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Posts posted by HaWKEyiS

  1. June Journal Contest

    Just Joining us? June starts with J and so do Journals. Join June Journal contest and Jump for Joy! This month's contest is all about Journals. All eligible uploads will be files that meet all the journal requirements. That's it. They can be any topic. Just because school is out it doesn't mean you can't learn something new.

    The competition begins on June 1st and will end on June 30th. The winners will be announced in early July.

    All uploads for the contest will be Freeleech for 24 hours following their upload!

    How it works:
    Any torrent uploaded in the month of June that meets the criteria is automatically counted toward the contest. This month, 1 upload is 1 point.

    Points will be calculated automatically, but there is one thing you need to do:

    All points will be tracked on the Leaderboard which can be seen on the right side of the front page.

    What kind of competition would this be without prizes?

    1. VIP, 20GB upload, and freeleech on a torrent of your choice (must be below 1GB).
    2. Custom title, 15GB upload, 2 invites, and freeleech on a torrent of your choice (must be below 1GB).
    3. Custom title, 10GB upload, 1 invite
    4. 10GB upload
    5. 5GB upload

    All users in the top 5 will also receive 5 FL tokens. One random person will win a free custom title.

    Good luck!

    Discuss it here.

    • Upvote 1
  2. We announce recruitment for the rank Lite Uploader !

    Dear users we announce recruitment for the honorable rank Lite Uploader, which really can become only the beginning of your Activity in the TL and the ticket to climbing towards higher nks!

    From the persons responding to the above-mentioned rank we only require:

    - Link min. 64 KB / sec
    - min. 3 uploads per week from any category with senior course also involves a number of privileges, but more on that later ...

  3. One of the Internet's favorite public torrent sites for HD content has mysteriously disappeared. Sites can often suffer downtime, but the complete absence of PublicHD since yesterday is also accompanied by the deletion of its Twitter and Facebook accounts.

    publichd-logo.pngWhile new file-sharing sites appear on a regular basis, it’s reasonably rare for fresh torrent sites to fill a niche in an effective and public fashion. PublicHD was a site that bucked that trend, in part by delivering focused content rather than simply making existing material searchable.

    From a standing start, during the last quarter of 2012 PublicHD’s popularity skyrocketed. Concentrating on movie rips at the higher end of the quality spectrum, PublicHD grew steadily throughout 2013, a trend that continued – blips aside – into the first few months of this year.


    Then yesterday, without warning, PublicHD simply disappeared and into today the site is still inaccessible via its main Swedish domain, .EU alternative, or official proxy. There has been no official announcement or explanation. Needless to say, currently there are plenty of worried users.

    Of course, sites go offline for technical reasons all the time, and it may yet transpire that PublicHD has had some serious technical issues. The signs, however, are less than encouraging. The first logical places for users to check for status updates are PublicHD’s Twitter and Facebook accounts but just like the main site, they have completely disappeared.


    Since PublicHD is, as its name suggests, a public site, its activities can be seen not only on its own domain but on other torrent sites too. For example, The Pirate Bay has a user account by the name of DibyaTPB, which is believed to be a PublicHD auto-uploading bot. After making hundreds of releases and rarely if ever having a break, yesterday DibyaTPB fell silent, indicating that the site is indeed completely offline.


    Furthermore, BOZX, another Pirate Bay account associated with PublicHD, also went quiet on Saturday. And, after 19,199 uploads, the corresponding account for BOZX on KickassTorrents was silenced too. At some point, it’s not clear when, the account was also renamed.

    The disappearance of PublicHD is even more puzzling given that earlier this month the site’s operators were planning new and bigger things.

    “Soon we are a going to have a makeover and a brand new PublicHD with tons of new features and stronger security system,” they said in an announcement.

    It’s certainly feasible that the upgrades are underway now, but why that would go hand in hand with PublicHD’s decision to disappear themselves from social media thus keeping their users entirely in the dark makes little sense.

    Rightsholders have issued a steady stream of complaints against PublicHD to Google since late 2012 but since the start of 2014 the number being processed has steadily increased, with April and May being the most active months in the site’s history.

    • Upvote 1
  4. As of today, UK citizens are free to copy MP3s, CDs and DVDs for personal use. A revision of copyright law which went into effect this month legalizes this common form of copying. The changes, which also broaden fair use rights, aim to close the gap between the law and public norms.

    uk-flag.jpgMost people in the UK may not have realized it, but every time they backed up an MP3 or made a copy of a CD or DVD for personal use, they were breaking the law.

    Starting today this is no longer the case, thanks to a revision of copyright law that just went into effect.

    Following a thorough inspection of local copyright legislation, the UK Government decided to change current laws in favor of consumers. The changes have been in the planning stage for a few years, but now they have finally be implemented.

    “Copyright law is being changed to allow you to make personal copies of media you have bought, for private purposes such as format shifting or backup,” the UK’s Intellectual Property Office (IPO) previously announced.

    “The changes will mean that you will be able to copy a book or film you have purchased for one device onto another without infringing copyright.”

    In other words, people are free to rip CDs and DVDs or backup their MP3s to an online storage provider, without risking legal trouble. The Government emphasizes, however, that it is still not allowed to share these personal copies with the rest of the world.

    “You will be permitted to make personal copies to any device that you own, or a personal online storage medium, such as a private cloud. However, it will be illegal to give other people access to the copies you have made,” the IPO explains.

    It is no secret that several entertainment industry groups are wary of the new copying regulation. However, before implementing the changes the Government carefully researched the economic impact for copyright holders, concluding it to be minimal.

    On the other end of the spectrum, it’s expected that the technology sector will greatly benefit from the newly gained freedom. The revised copying rules are expected to generate an additional £31 million in revenue per year. This money will come from consumers who use services and products to assist their copying needs.

    “This measure will benefit technology firms by removing barriers and costs and improving entry to technology markets which rely on consumers being able to make private copies,” the IPO predicts.

    Besides new private copying rights, the upcoming amendments will also broaden people’s fair use rights. For example, people no longer have to ask permission to quote from or parody the work of others, such as a news report or a book, as long as it’s “fair dealing” and the source is recognized.

    A complete overview of the changes, and how they apply to the public, are summarized in a handy guide published by the UK Intellectual Property Office.

    • Upvote 1
  5. On the occasion of Children's Day,
    crew TL.PL best wishes wishes to your kids, lots of smiles, the same joy, and above all, we wish all children to their childhood was the best, and that lasted for as long as possible!

    Additionally, we encourage you to participate in contests related this very special day:

    Charming Photos - more details here

    Fabulous Inserts - more details here

    June 1 - will cover all torrents Free Leech , so will be calculated only upload and seeding rules remain unchanged as usual.

    encourage everyone to play.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Multiple reports this week suggested that a pirate release of the game Watch Dogs contained a Bitcoin miner. While no one wants their machine infected with unwanted software, could an authorized installation of a Bitcoin miner on users' machines generate enough revenue for a developer to give his game away for free?

    bitcoin1.jpgWhile it’s no secret that some pirate games releases contain malware, during the past few days a more unusual story has been doing the rounds.

    According to a GameCrastinate report, this week thousands of BitTorrent users inadvertently became infected with Bitcoin-mining malware.

    The problem apparently stemmed back to a leaked PC version of the much-anticipated game Watch Dogs from Ubisoft Montreal. While there was never any suggestion that the company had anything to do with it, the assumption has been that whoever leaked the game thought they could make a few dollars by installing the trojan on pirates’ machines.

    While there appears to be very little hard proof that the trojan ever existed or indeed spread on the suggested scale, the idea that tens or even hundreds of thousands of computers could be hijacked to generate mountains of dollars for a third-party gained a lot of traction in the press.

    The idea of a sneaky trojan install is likely to annoy just about everyone, but what if a similar process could be put to a more creative and authorized use? What if a developer allowed his game to be shared online for free but in return installed a Bitcoin miner on downloaders’ machines to generate revenue to pay for the software?

    That question was emailed to TorrentFreak this week and while we had our doubts over the idea’s viability, it could be pretty cool if it somehow came to pass. We promised to find out whether this was a crazy idea or a flash of genius.

    Last year, Ars Technica bought a dedicated miner for $274 capable of magically churning out around $20 in bitcoin every day. Sure it gobbled up $100 a year in electricity, but as a financial prospect it was a pretty safe bet.

    Gamers tend not to own dedicated mining hardware, but people playing a game like Watch Dogs more often that not will have rather juicy graphics cards on board which could be coaxed into a bit of mining. Question is, would they be up to the task?

    Roger Ver, an angel investor in several Bitcoin startups including Blockchain.info, BitcoinStore and BitPay, has been referred to in the press as the Bitcoin Jesus. In his opinion, could the “Watch Dog hackers” who sparked this story make much money with their illegal trojan?

    “It depends a lot on the hardware of the machines, but to the hacker, it is all profit since he doesn’t have to pay for any of the hardware or electricity costs,” Ver told TF.

    So with free money for the hackers established, we come back to the key question: could a Bitcoin miner installed with the permission of the downloader generate enough fractions of a single bitcoin on a single machine to keep the developer happy, in Watch Dogs’ case, to the tune of around $60? Ver was quick to disappoint.

    “This isn’t viable any longer,” he told us. “There are so many people mining bitcoins using specialized ASIC hardware that a home computer isn’t very effective any more.”

    So the idea of mining Bitcoin in order to generate revenue from people who can’t or won’t pay for their games is a no-go? It appears so.

    “A few years ago, coinlab.com was trying to do this, but I don’t think this is practical any more due to the difficulty in mining bitcoin,” Ver concludes.

    Back to the drawing board then….

    • Upvote 1
  7. Win a Seedbox for a Month!

    Please check out the iTS Request Filling Contest to win some exciting prizes!

    • Upvote 1
  8. Sticky Sunday!

    The Planets (1999)
    Screening over eight episodes, The Planets presents the incredible story of the discovery and exploration of our solar system, revealing the deepest secrets of our neighbors in space.

    From the first faltering attempts to… More magnify the sky with crude telescopic lenses to the sophisticated probes revealing even the most distant planets today, this amazing footage relive the gripping stories of adventure and discovery.

    Using a unique blend of computer graphics, unseen space race archive and first hand testimony from scientists around the world, The Planets remains one of the most comprehensive accounts of space explorations ever compiled for television.

    I Was Dead (2009)
    True-life accounts of people who have died; and lived to tell about it. I was Dead offers a look at this phenomenon from a medical and supernatural perspective, and explores how these near-death experiences have transformed lives.

    • Upvote 1
  9. Regeneration June Upload List

    List your reseeds and re-ups here. Make a post and edit it every time you make a contribution.

    This thread is purely for torrents, if you want to chat about it or ask a question go here

    Rewards are 100 karma per torrent plus usual TotM upload bonuses.

    Torrents need to have been unseeded for at least 6 months to qualify.

    All torrents brought back will get a free bump

    And as an added bonus...

    ...I currently have 183209.3 karma points. If you manage to bankrupt me by the end of the month I will set the site free for 3 days.

    I'm ready, if you're ready bring it on.

    • Upvote 1
  10. The City of London police took down another search engine for downloads on file-sharing websites for linking to infringing material. The website was already blocked in the United Kingdom by some local ISPs after getting blacklisted alongside 20 other file-sharing services. Now, the website’s domain name was removed entirely, but it was back up the next day following legal complaints from the owners.

    Torrentz’s domain name registrar was approached by the City of London police, who asked the company to suspend the website for linking to illegal content as part of Operation Creative. However, the service is still live at other domain names. Despite the fact that the force’s demand had no legal force, many registrars still followed such requests anyway.

    The City of London police explained once again that after a website is confirmed as providing copyright infringing content, its owners or operators are approached by the police officers and offered the chance to engage with the police, change the online behavior and start to operate legitimately. In case a website fails to comply, the police can turn to other tactical options – for example, contacting the domain registrar to seek suspension of the website, or disrupting advertising revenue via an Infringing Website List (IWL) provided to companies involved in the sale and trading of digital advertising.

    Torrentz.eu is known worldwide as one of the largest search engines for BitTorrent files. The portal lets users search for material to download via BitTorrent protocol. In most cases, people search for unlicensed copies of TV shows and films like Game of Thrones and the upcoming X Men: Days of Future Past. However, the service also contains legitimate material, including installers for free open source software, as well as books released under the so-called “copyleft” licenses.

    The next day after the initial suspension, the website’s Polish host, registrar, was reported to change its mind about complying with the police request. Apparently, this happened after Torrentz’s lawyer contacted the company to complain.

    Another illustrative example of site resurrection is the court in the Netherlands that lifted a ban on notorious file-sharing service The Pirate Bay. The court had to admit that the practice proved “ineffective”. According to the European legislation, the ISPs should not have to take measures like blocking if they are disproportionate or ineffective.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Peter Sunde was arrested today in a police raid in southern Sweden. The Pirate Bay co-founder was wanted by Interpol as he had yet to serve prison time for his involvement with the site. Sunde's arrest comes exactly eight years after the police raided the Pirate Bay servers, which marked the start of the criminal prosecution against the site's founders.

    peter-sunde2.jpgFormer Pirate Bay spokesman and co-founder Peter Sunde was arrested today in a rural area near Malmö, Sweden.

    Sunde was wanted by Interpol for more than two years, ever since the sentence for his role in the Pirate Bay website was made final.

    He has been living in Berlin for quite some time, but still had family ties in Sweden, which he visited occasionally.

    Earlier today, a special Swedish police unit tasked with tracking down criminal fugitives carried out a raid at a farm in SkĂĄne. Local law enforcement reportedly worked in collaboration with the Polish police.

    While details are scarce at the moment, the Swedish newspaper Expressen reports that the arrest has been confirmed by the Swedish authorities.

    According to Peter Althin, Sunde’s lawyer, the news means that his client will most likely be sent to prison to serve his 8-month sentence.

    Sunde’s prison sentence was made final in 2012 after Sweden’s Supreme Court announced its decision not to grant leave to appeal in the long-running criminal case against the founders of The Pirate Bay.

    However, Sunde decided not to give up without a fight. First he submitted his case to the European Court of Human Rights (EHCR), and after that was rejected he tried again at the Swedish Supreme Court this year, which rejected the request earlier this month.

    Thus far only Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundström has completed their prison sentences. The fourth defendant, Fredrik Neij remains a fugitive and currently resides in Asia.

    Interestingly, today’s arrest comes exactly eight years after The Pirate Bay servers were raided, which marked the start of the criminal prosecution of the four people connected to the site.

    Despite his fugitive status Sunde has made several public appearances in recent years. He was also involved in various tech-startups, including the micro-donation service Flattr and the NSA-proof messenger app Heml.is, for which he raised more than $150,000 through a crowd-funding campaign.

    Sunde also ran for European Parliament last weekend for the Finnish Pirate Party. While he received the most votes of all the Pirate candidates, it was not enough for a seat in Brussels.

    More info on the arrest and Sunde’s future is likely to follow in the days to come.

    • Upvote 1
  12. In 2012 a device called PirateBox excited users with the prospect of anonymous wireless file-sharing anywhere, no Internet required, and at a cost of just a few dollars. Now the project has released PirateBox 1.0 and a brand new website. TorrentFreak caught up with PirateBox founder David Darts for the lowdown.

    piratebox1.jpgInspired by the local communications power of traditional pirate radio, in 2011 NYU art professor David Darts created the PirateBox. Part WiFi hotspot, part file server, PirateBox provides quick, easy and above all anonymous access to the files onboard.

    In 2012 and following a breakthrough update, the cost of creating a PirateBox dropped from a very reasonable $100 to an extremely attractive $50. Anonymous offline file-sharing was now within everyone’s reach.

    Since then PirateBox has gathered an extremely enthusiastic following, something which has spurred its developers on. Yesterday PirateBox delivered its v1.0 update and a brand new website so to celebrate the occasion TorrentFreak caught up with creator David Darts.

    TF: PirateBox was warmly welcomed by the community in 2012. How has community feedback shaped the PirateBox project since?

    DD: The community has had a big impact on the development of PirateBox. When I originally released the project, it was essentially just an offline browser-based file sharing system. My first prototype was basically a proof-of-concept – a light-weight python web server running on a hacked Seagate Dockstar network adapter connected to a pocket wireless router.

    Almost immediately after publishing the project online, I started receiving feedback from developers and hackers around the world who were interested in using and contributing to the project. My inbox also started filling up with support requests, which is why I set up the PirateBox Discussion Forum.

    While I believe in the Free Open Source ethos of providing tech support for my peers (I’ve been the beneficiary of this support many times), I simply couldn’t handle the volume of requests. Fortunately, the community stepped up and helped out with support (and testing, and development) through the discussion forum.

    Many of the key features of the PirateBox, like the chat room and UI, have been co-developed by the community. Matthias Strubel, who is now the project’s lead developer, was one of the community members who reached out and joined the PirateBox team. He has really helped push the project forward.


    TF: Has PirateBox been used in any unexpected or innovative ways?

    DD: As designers know all too well, their creations are often used in ways they didn’t necessarily intend. The PirateBox is no exception.

    It has been used by musicians and bands to distribute their music at festivals and gigs, by teachers to distribute and collect digital materials from students, and by emergency response workers and volunteers to distribute local first aid information and community updates. Conference organizers have used it to distribute conference materials and to provide local wireless commenting during presentations, and it’s been utilized by CryptoParty workshop volunteers to securely share cryptographic keys.


    TF: How many users of PirateBox are there today?

    DD: Well, we don’t track our users but the project has grown “rhizomatically” across several websites and languages so it’s a little tricky to estimate how many PirateBoxes are out in the wild today.

    It is possible, and sometimes preferable, to distribute the PirateBox software locally (and anonymously) using a PirateBox and, because the boxes never go online, it’s impossible to really keep track of them. Generally speaking, this is a good thing.

    TF: Technology is always on the move – which developments have most affected today’s PirateBox compared to the one that launched two years ago?

    DD: Two big tech trends have helped push PirateBox 1.0 development forward: The proliferation of small screens, which is how we increasingly interact with the network and each other, and the increased availability of tiny, inexpensive computers (including wireless routers, single board systems like the Raspberry Pi and other embedded “Internet of things” devices) which are rapidly filling up our world.


    Version 1.0 is thus designed with mobility and low cost hardware in mind. We’ve reworked the UI and based it on Twitter’s Bootstap so that the software plays nicely with small screens. And we’ve built PirateBox 1.0 to run natively on inexpensive hardware.

    Another “technology” development that helped increase interest in the PirateBox project was the confirmation through the Snowden leaks last year that the US government was operating near universal mass-surveillance programs around the world, often in partnership or, at least, with the complicit support of several large technology and Internet companies. While this has obviously raised very serious questions and concerns around the world, these revelations have at least helped push important conversations about privacy, surveillance, censorship, freedom, etc. to the forefront. These are all issues that the PirateBox project engages with and thus it has helped inspire new users to join the project.


    TF: What is so special about the release of PirateBox 1.0, why should existing users upgrade, and what do new users have to look forward to?

    DD: Along with the increased stability of PirateBox 1.0, the key new feature is Matthias Strubel’s “box-installer” which radically simplifies the process of building or upgrading a PirateBox. It is now possible to build a new PirateBox in just a few easy steps.

    One of my favorite new features of PirateBox 1.0 is the UPnP media server which starts streaming video and audio files over the network as soon as they’ve been uploaded to the box. I’ve actually been using this feature for awhile. It works perfectly as a backend to XBMC for instance and is also a great way of streaming movies to your mobile devices when traveling.

    PirateBox 1.0 also offers a image/message bullet board called Kareha by default which is similar to the software used on 4chan. This means that PirateBox 1.0 offers 4chan in a box functionality, which I think is pretty cool. And of course, it also comes with a chat room and browser-based file sharing system.

    TF: What role do you see PirateBox fulfilling in the future and what plans do you have for the next 12 months?

    DD: The holy grail of offline networking is wireless mesh and we’ve been experimenting with it in the PirateBox. Matthias has been playing with Forban over the last year and we’ve successfully deployed and connected small sets of PirateBoxes using the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol. This is really just an experimental feature at this point but it is something we’re planning to keep developing.

    I’ve also been experimenting with connecting the PirateBox to the Internet, which, in some ways, is counter to the philosophy of the project as an offline file sharing and communications system.

    However, I also think there’s real value in providing people with ways to connect online that help preserve their privacy. This is especially important for those who are less tech-savy and thus may not know how to protect themselves from tracking, etc. While the PirateBox will continue to be an offline file sharing and communications system, we may consider providing an optional feature in the future that allows it to be used online. Or this may become a new fork of the project…..

    Interested in making your own PirateBox? Try here.

    • Upvote 1
  13. electronic_arts_64383.jpg

    Yes! Electronic Arts has confirmed that a demo for EA Sports UFC will arrive next week, in just a few short days on June 3rd for both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One.

    We're beginning to count down the days until EA Sports UFC makes its arrival on store shelves on June 17th, in just three weeks. Well, if you've been on the fence about whether or not you want to buy the game, there's some really good news for you.

    Good Game Bro spotted the info as EA sent out the following poster to help get those hype levels high and nigh for their UFC-themed fighting game.


    The promotion of the demo as some sort of live event is actually pretty cool and fits in well with the game's television-style presentation.

    Previously, EA has been somewhat sparse in handing out promotional material and hyping the game like the U.N. is sparse and inadequate with dealing with international civil and societal affairs.

    However, slowly and surely, EA has been trickling out little bits to appease eager fans, starting with an entire round of footage showcasing the striking, and then leading up to a submission video showcasing the new and improved grappling mechanic(s).

    I'm one of those gamers who is sitting on the edge of the precipice that leads into a full-blown sale. The only thing holding me back by the tips of my belt buckle is a little man called skepticism who whispers in my ear “Chap, this is EA. Remember to uphold the piety of thy wallet.”

    Still, EA has been getting rid of and removing some of their old policies from the top 10 most hated list like France is kicking out war-affected immigrants in make-shift refugee camps.

    The company has abandoned the online pass program, they've decided to ease up on some annual outings for some intellectual properties, such as Need for Speed, as reported by Game Informer, and they've been toning down on some of the more overblown methods of marketing their games, as evident with the upcoming EA Sports UFC.

    This new and improved EA following the outing of John Riccitiello as CEO – as if he were a lyric in Latimore's “Don't Let The Doorknob Hit'cha” – has resulted in what could be considered a more focused and gamer-centric EA, barring the Battlefield 4 debacle... and the piss-poor PC port of Need for Speed Rivals.

    Still, I'm thoroughly excited for EA Sports UFC, and I'll definitely try to make some time for the game to see if it lives up to being as good as it looks in all the trailers. The only thing I'm a little concerned about is whether or not the fighting is intuitively based on hits and dynamic damage or if they're just a means to an end. I mean, is it possible to do like Virtua Pro Wrestling and at the start of the match walk up to a guy and KO him with one good punch or is it always going to be a battle of attrition? I guess we'll find out next week.

    June 3rd can't come fast enough.

  14. World_Of_Warcraft__Warlords_Of_Draenor_6

    World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor will allow players to acquire their own garrisons, the game's first housing feature. Blizzard published a new blog post detailing how these garrisons will work within the expansion.

    Players acquire their garrison in their opening zones of Draenor. This fortress then grows in power as the player does.

    "The story you weave in Draenor is one of personal heroism, but your actions have a wider impact—part of your mission is to raise an army capable of toppling the Iron Horde, and the garrison is integral to that experience," Blizzard says. "In terms of gameplay, that means you’ll be creating and strengthening your garrison as you journey to level 100. While questing through Draenor, you’ll encounter opportunities to choose between different types of buildings to add to your garrison."

    Though the garrison itself is in either Frostfire Ridge (Horde) or Shadowmoon Valley (Alliance), you'll also build outposts to help you in later zones. When players reach the Gorgrond zone, they can pick between a Sparring Arena or Lumber Mill. They'll then be sent on quests that pertain to the building they chose. Each structure provides a different benefit during questing. For example, the Sparring Arena lets players summon an ogre to help them in Gorgrond quests. Blizzard mentions that another zone, Talador, will give players a building that can provide artillery strikes.

    "Our goal is for each zone to offer equally compelling alternatives from which to choose, and to provide you with plenty of powerful creatures to vanquish with your newfound powers."

    Players will also fill their garrisons with NPC followers. These followers can be recruited in several different ways. Each has a different skill set for you to utilize in your garrison. For example, they might be skilled in alchemy or enchanting. If you give them an assignment that fits their talents, they'll be more productive and benefit you more. These artisans give you access to crafting skills beyond your two primary professions.

    Followers with combat skills should be sent off on missions. You don't accompany them on missions; they can even take place while you're logged off. If they're successful at these tasks, followers can level up and earn rewards for you. These rewards include "dungeon and entry-level raid" equipment for your character.

    "Missions will have variable difficulties, durations, and group size requirements, and some will play better to the strengths of particular Followers over others. A wise commander will create the ideal team for a mission and send them off to reap the maximum rewards." Some followers you recruit can teach you blueprints for new garrison buildings. Blueprints can also be acquired through quests, dungeons and faction reputations as well. Players who reach the level cap of 100 can purchase blueprints that they previously passed on during quests.

    You won't be able to have every kind of building in your garrison, though. There are 21 building types in total but only a maximum of 10 building slots in a garrison. Fortunately, you can swap out buildings at a later day if you regret your choices.

    "We want there to be a ton of depth to the gameplay and customization of the Garrison, but we also don’t want to make players feel like they’re required to spend more time than they’d like laboring away on it after they’ve reached level 100. We recognize that there’s a fine line between introducing a system that provides cool bonuses and adding “chores” that feel necessary for cutting-edge endgame progression.

    "To this end, players who prefer to level up mostly through dungeons or Battlegrounds will still be able to purchase the building blueprints that would otherwise be obtained through questing on Draenor."

    Warlords of Draenor is expected later this year. Blizzard previously announced that public testing has been delayed a bit.

  15. shadow_warrior_64380.jpg

    And so it continues. The battle of the reso-wars rages on with all the intensity of angry bulls running through the streets of Spain after getting a taste of Mountain Dew and the spicy new brand of Doritos. News has surfaced confirming that the resolution disparity will continue between both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One like the divorce rate in the United States, as Shadow Warrior will be 1080p and 60fps on the PS4, but only 900p at 60fps on the Xbox One.

    The news comes courtesy of an interview that GamingBolt conducted with the CEO of Flying Wild Hog, Michal Szustak, as well as the lead programmer Krzysztof Narkowicz, who spoke out about the game making the jump from PC to consoles.

    Narkowicz told GamingBolt that...

    “Shadow warrior is a fast paced game, so it was very important to have 60 fps. Also we didn’t want to cut any graphic features, so we decided to use 900p with 60fps,”

    Oh, so the Xbox One gets stuck once again with resolutions so poverty-stricken that even Burundi looked at the number in shame, and that country is so poor that it makes Afghanistan look like Dubai.

    Now this trend of games barely hitting 900p and falling short of 1080p will be something the Xbox One will struggle through its entire lifespan, just like Sean Bean stuck in a movie career where he's lucky he's still breathing by the time the end credits roll.

    Nevertheless, the PS4 ran into a few roadblocks as well, as Narkowicz points out that the low clock speeds of the octo-core APU in the PS4 posed a few problems, but they managed to work through it like parents work through their little girl's addiction to Justin Bieber music. Don't worry, guys, it's just a phase. They'll give up the Biebs once they realize he'll soon be old enough to be a very young father.

    “Mainly CPU issues, as our engine didn’t scale for more than 2-4 cores. This required a change of threading architecture and many parts of the engine needed a rewrite,”

    Most games are made these days for quad cores, so it's not surprising that we're seeing a lot of reliance on the PC's lead as a development platform take a toll on some console ports.

    Hopefully, we won't see games made specifically for the PS4 and Xbox One get back-ported to PC in piss-poor form with righteously bad CPU optimizations, sort of like GTA IV. Anyone remember that mess when it first launched on PC? If you don't remember, then you were spared a nightmare no one should have to endure... it was most definitely worse than seeing Steven Seagal at a clothing optional beach in Rio de Janeiro.

    Shadow Warrior is due for release this summer on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It's already out and available for digital consumption for anyone with an able-bodied enough PC to run the game. Again, if you have 4GB of RAM and a quad-core processor, you're already eligible to enjoy the game in all its 60 frames-per-second glory.

    For more information on Shadow Warrior, feel free to pay a kind visit to the game's official website.

  16. pushmo_64379.jpg

    Not all of the news coming out of the Nintendo camp is about Mario Kart this week. For fans of the portable ’Mo games, Pushmo and Crashmo, for the 3DS, you should be excited to learn that the series is finally making the jump to home consoles with a June 19 launch of Pushmo World on the Wii U. To celebrate, those portable games we were just talking about are getting a nice discount.

    That’s right, Pushmo World is heading to the Wii U eShop in a few weeks, for the low-low price of $9.99, no less. According to the official announcement from Nintendo, World will once again task players with pushing, pulling and climbing all over a bunch of blocks in order to solve a brand new set of 250-plus puzzles.

    “What separates Pushmo World from the other games in the series, besides the crisp and colorful HD graphics and original puzzles, is the addition of world Pushmo Fair, an in-game hub that gives players an easy way to share and download new puzzles,” reads the statement from The Big N. “To celebrate the upcoming launch of Pushmo World, Nintendo is holding a special price promotion event in which Pushmo and Crashmo will be available at discounted prices…running through June 13.”

    Nintendo goes on to tout the game’s “fun for the whole family” vibe, with characters and aesthetics that kids will be able to get behind and increasingly difficult puzzles aimed at providing a challenge for gamers new and old. In Pushmo World, players will explore 3D environments overflowing with blocky-puzzles. What starts off as a simple series of pushing, pulling and climbing will evolve into a real mind-bender, as smaller conundrums give way to screen-filling puzzles that’ll require quite a bit of tinkering to figure out. Puzzles will also take on the form of familiar shapes, including everyday objects, animals and even some classic Nintendo characters.

    But you won’t need to dive in head first, as Pushmo World will also offer a collection of training puzzles to introduce new players to the various mechanics. And after you plow through the game’s developer-built puzzles, you’ll also be able to enjoy endless challenges through the World Pushmo Fair. That’s also where you’ll find access to the game’s Miiverse community, available from directly within the game.

    For those of you who are new to the series, but want to find out what it’s all about before the June 19 release of Pushmo World, simply jump on your 3DS and grab one of the earlier titles at a discounted price.

    Both the original Pushmo and Crashmo will be discounted for Nintendo’s portable console, resulting in a $4.69 price tag for the former and a $5.99 selling point for the latter.

  17. true_blood_64373.jpg

    Following up on the recently released poster for the seventh and final season of True Blood, HBO has released some details about the first two episodes of the season, including the major threat that's headed for Bon Temps and a mention of who is searching for Eric. Spoilers ahead!

    From the description for Season 7's premiere episode, "Jesus Gonna Be Here," it looks like a rogue of H-vamps (presumably, vampires with the hepatitis V virus) are looking for trouble at Bellefleur's. And there's a big plan in place...

    A band of rogue H-vamps crashes the vampire-human mixer at Bellefleur’s, with shocking results. As Sookie (Anna Paquin) seeks refuge from accusations that she’s somehow to blame for the chaos in Bon Temps, the “one vampire for every human” plan moves forward. In the face of a vigilante insurrection led by redneck Vince (Brett Rickaby), Bill (Stephen Moyer) receives aid from an unexpected source.

    I'm assuming that "one vampire for every human" is some kind of plot to even out the split between vampires and humans? If so, it sounds like a bad idea. Any time vampires talk about inching anywhere near the majority, they risk running out of food. If that's what the "one vampire for every human" plan involves, they might want to rethink it. But in terms of bringing horror and chaos to Bon Temps, that kind of effort could make for some suspenseful madness, whether it means turning a lot of humans to even out the population, or just killing them. It would explain some of the horrible images we saw in the trailer.

    There's also the mention of Bill receiving aid from an unexpected source. Who could it be?

    Speaking of Stephen Moyer, the actor also directed the first episode of the season, which was written by Angela Robinson.

    And for those who want to know what's coming up after the Season 7 premiere, here's the description for Episode 2 of Season 7, "I Found You":

    A trio of hostages taken in the Bellefleur’s attack looks to a familiar face as a possible liberator from the H-vamps. Sookie and Jason (Ryan Kwanten) visit the neighboring town of Saint Alice, where a young woman’s diary offers clues to the potential fate of Bon Temps. Spurned by Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis), a desperate Lettie Mae (Adina Porter) turns to Willa (Amelia Rose Blaire) to channel her family past. Vince whips his fellow vigilantes into a dangerous frenzy. Pam’s (Kristin Bauer van Straten) search for her maker leads her to a very familiar place.

    Pam is searching for Eric! That should be of some (major) relief to those who've been wondering whether or not we'll be seeing Eric again anytime soon. At the very least, Pam is looking for him, and HBO's release notes that "Eric's ultimate fate remained a mystery" at the end of Season 6, so there's hope. We know from what True Blood showrunner Brian Buckner said last summer that Skarsgard will be back as a series regular. The last we saw of Eric, he was looking very exposed on a mountaintop, soaking in some sun, which isn't usually a good thing for vampires. So what happened to him and if he didn't turn to dust or explode into a pile of goop, where is he now? That remains a mystery

    Here's who HBO has on the cast list for True Blood Season 7:

    Anna Paquin - Sookie
    Stephen Moyer - Bill
    Sam Trammell - Sam
    Ryan Kwanten - Jason
    Rutina Wesley - Tara
    Chris Bauer - Andy
    Kristin Bauer van Straten - Pam
    Amelia Rose Blaire - Willa
    Lauren Bowles - Holly
    Tara Buck - Ginger
    Gregg Daniel - Rev. Daniels
    Nelsan Ellis - Lafayette
    Aaron Christian Howles - Rocky
    Joe Manganiello - Alcide
    Noah Matthews - Wade
    Bailey Noble - Adilyn
    Nathan Parsons - James (previously played by Luke Grimes)
    Adina Porter - Lettie Mae
    Carrie Preston - Arlene
    Brett Rickaby - Vince
    Jurnee Smollett-Bell - Nicole
    Deborah Ann Woll - Jessica
    Karolina Wydra - Violet

    True Blood Season 7 premieres Sunday, June 22 on HBO. The DVD set for Season 6 arrives June 3.

  18. saturday_night_live_64365.jpg

    Really, why hasn't Adam Sandler ever hosted Saturday Night Live? Oftentimes, when a cast member leaves and goes on to get even more famous than the long-running sketch comedy series has already made them, they come back to host an episode. Adam Sandler never has. So why not? "Why should I?" is Sandler's recent response to that question. From his comments to Norm Macdonald, it doesn't sound like Sandler has any interest in hosting SNL any time soon.

    (Via EW), Adam Sandler sat with Norm Macdonald for an episode of his podcast Norm MacDonald Live and among the topics of discussion was why Sandler hasn't returned to SNL to host an episode. You can watch this portion of the discussion about about the 17-minute mark:

    Let's just look at the thread of topics here because the conversation plays out a lot less like an interview than it does two friends just chatting about work and the business and all that. The conversation inches closer to the topic of SNL bit by bit. First, they're talking about Marv Albert, which segues into Norm Macdonald revealing that Adam Sandler once advised him not to hurt people's feelings when he did the news -- presumably Weekend Update -- and Adam Sandler jumps in from there to note that David Spade and Robert Smigel "don't realize they're hurting people's feelings." Wait, seriously?.

    And that brings Macdonald to saying that it's a famous story that "Eddie won't do the show because of Spade." Sandler seems to think Eddie Murphy has let that grudge go by now. And that's where the conversation leads to Macdonald asking Sandler why he won't host the show.

    "Why should I?" Sandler responds. "How good would it would be? I'm slow now." He goes on to say that "There are guys who love doing it, who are great at doing it. I just don't know how good I'd be doing it. I did what I could do on that show."

    It's hard to know how to take Sandler's comments. At face value, it seems he just doesn't think he has anything left to offer the sketch comedy series. But maybe there's more to the situation than that? As Macdonald brings up, there were reports that Sandler was actually fired from Saturday Night Live, along with Chris Farley. It's hard to understand how that could even happen, considering how increasingly popular they were in 1995, the final year of their SNL run. 1995 was also the last year for Mike Myers and Kevin Nealon. Some would probably still argue that the show hasn't ever been as good since. Personally, I wouldn't go that far, especially when we consider that 1995 was the first year for Will Ferrell, Darrell Hammond, Colin Quinn, Cheri Oteri and Molly Shannon. SNL will always have its ups and downs as it relates to both its writing and its cast, but the Sandler/Farley years were among the series' ultimate high-points.

    Chris Farley and Mike Myers both returned to host in 1997. David Spade hosted in 1998. Norm Macdonald hosted in 1999. So where's Adam Sandler? When Sandler first said "Why should I?" in response to Macdonald's question, I honestly thought he was about to reveal a grudge he has against the series. Then he goes on to talk about himself, so maybe not, but that doesn't entirely explain why he's never hosted SNL. Not just now or recently, but anytime in the last 19 years? He's done so many movies and he definitely didn't peak with Saturday Night Live, so it's a little odd that he never made his way back onto the show. But if it's simply a matter of him not being up for it then it's just as well. Hosting a live comedy show is probably a major challenge, and not something that can be done well if it's done halfway. Still, it's hard not to wonder what an Adam Sandler episode of Saturday Night Live would be like today.

  19. sons_of_anarchy_64384.jpg

    On May 28, filming began on FX’s down and dirty biker drama Sons of Anarchy, which probably means the effects team has already gone through about two gallons of blood and two or three fake corpses. Luckily, this means casting news is revving up, and it looks like a new sheriff is coming to Charming, California, and her name is Annabeth Gish.

    Well, the sheriff’s name is actually Althea Jarry – which sounds like a Mad Magazine riff on a real name – but it’s Gish that will be playing her. The actress is already familiar with FX’s dark brand of storytelling, as she plays the immigrant-transporting Charlotte Millwright in the Americanized remake of The Bridge. Now, I’m not trying to downplay the actress’ strengths or anything, but how can she possibly give this character a fighting chance against the powers that be within SAMCRO? I mean, even even CCH Pounder got lost in the mix in Season 6.

    According to TVLine, Jarry worked for years with the Organized Crime Unit in Stockton, where the series’ prison is set. Her first duty as sheriff is tracking down whoever murdered former Sheriff Eli Roosevelt and Jax’s wife Tara. Viewers, of course, know exactly who the culprits were, though it’s not clear whether Jarry will be looking for one or two suspects.

    Unsurprisingly, she’ll soon figure out that the only way to make her life easier is to work with the Sons and do some things their way. But, to be expected, she’s no doormat and she’s written a few rules of her own. Considering the first sheriff, Wayne Unser, got cancer and is generally a misery-filled person, and the second one got shot, I’m not entirely sure what Jarry’s chances are in making it to the end of the season. It’s not the happiest job in the world.


    Gish, who you might remember from Mystic Pizza and SLC Punk, has had a steady television career over the years, starring in shows like The X-Files and Pretty Little Liars. Her biggest standout role to date was as the steely Eileen Caffee on Showtime’s Brotherhood, and she’s recently appeared on series such as Parenthood and Betrayal. As far as features go, she’ll soon be seen in Kyle Wilamowski’s directorial debut Grass Stains and Oculus director Mike Flanagan’s next thriller Somnia.

    Gish is the second casting announcement made today, and follows the antichrist superstar himself Marilyn Manson, who is joining Sons of Anarchy as a white supremacist Stockton inmate who helps Jax out with some thangs. Can we look forward to anyone else joining the cast? Ron Perlman returning as Clay’s ghost?

    The seventh and final season of Sons of Anarchy starts this September on FX.

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