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  1. metal_gear_solid_43296.jpg

    With films like Guardians of the Galaxy, Jurassic World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier being made by names like James Gunn, Colin Trevorrow and Joe and Anthony Russo, a pattern has quickly developed in Hollywood where big blockbuster movies are being made by non-blockbuster directors. That pattern is growing deeper today, as one of the most anticipated upcoming video game adaptations is now in talks with a filmmaker who only made his feature debut last year. Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who broke out in a big way in 2013 with his indie hit The Kings of Summer, is now in negotiations to helm the upcoming Metal Gear Solid film.
    Deadline broke the news of the burgeoning deal and adds that the project has been in development for a very, very long time. Buzz about the potential movie began all the way back in 2006, and while it looked like it had a chance to move forward in August 2012, that obviously never came to be. A big part of the problem was that the Metal Gear Solid game creators and Sony had trouble getting on the same page about the direction for the project, but apparently they have gotten over that hump.
    The video game franchise began all the way back in 1998 and was published by Konami for the first generation Playstation. The story follows a legendary solider named Solid Snake who specializes in infiltration and sabotage. Multiple games have been made for practically every platform over the years. The most recent release, Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, was released on March 18th of this year and as of April has sold over a million copies worldwide. To get an idea of what the Solid Snake looks like, take a gander at him in this screenshot:
    Vogt-Roberts is an interesting choice for the Metal Gear Solid directing gig not only because of his limited experience directing features but also because he is primarily known for his work in comedy. Before making The Kings of Summer, the filmmakers mostly worked on television comedies Single Dads, Funny or Die Presents, Death Valley and Mash Up. That said, The Kings of Summer was one of the best films of last year and the director showed great visual promise. I suspect Sony likes him because he comes from the indie world and knows how to work on a limited budget, but it will still be interesting to see what he can do with the blockbuster money they give him.
  2. robert_downey_jr_43293.jpg
    While Robert Downey Jr. is now easily one of the most beloved movie stars in the world, prior to taking on the role of Tony Stark in 2008's Iron Man the actor had a very different public image. Despite years and years of putting on fantastic performances in great films, the star was much better known for his drug and alcohol habits and as a result was considered by many in the studio system to be an extreme risk. Despite Downey Jr. cleaning up his act, this behavior continued all the way up until Marvel Studios began carving out plans for their Marvel Cinematic Universe - which is why Jon Favreau really had to go to bat for him in the casting process for Iron Man.
    Favreau opened up about casting Robert Downey Jr. during a recent interview with the Texas radio station 100.3 Jack FM, and revealed to the hosts that while Iron Man he brought up the idea of casting Downey Jr. in the lead role and was rejected multiple times. Despite all the negativity and wariness surrounding the suggestion, however, the director didn't take "no" for an answer and instead made it his responsibility to show the people at Marvel Studios that he knew exactly which actor he wanted to play the starring role. Said Favreau, "It was my job as a director to show that it was the best choice creatively…and now the Marvel Universe is the biggest franchise in film history."
    So why exactly did Favreau insist on having Downey Jr. as his Iron Man? The answer to that question has two parts. One half of it was what Favreau says is his "really special ability" to see talent in other people. The other half, though, was the fact that the director simply saw far too many similarities between the journey the character takes in the film and what his actor friend had gone through during his time on the big screen.
    “Everybody knew he was talented… Certainly by studying the Iron Man role and developing that script I realized that the character seemed to line-up with Robert in all the good and bad ways. And the story of Iron Man was really the story of Robert’s career.”
    Of course, Jon Favreau was eventually able to convince the folks at Marvel Studios that Robert Downey Jr. was the perfect Tony Stark, and it turned out to be one of the greatest decisions in blockbuster history. Not including The Avengers, the Iron Man franchise has made over $2.4 billion at the global box office, and there's no denying that a great deal of that success comes from the magnetism and charisma of the franchise's main star. Explained Favreau in summation, "That was a big gamble on whether or not he was really serious about it… and now history has definitely proven that he was dead serious about it and now he is the biggest star in the world."
  3. _1401815064.jpg

    With a movie as big as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a lot of details are kept under wraps for two important reasons: to build anticipation towards the film, and to keep the public guessing about the latest interpretation of their favorite characters. More often than not though, fans end up getting a peek of what's to come through concept art, leaked set photos, and sometimes the tie in products associated with the film. In the case of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, we haven't gotten a clear look at Shredder in full regalia or Splinter in his stoic splendor. Two of the most important characters to the Ninja Turtles mythos have been kept under wraps, at least they have until now.
    Idle Hands has provided us with the first look at the upcoming book Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History. The fan site snapped some photos of pages from that very book at this past weekend's Book Expo America event in New York, and most importantly among them was a first look at the mentor and tormentor of the Ninja Turtles.
    At the top of the page, you'll see Master Splinter, who is voiced in the film by Tony Shaloub. Splinter is the mentor to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as he adopts them and trains them in the martial arts. Master Splinter looks his most photo realistic in this film's incarnation, while maintaining a similar look to the original character with his classic red robe, bandages, and general facial structure. It's unknown at this point if his origin will remain the same as before, but if so then Splinter is a former disciple/creation of Hamato Yoshi, a ninja who is murdered by the man who would be Shredder, Oroku Saki. Judging by the casting, it's a good bet that the origin is going to change, so feel free to fire up your internet outrage in advance. Speaking of which, below you'll see the new concept for "The Shredder", who may have been renamed to reflect that casting.
    Played by William Fichtner, The Shredder is the man that helped create the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with the help of April O'Neil's (Megan Fox) father. At least, that's how the trailers make it sound. The Shredder's cape looks like it was furnished by Black And Decker, as it's taken a solid chain mail approach with accenting blades. Of course, the general gist of the costume is that of a samurai's armor, but with a lot of metal plating to protect and defend the wearer of the suit.
    On top of the photos they've managed to secure, Idle Hands has also provided the official synopsis of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History, which boils down to the following paragraph of details:
    In visually stunning detail, this book explores each iteration of the Turtles from the past to the present, including the hit animation show from Nickelodeon and the Michael Bay–produced live-action movie from Paramount starring Megan Fox. Bringing together the rarest art and artifacts from three decades of TMNT comics, TV shows, and films, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History leaves no shell unturned!

    The look of both Shredder and Splinter hint at reverence to the source material, with some deviation along the way to the finished product. With this book, you'll be able to trace the visual origins of the characters, up to and including Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and judge for yourself just how true the characters look to the original. Of course, there could be even more deviation, considering that these are pieces of concept art and not still photographs from the actual film. The critiques of die hard Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fans will be most interesting, and if anyone else wants to get in on the fun Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Ultimate Visual History will hit shelves at your favorite bookseller on June 24th, while Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles hits theaters on August 8th.

  4. robocop_43290.jpg

    Today sees the release of the RoboCop remake on Blu-ray and DVD, and to celebrate, RoboCop himself will be making an appearance in Detroit to throw the first pitch a the Tigers game. However, plans to unveil the crowd-funded RoboCop memorial statue have been postponed.
    ESPN reports the cyborg anti-hero RoboCop will be stepping onto the field at Comerica Park today to throw the first pitch as the Detroit Tigers host the Toronto Blue Jays. It's a part of the RoboCop Day celebration in Detroit, where both the remake and the original RoboCop were set. Adding to the fanfare, the motorcycle from the movie will be on display at the stadium, and the first 10,000 fans will be given a RoboCop poster as a free gift, with other surprises promised throughout the game.
    Though unspecified in the ESPN piece, it seems likely that it will be the revamped RoboCop of the 2014 version, not the 1987 version, that will be taking to the field today. After all, RoboCop's cameo at the game is meant to promote the remake's DVD release. Who will be filling out the suit is unknown, but as no mention is made of RoboCop 2014's star Joel Kinnaman in ESPN's article, we assume it won't be him.
    Compare the two looks of Peter Weller's 1987 RoboCop to Joel Kinnaman's 2014 RoboCop.
    RoboCop Day was meant to be a celebration that stretched beyond Comerica Park with the debut unveiling of a bronze statue commemorating the 1987 RoboCop. Following conflicting reports, Digital Trends contacted the actual Detroit Police Department to ask about the proposed event, and discovered they had been cancelled. No cause was given.
    Since then, Fox Home Entertainment has issued a press release that explains this is more a raincheck than a cancellation. The statement offers:
    "Please be advised, ROBOCOP’s Prime Directives have changed and today's scheduled presentation and statue announcement at the Detroit Police Department has been cancelled. We know that fans have been eagerly awaiting news on the effigy honoring one of Detroit’s finest and we look forward to sharing those details in the near future."
    The RoboCop statue began as a joke on Twitter, where the city's Mayor explained there were no plans for such a statue to be erected. This seemed like a great idea to many though, and soon a Kickstarter was kickstarted to make this ceremonial statue a reality. By May of 2013, the artist hired for the project was well into the construction of the huge full-bodied recreation of Peter Weller's 1987 RoboCop. At the time, it was estimated the project would be completed by the end of summer 2014. Of course, it's only the start of summer now, so while no official statement has been made about why the statue unveiling was called off, the simple answer could be it just wasn't ready for its big day.
    But RoboCop Day festivities will still extend beyond the Tigers game. 2014 RoboCop will be making other stops around Detroit.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cyjfRW4LtXg

    Above is the trailer to Hercules, a low-budget independent film about a group of toothpick salesmen who – aw, who are we kidding? It's The Rock punching things. Brett Ratner's big summer epic is nearing it's July 25th release date, which means this might be the final trailer to sell us all on the idea that any mythical beast would stand a chance against Dwayne Johnson in a fight.


    They've also released this fancy new poster, which goes out of it's way to emphasize that Dwayne Johnson is in this, and nothing else matters. Pushing Johnson's star power emphasizes that he's been in five films over the last four years to cross $100 million domestic, with a sixth one (Fast And Furious 7) coming next year. But those movies were all franchise pictures, sold on the premise instead of the presence of Johnson. Hercules marks the first time in aa while that he has been front-and-center in a big budget film, which feels overdue since he's clearly one of the most-liked celebrities in Hollywood.
    But is it enough? The trailer doesn't seem to sell much else besides the presence of Johnson. For one, the conflict is still unclear, so it just seems like a bunch of interconnected, and not particularly exciting-looking action sequences. For another, this is Johnson doing deadly serious, though he's often beloved for his smile and go-get-'em demeanor. His Hercules seems much quieter, more humble; the public's perception of Hercules has always been as a massive truck of a God, a man who could lift anything, fight anyone, and cackle his way to victory. Does this Hercules even look very different than this year's The Legend Of Hercules, which apparently came out earlier this year and had something called a Kellan Lutz?
    But, again, this is Hercules. This is a character who has a cinematic legacy bathed in glorious cheese, a character who was viewed as sort of cheerful cornball, even when Steve Reeves played him during the 1950s. This is a b-movie, absent of pretension, a rare commodity when our movies about giant monsters and flying people run two and a half hours long and attempt to say something about "our contemporary life."
    It's gonna be the end of July, it's going to be so hot your sweat beads will sweat, and you're going to want to sit in an air-conditioned theater and watch Ian McShane babble some listless exposition so that Hercules knows what three-headed monsters to punch. Sometimes life is simple. Sometimes all you need is Hercules.
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  7. race_43254.jpg

    Anthony Mackie is a busy man, but apparently he's not busy enough. With some spare time in-between Marvel movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier and his upcoming project with Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen, he's lined himself up to be in two different biopics. The first is Jimi, one of two upcoming biopics about famed guitarist Jimi Hendrix. The second, more recent project, is one that Mackie himself is developing and presenting to studios and will have him starring as famed Olympian Jessie Owens. While the project doesn't have a title as of yet, it does have two other films to compete with, and proves to be a golden opportunity for whomever gets it right.
    Deadline ran the story about how Anthony Mackie is teaming with writer Jamie Linden (who shares the film We Are Marshall as a common link between himself and Mackie) to co-produce a film from a script by writer George Olson. With three films on his plate, and this one aiming to start shooting this fall, Mackie is going to have a lot of of running to do before he stars in a movie where he'll literally have a lot of running to do. If Joss Whedon listens to his pleas and casts him in a role for The Avengers: Age Of Ultron, you may as well stop calling him The Falcon and start calling him The Flash.
    If there were an actor that could be sympathetic to Anthony Mackie's workload, it would have to be up and comer John Boyega, who in addition to featuring in the current run of 24: Live Another Day has landed himself a part in J.J. Abrams' new independent science fiction drama Star Wars: Episode VII. In fact, if it weren't for the length of time and commitment that project requires, Boyega might have been racing Mackie to the finish line in Race. The Wrap reports that Race is currently being looked over by Focus Features as a possible distributor, and Steven James (who is also set to star in the civil rights drama Selma) has filled the title role of the Olympian who defied Adolf Hitler himself by winning four gold medals at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.
    The race to make a film about racing against race is on. (Say that five times fast.) There's no clear winner as to who will get the head start, but if the films are staggered enough, we may see very different films and with great actors nominated for the various awards that a biopic like this tend to attract. No release dates have been set, but you can next see Steven James in When The Game Stands Tall and Anthony Mackie in A Many Splendored Thing. John Boyega, as mentioned previously, is hard at work on Star Wars: Episode VII.
  8. josh_brolin_43252.jpg

    Next year just added a new must-see movie to its lineup: the thriller Sicario. This film, directed by Denis Villeneuve, stars Emily Blunt as a cop who recruits two tough mercenaries on a journey into Mexico to stop a drug lord. Earlier, Benicio Del Toro signed on to the project, and now another heavy hitter is about to join the cast, bringing his specific brand of machismo with him.
    The Wrap reports that Josh Brolin will co-star in Sicario, which shoots this summer. It also reveals the particulars of each role. The mission is a CIA-fronted one, with Blunt starring as a Tucson SWAT officer who is recruited on a cartel-destroying mission with the aforementioned duo of mercenaries, one of them played by Del Toro. Brolin would play the CIA operative who recruits Blunt, which means there is still one mercenary role left to be cast, and a couple of bad guys who might require big name actors as well. In other words, casting is not be complete for this exciting-sounding project.
    Brolin's having a pretty big week. Just yesterday it was revealed that he was the name-acting Marvel had been courting for so long to play Thanos, the big baddie in the next couple films. Brolin's only providing a voice for Guardians Of The Galaxy, but he's shooting Sicario this summer. Given that he's supposed to actually be in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, which is shooting now, you can guess that his part in that summer blockbuster is not very big. Given Marvel's peek-a-boo strategy with this character, he's probably in one shot, walking to the camera, smiling, saying something foreboding, then promising a return in another film years down the line. In other words, Brolin could easily schedule his Avengers part around Sicario. Brolin will next be seen in Inherent Vice and the exploration adventure Everest.
    Villeneuve has been busy as of late. Last year he earned attention with Prisoners, which grossed $122 million worldwide, and earlier this year he was back in theaters thanks to the release of the creepy Enemy, which played the arthouse circuit to chilly, unusual responses. He's not one to repeat himself, so it's hard to say what kind of film we'll get out of both Sicario and his next film, Story Of Your Life, a sci-fi thriller starring Amy Adams.
    It's interesting that Villeneuve is directing two straight genre pictures starring women. This is actually pretty exciting, particularly given that this is a post-Edge Of Tomorrow Emily Blunt. She is absolutely stacked in that film, and she gives a powerful performance that makes you wish the movie didn't entirely serve the needs of Tom Cruise, Movie Star. Seeing Blunt play off Brolin and Del Toro should be exciting, as should Adams in a pretty intriguing-sounding existential sci-fi mystery.
  9. X_Men_Days_of_Future_Past_43258.jpg
    When factoring in inflation, X-Men: Days of Future Past isn't really performing overly spectacular at the domestic box office, ranking fifth out of the seven films that have been released in the franchise. But when factoring in how well the movie is doing overseas, the reality is that Bryan Singer's return to the comic book movie series is actually the most profitable X-Men movie yet.
    The latest numbers are in over at Box Office Mojo, and when including the $32 million it made here in the States over the last three days and more totals from around the world, X-Men: Days of Future Past has made more than $500 million. Here in the US, the movie has made $162 million - accounting for about 32% of its total - but it's overseas where the film is really crushing, pulling in $338 million. Mexico, South Korea and the United Kingdom are all hot spots where the movie has made double-digit millions, but it's in China where the blockbuster is doing amazing abroad, making $39 million as of May 25th.
    So how exactly is X-Men: Days of Future Past doing against the previous X-Men and Wolverine films? Let's take a look at some charts! Discounting inflation, the latest sequel has made the fourth most in the series here in the USA - which you'll notice makes it the highest grossing post-2010:
    Worldwide grosses are another story completely. X-Men: Days of Future Past is now far and away the biggest box office success, already making $40.8 million more than X-Men: The Last Stand - a.k.a. the silver medalist:
    Not too shabby for a blockbuster with a $200 million budget!
    X-Men: Days of Future Past is based on the classic comic book arc of the same name and begins in an apocalyptic future where mutants have become nearly extinct due to the excessively dangerous Homo superior-hunting robots known as Sentinels. In order to prevent this time from ever coming to pass, the X-Men agree to send Wolverine's consciousness back in time to 1973 where he can hopefully stop an assassination that changes the world forever. Bringing together casts from both the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class, the film stars Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Shawn Ashmore, Ellen Page, Daniel Cudmore, Adan Canto, Omar Sy, Booboo Stewart, Fan Bing Bing, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult, Lucas Till, Peter Dinklage, Evan Peters, Josh Helman, and Evan Jonigkeit.

  10. What better way to start your week than with an a cappella Newsies medley? We have Brigham Young University's a cappella group Vocal Point -- in part -- to thank for the above video, which offers an impressive four-minute performance that features numerous songs from Disney's Newsies. The medley itself is well worth a listen, particularly for those who are fans of Newsies, but the video is especially impressive when we take into account that the whole thing was shot in one take.
    Directed and produced by Jeff Parkin, and shot at the Utah County Historic Courthouse, the video begins on the steps outside with "Seize the Day," before a cappella group Vocal Point and the dancers -- the video credits three BYU dance groups for their participation -- head inside to "King of New York." When the act moves upstairs, the song shifts to "Santa Fe." Then it's back downstairs for "Carrying the Banner," and then they bring it all back to "Seize the Day" as they return to the steps of the courthouse.
    . BYU Vocal Point gives us a look behind the scenes of their music video to show us just how much effort went into getting all of this done in one take. It's impressive stuff.
    It's really fun to pay attention to the split screen and watch the crew bolting up and down the stairs to get to the next scene, or the dancers twirling in place to be visible in the background of the shot. We also get a look at how they filmed the shot that moves from the first floor up to the second floor railing for the final part of "King of New York." It really makes you appreciate how fast everyone had to move to keep up with the video and how coordinated it all had to be in order to get the whole thing in one take.
    And it makes me want to watch Newsies right now.
    Directed by Kenny Ortega, Newsies starred Christian Bale, David Moscow and Bill Pullman and was released in theaters in April of 1992, which makes it more than twenty years old. Earning just $2.8 million at the box office -- I'm geek-proud to admit I contributed to that by seeing Newsies in the theater with my cousin during its original run -- the movie developed a cult following and has since been adapted for a stage musical.
  11. Friday marked the opening of the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. In Times Square New York, a fully interactive exhibit at the Discovery Zone giving children and adults a chance to learn more about the onscreen Marvel universe. There's a lot of science and history here, but fans can also thrill to plenty of costumes and props from the Marvel movies, as well.
    The exhibit was briefly open to the press before their big opening, and we got a chance to bask in some of the neat stuff on display before everyone else. Not every exhibit was complete (they're saving that big 3D Hulk for paying customers, it seems) but we got enough of a flavor to give you an idea of what the presentation entails.
    At the start, there are black-clad "agents" who lead you into this white hallway for some sort of "debriefing." Each group is let in about thirty at a time, so as to avoid maximum shoving and pushing and any other sort of supervillainy. The guides wore berets (?) and shirts that said "S.T.A.T.I.O.N. AGENTS." I was gravely disappointed that it had nothing to do with this.
    Soon you get to listen to a prerecorded message by actual S.H.I.E.L.D. member Felix Blake. They got Titus Welliver to reprise his role. No expenses spared, Marvel!
    He tells you you're a recruit and that you've got a badge that can be scanned during certain exhibits to learn more. We did not receive badges, as apparently a lot of stuff was still being tested prior to the place's opening.
    S.T.A.T.I.O.N., by the way, refers to Scientific Training And Tactical Intelligence Operative Network. Which is why there are several rooms where you can be briefed on what exactly happened during The Avengers. Sadly, no peeks at Avengers: Age Of Ultron. We were told we'll soon meet Agents Fury and Coulson as well, though nothing happens in the exhibit at the moment. These guys saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier, right?
    Many of the costumes are on display, which is pretty neat. Overheard by a woman, in disgust, towards the Black Widow costume: "She got THAT small??"
    You can also see that Coulson's love of trading cards has been preserved.
    The Captain America room skips the second film and concentrates on the history of the first, going back in time to World War II. Here, you can learn about how the Super Soldier serum was designed, while also catching remnants of the war effort.
    Here's the device that pumped Steve Rogers up to be Cap.
    And here are some Cap fashions, including more trading cards!
    Finally, the duds. Looking good, Cap. There were also workout machines and physical scans for some of the younger kids, though not all of it was operational yet.
    This was the gamma station in the Hulk room. Here, you can swipe and learn all sorts of facts about gamma radiation.
    Also, the brain!
    And wooooah, continuity! This segment reveals that the government's gamma experimentation have yielded three beasts, one being the Hulk, the second the Abomination, and three, [CLASSIFIED]. Are they referring to Dr. Samuel Sterns, perhaps, played by Tim Blake Nelson in The Incredible Hulk?
    There's a room dedicated solely to the leftovers from the great battle of New York. Here we have Loki's gear, staff intact – presumably this exhibition occurs before The Winter Soldier, which is why people are still trusting of S.H.I.E.L.D. and why Baron Von Strucker has not swiped Loki's scepter.
    There's also a MASSIVE Chitauri body on display. This was as far back as I could get, it's actually around ten feet tall or so. Adjacent to this was...
    … that Chitauri glider, which is just about massive in size.
    Sadly, there wasn't a lot set up for the Thor and Iron Man rooms. The Thor room feature a display where one could swipe and learn about Asgard's existence in the actual galaxy. Perhaps this gives them the opportunity to also learn about the Guardians Of The Galaxy, but the swiping technology was not an option for us.
    The Iron Man room provided some sort of simulator that captured the feeling of being inside the mask and taking flight. Only one actual simulator was operation, however, and the line was massive. That was basically as close as we were allowed to get to the Iron Man outfit itself, unfortunately. This was for the press; ostensibly, the paying customers will get to do a lot more.
    Sadly, the massive gift shop takes up any space that could be used for Black Widow. Boys only at the Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. If the whole thing is successful, maybe they can try some extensions. At least maybe, eventually, something having to do with Vision or Hawkeye?
    The Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. will stay open until January 15th. The location is the Discovery Center on 44th Street between seventh and eighth avenues, and admission for adults is $27, but $11 for children ages 3 to 11.
  12. james_cameron_43265.jpg

    James Cameron may be 3D technology's most outspoken advocate, and that doesn't just go for films shot in 3D. He loves the added oomph of the device so much, he's toying with re-issuing some more of his classic films with a flashy post-convert 3D package.
    /Film reports out of the Los Angeles Times Hero Complex Film Festival that James Cameron is considering a re-release of Terminator 2: Judgment Day with some newly minted 3D additions. An audience member at Cameron's Q&A asked the Academy Award-winning filmmaker and innovator if he had any plans to retrofit his Terminator movies for 3D. To this Cameron offered that the original Terminator is too "gritty, but his sequel could be worthy:
    Terminator 2 is a more polished film and, I think, it has a kind of timeless appeal. If there was someone who was interested in doing that, and we could make a good case for the business model like, perhaps let’s say, it’s never been on screens in China which in the next few years is about to become the biggest market for films worldwide. That alone might justify the cost of a conversion, which might be 6 or 7 million dollars. And then a 3D re-release might attract some eyeballs in North American and Europe and then the Chinese release, which would be the first release on the big screen, might pay for it.
    While non-committal about Terminator 2: Judgment Day's conversion, we're with /Film on thinking his rational sounds too thought-out to be spur of the moment. Our guess is that after the success of his Titanic 3D re-release, James Cameron has been eying his filmography for other features that could benefit for a 3D overhaul. After all, Titanic 3D pulled in a healthy $343.6 million worldwide, making a costly conversion process well worth its hefty price tag. Combined with Titanic's original box office success, this stacked up to more than $2 billion worldwide, making it the second film to reach that total. Notably, the first was Avatar.
    Helping add to the fanfare of Titanic 3D was the centennial memorial of the tragic ship's sinking. Terminator 2: Judgment Day has a big anniversary of its own coming up. 2016 will mark 25 years since the iconic action movie's release. So could the summer of 2016 be the perfect time to resurrect this sci-fi thriller with some glossy 3D?
  13. woody_allen_43270.jpg

    In his storytelling, as well as his choice of settings, Woody Allen has developed somewhat of a duality. He's made comedies and dramas, both foreign and domestic, between the past and the present; and he's fallen into somewhat of a rhythm as of late. Starting with To Rome With Love, the director has shifted alternatively between foreign settings and shooting in his own backyard, with this year's Magic In The Moonlight being his latest period piece set in the south of France. Which means his next film, an as of now untitled affair, is setting its sights on coming home to the United States for production.
    The Boston Globe announced that Woody Allen's next project is casting in Boston, for a planned July start date in Rhode Island. The only details about the plot are that it's takes place in the here and now, with both intellectuals and non-intellectuals. In other words, Woody Allen is making a Woody Allen movie. This is the same untitled Woody Allen project that has Emma Stone and Joaquin Phoenix starring in it, so if you're interested in auditioning, you'd better make an appointment with C.P. Casting, as they are taking actors by appointment only.
    Much like Martin Scorsese did with The Departed, Woody Allen's next film might be interesting enough when you consider that it's taking place in Boston instead of New York. This also means we might get to hear Joaquin Phoenix and Emma Stone adopting regional accents, but it's not a given considering the wide swath of characters at play. I'm honestly more excited to see Mr. Allen and Mr. Phoenix's collaboration, as Ms. Stone has proven she can pretty much work with anyone and come out shining. The same can be said for Mr. Phoenix, but much like his work with recent collaborator Paul Thomas Anderson, the combined personalities between director and star could make for some interesting results. Not to mention, Joaquin Phoenix was half way to doing a Woody Allen impression in Her anyway, so it'll be amusing to see how that varies from an officially sanctioned gimmickry.
    This untitled Woody Allen project is set for release next year, while Magic In The Moonlight is slated for release on July 25th, 2014. Have you seen that trailer yet?
    Funny enough, former Woody Allen muse/co-star Scarlett Johannson's Lucy opens on that same day. Now I can't help but think what the latter film would have looked like if Mr. Allen replaced Morgan Freeman. Can someone get to work on making a fake trailer for that movie?
  14. ferris_bueller_s_day_off_43271.jpg

    How much would you be willing to pay for a piece of movie memorabilia? If you are, say, Abe Froman, money may be no issue. But we’re assuming it was someone other than the Sausage King of Chicago who just dropped $1.06 million on Cameron Frye’s glass house from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
    Variety reports on the unique home sale, reporting that the house actually had been on the market for five long years, and that "it went through price cuts" before finally being sold. Of course it did! Someone once drove a vintage Ferrari through the back window!
    Is there a more famous house in the cinema that helped define a generation? Probably Norman Bates’ abode, though that’s going back several decades. For those of us raised on the John Hughes filmography, mention "rolling back the odometer" or a Ferrari, and it instantly will conjure up the image of Cameron’s father’s prized possession – the care he loves more than his own son – crashing through that huge window of the detached garage (located down the hill from the actual home) and plunging into the normally quiet woods behind the home.
    Want a really good tour of the home? NBC’s Today show actually first reported on the home being on the market five years ago, giving us a virtual tour of the official, historic location in Illinois’ Highland Park neighborhood used in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off:
    As you learn in the Today clip, the asking price for the home five years ago was $2.3 million. No real details on why the Rose family – the home’s only owners – had to repeatedly reduce the price before finally selling to two alumni from Northwestern University. The Chicago Tribune, who also reported on the home’s sale, mention that the establishment was "built in 1953 and designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe disciple A. James Speyer, while the pavilion was designed by David Haid and constructed about 20 years later to house an exotic car collection." Including a Ferrari. Which Cameron kicked until it was damaged beyond repair.
    Maybe the idea of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off fans embarking on movie tours around Chicago scared off potential buyers of the gorgeous home? After an afternoon Cubs game, and a lunch at Chez Quis, fans might swing by the Highland Park home and kick the front fender of the first nice car they can find. Well, it’s someone else’s problem now… and you are going to have to look for the next piece of overpriced movie memorabilia to fill that nostalgic hole in your heart.

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    With Avatar, James Cameron redefined cinema and started a whole new craze for 3D. Now he's looking to take his otherworldly spectacle to the ring. The circus ring, that is.
    Variety reports James Cameron is developing an Avatar-inspired stage show in conjunction with Cirque du Soleil, a Canadian circus troupe that combines elaborate acrobatic acts, dance, and feats of strength with outrageous costumes and fantastical narratives. The Avatar Cirque du Soleil live show will likely be the troupe's most commercial show yet, and is set to make its debut in late 2015, meaning it will play as prelude to Avatar 2, which is slated for December 2016.
    In a statement, Cameron said this of the project:
    "Over the years, I have discovered the extraordinary talents and imaginations of both the artists and the creative forces behind Cirque du Soleil. I know we share the common goal of bringing audiences to another level of entertainment experiences. I look forward to doing just that on this project."
    You might think this mash-up sounds too weird to work. But I after years of hearing how extraordinary Cirque du Soleil's shtick is, I went to see their production Amaluna a few weeks back. Take it from me, this collaboration is inspired.
    Essentially, Amaluna was the story of William Shakespeare's Tempest, following a young woman who lives on an island filled with magic and extraordinary creatures, with no boys to be found. But trouble and love wash onto shore along with a band of shipwrecked sailors, one of whom has eyes for her. Its story was incredibly simple, mostly conveyed by a clown's expositional lines, and then scene after scene of jaw-dropping stunts. For all its CGI regalia and fan love, Avatar's plot was likewise lean. So, it seems a great base for Cirque du Soleil's artists and athletes to build on.
    To get some sense of what Cirque du Soleil is all about, check out this look at Amaluna.
    You might be impressed by the stunts and gymnastics seen here, but watching a Youtube video really doesn't compare to seeing this live. After watching movies where outstanding stunts are constructed with the help of safety rigs, and bolstered by CGI backdrops, it's mind-blowing to see the things that Cirque du Soleil presents and realizing it's all real, right there in front of you. No safety nets. No second takes. It's a good thing there were no kids seated by me when I saw it, because I repeatedly exploded with explicit exclamations of disbelief. Which is all to say I'm expecting Avatar's Cirque du Soleil show to be even more mind-bogglingly astounding that the first film. But I wouldn't be surprised if there are plans to make a movie release of this spin-off stage show.
    Bring on the blue bodysuits!

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    This summer, Marvel celebrates their 75th anniversary, having opened up shop in 1939 when the comics introduced Namor, The Sub-Mariner. Oodles of culturally-significant characters later, and Marvel has risen not only to the top of the comic book world, but also Hollywood. Marvel's got several 75th anniversary plans, including the release of a new 75th anniversary magazine. You can see the cover below. But why don't you stop and think which characters are missing?
    Hm. Where are the X-Men, the children of the atom who have starred in a spectacular seven hit movies? And where are the Fantastic Four, the team that debuted in the early sixties and laid the groundwork for the modern Marvel superhero, becoming one of the industry's first-ever teams? It makes sense that, in lieu of these characters, you'd have Spider-Man, Thor and Captain America. But Nova? Iron Fist? Rocket Raccoon??
    Fans understand that, while Marvel makes their own movies, the rights to Spider-Man belong at Sony, and the rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four belong to Fox. While it's in their best interests to support the characters they've leased to another studio, their biggest priority in Hollywood comes from launching Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Guardians Of The Galaxy and The Avengers. And yet, there's Spidey on the front page, even though his movie rights belong to Sony.
    It sounds as if there's something brewing between Marvel and Fox. News leaked this weekend that in the next couple of months, Marvel is putting both Fantastic Four and Ultimate Fantastic Four on a hiatus. It makes sense to lose one of them, as the team isn't necessarily one of Marvel's highest sellers, but both? Furthermore, Marvel artists reportedly have been told (according to this report) to avoid using Fantastic Four characters in company artwork. This includes characters like Silver Surfer and Doctor Doom, both of whom have rich, colorful histories away from the Fantastic Four but are nonetheless under the Fox umbrella.
    Canceling the comic doesn't make a ton of sense on the surface, because the movies should promote the comics; the comics' fanbase is not nearly big enough to represent a solid chunk of the moviegoing audience. But if it's true that Marvel is actively taking down Fantastic Four artwork around their own offices, then it sounds like Marvel wants to loudly declare they're not behind 2015's The Fantastic Four. Doing their part to pretend the movie doesn't exist not only frees up resources to promote more in-house Marvel films (Ant-Man supposedly arrives about a month after The Fantastic Four next summer) but it adds to the general negativity surrounding the film. It's not enough for Fox to have an underperforming movie: the logic behind these moves could be that if Marvel stays silent, the Marvel fans that guide the word-of-mouth will keep Josh Trank's upcoming The Fantastic Four from being profitable, leading to Fox surrendering the rights to Marvel.
    The situation is similar with X-Men. Marvel couldn't cancel the X-books, because there are so many, and they are some of the industry's top sellers. But one of the unusual nuggets that Marvel keeps from Fox and Sony are the merchandising rights. If any other studio owned the merchandising rights to someone else's blockbuster, they'd start churning out toys immediately. Instead, you can't go to the store to find a single toy or gizmo tied to X-Men: Days Of Future Past because Marvel flat-out didn't make them.
    In their eyes, they are powerful enough that their smaller endeavors (like comics that move 60,000 copies a month) serve as free promotion to these big screen adventures. And if there's no merchandise that convinces people to sample Days Of Future Past a second time, then X-Men becomes a property too costly to maintain. It used to be that a big movie necessitated a major, audience-friendly change of the status-quo in the comics, like recently when Spider-Man "rose from the dead" in time for The Amazing Spider-Man 2. But while we tried our best to make this simple, a fan who enjoyed Days Of Future Past would step into a comic shop right now and find X-Men comics that have NOTHING in common with what they just saw on the big screen.
    Meanwhile, you will be able to find the above, and more, in toy shops when Guardians Of The Galaxy when it arrives this August. You'll also be able to walk into a comic shop and find a Guardians comic that, as of now, accurately represents the roster of the team from the movies. And there's that 75th anniversary magazine cover, which somehow finds space for THREE Guardians, but no X-Men.
    Interesting, right?
    If the rumors about the cancellation of Fantastic Four comics are true, this would represent a spectacularly bitter freezeout from one studio to the next. Oh, and in case you were wondering? Namor, Marvel's first hero and a character still in rotation in the comics, is also not on this cover. His film rights are owned by Universal. It's looking more and more like Marvel is being seduced by the movies, and surrendering their legacy as a result, one issue at a time.
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    Tom Cruise and Doug Liman have a surprise hit on their hands with Edge Of Tomorrow. At least, they do in terms of critical praise, as Rotten Tomatoes has them at a very early 95% freshness rating. In terms of opening weekend box office, the projections aren't as rosy though. In fact, the film is being projected to open at $30 million this weekend at the domestic box office. Of course, the film has already been released in key international territories, and judging by the reaction, it looks like the film is going to be this weekend's underdog to root for.
    Variety has the international box office tally for the Doug Liman-directed film at $20 million, which pales in comparison to Angelina Jolie's Maleficent. The Disney fairy tale netted $100 million in its first weekend abroad, on top of its $70 million take at home, making for a huge initial weekend. While films with a weekend like this tend to drop off in the second weekend, even a 50% drop would bring it down to $35 million, outpacing the projected gross for Edge of Tomorrow.
    Tom Cruise and Angelina Jolie are two of the last remaining "movie stars," able to draw a crowd just by their name. With both of their films already competing for a market share, Edge of Tomorrow does have some advantages to it. First, the film has not opened in China or Japan yet, which is the same for Maleficent, but Edge of Tomorrow opens a day earlier in Japan with no release date set for Disney's picture in China. The Asian film market has become one of the fastest expanding markets, and it's proven to be a key component to any film's box office run. If Cruise can secure that market in the full day before Jolie's picture opens, while pulling down competitive numbers at home, his film might have a fighting chance at making a profit.
    With the film's projected budget at $178 million, it's not going to be an easy fight for the man who's been to the Danger Zone more than once. If the worst case scenario turns out to be true, Edge Of Tomorrow might be this year's The Lone Ranger, except with much better reviews. Come to think of it, Maleficent has a 52% freshness rating with critics and a 77% rating with audiences. If there were a case for critical analysis helping to sell a movie, Edge Of Tomorrow stands to be the one to look out for.
    Edge Of Tomorrow storms the beach on Thursday night. And in case you were wondering, it does have the Cinema Blend seal of approval. In fact, Warner Brothers has been awesome enough to feature a pull quote from our own Kristy Puchko in the most recent TV commercial!
  18. ben_foster_43268.jpg
    One of 2016's most anticipated films is Warcraft, though there's still so little we know about it. The complex gaming saga is being distilled into a big screen fantasy world by director Duncan Jones, but Legendary Pictures has been reluctant to deal out any Warcraft secrets. Cast member Ben Foster, however, has opened up a bit and revealed some details previously unknown.
    Foster, as it turns out, has some wizardly skills in the massive fantasy epic, telling IGN about the nature of his character.
    "The character in Warcraft that I play is named Medivh. He's a mage, which is essentially a sorcerer. He came up in a time protecting an area, and the way he protected this area was through magic. As peace returned to this land he took a break. He hung up his staff, so to speak, or let his guns get dusty. We meet him as his friends are returning asking for his help in a battle."
    Medivh is actually a well-known character to many fans of the game, a wizard corrupted at birth who eventually led demons to seize the land before dying at the hands of good friend Lothar (who may or may not be of the Hill People). He rises from the dead within the game narrative to become a mysterious prophet during the Third War. But don't call him Gandalf. He's not Gandalf at all. He's nothing like Gandalf.
    Foster's always been one of the standout actors of his generation. It's rather unfortunate that he has the stench of X-Men: The Last Stand on him because he's got a spectacular body of work. Seemingly shunning leading man stardom, Foster has contributed to moody dramas like The Messenger and Lone Survivor, and will next be seen bringing gravitas to an untitled Lance Armstrong biopic. And if you've seen Alpha Dog, you likely can't forget his work there.
    Foster's seriousness makes one wonder how he ended up in a video game adaptation, though to hear him talk about it, he's pretty amped to do Warcraft.
    "What's exciting about Duncan Jones' take on this video game is that it shows both sides of the war. It shows both sides of a conflict, which is exciting to me. It's not just a video game turned into a movie. It's asking, hopefully, an important question of, where do we limit our compassion for what we consider to be the bad guys... The way that they're pushing motion-capture -- I just saw some of the test footage -- it's unlike anything I've ever seen. It's performance-capture. It pushes it to the next level. It's going to be one helluva 3D event."
    Warcraft also stars Colin Farrell, Paula Patton, Travis Fimmel, Toby Kebbell, Dominic Cooper, Rob Kazinsky, Daniel Wu and Clancy Brown, and it's scheduled for release March 11th, 2016.
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