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Posts posted by SaP

  1. New RFS for September 26 - October 3

    Kelby Training - Terry White - Using the iPad in Your Photography Workflow


    The iPad has taken the world by storm and has increasingly become a useful addition to a digital photography workflow. Join Terry White, worldwide Creative Suite Design Evangelist for Adobe Systems, as he walks through the various iPad apps he uses in each stage of his photographic workflow.

    Get It Here:


    Pluralsight - Inside Strategies for Growing Your Userbase

    Jesse Stay, author of this course, created his first app with visions of getting a lot of users and making a lot of money, only to get there and realize he didn't know what to do to get those users. This course follows Jesse's adventures to grow those users and shares many lesser-known secrets that give developers the advantage over marketers in promoting their apps. This course will teach you everything you need to know to promote your app and grow a userbase in the thousands to millions.

    Get It Here:


    Lynda.com - Website Management for Musicians and Bands


    Many musicians want to expose their music to the world, but don't give their website—the keystone in a music marketing strategy—the attention it deserves. In this course, Bobby Owsinski draws on his years of experience running a blockbuster music blog and shows you how to design a website that will better promote and sell your music.

    Get It Here:


    creativeLIVE - Tamara Lackey - Work, Life, Balance


    Like many of you, Tamara Lackey knows exactly how it feels to juggle the ALL of work and life – for her, it means parenting three active kids and having a relationship with her husband while running two businesses, shooting portraits, recording shows, writing and teaching.

    Get It Here:


    American Masters - George Lucas: Heroes, Myths, and Magic (1993)


    Interviews with Joseph Campbell, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, Ron Howard and Harrison Ford highlight this overview of George Lucas' filmmaking career, with scenes from his films THX 1138, American Graffiti, the Star Wars (original) trilogy and other films he helped produce. Also includes some rare home movie footage of Lucas as a child.

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  2. It's Time To Say Goodbye

    Liebe Community,

    nach nun mehr als 10 Jahren Quorks-Geschichte ist jetzt leider die Zeit gekommen, an der wir uns von Euch verabschieden und den Trackerbetrieb fόr immer einstellen werden. Diese schmerzhafte Entscheidung ist weder spontan noch kurzfristig, sondern όber einen lÎŽngeren Zeitraum entstanden.

    Bei allen Teammitgliedern haben sich berufliche und familiÎŽre Situationen entwickelt, dass die Zeit, die ein gigantisches Projekt wie Quorks benφtigt, einfach nicht mehr aufzubringen ist. Die Verantwortung im privaten und beruflichen Umfeld ist nunmal wichtiger. Neue Mitglieder fόrs Team, welche sowohl mehr Zeit, als auch die FÎŽhigkeiten sowie unser 100%iges Vertrauen besitzen, konnten wir leider keine finden, weshalb wir dieses Projekt beenden mόssen.

    Die Nachfrage im Torrentbereich der letzten Jahre stagniert bzw. ist tendenziell rόcklÎŽufig. Viele User nutzen mittlerweile Streamdienste oder One-Click-Hoster, seien es legale oder nicht legale.

    Auch die Lage in dem Land, in welchem unser Server steht, ist aktuell etwas unόbersichtlich und nicht klar erkennbar, ob sich dort zukόnftig die GesetzmÎŽÎŻigkeiten und Handhabungen zum Thema Filesharing verÎŽndern werden.

    Aus diesen Grόnden sehen wir keine Zukunft mehr fόr Quorks als Tracker. Es bleibt uns also nur einen wόrdigen und sicheren Schlussstrich zu ziehen.

    Ihr habt nun etwa 48 Stunden Zeit einen letzten Blick auf Euer Userprofil zu werfen. Ihr kφnnt nur noch Euer eigenes Profil einsehen, um Euch fόr Euer Familienalbum oder eine Bewerbung auf einem anderen Tracker einen Screenshot anzufertigen. Bitte vergesst auch nicht, sÎŽmtliche Graphiken, Bilder und Avatare von unserem Pic-Hoster zu sichern. Um Eure Daten mόsst Ihr Euch selbstverstÎŽndlich keine Sorgen machen. WÎŽhrend diese Webseite angezeigt wird, werden die Datenbanken und Backups sicher auf den verschlόsselten Platten gelφscht.

    Wir mφchten uns bei der Community fόr die groÎŻartige Zeit recht herzlich bedanken! Besonders bei jenen, die den Tracker stÎŽndig mit Daten versorgten und all jenen, die den Usern bei Problemen kompetent Hilfe anboten. Und natόrlich bei allen Seedern und Leechern. Ohne Euch hÎŽtte der Tracker niemals in solcher GrÏ†ÎŻe und Fόlle wachsen kφnnen. Wir hatten superviel SpaÎŻ mit Euch und der Arbeit am Tracker und wir werden dieses Projekt im Herzen behalten, fόr immer! Vielen Dank!

    Alles Gute

    Euer Quorks-Staff

    It's Time To Say Goodbye
    Dear Community,
    Now after more than 10 years history Quorks the time is now come unfortunately, where we say goodbye to you and the Tracker operation fόr are always set. This painful decision is neither spontaneous nor short, but emerged όber a lÎŽngeren period.
    When all team members are professional and familiÎŽre situations have developed, that the time benφtigt ​​a gigantic project like Quorks, is simply no longer apply. The responsibility in private and professional environment is important now times. New members fόrs team, which have both more time and the FÎŽhigkeiten and our 100% confidence, we could not find any, so we mόssen finish this project.
    Demand in the Torrent area in recent years has stagnated or tends rόcklÎŽufig. Many users are now using streaming services or One-Click-Hoster, be it legal or not legal.
    The situation in the country in which our server is located is currently somewhat unόbersichtlich and no clear indication of whether the zukόnftig GesetzmÎŽÎŻigkeiten and manipulations are there verÎŽndern relating to file sharing.
    For these Grόnden we see no future fόr Quorks as Tracker. It remains to consider only one wόrdigen and safe final stroke us.
    You now have about 48 hours a last look at your user profile toss. Your kφnnt only see your own profile to fόr your family album or an application on another tracker to make you a screenshot. Please also do not forget to secure sÎŽmtliche graphics, images and avatars of our Pic-Hoster. To Your old data mόsst you selbstverstÎŽndlich worry. Those used during this web page is displayed, the databases and backups are secure gelφscht on the verschlόsselten plates.
    We mφchten the community fόr the groÎŻartige time to thank! Especially for those who stÎŽndig with data supplied to the tracker and all those who competently offered their assistance to users with problems. And our Tavern at all seeders and leechers. Without you, the Tracker hÎŽtte never grow in such GrÏ†ÎŻe and Fόlle kφnnen. We had an absolute SpaÎŻ with you and work on the tracker and we will keep this project in the heart, always fόr! Many thanks!
    All the best
    Your Quorks-Staff

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  3. U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams has ordered Warner Bros. to unseal documentation detailing its flawed anti-piracy technology. The records are part of the now closed case between Hotfile and the MPAA, and are expected to shed some light on the movie studio's inaccurate takedown policy.


    Three years ago file-hosting service Hotfile countersued Warner Bros., accusing the movie studio of repeatedly abusing the DMCA takedown process.

    Hotfile alleged that after giving Warner access to its systems, the studio removed hundreds of files that weren’t theirs, including games demos and Open Source software.

    The case was poised to reveal how Warner Bros. anti-piracy system works and what mistakes were made by the movie studio. But last November, a few weeks before the trial was due to begin, the case was closed as part of a settlement between Hotfile and the MPAA.

    The decision was a disappointment to the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) whoasked the court to unseal documents regarding Warner’s alleged abuse. According to the group, the public has the right to know what mistakes Warner made.

    Warner Bros. objected to this request, arguing that the effectiveness of their anti-piracy technology would be undermined by a public disclosure. The movie studio asked the Court to permanently seal the records, but during an oral hearing this week U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams denied this request.

    The Judge ordered Warner Bros. to hand over some of the information within ten days, and come up with a schedule for the release of all relevant documents. According to Judge Williams the public has the right to see how Warner Bros. handles DMCA takedown requests.

    The EFF is happy with the ruling, and says it will help legislators to refine and improve the current DMCA process. This year both the Patent and Trademark Office and the U.S. House Judiciary Committee have looked into possible changes to the current process.

    “More information about how the DMCA process has been abused – particularly through automated takedown systems with inadequate human review – will help us improve it, and hold people responsible when they use this powerful tool of censorship abusively or without caution,” EFF’s Mitch Stoltz says in a comment.

    “The sealed documents from the Hotfile case will help,” he adds.

    While it’s too late for Hotfile, it is definitely valuable to see what how Warner Bros. made its mistakes and how their piracy takedown technology is set up.

    “We’re pleased that Judge Williams preserved the public’s right to open court proceedings here, and we are looking forward to a close analysis of the Warner documents when they are released,” Stoltz concludes.


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  4. As the hacking trial of Gottfrid Svartholm and his alleged accomplice continues in Denmark, IT experts have been giving evidence. The prosecution says that IP addresses used in this attack were also used in previous ones involving the Pirate Bay founder, while the defense insists remote attackers are the culprits.


    The hacking trial of Gottfrid Svartholm and his alleged 21-year-old Danish accomplice continued this week in Copenhagen, Denmark. While Gottfrid is well known as a founder of The Pirate Bay, his co-defendant’s identity is still being kept out of the media.

    In what’s being described as the largest case of its kind ever seen in the Scandinavian country, both stand accused of hacking computer mainframes operated by US IT giant CSC. This week various IT experts have been taking the stand.

    On Tuesday, IT investigator Flemming GrĂžnnemose appeared for the third time and stated that during the summer and fall of 2012, Swedish police had tipped off Danish police about possible hacker attacks against CSC.

    According to DR.dk, as part of Grþnnemose’s questioning Gottfrid’s lawyer Luise Hþj raised concerns over a number of changes that had taken place on her client’s computer since it had been taken into police custody.

    GrĂžnnemose admitted that when police installed programs of their own onto the device, security holes which could have been exploited for remote control access could have been closed. However, it appears police also have an exact copy of the machine in an unmodified state.

    Further evidence centered around the IP addresses that were traced during the attacks. IP addresses from several countries were utilized by the attackers including those in Cambodia, Germany, Iran, Spain and the United States. German police apparently investigated the local IP address and found that it belonged to a hacked server in a hosting facility.

    The server had not been rented out for long, but was still on and had been taken over by hackers, Grþnnemose said. According to the prosecution, the same server also featured in last year’s Logica case in Sweden. Gottfrid was found guilty in that case and sentenced to two years in jail.

    Another IT expert called to give evidence on the same day was Allan Lund Hansen who had examined the files found on Gottfrid’s computer. Those files, garnered from the CSC hack, contained thousands of names, addresses and social security numbers of Danish citizens. Since the files were in an encrypted folder along with data from earlier attacks on IT company Logica and the Nordea bank, the prosecution are linking the files to Gottfrid.

    On Thursday, DR.dk reported that the debate over Gottfrid’s computer being remotely controlled continued. Previously Jacob Appelbaum argued that an outside attacker could have used the machine to carry out the attacks but defense experts from the Center for Cyber ​​Security disputed that.

    This week Thomas Krismar from the Center said that Python scripts found on Gottfrid’s computer were able to carry out automated tasks but in this case remote control was unlikely to be one of them.

    “There are two characteristics we always look for when we try to discover remote control features. The first is one that starts automatically when you turn on your computer since the attacker will always try to maintain their footing on the computer. The second is one that ‘phones home’ to indicate that it is ready to receive commands,” Krismar said.

    The script in question on Gottfrid’s machine needed to be started manually and did not attempt to make contact with anything on the web, the expert said.

    Also appearing Thursday were further witnesses including Joachim Persson of Stockholm police who investigated Gottfrid’s computers after his arrest in Cambodia.

    Persson said he found a tool known as Hercules, a sophisticated piece of software that emulates the kind of systems that were hacked at CSC. Persson did note, however, that such tools have legitimate uses for those learning how to operate similar systems.

    The trial continues.


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  5. BeyondHD Lotto


    BeyondHD very first monthly Lotto draw!
    Available to classes Member +. Lotto can be found in profile/links/lotto.

    So stock up on BP for the end of the month lotto draw the prize pool will grow each month.
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  6. New NLP Books GB! @ 2014-09-26 08:46:07 GMT

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  7. In a surprise move Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke has released a new album, not through the regular channels, but via BitTorrent. Yorke is not sharing his work for free though, instead he's selling the album via a new paywalled torrent format which can't be shared with non-paying fans.

    Radiohead’s Tom Yorke has been very critical of new music services such as Spotify. Last year he pulled his music from the popular streaming service claiming that “new artists get paid fuck all.”

    Yorke would like to see more money flowing to the artists and in an effort to accomplish this goal he has teamed up with BitTorrent Inc.

    The San-Francisco company has experimented with artist bundles for a while and together with Yorke they have now launched their first paywalled torrent. After paying $6, fans can download Yorke’s “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes” album via a protected torrent file.

    “It’s an experiment to see if the mechanics of the system are something that the general public can get its head around,” Thom Yorke and Nigel Godrich write in a joint statement.

    “If it works well it could be an effective way of handing some control of internet commerce back to people who are creating the work. Enabling those people who make either music, video or any other kind of digital content to sell it themselves. Bypassing the self elected gate-keepers,” they add.

    In recent years BitTorrent Inc. has been working very hard to show that its technology can be used for more than “piracy” and today’s bundle is a prime example. After releasing various free samples from other artists, Yorke’s full album is definitely a breakthrough.

    The paywall and other restrictions are not something traditional BitTorrent users are used to, but it’s a necessary “evil” to draw mainstream artists to the model.

    BitTorrent Inc. emphasizes that the album itself is DRM-free but that the torrents do have copy protection. This means that people can’t easily share them with others who haven’t paid.

    “BitTorrent Bundles features protected torrents, limiting the number of times a torrent can be downloaded. While Bundle content is DRM-free, torrents are protected with this new way of managing how often a Bundle is downloaded,” BitTorrent Inc. notes.

    This works very much like private trackers, where only members can share files with each other. With the “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes” torrent those who pay are a “member” and only they can share the file.

    It will be interesting to see if other artists are also willing to join the experiment. A full album for $6 definitely sounds like a fair price and the artists get to keep most of the cash. BitTorrent Inc. says it currently gets 10% of the revenue for enabling the distribution.

    Perhaps unsurprisingly, several unauthorized torrents without a paywall are also doing the rounds on various torrent sites. The good news is, however, that the paywalled version currently has more people sharing than the pirated one.

    Those interested in Thom Yorke’s “Tomorrow’s Modern Boxes” can grab a copy here.


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  8. A new study published by research firm KPMG reveals that only 16% of the most popular and critically acclaimed films are available via Netflix and other on-demand subscription services. The study, which reveals that availability through other platforms is excellent, is praised by the MPAA, but the big elephant in the room is conveniently ignored.


    There is little doubt that, in the United States, Netflix has become the standard for watching movies on the Internet.

    The subscription service is responsible for a third of all Internet traffic during peak hours, dwarfing that of online piracy and other legal video platforms.

    It’s safe to assume that Netflix is the best and most convenient alternative to piracy at this point. That is, if the service carries the movies people want to see. This appears to be a problem.

    Research firm KPMG has just released a new study that looks at the online availability of the 808 most popular and critically acclaimed films. The study was commissioned by NBC Universal and praised by the MPAA, presumably to dispel the argument that many people pirate because they don’t have the option to watch some films legally.

    “This first-of-its-kind report analyzed the availability of 808 different film titles over 34 major online video distribution services and found that 94 percent of the films were available on at least one service,” MPAA’s Chris Dodd commented on the study.

    The MPAA is right that most of the movies are available through online stores and rental services. However, the Hollywood group conveniently ignores the lacking availability on popular subscription platforms which services such as Netflix and Hulu use.

    This is not a minor oversight as the study finds that availability of top films on Netflix and other subscription services is very low.

    Although KPMG decided not to mention it in the executive summary of the report, the findings show that only 16% of the films are available through on-demand subscription services (SOVD).

    Availability of the top films

    The above sheds a different light on the availability argument. Because, what good is it if 94 percent of the films are available online, but (at least) 84% are missing from the most-used movie service?

    After all, most people prefer to get their movies in one place as it’s not very convenient to use a few dozen services to get your movie fix.

    Of course this is not an excuse for people to go out and download films without permission, and we have to admit that a lot of progress has been made on the availability side in recent years. However, Hollywood can definitely learn from the music industry, where most of the popular content is available through subscription services.

    From the availability point of view there’s another issue worth pointing out. The most pirated titles are usually recent releases, and these are generally not available, not even through iTunes, Amazon or rental services.

    This is also illustrated in the KPMG report which shows that 100% of the top 2012 films are available online, compared to 77% of the 2013 releases. It’s probably safe to say that the majority of all pirated downloads are of films that are not yet legally available.

    In other words, there’s still plenty of improvement possible.


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  9. The parent company of luxury watch maker Cartier is trying to expand the grounds on which websites can be censored in the UK. In an action against the country's leading ISPs, Richemont International is seeking an injunction to have sites displaying pirated brand logos blocked at the ISP level.


    The UK is now one of the easiest countries in the world to obtain a website blocking injunction on copyright grounds. While much work had to be done initially, having websites filtered out by the leading ISPs is now a streamlined and largely closed-door practice.

    Child protection issues aside, up until now it has been copyright holders leading the charge for websites to be blacked out. Dozens of sites are affected, with the majority of the world’s leading file-sharing portals now inaccessible by regular means. If the parent company of luxury watchmaker Cartier has its way, soon a new and potentially more widespread wave of website blockades will begin.

    Compagnie FinanciĂšre Richemont S.A. owns several well-known luxury brands including Cartier and Mont Blanc. For some time it has been trying to pressure sites offering counterfeits into closing down, but without success. Mirroring the tactics being employed by the studios and recording labels, Richemont has essentially given up on that approach and has decided to take legal action ISPs instead.

    In March 2014, Richemont reportedly wrote to the country’s leading ISPs (Sky, TalkTalk, BT, Virgin Meda, EE, Telefonica (O2)) complaining that third party sites were engaged in illegal activity and were displaying pirated logos which infringe on Richemont trademarks.

    In May the ISPs responding by telling the company that it had not done enough to have the sites close down, such as contacting their webhosts to have service discontinued. The ISPs also complained that by blocking the websites there was a chance that legitimate trade could be affected. An unfair financial burden for the ISPs was also a probability, particularly given the number of likely copycat requests if the application was successful.

    While it appears the ISPs are putting up more of a fight in this case than they did with entertainment company blocking requests, those were actioned under copyright law where injunctions against service providers are catered for. UK trademark law has no such direct provision.

    The case, which is now being heard at the High Court, has attracted the attention of the Open Rights Group. ORG says it takes no view on the merits of the case, but has been given permission to intervene in order to raise awareness over the possibility that third party interests could be affected if blocking injunctions are granted.

    “As the court is being asked to extend the circumstances in which blocking orders are granted, it’s vital that the wider public interest is taken into account. We hope that our intervention will help ensure that future claimants cannot use blocking orders to restrict legitimate activity or free speech,” says ORG Legal Director Elizabeth Knight.

    ORG says its concern is that if Geneva-based Richemont are successful, further applications could be made which are contrary to public interest. These could include blocking sites that use logos to legitimately criticize or parody well known brands

    “Court blocking orders may also affect commercial third parties who have no involvement in any alleged infringement – for example law abiding businesses whose products appear on websites alongside those of companies involved in infringing activity,” the group says.

    It remains to be seen how smoothly the process pans out, but there could be interesting side effects. Entertainment industry companies and artists also own plenty of trademarks that are often displayed on ‘pirate’ websites. If the trademark route proves a simple one, that could end up being their chosen path for future blocking requests.

    Mr Justice Arnold has requested submissions on how third party rights could be affected if injunctions are granted. ORG will ensure he gets the message.


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  10. HDFrench-Zoniens,

    Un futur tracker est en préparation. Il ne possÚdera pas de shoutbox. Nous allons à la place utiliser un serveur de discussion instantanée "plus sophistiqué". Nous avons pour ambition d'installer un serveur XMPP ou un IRC. Pour avoir plus d'info sur le sujet et en discuter c'est par ici.
    Pour voter : juste en dessous de cette news ! Concertation à titre informatif et non décisionnel

    Le Tracker est en standby en attendant l'arrivée d'un nouveau tracker. Par conséquent le systÚme de points et les compteurs seeders/leechers, notamment, sont désactivés. Pour plus d'info, rapprochez-vous de ce sujet (liste des bugs actuels dans le premier post).

    L'ensemble des torrents du tracker est toujours en FreeLeech smile1.gif

    HDFrench-zones', A Future tracker is in preparation. He does not possess the shoutbox. We will instead use a server "more sophisticated" Chatterbox. We aim to install an XMPP server or IRC. For more info on the topic and discuss what is here.For vote: just below this post! Consultation for informational and non-decisional Tracker is on standby awaiting the arrival of a new tracker. Therefore the points system and / counters seeders leechers particular are disabled. For more info, move closer to the subject (list of current bugs in the first post) .L'ensemble torrent tracker is still FreeLeech

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  11. Hi Raiders,

    The site cannot survive without donations to pay for the seedboxes that RTN's bot uses to upload here.
    Please donate and support RTN and help us get 100% donations this month or the upload bot will be switched off at the end of the month!
    Come on Raiders show us some love and support RTN.

    Big thanks to those who have stepped up and donated this month you know who you are smile1.gif

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  12. The makers of The Expendables 3 are still hoping to catch the person who leaked the movie weeks in advance of its official premiere. Movie studio Lionsgate is now collaborating with the owner of file-sharing service Swankshare and hopes that server logs will help to identify the source of the leak.


    Over the past two months movie studio Lionsgate has rolled out an unprecedented anti-piracy campaign to stop people from sharing leaked copies of The Expendables 3.

    Aside from dragging six file-sharing sites to court, Lionsgate sent out hundreds of thousands of takedown notices to websites that linked to pirated copies of the leaked movie.

    While this campaign had some success, the studio has yet to identify who first published the leaked copy online. In a new court request filed at a California federal court Lionsgate states that the weblogs of file-hosting service Swankshare.com may provide more details.

    Swankshare is one of the sites that was targeted in Lionsgate’s lawsuit. Following a preliminary injunction the site’s servers were taken down by its hosting company FDCServers. However, the Expendables makers now want to gain access to the server logs to see who uploaded the leaked copy of the film.

    “Lions Gate is informed and believes that as the website host for Swankshare, FDCServers is likely to have weblogs and other data evidencing traffic on Swankshare that will be useful to Lions Gate in its investigation of the source of the infringement at issue in this lawsuit,” Lionsgate’s lawyers inform the court.

    The request suggests that there is reason to believe that Swankshare may have been used by the initial leaker. However, it’s currently unknown whether the movie studio has any concrete leads to proof this or if it’s merely grasping at straws.

    Lionsgate’s request

    The court filing also shows that the movie studio has been able to track down the owner of Swankshare, Mr. Lucas Lim. They are currently trying to resolve their dispute, and as part of these discussions Mr. Lim agreed that Lionsgate can access the sites server logs.

    “Lions Gate and Mr. Lim have discussed whether a resolution of the dispute between them might be possible, and to further those discussions Mr. Lim has stipulated that Lions Gate may seek authority from the Court to serve a subpoena on FDCServers for the production of weblogs and other data evidencing traffic on Swankshare,” they explain.

    Hosting provider FDCServers is willing to cooperate but requested clarification from the court that it’s permitted to grant access to the servers, as they were ordered to take them offline in the previous injunction.

    Whether the server logs will indeed expose the initial leaker has yet to be seen, but Lionsgate has clearly not given up the effort to track down the source.

    Meanwhile, the movie studio continues to stop the distribution of The Expendables 3 via various file-sharing sites.

    Earlier this week the court approved a request to add Limetorrents.net and Torrentdownload.biz to the injunction as these sites are connected to the owner of Limetorrents.com. Both sites currently remain online but no longer list any copies of Expendables 3.


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  13. After Rupert Murdoch's News Corp branded Google a "platform for piracy" last week, Google has today returned fire. The search giant says that after removing 222 million pages from search results and investing tens of millions in technology, almost no other company has done more to tackle online piracy.


    In an open letter to the European competition commissioner earlier this month, News Corp CEO Robert Thomson was highly critical of Google.

    Thompson began by speaking warmly of Google’s roots as a “wonderfully feisty” Silicon Valley startup, but that developed into warnings over its immense power today as an “often unaccountable bureaucracy”. And, as is so often the case with Google’s rivals, matters soon turned to Google’s attitudes towards online piracy.

    “The shining vision of Google’s founders has been replaced by a cynical management, which offers advertisers impressively precise data about users and content usage, but has been a platform for piracy and the spread of malicious networks, all while driving more traffic and online advertising dollars to Google,” Thompson said.

    The News Corp statement was never likely to go unanswered and today Google officially returned fire.

    “Google has done more than almost any other company to help tackle online piracy,”said Rachel Whetstone, Google’s senior vice president of global communications.

    “In 2013 we removed 222 million web pages from Google Search due to copyright infringement. The average take-down time is now just six hours,” she added.

    The SVP also underlined Google’s earlier assertions that sites found to repeatedly violate copyright get downgraded in search rankings. It’s something the movie studios and record labels have being demanding for some time but although Google insists it delivers, few content creators appear pleased with the results.

    On YouTube, however, things play out somewhat differently. Whetstone reminded News Corp that Google has spent tens of millions of dollars developing technology such as its ContentID, a system that not only combats piracy but enables creators to monetize their content.

    And hitting back at the accusation that Google has been a platform for the spread of malicious networks, Whetstone said the company is committed to protecting its users’ security.

    “It’s why we remove malware from our search results and other products, and protect more than 1 billion users every day from phishing and malware with our Safe Browsing warnings,” she said.

    In response to News Corp accusations that Google undermines the business models of high quality content creators with “egregious aggregation”, Whetstone said that the days of news being controlled by a small number of media organizations were over.

    “Today, people have far greater choice. That has had a profound impact on newspapers, who face much stiffer competition for people’s attention and for advertising Euros,” the SVP said.

    “Google has worked hard to help publishers succeed online — both in terms of generating new audiences and also increasing their digital revenues. Our search products drive over 10 billion clicks a month to 60,000 publishers’ websites, and we share billions of dollars annually with advertising publishing partners.”

    Finally, in a moment of comedy but with a serious point, Whetston held up a mirror to News Corp in response to its argument that Google’s actions could lead to “a less informed, more vexatious level of dialogue in our society” and only add to “the intemperate trends we are already seeing in much of Europe.”

    By linking to an image of a front page published by Murdoch’s ‘The Sun’ tabloid, Google makes clear that if you’re going to criticize others, getting your own house in order should always come first.


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  14. Meter Update!

    First let me say that I'm truly sorry for the discrepancy we had yesterday on the funding meter as many of you are aware of. This was my fault and I apologize to everyone. Now let me explain the 2 hiccups we've had since launching the meter itself.

    1. The first one wasn't actually a hiccup, but rather an adjustment we needed to make to compensate for our main server blade that blew up a week ago or so. This was a unexpected failure and why we run hardware promos/fundraisers outside of the normal monthly coverage ones, although those support promos also have to cover that months overhead as it would be pointless to run 2 separate ones in the same month with normally having trouble just getting the site itself funded. This is additional monies that are needed every once in while that we can't normally set aside from normal monthly support.

    2. The second one happened yesterday and was total human error on my part. For that, again, I apologize and shouldn't ever be a re-occurring incident, as I would like to think I learn from my mistakes. I simply had inputted the wrong number where it shouldn't have been. The number that was supplied was a projected number, based on the current pace of support we have this month. Meaning if we stayed on course based on what we currently achieved, we would end the month at almost 75% of total cost. This also tells everyone from my mistake, that we're currently behind 25% of what we need this month to stay on par.

    I would like to add however, that mistakes and perception from our community's standpoint are 2 of the biggest reasons we've never ran a meter of any sort. Having said that, we're committed, for better or worse, in making every one of you more connected with site issues and keeping the average member informed of more site business that ever before; as you can clearly see from the latest post from our owner, the funding meter, and from the changes we're trying to implement that has been suggested and/or requested directly from our members.

    While we can't disclose everything, we'll do our best in allowing you more information; so you can be more attentive to site issues, and can feel more apart of your site than in the past.

    Thank you all for your commitments and dedications for us all here at Bitsoup. We couldn't do it without you and hope we all can continue for years to come. I was gonna release this yesterday when the mistake was caught, but thought 2 announcements were already enough. (we don't like them either, but unfortunately necessary)

    Example: Once the announcements were made, we gained more donations in 15 minutes than the entire day before. Some say the announcements are excessive and we agree, but they also prove time and time again, it's the only way to gain ground on monthly cost. It only takes 10-12hrs or so to see donations drop off the grid entirely until the next announcement. This isn't coincidence and until we change our mindset on the overall support picture, it seems to be the only thing that works. I for one would like to see this change for the better as it would benefit everyone.

    -On Behalf of the Bitsoup Staff-

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