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Posts posted by Wild-Tiger

  1. To celebrate the 2nd Anniversary Torrentland From this moment, until Sunday 07/13/2014 at 23:59 FreeLeech all contributions will keep and open registration for new faces Fail, do not lose your chance to climb ratio, plus you can also level up, having more slots for downloading. You can also participate in forums for gaining seedbonus participate. Do not hesitate not miss the opportunity.

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  2. Hello all, Donation methods As you might have noticed, we had some issues with the donations lately. The paypal account we had got shut down and we were no longer able to accept donations. We have been working on enabling a new way of receiving donations, and this is now ready to be used. When you go to our donation page you will see a button 'Go to ShirtTo.Me'. To donate, click this button. You will be redirected to our shirt shop where you can order a "DIY-design" for $10. Go through the checkout process (where you don't have to fill out accurate info if you're only donating aside from your email address) and pay through PayPal or with bitcoins. If you want to donate $40 for example, order 4 DIY-designs. To make sure your ShirtTo.Me account and your PTM account are linked, only register when you have clicked the button on the PTM site. If you go to the shirt shop directly, there is no way to link both accounts. We need your help Due to our old Paypal account getting shut down, we no longer have access to those funds and are now facing an issue with paying for our servers. We would like to ask you to please donate so we can pay for the servers and continue to offer you the services you have gotten used to. As an extra incentive we are now offering double credits, double VIP-time and double invites on any donation received before Friday June 27th @ 23:59:59 EST. Please help us out so we can keep this show on the road! Thank you in advance, PTM Staff

    • Upvote 2
  3. RSS feeds --- Banning uTorrent betas - 2014-06-23 01:58:11 (12:48:56 ago)

    Two updates today:

    RSS feeds

    There are new RSS links on your user details page, they include a secret code that allows e.g. a seedbox to download the .torrent file without needing a login cookie.

    Download links on-site have also been updated with this feature.

    Note that any link with an authkey and/or passkey should be kept private and not revealed to anyone else.

    If you don't want to change, your existing RSS feeds will continue to work as usual

    Banning uTorrent betas

    To ensure that stats are reported correctly we will be banning all beta versions of uTorrent.

    Two things to check:

    1. In uTorrent's options, 'Upgrade to beta versions' must be unticked.

    2. If the version number has a 'b' at the end (e.g. 3.3.1b) you must upgrade/downgrade to a non-beta version that's not on our blacklist

    The ban will begin on 30th June

    (For all users.)

    • Upvote 2
  4. ☀2006 - ✝2014
    Swepiracy has been permanently shut down due to insufficient funds, lacking interest (among members as well as staff) and most important the extreme judicial situation of today (according to host personnel, our servers were copied together with Sparvar, although we were not hosting any tracker or torrents). All the best to you who made this long lasting era possible, and thanks to all members for eight unforgettable years!
    • Upvote 1
  5. Do Not Upload: HDtracks.com

    2014-06-23 18:56:09

    Just a quick rules / Do Not Upload list update:

    Anything from HDtracks.com is hereby banned from the site. Pretty simple. They simply can't be trusted, as much of their catalogue appears to be upsamples and/or have a questionable lineage. This topic has been discussed in a few forum threads (and elsewhere online) and it's been a unanimous reaction to ban them, here at Waffles. While I'm sure this will make some people unhappy, in the end we are all about quality, which makes this move necessary.

    Please report any such uploads you see, and we'll take care of them.

    • Upvote 3
  6. First of all and most importantly, you Wafflers totally managed to rock the house and met the goal way earlier than expected! We managed to pay all the hosting bills that were overdue, and we can finally plan to move to better infrastructure and eventually new software. As a result, if you haven't read the post in the announcement discussion thread (sorry, in hindsight it's kinda hidden away), site-wide freeleech will continue until June-14th + couple more days afterwards. Just a big thank you to everyone!

    Unfortunately I also bring some bad news. PayPal's thrown a bit of a fit, and for the short duration while it's being sorted out, the donation button will be disabled. As such, only option to donate at current moment will be through Bitcoins until further notice.

    Flip side of this is that I'll be processing the points for the donations given from everyone very soon, somewhat earlier than expected. Please be patient as you always have been and you'll get a PM with points added to your account.

    Again, thank you for flying Waffles!

    • Upvote 1

  7. Gentle users, a swift perusal of the forums will reveal that there have been problems reseeding some shows because of extraneous files in the torrents which potential reseeders no longer have. This is unfortunate and, more to the point. unnecessary. We therefore ask (nay, demand) that you leave the annoying junk out of your torrents.

    What constitutes 'annoying junk', you may ask.

    Well, to start with…
    • Screenshots, covers, or other images. There's no need for them to be included inside the torrent; that's what torrent descriptions are for.
    • 'downloaded from x' files. Fascinating though it is to know that a file came from demonoid or BigAssTorrents, a credit in the torrent description is quite enough.
    • Thumbnails: .tbn files, thumbs.db, etc. I don't know what they are, but you Windows and "media center" users seem fierce fond of them.
    • Samples. We don't need another copy of part of one of the episodes.

    DVD and other extras are more than welcome, of course, though we would prefer they be in a separate torrent, so that people who aren't interested in them don't have to grab them.

    Subtitles and proper NFOs are also welcome.

    Now, I know what you're going to say. "With the image sites going down left and right, surely the screenshots are a good thing?" It's a valid point. However, consider this: if an image site goes down, it's easy to fix the description. Even if the uploader doesn't have the screenshots, anyone who's grabbed the show can make new ones and post them in the
    appropriate thread. If a torrent only has a few snatches, we're relying on a small pool having the entire torrent contents in order to reseed. bittorrent doesn't divide its chunks by file; it does it by size. This means that if you're unable to reseed a text file or jpeg, you're almost certainly going to be unable to reseed all of the episodes to completion; you're going to be missing the first or last chunk once it's finished rehashing.

    And on that point: are you really saving that much disk space/bandwidth by not downloading the NFO or other files? All you're doing is making the torrent appear unnecessarily in other users' Seeds Wanted list, making it less likely that others will be believe a reseed is necessary when someone else genuinely wants a download. It also means that, should it be removed from your client, you'll be unable to reseed even the episodes for reasons mentioned above.

    To summarize, then: don't include screenshots and other junk in your torrent. And please download the whole torrent if at all possible.

    • Upvote 1
  8. Global Audiobooks Trends for 2014

    The Audiobook industry has certainly grown up in the digital world. The rise of audio publishing is directly proportionate to the rise of digital distribution. In 2007 a paltry 3,073 titles were available and rose exponentially to over 20,000 published titles in 2013. The entire industry is said to be worth over two billion dollars, which is a huge jump from $480 million in retail sales in 1997.

    The audiobook industry first gained momentum in 1970 when low cost cassettes allowed libraries to easily purchase and distribute them to their patrons. The industry was rather niche until 2002 when CDs became the dominant medium and represented 78% of all sales in 2008. The standard CD audiobook declined in 2011 in favor of digital downloads, which currently accounts for 61% of all sales in 2013.

    The United States is currently the dominant audiobook market in terms of sales. The United Kingdom has only generated ÂŁ126 million in 2013 and has been experiencing an annual 6.8% growth rate. The largest four players in the industry are estimated to account for 49.8% of revenue. With the exception of defunct AudioGo Limited, the industry is dominated by well-established publishers that already operate in the print publishing market and have access to a wide range of titles that can be easily converted to audiobooks. Concentration in the industry has declined slightly over the past five years as more enterprises have entered and competition has intensified. The industry remains fairly fragmented as smaller enterprises have access to just a few titles for publishing.

    In Germany audiobooks are becoming more popular than ebooks. In the last twelve months, close to five million customers have purchased an audiobook, which accounts for 7% of the overall population. This is one of the hottest segments currently operating in Germany and ironically gets the least amount of attention.

    The most dominant content distribution platform for audiobooks currently is Amazon owned Audible. This company has the highest market penetration and has seen a 33% increase in sales in 2012.. They have created over 26.000 audiobooks and adding close to 1,000 titles a month. Most of their success derives from their new technologies that allow readers a myriad of options. If you purchase both the audiobook and eBook you can have the book professionally narrated to you, as you are reading. Else, you can read a few chapters on your Kindle and pick up exactly where you left off on the audio edition. This type of synergy is fairly compelling for people who read at night and do things during the day. Matthew Thornton of Audible commented – “We’re seeing heavy growth among younger listeners, people in and getting out of college who are part of the emerging app culture.”
    One of the ways Audible has such a large catalog is primarily due to their established relationships with major publishers. They also own and operate the Audiobook Creation Exchange. Publishers and authors who own unused audiobook rights can post them on ACX, along with narration preferences (e.g., narrator’s gender, accents, voice types). Audio publishers and audio studios—as well as individual narrators with home studios—can search for titles that interest them and then audition to turn those rights into audiobooks. Rights holders can hire a narrator or producer, or create entrepreneurial partnerships with shared royalty structures that allow audiobooks to be produced without upfront costs. Alternatively, existing audio publishers can simply use ACX to discover audio rights to produce on their own.

    When it comes to audiobook sales in the digital format they are often 10% of the eBook industry, in terms of overall value. Major publishers are hoping to accelerate this growth to over 20% within the next two years. “We’re going to continue to see more and more titles being published,” says Chris Lynch, president and publisher of Simon & Schuster Audio “Increasing our list in a way that’s smart, thoughtful, strategic, and economically viable—that’s a big focus for us,” says Mary Beth Roche, v-p and publisher of Macmillan Audio/QDT. “We’re going deeper into the science fiction/fantasy and mystery/thriller categories.”

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  9. 2014-06-12 - Hey launched the World Cup betting game was. The match end result tippelhetitek you. the scoring is as follows (these points can not be used in Piacteren) !! Winner hitting two points - winning and goal difference hitting three points.. - Correct Score hitting five points. at the world championships in late are the best ones will be awarded. Details later.

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  10. 2lu7zig.png

    2014 FIFA World Cup

    ​Remy is excited to watch the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and he hopes you are too! To celebrate, predakanga has created a betting system allowing users to wager their bonus points on the outcome of each match.. We will be adding a leaderboard to the betting system which will track the users with the highest amount of wagered, won, and lost bonus points.

    After all matches are completed, the leader in each category will win a 30 day SeedMyBox seedbox! There is a 10% rake on all bets; this rake will be donated to the request pool. We've also created an IRC channel, #BTN-WorldCup to discuss the matches. There is no waiting period for discussing the matches in this channel, so don't join unless you're caught up!! You can select the channel in the IRC section of your profile.

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