retention legislation, would come “later in the year”. We have until at least September before we even see a draft of the legislation, according to the AG.
    What Will They Store?
    Spooks will try and tell you that metadata never contains any identifying information about the contents of calls, emails, messages or traffic sent over web connections. It just stores the info on how long you’ve been on a particular site, or a particular call, or when you sent a particular message and who to. Privacy advocates believe that metadata actually fingers a user for more than just that.
    Philip Branch from Swinburne University writes on the implications of metadata collection and what it means for the privacy of users:
    Even before smartphones and the internet, metadata from the mobile phone system was surprisingly rich. Metadata could provide information as to whether the call was forwarded and where it was forwarded to, whether or not it was answered, and so on.
    Such information is invaluable in building up a model of relationships. But not only did the phone network provide information about the participants to a call, it could also provide approximate information about where the call was made.
    Since mobile phones are connected to the network via nearby base stations usually located only a few kilometres away, metadata reporting which basestation the handset is attached to gives location information accurate to a few kilometres.
    Also, since the phone is connected to a basestation whenever it is switched on, the phone can provide continuous location information regardless as to whether or not calls are made.
    Mobile internet has been both a blessing and a curse for investigators. Smartphones are used for many more purposes than voice only telephones.
    Generally, people use a smartphone much more than they used older types of telephones. Consequently, many new forms of metadata have become available. Email addresses, websites visited, files downloaded all present many new opportunities for investigators to gather metadata.
    Not only is material downloaded, but a considerable amount of material is also uploaded.
    Pictures, videos, social media updates all provide metadata that could be of use in an investigation. For example, images captured on a smartphone will, unless steps are taken to remove it, contain GPS location information accurate to within a few metres.
    Other metadata that might be of interest includes when the image was created, who created it and the device it was created on. Metadata might even be added, perhaps unwittingly, when people tag images with comments.
    Who Will Pay For It?
    Good question. Right now, we don’t really know.
    Industry heavyweights like Steve Dalby from iiNet believes that ISPs will be compelled to pay for it themselves, meaning that costs will eventually be passed onto users.
    Dalby said at a Senate Hearing that any mandatory data retention scheme would see the ISP saddled with an additional cost of $5 per user per month, which would arguably be passed on and charged to customers.
    That number stems from the storage costs of data collected, which would cost $100 million in the first two years and double after that due to the explosion of data on the internet.
    Is There A Way I Can Fight Back Against This BS?
    Not really, not yet.
    The Greens have vowed to fight the legislation which means there’s some hope of it being slowed down when it comes to a vote, but that won’t hold it off forever. The best thing you can do is make noise to the right people.
    It’s definitely worth getting in touch with your local MP to tell him or her that you really hate the idea that all your data will be scooped up, despite the fact that you may not have done anything wrong in the first place.
    We’ll bring you more on the Government’s data retention proposal.
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  2. We are pleased to announce our partnership with Terragon Inc who will be helping us with our hosting and in return provide new donation system that will credit users on this site in return for purchased hosting deals that will be credited to sites hosting needs. Thank you for your support and check out donations page.

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  3. Lionsgate has filed a lawsuit against six file-sharing sites that allegedly distributed leaked copies of The Expendables 3 film. The movie studio claims that the sites in question failed to respond to takedown requests. Lionsgate demands a permanent injunction to stop further distribution of the film, as well as seizure of the sites' domain names and bank accounts.
    expendablesLast week saw the leak online of the brand new Expendables movie.
    Scheduled for an August 15 U.S. release, Expendables 3 leaked in near DVD quality a full two weeks ahead. The timing and quality combined to make the leak one of the most prominent in recent years.
    The movie studios behind the film have been rather quiet, but behind the scenes they have been trying hard to limit the damage. Lionsgate in particular sent takedown requests to numerous file-sharing sites. While most sites complied by taking down infringing links or copies, some failed to respond.
    In response to this apparent lack of cooperation, Lionsgate has now sued the operators of six file-sharing sites – Limetorrents.com, Billionuploads.com, Hulkfile.eu, Played.to, Swankshare.com and Dotsemper.com. The complaint (copy below) filed at a federal court in California accuses the sites’ owners of direct, contributory and vicarious copyright infringement.
    Limetorrents is the only torrent site in the lawsuit, and Lionsgate notes that the Expendables leak was still prominently available on the site when the complaint was drafted.
    “To date, the operator(s) of the site have not responded to Lions Gate’s demands. Rather, as of the date of this filing links to the torrents allow users to access ‘swarms’ where the Stolen Film is being shared remain on the site, including in the fifth-ranked position for ‘Movie torrents’ on the site’s home page,” the lawyers write.
    In the complaint, first reported by THR, the movie studio demands a wide range of measures. Lionsgate asks the court for a temporary restraining order, a preliminary injunction and a permanent injunction to stop the sites from further distributing the film.
    This includes a request to suspend the sites’ domain names, or transfer them to Lionsgate. In addition, the movie studio also wants all financial institutions who do business with the sites to freeze their assets. If granted, Lionsgate could severely damage the sites in question even if the operators remain silent.
    Finally, the movie company demands actual or statutory damages for the financial loss it has suffered. Since there is only one film at stake, the statutory damages are limited to $150,000 per site.
    At this point it is unknown whether Lionsgate is also investigating the source of the leak, which isn’t related to any of the sites listed in the complaint. A third option would be to go after individual filesharers, which Nu Image did when they sued 23,322 alleged pirates who shared the first Expendables movies.
    Thus far well over two million copies of The Expendables 3 have been shared via BitTorrent, so there are plenty of targets for sure.
    • Upvote 1
  4. Invite application is back!

    Quote: english

    We have a great news for you, your friend and your family members, we like to inform that our invite application is back online!
    if you have friends or family members who like to join us, ask them to visit our invite application and fill the form we create. If we satisfied with the answers they provide us we will send the invite to them.
    Ask them to visit link below :
    Quote: bahasa malaysia
    Assalamualaikum / Salam sejahtera,
    Kami mempunyai berita baik untuk anda, rakan anda dan ahli keluarga anda, kami ingin memaklumkan bahawa permohonan menjemput kita kembali dalam talian!
    jika anda mempunyai rakan-rakan atau ahli keluarga yang suka untuk menyertai kami, meminta mereka untuk melawat permohonan menjemput kami dan mengisi borang yang kita buat. Jika kita berpuas hati dengan jawapan yang mereka berikan kepada kami, kami akan menghantar jemputan kepada mereka.
    Minta mereka untuk lawati pautan di bawah:
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  5. Tracker is up!

    Dear members,

    First off, we would like to apologize for the tracker downtime. The servers were restarted unexpectedly which is what caused the tracker issues. We are hoping there will be no further unexpected downtime.
    If you are on HnR watch, please start seeding your torrents asap and you should be fine. In case your account is disabled due to the HnR's you got while the tracker was down, come to #GGn-Help and we'll sort out your account.
    To make up for the time (and the freeleech) lost, we are doing a site-wide freeleech for a whole week!. Note that freeleech torrents are also subject to Hit n Runs so please make sure you seed them properly (or rather keep seeding them forever!).
    - GGn Staff
    • Upvote 2
  6. Earlier this week it was reported how the RIAA had decided to turn the licensing thumbscrews on a site offering decades-old radio archives for download. Now another archival site, one that pays thousands of dollars in license fees to BMI, ASCAP and SoundExchange yet makes not a cent, is now in the RIAA spotlight.
    Last Wednesday we reported a particularly miserable situation between the RIAA and a near 20-year-old radio fansite.
    Around since 1996, ReelRadio is a service dedicated to streaming historical radio shows, specifically decades-old ‘aircheck’ demo recordings which were often used to showcase radio announcers before being placed in the archives.
    ReelRadio isn’t some ‘rogue’ site determined to avoid paying artists. The site does its bit by paying a proper license, but last week the RIAA decided that it needed to more strictly enforce its terms. Trouble is, those terms are so restrictive that not only will the site have to drastically reduce its user experience in order to comply, in some instances it may actually prove impossible to meet the terms.
    Sadly, TorrentFreak has discovered that ReelRadio isn’t on its own. The RIAA has also been contacting other sites with demands for compliance. On July 11, PatesTapes.com, a site dedicated to vinyl-to-tape-to-digital mixtape archives created by Charles Pates, also received a letter from the industry group.
    “The demands are almost exactly the same as what ReelRadio is reporting – remove ‘archived recordings’ after two weeks and ‘archive recordings’ must be longer than five hours. In our case, saying what is in the recording before it plays is a no-no,” PatesTapes’ Dennis Wallace informs TF.
    What makes the RIAA’s pressure even more unpalatable is the entirely not-for-profit nature of PatesTapes. In fact, the site deliberately generates absolutely no revenue whatsoever yet chooses to pay ASCAP, BMI and SoundExchange a total of $5,000 in licensing fees to keep things above board.
    “It’s a total labor of love,” Wallace told TF.
    “[The site] has a small but passionate following (a steady 200 listeners per day over several years), and the typical listener would put on a tape and let it auto-play from tape to tape within the same category over the course of the next several hours,” Wallace explains.
    Now, however, the future of the site is in the balance. Earlier this week it seemed almost certain that PatesTapes would be closing down but now the team is taking time out to assess their position.
    “We had a meeting and we’ll be trying to revive the site rather than shutting down. We’re moving from a ‘pick your tape’ model to more of a ‘pick you stream’ model, based on a longer set list. We are going to be running this past legal minds so we can be more sure about any subsequent challenge,” Wallace adds.
    Characteristically for the RIAA, the letter sent to both PatesTapes and ReelRadio concludes with a threat.
    “If we do not hear from you by August 22, 2014, we will assume that you do not intend to remedy the violations and will take whatever measures we feel are necessary,” the RIAA warns.
    At this point it’s worth noting the contrast between the RIAA’s dealings with the world’s biggest file-sharing sites and the hobbyist services highlighted above. The former pay not a cent in licensing fees and yet carry on unhindered, business as usual, millions of copyrighted items available. The latter, who are paying thousands of dollars in licenses, for little to nothing in return, just to have fun, are having their existences threatened.
    It appears that being small and being honest is not only interpreted as a weakness, but also as an opportunity to pull in even more revenue. The question is, however, how many sites like these will simply close down and take their money with them.
    • Upvote 2
  7. Staff / FLS changes

    chrisbeebops and dhosha are both missing so they have been retired.

    StewieH has been made First Line Support (FLS).
    Welcome new users!
    Welcome to GFT and hopefully you will find a site that suits your needs.
    Take the time to read through this article atleast once: https://www.thegft.org/myBB/showthread.php?tid=608
    It explains most of the issues and questions you can encounter while seeding (or not seeding).
    Also note that GFT is ratio free. You do however need to seed whatever you download for 48 hours over a weeks time. Check your "not safe to delete" page to know when you are off the hook.
    • Upvote 2
  8. HDWinG working group members recruited notice
    A recording member (3 to 5)
    You can record high-definition television at home and abroad (such as CCTV-HD, TVB, Hunan and other domestic high-definition sets; European and American high-definition television; KBS Korean television, etc.) of television programs;
    Upload speed at 500k / s (4M fiber) above;
    Willing to share resources, interests and lasting team player; against HDWinG HD up to people a sense of belonging;
    Worker members welcomed the return of the former.
    Two, HDWinG suppression group members (1 to 2)
    Higher machine configuration, CPU or equivalent grade in i7 3770K above;
    Network bandwidth than 10M;
    Suppression of relevant experience of the film, it is best to show us your work, for HDWinG have a strong sense of belonging.
    Third, the seeds of the editorial staff Helper (2-3 names)
    There are plenty of online time, editing Introduction seeds are enthusiastic, have patience;
    Have some foundation in English, ability to access posters Profile Find resources through the English title;
    Willing to contribute their efforts for the seeds of editing HDWinG.
    Fourth, professional designers (1-2)
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    Willing to participate in the construction site, improve HDWinG image of people interested in a lasting design.
    Interested parties please to recruit page , select the appropriate entry jobs, should fit, we will contact you as soon as possible.
    Once hired, according to the results of the work, HDWinG reward will be given a certain level, will receive Encoder respectively, Helper level, the results were outstanding, the official will provide more specific incentives ....
    HDWinG look forward to your joining, let's do better together!
    Are you subscribing TV service from CableVision / Charter / Comcast / Cox / Verzion fiosTV? Share your HD experience to Our friend here in HDWinG!!
    Join Our TV capturing group now!!
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    Looking forward your HD sharing!
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