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Posts posted by Thakur

  1. The popular KickassTorrents 'mirror' KAT.am is back online. After a brief suspension, the registry re-released the domain name for registration, allowing scammers to pick it up. While the site still appears to be a mirror, it asks people to sign up for an account with a credit card if they want to download something.


    After losing two of the largest torrent sites, KickassTorrents and Torrentz.eu, there’s a lot of uncertainty and doubt in the torrent community.

    Many people are looking for alternatives to their favorite sites and a natural response is to look for mirrors.
    KAT.am was one of the first sites to present itself as a replacement. While it misleadingly claimed to have a copy of KAT’s database, a flurry of news reports helped the site to gain traction.
    This ended abruptly last week. The mirror’s domain name was suspended after a complaint from the Motion Picture Association, forcing the operators to move elsewhere.
    However, for the past few days KAT.am has been back in action. At first glance it appears to be a fully working mirror, but people who try to download something will be prompted to register a ‘free’ account.
    “Free Account Required. You must create a Free Account to access KickassTorrents,” the popup notification reads.


    The signup page redirects to a scammy portal, and requires people to enter their credit card details if they want a free trial.
    Needless to say, this has nothing to do with the original KickassTorrents site, and has all the signs of a classic pay to download scam, which usually ends in disappointment for those who sign up.
    So how can it be that scammers managed to get hold of the popular domain?
    Well, as it turns out the .AM domain registry simply made the domain available for registration again after it was suspended. This allowed the scammers to pick it up, and link it to their KickassTorrents ripoff.
    The “register to download” mirror scam isn’t anything new. Several other “mirrors” employ the same tactics and have been doing so for years. However, with the current confusion created by KickassTorrents’ demise, they can do a lot more damage now.
    For this reason, we can probably expect many more scammy sites to appear during the days and weeks to come.

  2. Greek woman added to list of Interpol’s most-wanted criminals as she faces charges of uploading Hollywood films to NinjaVideo, a relatively small site..

    The US government has asked Interpol to help coordinate a fresh crackdown on foreign nationals engaged in movie piracy, adding their names to the list of the world’s most wanted criminals.

    A 41-year-old Greek woman, Zoi Mertzanis, has been added to the international crime fighting organisation’s list of most wanted criminals. She is charged in the US with uploading several Hollywood blockbusters to the now-defunct streaming site NinjaVideo.

    Mertzanis was one of 22 Greek nationals on Interpol’s wanted list as of press time. Charges against her countrymen and women range from murder and drug dealing to abduction of a child under 14.

    Mertzanis was charged, along with Hana Beshara, Matthew Smith, Joshua Evans and Jeremy Andrew, with four counts of distributing a copyrighted work on a computer network – one each for James Cameron’s Avatar, Iron Man 2, the disaster film 2012, and the TV-to-big-screen remake The A-Team. The five were also charged with conspiracy to commit copyright infringement and infringement by electronic means.

    An Interpol spokesperson said that the “red notice” – the flag for extradition – is always added at the request of the investigating agency, in Mertzanis’s case US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

    TorrentFreak, which first spotted Mertzanis’s name on the Interpol wanted list, noted that Beshara, a New Jersey resident who used the handle “Phara” online, pleaded guilty in 2011 and served 22 months for her conviction.

    Mertzanis is primarily accused of having “supervised most of the European-based uploaders, including directing uploaders to locate specific infringing copyrighted content”.

    The indictment is unusual in part because NinjaVideo was a small concern by comparison to other video piracy sites. The most high-profile content uploader, Kim Dotcom, himself currently awaiting an appeal of his extradition hearing in New Zealand, ran MegaUpload, a site so popular that it generated at least $175m in revenue. Some $67m of that money has been seized by the US government.

    ICE did not respond to a request for further information about the reason for the indictment’s high priority. The duty officer said the department’s media relations personnel were at a retreat.

    NinjaVideo is estimated to have brought the people who ran it a total of $500,000 over the two years it was active, which was split between overhead costs and employees.

    Interpol’s wanted list includes four other accused copyright infringers: Lebanese national Youssef Zabad, charged in 2002 in New York; Alphaido Bah, a Guinean man living in Atlanta at the time of his 2009 indictment on charges of counterfeiting CDs and DVDs; and Balla Gayel, who appears to have been in charged in a non-US court.

  3. Denuvo Seyter Repacks

    Recently it has been found that a number of repacks of Denuvo-bypassed games done by Seyter had a bitcoin miner included in the install. 2 of these repacks were uploaded to the site and have since been deleted. Unfortunately, many users here downloaded those games while they were still on-site.

    As these torrents were deleted before news of the bitcoin miner was released, we have no way to contact just the people who snatched that game, hence this public announcement.

    If you downloaded Just Cause 3 XL Edition RePack-SEYTER OR Far.Cry.3.Blood.Dragon.MULTi2.RePack-SEYTER and installed the repack, you should check your computer for a bitcoin miner. If you got any other recent repacks from Seyter elsewhere, I'd recommend checking those games as well. Better safe than sorry!

    The disinfection instructions:

    Check Task Scheduler for a task named "InstallShield Updater" delete it if you see it.

    Use 'Everything' search by voidtools to search for all folders that contain BOTH "issch.exe" and "libcurl.dll" in the SAME folder and delete it as this is the miner. There *are* legitimate things that use both of those filenames so be careful. The miner installs to either \Users\User\AppData\Roaming or \Users\User\AppData\Local\

    The legit issch.exe file should be no larger than 100kB. The miner issch.exe file is around 1MB in size.

    Here is what the folder structure where the miner is located looks like:

    More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrackStatus...bitcoin_miner/

  4. Hey Immortalseeders!
    First off, we'd like to apologize for the downtime over the past 24 hours. I know it's scary when your favourite site disappears, but we will always come back!! Sometimes downtime is unavoidable.
    For a limited time we are offering TRIPLE rewards on the "Give Me The Upload" options on the donation page, as indicated. What you see there is what you will get. This means triple upload, triple bonus points, triple invites and triple VIP time!! It's a great deal that you won't see again for a long time, so please take advantage. We are also going to extend the double rewards on all other categories. The half price deal, however, has ended.
    In addition, as we mentioned in the last announcement, we are giving double upload to new invitees. This means, instead of starting out with 5gb upload, they will start out with 10gb. This will continue until the end of the month.
    AN IMPORTANT REMINDER: If you are still using hotmail, outlook, msn, live, or any other such email, please change it immediately to gmail or something else. They cannot receive emails from us and if you lose your password we will have no way of getting it back to you. This has been happening several times each week and there's nothing we can do about it.
    Also, we are still looking for new Officials. If you have the time, please check out our staff applications!

    Thank you all for your support!

    IS Staff

  5. Authorities in Russia are planning new legislation that could see a crackdown on users uploading pirated content to social networks. Also under consideration are measures to ban advertising from infringing sites and block subscription-based platforms from processing user payments.

    peopleDespite a reputation for not doing enough to thwart online piracy, Russian authorities have become unusually keen to make amends in recent years.

    Site-blocking, for example, is now a common occurrence, with sites that infringe multiple times now being subjected to a permanent lifetime injunction, actioned by local ISPs.

    But while users continue to flock to torrent sites and streaming portals, copyright holders and local authorities are concerned that social networking platforms are a potentially more serious threat.

    In many cases, users are allowed to upload content at will, thereby creating huge libraries of infringing material, a serious headache for copyright holders.

    To tackle this problem, authorities and entertainment industry groups are now in the process of drafting fresh legislation aimed at those social media platforms that allow users to upload content.

    According to Izvestia, the Ministry of Culture and groups including the National Federation of the Music Industry (NFMI) and the Association of Producers of Cinema and Television (APKIT), believe that a change in the law will make it harder for social platforms to evade liability.

    Under Article 1253.1 of the Civil Code, social media sites are considered “information brokers”, meaning that sites like vKontakte (Russia’s Facebook) can avoid being held liable for infringing content uploaded by their users.

    Rightsholders would like that legislation to be removed or rewritten in a way that would provide them with more useful options to enforce their intellectual property rights.

    Also under consideration are changes to the law that would further punish sites that have already been ordered to be blocked by the Moscow City Court. Currently, local ISPs currently put Internet blockades in place but rightsholders foresee a situation where the finances of infringing sites are put under pressure too.

    On the table are proposals to ban those sites from carrying advertising. In the West, advertisers are working on voluntary schemes that aim to keep their funding away from ‘pirate’ sites but it appears that Russia is considering enshrining those principles into law.

    Additionally, rightsholders are asking for sites that run on a subscription basis to be forbidden from accepting payments from their users. Again, voluntary agreements with companies such as Visa, MasterCard and PayPal are already in place in the United States and Europe, but legislation could compel Russian companies to comply.

    Also continuing its path through the system is another bill designed to tackle the rise of so-called mirrors, sites that crop up after a site is blocked in order to facilitate access to the same content.

    The draft bill, which also proposes an obligation to have search engines strip content from results and measures to tackle VPNs and proxies, has already been sent to the Ministry of Communications.


  6. Recruitment for Seeders!

    Hello, my friends, we're recruiting "Seeder" for seeding HDArea、EPiC、HDATV、DIY@HDArea.

    The requirements of Seeder:
    1.Owning a big hard disk,more than 500GB free space.
    2.Speed up 2Mb/s.
    3.Long time seeding.
    4.Being a seeder, you need to seed more than 50 torrents per month.

  7. Facebook has removed the official page of ExtraTorrent after complaints from copyright holders. In addition to the page removal, Facebook also deleted the profiles of the admins, while adding a mandatory security check for users who want to post ExtraTorrent urls on their timeline.

    etfacebookIt’s no secret that Facebook frequently removes copyright-infringing links shared by its users.

    However, it sometimes goes a step further by removing entire pages. This is also what happened to ExtraTorrent, one of the largest torrent sites around.

    Even though the site stopped sharing links to copyrighted material on Facebook years ago, it was still being reported by copyright holders, music industry group IFPI in particular.

    As a result, Facebook flagged the ExtraTorrent page as a repeat copyright infringer. This recently resulted in the removal of its fan page, which had tens of thousands of followers.

    According to ExtraTorrent operator SaM, it didn’t stop there either.

    “They blocked multiple ExtraTorrent pages,” he says. “First our main page, and after some fans made new pages, these were removed every other day as well.”

    Roughly a half dozen fan-made pages were removed by Facebook. On top of that, the user profiles and groups associated with the official ExtraTorrent page were disabled as well.

    “They even disabled profiles of those who were moderating the page. All groups were removed and profiles of admins were disabled,” SaM tells us.

    The complaints were sent to Facebook on behalf of IFPI, according to ExtraTorrent’s operator. However, since his profile was deleted he no longer has access to the messages in question.

    Although the ExtraTorrent page did not post any updates linking to infringing material, it did list the site’s URLs and official mirrors in its profile. Perhaps this was enough for Facebook to warrant its actions.

    That would make sense, as the social networking site is actively flagging all ExtraTorrent links on its service. Anyone who wants to post an ExtraTorrent link, with or without torrent, has to go through a “security check.”

    Facebook’s security check


    “It looks like a link you’re sharing might be unsafe. If you can, please remove this link: extratorrent.cc,” Facebook warns, adding “If you can’t remove this link and you still want to share it, please complete the security check below.”

    The same warning also pops up for private messages, making it impossible to share an ExtraTorrent link without having to go through an additional check.

    Whether the ExtraTorrent URL filter is piracy related is unknown, but the page removal certainly is.

    Also, this is not the first time that ExtraTorrent has lost its Facebook following. The same happened last year, as well as a few years earlier.

    Shortly before publishing this article a new unofficial ExtraTorrent Facebook page was registered, again started by fans. However, ExtraTorrent informed us that they’ll stay away from the social network for the time being.


  8. Last December, we asked independent artists to weigh in on the present and future of creative sustainability. Not surprising, creators identified direct-to-fan distribution as most significant digitally-driven change. 59% of artists said getting their work discovered is the biggest challenge they face in their own career, followed by fan outreach. Digital distribution lives and dies by discovery, which often leaves fresh stories untold.

    Today, we’re announcing The Discovery Fund, our latest (and perhaps most exciting) commitment to the independent community. Over the next year, BitTorrent aims to partner with 25 creators by providing cash grants and promotional support to build impactful releases and discover new fans. We are looking for artists, musicians, filmmakers, designers and other creators working on uncompromised projects representing a diverse, original perspective seeking global distribution. This open, international initiative has a rolling call (so you can apply when your project is ready) and provides $2,500- $100,000 in marketing and distribution funding to use at your discretion.

    We’ve worked with some of the most bold and talented artists today (Major Lazer, Thom Yorke, Lucy Walker, David Cross, IHEARTCOMIX, Penny Lane, De La Soul, Pretty Lights, Yung Jake, Lily Baldwin, Frances Bodomo, Daniel Patrick Carbone, Josephine Decker, and Lauren Wolkstein just to name a few) and are looking to incubate the world’s next wave of awesome, straight-up brave storytellers and outside voices.

  9. Denuvo is the daddy of all gaming anti-piracy systems so when several protected titles appeared online this weekend, excitement was high. Shortly after, however, the loophole was closed. Now the champagne corks are popping again, with the first clear evidence that at least one iteration of Denuvo has been properly cracked.

    Over the years, many anti-piracy systems have ruffled the feathers of video game pirates but none have done so to the extent Denuvo has.


    Not a DRM technology its own right, Denuvo is software that acts as an anti-tamper mechanism, thwarting the efforts of so-called crackers who want to make games available for free.

    Before this weekend, just one Denuvo-protected title had appeared online. FIFA 16’s protection was bypassed, not cracked (a subtle but important detail), by Turk DM. Nevertheless, pirates never take even a bypass for granted – free games are free games, after all.

    Then this weekend, the floodgates opened. A cracker known as Voksi found a loophole in Steam which allowed many Denuvo-protected titles to be played for free. It was another bypass, one powered by a secret sauce.

    “His secret method for defeating Denuvo was beer, tons of it,” Voksi colleague Royalgamer06 told TorrentFreak.

    Royalgamer06 confirms that Voksi hails from Bulgaria and the pair met on a forum where they shared a passion for cracking games.

    “Voksi has been cracking for a number of years now. We met each other on [a Russian forum]. We both were releasing so-called ‘Steamworks fixed’, which allowed pirates to play cracked games online through Steam,” he says.

    “Somehow he found out about this exploit. At first, he couldn’t believe it himself. But after several tests it really worked. And then he got really excited and released it. This got the whole piracy community excited, which motivated Voksi even more.”

    And exciting it was too. After the Doom release came several other titles including Return of the Tomb Raider, Just Cause 3, Homefront: The Revolution, ABZU, INSIDE and Total War WARHAMMER.

    “It’s a Denuvo bypass technically,” Royalgamer06 explains

    “It relies on an exploit using the DOOM Demo Denuvo activation. Voksi had to make different memory patches for each game to work. But the principle remained the same. So many pirates have been able to play and finish these games.”

    Indeed, according to stats provided by Voksi, an estimated 650K people used his bypass method over the weekend. It apparently somehow calls back home to him, hence the figures.

    But then yesterday, as thousands of pirates celebrated the surprise fall of Denuvo, misery struck. Voksi’s workaround was defeated.

    “Voksi’s exploit has been patched by Denuvo now,” Royalgamer06 told TF last night.

    “They disabled activations for the DOOM demo, which the bypass relied on. It took them three days to do it. Seems the Denuvo guys don’t work at the weekend.”

    But as the storm clouds gathered over pirate haunts everywhere and the sun beamed down on Denuvo in Austria, even bigger news appeared on the horizon. A single line of text on so-called pre-databases (sites that signal pirate releases) indicated that a big name in the piracy scene had made amazing progress.

    ‘Rise.Of.The.Tomb.Raider.READNFO-CONSPIR4CY’ references a release by a ‘Scene’ group known as CONSPIR4CY, a reported collaboration between CPY and CODEX.

    More than a bypass of Denuvo, this release of the latest Tomb Raider game appears to contain the Holy Grail – a bona fide crack of Denuvo.


    Predictably and despite its size, the 31GB file is now hot property on file-sharing sites. It comes updated with the latest patch and includes three DLCs including Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch, Cold Darkness Awakened and Endurance Mode.

    But while CONSPIR4CY (whose motto is “Always Outnumbered, Never Outgunned) have undoubtedly achieved something amazing in pirate terms, the Denuvo battle is probably far from won.

    Thus far only Tomb Raider has fallen, and that was released in January this year, meaning that the title had more than six months clear run at piracy-free sales. That being said, no one knows when CONSPIR4CY began working on Denuvo.

    In any event, optimism is high for more Denuvo titles being released soon.

    “Who knows what more Denuvo games get released now,” Royalgamer06 says.

    “Denuvo’s reputation will get crushed at this rate for sure. First they let this big [Voksi] exploit happen and now their infamous protection gets fully cracked by CONSPIR4CY.

    “Seems like there really is no way to beat piracy,” he concludes.

    Source: Torrentfreak.com

  10. 或以其酒,不认其浆;鞙鞙佩璲,不认其长。

    全市免费至 12 号。

    City-wide freeleech engaged till Aug 12.

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    City free to 12th.

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