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  1. Tracker Name: SappHire Genre: General Sign-up Link: http://sapphire.bz/l...hp?re=index.php Closing Date: N/A Additional Information: Hungarian Private Tracker
  2. CGPeers (CGP) Review 2014 Site: CGPeers Login: Login :: CGPeers Register: Register :: CGPeers Forum: CGPersia Forums Releases: CG Persia CGPeers is relatively new serving everything Computer Graphics (CG) related, with a ~17,500 strong user community. They currently track 900+ torrents categorized by one of application, tutorial, plugin, model, material, or miscellaneous, with a 4.44 seeder/leecher ratio growing stronger everyday. In addition, CGPeers is backed by their fellow forum, CGPersia, one of the best CG forums on the Net. CGPeers is a new torrent site introduced by the creator of the CGPersia Forum. The goal was to create a home where CG enthusiasts can freely share their passion through the wonders and convenience of BitTorrent. Why BitTorrent? BitTorrent offers many advantages over traditional sharing methods. For example, Being able to download content quickly without having to pay for "Premium" accounts. Or no longer having to worry about your upload(s) being deleted. Welcome to the world of peering. At the time of this writing, CGPeers have open registration while they're still in a semi-beta phase. Home/News/Stats Categories Browsing Top 10 Rules Forums Releases IRC Tracker Status Contents: 7/10 Community: 9/10 Speeds: 8/10
  3. Tracker Name : GayTorrent Signup Link : https://www.gaytorrent.ru/signup.php Genre : GAY XXX Closing Date : Limited Time Additional Information : GayTorrent.ru is a Private Torrent Tracker for GAY XXX
  4. Buy a Fully Loaded Movie and TV Show Piracy Site for Just $200 Putting together a file-sharing site or service used to involve dozens to hundreds of hours of effort, and that's without adding content or dealing with ongoing maintenance. Now a new service has appeared promising to make setting up a fully-loaded streaming portal a breeze. All that's required is a server, a few minutes, and a minimum payment of $200. During the past few years, streaming portals such as Movie2K/4K, Primewire, and other similar sites have gathered huge momentum. Offering movies directly in the browser after just a couple of clicks has opened these sites to even the least tech-savvy Internet user. With bandwidth costs reducing and apparently good money to be made from streaming video, dozens of streaming sites have appeared hoping to take a piece of the pie. In some cases this has led to confusion, with the appearance of sites deliberately designed to look like those operated by competitors in order to steal traffic. Those tired of such antics need to brace themselves, because thanks to a new service things are about to get a whole lot worse. Or better, depending on perspective. TVStreamCMS is a system designed to take the sting out of setting up a video streaming site like Movie4K or Primewire. When we say take out the sting, what we really mean is make it ridiculously simple. This content management system claims to condense months and years of hard work into a setup taking just a few minutes. Buyers get all the code they need to launch their own site, and movies and TV shows are added automatically by the suppliers. The operators of TVStreamCMS told TF that their motivations for creating the tool were simple. “The reason why we made this is not just to make it possible for everyone to have their own streaming site, but also to make it easy for all TV Shows and Movie webmasters, who have for some time waited and only dreamed of making an automated website,” they explained. “Webmasters no longer have to manually update the episodes daily nor update the movies as they come out in theaters because TVStreamCMS has it done automatically with the use of just their server.” Looking around the TVStreamCMS site the system seems fairly self explanatory. In exchange for a minimum payment of around $200, users can walk away with a script that creates a site just like XYZFLIX, a demo site that shows what the system can do. But is it really that simple? To find out, TorrentFreak spoke to ‘M’, the operator of a streaming portal built with TVStreamCMS. “It took me about 5-10 minutes to set up and then the best thing about the script is that it is all automatic so movies and episodes are added to the site automatically,” M explains. In addition to the basic package there are also some bolt-ons available. ‘M’ bought the ‘Primewire’ package for $400, which enables the user to make a site that looks and operates just like Primewire, such as the example shown here. TVStreamCMS claims it will add “50,000 movies from sources added to your site daily” and grab content from iwatchonline, SeriesGate, Project Free TV, Vodly and Primewire. So are many people taking advantage of the offer? At the moment there appears to be quite a few sites being indexed by Google and as illustrated by the image below, completely unsurprisingly they look very similar indeed. With the people behind the site selling packages to clone not only Primewire but also Sidereel, the potential for confusion among users is pretty high, and no doubt some buyers will attempt to maximize on that by operating domain names similar to already popular sites. If this cookie-cutter approach to site building really takes off theres the potential for dozens or even hundreds of similar looking streaming sites to appear. However, since each site will be relying on the same central sources for their support and content, they will all be vulnerable to the fortunes of others. It therefore seems reasonable to presume that one day buyers could wake up and find that nothing works anymore, but for $200 they might be prepared to take the risk. After all, it won’t take long to recoup with the dozens of popups and fake download buttons many streaming sites seem to enjoy.
  5. House of Cards Popular in India ‘Thanks’ to Piracy At the International Indian Film Academy Awards in Tampa this weekend, Kevin Spacey highlighted one of the core problems of media distribution in the Internet age. The star actor of the popular Netflix series House of Cards noted that the show is immensely popular in India, which is a problem since the latest episodes are not legally available. Every day millions of people download TV-shows without getting permission from rightsholders. While some do so because they find the legal alternatives too expensive, there’s a large group that simply has no legal options available to them. The latter is the case in India, where the Netflix original series “House of Cards” can’t be seen legally since the movie streaming service hasn’t rolled out there yet. As a result, Indians can only watch the popular series on demand through unauthorized channels. According to House of Card’s Kevin Spacey, the Indians are turning to these pirate sources in large numbers. During the International Indian Film Academy Awards in Tampa, Florida, he noted that the TV-show is suspiciously popular in India. “House of Cards is really big in India, I discovered,” Spacey said at the red carpet event on Saturday. The actor isn’t all too happy about this popularity, and accuses the Indians of thievery. Since Netflix’ streaming services aren’t available in India yet, they literally don’t have the “right” to see it. “Except isn’t it funny that Netflix doesn’t exist there yet. Which means that you’re stealing it,” Spacey added. Whether Spacey is unhappy with the show’s fans in India, or the fact that they have no legal options is not entirely clear. However, the only real solution to the problem is to ensure that Indians can watch the show too, without breaking the law. The problem that’s highlighted by the House of Cards actor remains one of the major challenges for the TV-studios. For decades, the industry has gotten used to delaying international premieres for month or years, something that fans no longer accept. Luckily, a lot of progress has been made in recent years, with most popular U.S. TV-series premiering on the same day in dozens of countries around the world. While “availability” is no silver bullet that can stop piracy altogether, it’s a crucial first step to take. Update: Perhaps Spacey was a bit too quick with his “stealing” allegations. House of Cards is available on Zee Cafe in India, although not on demand. This means that there is a legal option for those who have access to the channel via cable or satellite.
  6. 1) Tracker Name : BlueBird-HD 2) Genre : HD 3) Sign-up link : http://www.bluebird-hd.org/signup.php 4) Closing Date : Limited Time 5) Review link :N/A 6) Additional Comments : Might have to use google translate, leave the invite code box blank and proceed with sign up. You will receive a confirmation link in mail. Once you click that link your account will be formed. But it will show a message "Your account has not yet passed the automatic activation, wait." you won't be able to browse, download for some time, so after a bit your account will be activated and ready to use. Blue-Bird HD is good HD tracker, fast releases of bluray, a good source for CEE blurays. Signup Open Friends This Site
  7. i have Hq Source Account U Check My Detail U Interested so Contact me in Pm Thanx Uploaded: 27.55 GB Downloaded: 1.00 MB Ratio: 28,206.400 Active Torrents: 0 0 Seed Bonus: 299.000
  8. Bro Sent Me 2 Tracker Proof :) Don't Edit Tracker Proofs With Gmail AddressThanx Pm Me Invite Sent :wub: Bro Sent me 2 Tracker Proofs :)Don't Edit Tracker Proofs With Gmail Address Thanx Pm Me Bro Sent me 2 Tracker Proof Unedited Thanx :wub: With Gmail Address Thanx Pm Me Bro Sent me 2 Tracker Proof Unedited Thanx :wub: With Gmail Address Thanx Pm Me Invite Sent :wub:
  9. IPTorrents (IPT) News : NEW Movies Section Added!!
  10. I Have 2x Bit-HDTV Invites I Have 6x BitSpyder Invites I Have 1x Freshon.tv Invite I Have 9x Fano Invites I Have 2xAppzuniverse Invites Invites Finish This Site I Have 1x Speed.cd Invites I Have 2xTorrentDay Invites Requirements Apply here & Don't PM me please Must be an Active Member Req:Apply here,Press and and Don't forget feedback after register
  11. New Download Ban Won’t Work, Politicians Say A Dutch ban on the downloading of copyrighted material from unauthorized sources was cheered by the entertainment industries recently, but will fall short of achieving its aims. That's the opinion of several politicians who believe that only by providing better legal options will the situation improve. As they call for debate, a government spokesperson predicted that the ban will make it easier to chase down 'pirate' sites. Just like other citizens around the globe, for years the Dutch have enjoyed downloading their favorite music, movies and TV shows from the Internet. However, while people in most other countries do so while breaking the law, residents of the Netherlands had no fear of being fined, or worse. This position was made possible by the introduction of a levy on writable media such as blank DVDs and CDs, and other storage-capable devices such as hard drives, media players and smart phones. A portion of the sales revenues on these devices went to the rightsholders in an attempt to compensate them for their perceived losses. But despite years of operation, earlier this month the system came to an abrupt halt. Following complaints from electronics manufacturers upset that their products were being made more expensive by the levy, a landmark ruling from the European Court of Justice declared the system illegal. The Dutch government responded by declaring that downloading from illegal sources was banned with immediate effect. But while downloading of copyrighted content was outlawed (uploading was already illegal), few people believed that a handful of words from the government was likely to change the position on the ground. Furthermore, since the ban was hastily introduced on April 10, members of parliament have begun calling for a debate on its consequences. “We do not want a ban, but would rather have a broad discussion focused on ways to reduce unpaid downloading,” D66 MP Kees Verhoeven told NU.nl. “The aim of the download ban is to reduce the amount of unpaid material being downloaded, but experience shows that bans do not help in such cases.” Labour MP Astrid Oosenbrug also called for debate on the download ban, which she first heard about through the media. “I read about this new measure in the news,” she said, adding that soon after consumers began asking questions about how it would affect the private copying levy. “Therefore, both MPs and citizens are unclear about the implications of this prohibition,” she said. Calling for a debate with the Secretary of State in May, D66 MP Kees Verhoeven said that his party doesn’t want prohibition, but would prefer to see entertainment companies work on better legal offerings instead. “It is important that the legal supply of music, films and series, is both accessible and of a high quality,” he said. “We do not want a ban, but a larger legal offer.” Separately, in comments reported by Tweakers, Wiebe Alkema, spokesperson for the Ministry of Security and Justice, said the download ban would make it easier for entertainment companies to go after ‘pirate’ sites, since there is no longer a legal gray area. “The burden of proof is easier,” he said.
  12. Zona is a Popcorn Time Beater and a Pirate’s Dream If Popcorn Time shook things up, Zona is going to shake them apart. Not only does Zona look as good, if not better than Popcorn TIme, it streams tens of thousands of movies and TV shows plus millions of music tracks. Did we mention switchable audio languages, subtitles and permanent downloading? What about TV show subscription, plus live TV and radio from around the world? An Android version? Popcorn Time has had more than its fair share of press since it appeared earlier this year. The tale has enjoyed twists and turns in buckets, not to mention controversy and mystery. The software was undoubtedly a game changer and the most simple and elegant way of downloading and viewing content using torrents. Nothing came close.Except all along something else did – and then some. Let’s not take anything away from it, Popcorn Time is pretty neat, but the software just introduced to TorrentFreak goes much, much further. It’s called Zona and could very well ignite an even bigger storm. Zona hails from Russia but fear not, its 27mb installer appears in standard English. Getting the thing working is child’s play too, just make sure it’s being allowed through your firewall after setup. If users want it to become their standard torrent downloader that option is available too, but advanced users will probably prefer the flexibility of their regular client. Once setup is complete, users are presented with the following screen, movies up first. Much of the artwork depicted is pulled from Russian sources, so for non-speakers a reliance on movie covers will be required. If that fails, directly under each movie is the title in clear English. Click those titles and new page will appear, detailing everything people might want to know about the movie including its date of production, iMDb rating, genre, actors (including photos), runtime, and other sundry details. Here’s the page for the Creative Commons movie, Big Buck Bunny. When selecting a movie a choice can be made – to stream Popcorn Time-style, or to download to the PC like a regular torrent client. If the former is chosen there is a wait of between a few seconds and a minute while enough buffering takes place. The movie is first presented in a small non-intrusive window in the left corner of the app, but this can be expanded to any size, including full screen. Eagle-eyed viewers will note the ‘audio and subtitles’ text on the bottom right of the window above. This enables switching between English and often Russian audio, plus the toggling of various subtitles.While Popcorn Time was restricted to content indexed on YTS, Zona has no such limitation. The app appears to have access to many, many thousands of movies pulled from torrent sites around the web. It is not clear where, but random searches hardly ever fail to turn up the required content although sometimes playback can hesitate, possibly due to lack of seeds. That said, a database of 500,000 torrents should be more than enough. Zona is no slouch on the movie front, but it isn’t done yet. The software also caters to the TV fan and does it with never-seen-before flair. After selecting ‘TV’ from the list on the left, Zona presents TV shows in the same way as it does movies. However, when clicking through to the details screen one can see how it excels, with options to select any series and any episode. Since it’s topical, here’s how the page looks for Game of Thrones. Just below the recommended additional viewing graphics, one can see options to select a series and episode. Clicking on those brings up all of the sources, usefully filtered by video quality. Also on offer is a “subscription” feature, which allows people to subscribe to a series ‘Tivo-style’, leave the software running, and have the content appear when a new episode is released.Another trick up Zona’s sleeve is its ability to steam live TV from a selection of built in channels. While many are Russian, there are plenty of English language channels too. Covering everything from news, to light entertainment to documentaries, it’s also particularly strong in sport, with free access to UK premium channels including all Sky Sports and BT Sport channels. After ticking every box on the video front, Zona goes one step further by streaming music too. Users need to quickly sign up for a VK.com social networking account first, but after that almost every track one can think of will become available in the software. Conclusion Overall, it’s hard to fault Zona. It looks great and works nearly as well. There’s a huge range of content spanning movies, TV shows and music, and no other app that we’re aware of has as many options and features. It’s not open source, at least that we can see, so one up for Popcorn Time there. But it can stream to DLNA-enabled TVs, so that might balance things up a bit. Oh, and you can filter out the adult content if kids are around. We did mention it does porn as well, didn’t we? No? That means we probably forgot to mention the Android version too. Zona can be downloaded from its homepage, or directly here.
  13. Netflix Considers P2P-Powered Streaming Technology Video streaming giant Netflix is considering a move to peer-to-peer assisted streaming. The company has put up a job posting for a Senior Software Engineer tasked with integrating P2P technology into its streaming services. Could a BitTorrent-powered Netflix be coming soon? With over 33 million streaming subscribers in the U.S. alone, Netflix is one the major providers of online video entertainment. The company claims to be a piracy killer, and previously noted that unauthorized P2P traffic reduced in countries where their services were rolled out. Interestingly enough, the streaming service also has a lot to gain from file-sharing technologies. A recent Netflix job ad spotted by Ars Technica, reveals that they are considering using P2P technology to improve their streaming services. “Netflix seeks a seasoned Senior Software Engineer with a special focus in peer-to-peer networks,” the company writes. The description of the new position has a clear focus on researching the possibility to allow users to stream videos via peer-to-peer technology. Netflix mentions that the company is currently responsible for over 30% of all downstream traffic. Should it move towards P2P streaming, Netflix will also be the number one in terms of upstream bandwidth, a position currently dominated by BitTorrent traffic. Netflix’ job ad The option of P2P-assisted streaming became of interest again this year, after Netflix signed a deal with Comcast to pay for direct access to its network. With P2P technology, Netflix has the option to increase its streaming capabilities without additional bandwidth costs. In fact, not only could the company achieve superior streaming quality by using P2P technology, its bandwidth bills could even decrease. Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent, would welcome a P2P-powered Netflix. He previously said that video delivery via P2P is far superior to the systems currently used by Netflix and other video services. “The fact is that by using BitTorrent it’s possible to give customers a much better experience with much less cost than has ever been possible before. It’s really not being utilized properly and that’s really unfortunate,” Cohen said. According to Cohen, Netflix’s video streaming quality is currently less than acceptable. “I actually don’t have a TV at home myself, but I do watch stuff on Netflix and I find it very frustrating because the video quality is really terrible,” he noted. With P2P-assisted streaming it will be possible to stream videos in a higher quality than is currently possible, but whether Netflix will use a BitTorrent-inspired technology or something different is unknown at this point. In any case, it’s an interesting development to watch.
  14. BCG will be back soon, our original server wasn't worth repairing, but we have now got a new more powerful server with a faster connection and most importantly we also have advanced DDoS protection. When we return your original username and password will continue to work + all your stats Etc. will still be intact. We will have to implement a compromise however as many members will now have hit and runs that they might well have deleted ages ago because of all the extended downtime, obviously it would be unreasonable to expect everyone to re download these torrents to seed them back in order to clear them and get out of Kitty Litter (penalty class). While we are still working on the new server, Gazelle Games (GGn) is by far the best games tracker as an alternative if you are able to get signed up. They are the only dedicated gaming tracker that comes close to BCG in terms of community and new content, well obviously when we do come back online we will have some catching up to do after being offline for so long, but we will soon retake our place as a major player once again. Other gaming trackers like bitgamer.ch are small time at the moment compared to BCG and GGn, although I wish them the best of luck in becoming as popular as the original BG was in future, at the moment the new BG is a pale immitation due to the lack of active members, content and seeders. (Source From a Forum By Staff) Important Updates Making good progress, and IRC should be back online soon.
  15. Hey guys, i'm using a seedbox from OneProvider since 2 months and i want to give you my opinion on this provider. So, it's basicaly a cheap dedibox server from online with 1Gbps bandwidth, it's a dedicated server(you're the only one on it) so you have to install everything yourself but it's quite easy to do so, there's plenty of tutorials on internet and most trackers :) I have a 2TB HDD and an i3 530 2.93 Ghz as CPU, 4 GB and i only pay 20 euros/month. I didn't have any problem with it so far, it's a solid seedbox, you can add +500 GB torrents for instance, it won't crash or anything :) Here you can select your location and check if seedboxes are available :http://oneprovider.com/dedicated-servers-locations Tip : Check out the website everyday in case the one you want is sold out. Speed 10/10 Support - As i said earlier, i didn't have any issue so far so i can't rate it. GUI 10/10 Price 10/10 Overall rating 10/10 This is the best seedbox i've used and i'll stick with this provider
  16. Tracker Name :Animereactor Signup Link :http://tb.animereactor.ru/signup.php Genre : Anime Closing Date :NA Additional Information : It's A Russian Anime Private Tracker
  17. KG Funding Drive 2014 Attention fellow KG'ers! That time has come again! It is once again time to pay our server bill. This includes the tracker server and a smaller server for the forums. Beginning in 2012, we decided to pay our bill by the year rather than by the month, in order to obtain a substantial savings. (Per month would cost us 3,255 per year) Our bill is due by June 1st, and we need a total of 2,682. Please click on the DONATE tab and follow the Paypal link to support your favorite tracker! The total funding amount collected will update periodically on the NEWS Page. After making a donation, if sending a message to FlaCityBug with your donation details, simply provide the date, name on the Paypal account, and amount donated. Other information (transaction #, email address, et al) is not necessary and only slows down progress in getting everyone acknowledged. PLEASE be patient about receiving a reply! Only one person is handling all the messages. Please do not send any additional messages other than the one providing the aforementioned information. We thank you for your continued support and enjoyment of KG!! (For all users.)
  18. For the last few days the site has been under a Brute Force Log In Attack. In basic terms this means people are trying to steal passwords and accounts here. The measures we put in place to circumvent the DDoS attacks a few months back have slowed these attacks and alongside our own safe measures here that block repeated log in attempts we believe that all the accounts here remain safe. Having said that we would like to remind our users to please make sure you have a good, strong password and that you do not use the same passwords as you do on other sites. Many sites do not use the same level of security as we do and should they be breached and your passwords are the same as here... Well, you see how easy you would make it for them. If you feel your password is weak, or used elsewhere, now would be a good time to change it.
  19. Adblock/Adblock Plus Issue With Paypal Links This is to advise our members who have Adblock or Adblock Plus on your computers; it might block the images on our promos. We are checking to find out why this suddenly is an issue but for the time being, simply disable Adblock and you will be able to see the Paypal links. Bitsoup - Striving to be the Best
  20. Tracker Name : Play On! Bit Signup Link :http://playonbit.com/signup.php Genre :xxx Closing Date :NA Additional Information :It's a XXX Thai Private Tracker
  21. Tracker Name :Riper.am Signup Link :http://www.riper.am/ucp.php?mode=register Genre : General Closing Date :NA Additional Information :Russian tracker. Russian Scene available too.
  22. Tracker Name : Timetorrent.org | Movies | Music | Tv Shows | Software | Books Signup Link :http://timetorrent.org/account-signup.php Genre : XXX Closing Date : 30/05/2014 Additional Information : Download Movies, Music, Adult, Tv Shows, Softwares & Books.
  23. Tracker Name : Wild-Bytes Signup Link : http://www.wild-byte...php?op=register Genre :General Closing Date :N/A Additional Information : Rare English tracker
  24. Tracker Name :SATClubbing (Eletronic Music) Signup Link :http://satclubbing.info/signup.php Genre :Music Closing Date : Soon Additional Information :It's a Good Russian Music Tracker but you would have to accumulate bonus points or donate every week to be ABLE to download new material.
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