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Posts posted by thunderball

  1. ReaperEngine 1.2.0

    The new version of the engine has added ability to exchange bonus points, weekly statistics for the account, ability to change the format of the date on the torrents list, etc. As always, more information can be found in the change log.

    NOTE! The formula for counting bonus points has changed. Changes are currently not reflected in the FAQ. The number of points for newer torrents has been increased (in some cases even several dozen times).

    NOTE! The formula will probably change several times in the near future before it will be updated in the FAQ. This should not be a problem considering the new column in the bonus tab showing the amount of bonus points earned per hour for a given torrent.

  2. Donation Drive

    Unfortunately, it's that time again. Thanks to your support we're still here after about 14 years and we'd love to stick around a while longer.

    At this point in time, our costs are paid for and covered for the next month or two. We are also looking into switching to a more affordable host in the near future.

    Any donation you can make would be greatly appreciated and help keep #IT alive. Do NOT use the donation link found on our site. In order to donate, you need to manually send a gift/payment to [email protected] via paypal as friends and family.

    In order to receive that pretty heart next to your name, if you don't have one already from previous donations, you need to make sure you include your username as a note on the donation. It'll take us a few days at a time to cross-check everything, but if you don't see one next to your name within 48 hours or so after donation, send a staff pm and we'll get you taken care of!


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  4. Foi feita alteração nas Regas de uso Geral.

    Clique aqui para visualizĂĄ-la.

    Contamos com a sua compreensão e estamos à disposição para quaisquer dúvidas.


    Change was made to the Rules of General Use.
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    We count on your understanding and are available for any questions.

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  5. The Doctor Jodie Whittaker Doctor Who BBC

    When Jodie Whittaker was secretly being cast as the latest Doctor in Doctor Who, the news was only known to a few. Interestingly, most of the Doctor Who crew itself was unaware of Whittaker's casting, which likely helped the BBC keep the exciting news under wraps. Visual effects producer Louise Hastings said she was just as shocked as fans were to learn of the female Doctor, since her effects team and others had been led to believe the next Time Lord would once again be a man. In her words:

    The BBC actually had us quote her first scene before we knew it was gonna be Jodie, via storyboards, and the storyboards had been drawn with a man as the Doctor, so that was a bit of a surprise!


    That sounds like an extreme measure by the Doctor Who top brass, although possibly a necessary one, since Louise Hastings also admitted she had tried comparing the storyboard images to relevant actors in trying to discover who had been cast. The tricky measure worked, and the crew was thrown off the trail, despite the fact they were blocking out the very first scene in which Jodie Whittaker would be introduced as the newly regenerated Doctor. It also ended up being the final scene Hastings and the company Milk VFX would shoot for the show, since Hastings also told RadioTimes a new visual effects team (Double Negative) has taken over for Season 11 to mark Chris Chibnall's stint as showrunner.

    Now that the shock and newness of Jodie Whittaker's Doctor Who casting has worn off, it doesn't seem quite like such a big deal anymore, but just traveling back through the recent past will reveal the kind of early onset drama that would've started had it been revealed Doctor Who was definitely casting a woman as the lead. Had that news leaked out, many fans would've latched onto that small bit of information and ultimately made an overarching decision about how they felt about the entirety of the Doctor Who franchise, as fans are known to do. Instead, the world got to witness Whittaker's reveal together during Wimbledon, and while not every fan's "female Doctor" stance may have been changed by seeing Whittaker in the role, it likely helped others better visualize it.

    While fans are always in need of visual proof of something, Milk VFX was able to go without any Jodie Whittaker images in blocking out her first scene on Doctor Who. The scene saw our newly arrived Doctor offer her opinion about everything being brilliant before getting shot out of the TARDIS and into the night sky, with the vast interior of the ship going up in flames. The scene didn't wholly need gender-specific references in order to to work, so no harm was ultimately done in keeping the crew out of the loop until the reveal was made official.

    With all the big secrets seemingly revealed for now, Doctor Who Season 11 is coming to BBC America in the fall of 2018. For more on upcoming programming in 2018, head on over to our midseason premiere guide.

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  6. b06b2038b1dc8694f9b436c9658b242b753d7c90

    During the first half of its eighth season, The Walking Dead piled up enough bodies (both humans and walkers) to eclipse the sun, with many of those deaths befalling the nameless Saviors and Kingdom-ites populating background shots. But now we're set for a midseason premiere in which the seemingly unkillable Carl Grimes will be killed off, and fans are worried about a similar fate for Maggie. Lauren Cohan's contract expires this season, and she has yet to sign on for more. Current showrunner Scott Gimple seems optimistic, though, offering this latest update on the situation.

    I'm incredibly hopeful about [a new deal]. These things do happen in TV. But we're talking. . . . And Lauren is an actor who has such intuition and such power. So hopefully, it all works out.


    Note that Scott Gimple's optimism does not come across as overwhelming when seen in print like that. It's possible his audible tone was much happier and joyful when he spoke with TVLine about the matter, and that he had birthday party noisemakers going at the time, but probably not. Having headed up The Walking Dead behind the scenes for this many years, Gimple is used to both the troublesome process of contract negotiations, as well as unyielding fan stress over characters potentially exiting the show. So he knows it's best just to play it down the middle until something can be confirmed.

    We'll gladly take Gimple at his word here, too, since we're anxious for AMC and the show's producers to work with Lauren Cohan on locking down a Season 9 contract extension that keeps her beloved character at the newly vengeful head of the Hilltop Colony. After all, Maggie is nearly as O.G. as Rick, Daryl, Morgan and Carol are at this point, and she deserves a nice moment of peace and quiet after the hell that she's been through since finding out she's pregnant. Scratch that; she has earned far more than one peaceful moment.

    While Lauren Cohan's contract bartering doesn't have any specific ties to the Maggie character, some awkward and unfortunate circumstances would need to be written in if Cohan doesn't return. Such as the aforementioned pregnancy, which has been an ongoing plot point for multiple seasons now, with Maggie still only in the first trimester, given how stretched-out the narrative timeline has been. Considering Lori died in childbirth, the show likely wouldn't go that route again, so Cohan's exit could very well mean Maggie and Glenn's baby not coming to term. Which would be extremely depressing, if not exactly out of the ordinary for this show.

    No one should have any particular worries about watching Lauren Cohan exiting The Walking Dead just yet, as she'll be back on AMC for the midseason premiere on Sunday, February 25, at 9:00 p.m. ET. (Check out what we thought about it.) And to see when all the non-zombie shows are hitting the small screen soon, head to our midseason premiere schedule.

  7. John Watson Martin Freeman Sherlock The BBC

    Sherlock Season 4 concluded over a year ago, and that's just fine with star Martin Freeman, who can currently be seen on the big screen in Marvel's Black Panther. Freeman says he's happy the British mystery series is taking a break, as his time away from the drama relieves the pressure to live up to the expectations of Sherlock fans that are hungry for more episodes. In his words:

    But speaking for myself, I'd quite like to take a break from that for a while. Just that sort of...clamor. Which is lovely, cause people like your show, but it can feel quite pressured actually. Know what I mean? You've got obviously to surprise them, but if you surprise them too much they'll hate you for it. It's a tricky one. It's a hard one, because there is so much expectation on that show, more than anything I've ever done. I'm happy to give it a rest for a while certainly.


    Martin Freeman added that he had no news to share on Sherlock's future at the moment, and noted the series has definitely been put on pause until further notice. Sherlock has gotten solid acclaim throughout its run, and with only three feature-length episodes produced each season, the risk is always present that the next batch of episodes could soil things for everyone. Freeman sounds like he's coming from a place of love and affection for Sherlock, and he wants to make sure that whatever comes next in the series is as good for him as it is for the fans. Because if not, then what's the point in doing more at all?

    In a way, it may anger fans to hear Martin Freeman say he's glad to have Sherlock on break for as long as it takes, but it's completely understandable he'd feel that way. Neither he nor co-star Benedict Cumberbatch really need to hang a hat on Sherlock to maintain their respective careers at this point, so they can be a little picky on making sure the story is solid and that their time won't be wasted on whatever the next step is.

    In fact, Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch's busy careers factor into Season 5's current position beyond the horizon. Around the time Season 4 was released, co-creator Mark Gatiss mentioned that more episodes would be hard to pull off, with Benedict Cumberbatch's MCU role as Doctor Strange keeping his future erratic. With Freeman staying equally busy both in and out of the Marvel universe, it's not going to get any easier to coordinate these actors' schedules, and even attempting to do so might cause one or both to turn down a role they'd been interested in, which might be why Freeman told DenofGeek he's glad development towards Season 5 of Sherlock isn't chugging along.

    Sherlock is currently on pause, and Season 5 is not a definite thing, but there are four other seasons there for fans' repeated perusals. For a list of shows new and old that are for sure coming to television in the near future, wipe away those Sherlock hiatus tears and head on over to our midseason premiere guide.

  8. During the first half of The Walking Dead's eighth season, Rick & Co. enacted their plan to use a walker horde as a way to keep Negan and his Saviors trapped within the Sanctuary's walls. The plan worked for all of five minutes before Daryl's side mission put a literal giant hole in it, and Rick was quite troubled to later discover the villains had all fled. We didn't know quite how it happened, but a newly released clip from The Walking Dead's midseason premiere lays out the crafty (if somewhat silly) escape plan.


    Morgan, currently of a mindset where shooting Saviors is a favored hobby, has eyes on the Sanctuary right when the Saviors start putting Eugene's bonkers idea to work. (At least we assume it was Eugene's idea, since he's apparently the only one in that group who actually thinks about such things.) The Saviors' goal was to create two solid lines of walker corpses that would form a path through the horde for everyone to walk through without fear of being overtaken. It's hard to tell whether this would actually work in "real life" or not, though it would absolutely take longer to accomplish than it did during the clip above; that said, it's understood that creative license was taken for timing purposes.


    The use of walker walls is an interesting tactic, and this clip actually hints at two connected issues that are equally as important and interesting. The first, which we'd recently discussed when the midseason trailer was released, involves Eugene's comic book knack for manufacturing bullets, something that that live-action show only used once back in Season 7, when Lucille magically stopped the homemade bullet from killing Negan. As Morgan is watching the Saviors put their plan to work, someone on the radio mentions that they would run out of ammo before they'd run out of walkers, which would definitely be the case if they were only working with a finite supply of bullets. But what if Eugene actually did get his ammunition-making set-up underway within the Sanctuary without TV viewers being aware of it?


    The second point here centers on the Saviors utilizing the walkers themselves as a means of escape, and in a different way than the "cover one's body in zombie guts" method that has worked well for everyone so far. (Except for maybe Father Gabriel, but the jury is still out on that.) Negan and his army have shown proficiency when it comes to using an enemy's strategies against them, regardless of if that enemy is living or undead. As such, we can probably expect to see Negan introduce an extremely dangerous new means of creating chaos for Team Family.

    The source material's iteration of the All Out War brought in the new and seemingly logical threat that coating weapons with walker guts has an extremely adverse effect on another person's ability to survive. For instance, walker blood rubbed on the outer skin doesn't inspire much worry by way of infections, but if someone gets shot with an arrow coated in walker germs, and the tainted arrowhead gets lodged inside someone's torso, that person would have a much more likely chance of turning. Not to mention having an open arrow wound to try and fix.

    Sure, that would cause fans to go back and wonder about other instances where characters likely would have gotten infected zombie blood in their own open wounds. But it would potentially explain why The Walking Dead TV show introduced walkers messing around with radioactive material, and it would possibly explain why Rick also didn't see any walkers roaming around the Sanctuary anymore. Assuming the Saviors would be stockpiling such hazardous material, that is.

    What do you guys think the Saviors are up to? The Walking Dead Season 8 will return to AMC on Sunday, February 25, at 9:00 p.m. ET. To see what other shows will also be showing up in the near future, head to our midseason premiere schedule.

  9. Michael Burnham Sonequa Martin-Green Star Trek: Discovery

    Season 1 of Star Trek: Discovery was all about war and redemption, and while that was a blast to watch from start to finish, the series' co-showrunners Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg won't be heading down that path again. At least, it doesn't sound that way, as the two have shared what Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery may be about. Harberts and Berg said the age-old debate behind science and spirituality could rear its head in the series as the bulk of Federation space looks to rebuild following the Federation and Klingon war. According to Harberts...

    Chapter 1 of this novel was war, and right now, we're thinking about Chapter 2. One of the themes we continue kicking around is the conflict between science and spirituality, and that's something that we're very interested, particularly after you finish a war. How do you rebuild yourself? What's required for that? What we're most excited to do is to continue thematic exploration and philosophical exploration and debate, and these characters are perfectly primed to carry storylines like that. That's one thing that we're thinking about.


    The Star Trek franchise has always been heavier on science than religion, but the conclusion of Season 1 does put Star Trek: Discovery in an interesting position. The war is over, but the Federation's grasp and ideals throughout the galaxy have likely been severely hampered after the Klingons waged war on Federation outposts and hubs for the better part of a year. With the Federation likely having lost its grip on several planets after outposts were destroyed, that preference for science and logic over spirituality may have lost its hold on several planets, which could pave the way to some alternative thinking.

    Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery possibly having some sort of religious theme is an interesting decision, considering the franchise's creator Gene Roddenberry was an atheist. Religion did not find its way into Star Trek plots often, and when it did, science usually prevailed over any spirituality. The franchise did loosen up religious references a little bit starting with Star Trek: The Next Generation and featured more imagery and information on alien religions, but the Federation itself has always been pretty secular. With that in mind, whatever exploration Star Trek: Discovery does of these themes, one would imagine it won't play out well for the spirituality side of things.

    Of course, Aaron Harberts and Gretchen J. Berg told ET Online this is just one of the themes the two are kicking around for Star Trek: Discovery Season 2, so it sounds as though nothing is set in stone. Additionally, Season 1 of the series was able to have a couple themes play out through various arcs in the serialized drama, so it's not as though the entirety of Season 2 will necessarily be a battle of science and spirituality. If that is the case, at least fans not too excited for that journey can at least get excited for a chance to see Spock!

    Star Trek: Discovery will return to CBS All Access for Season 2, although no official release date has been given at this time. For some dates on when to watch great television premiering in 2018, head on over to our midseason premiere guide.

  10. Kaz Kaan Neo Yokio Netflix

    Netflix has brought a lot of odd anime to mainstream audiences, and Neo Yokio has to be one of the strangest. The series was relatively devoid of any stars popular with anime fans, but absolutely loaded with celebrity voice actors like Jude Law, Susan Sarandon, Jason Schwartzman and Jaden Smith. Boasting a unique story, Neo Yokio gained a cult following after its release, but Season 2 news has been surprisingly absent. So is Neo Yokio Season 2 actually happening? Creator Ezra Koenig said the following on his Beats 1 radio show Time Crisis:

    All I'll say is Neo's not dead.


    Ezra Koenig also added that further news about Neo Yokio would be coming soon, so it does sound as though a Season 2 announcement is imminent. And there are a few reasons why it may be taking so long to get a new season underway. Koenig is the front-man for the rock band Vampire Weekend, which has been hard at work on completing their fourth studio album. Additionally, Jaden Smith has been on the move promoting his rap album Syre, which doesn't allow for much free time. So if Koenig has a big announcement to make about the series, his words to Pitchfork imply the two have managed to get their ducks in a row to work on the anime series' future.

    If something new is happening with Neo Yokio, star Jaden Smith hasn't been teasing anything. The rapper and actor, who is known for his bizarre rants and other random shenanigans, hasn't tweeted out anything that would indicate Season 2 is officially a go. (Unless he's being extremely esoteric with the clues.) But while Smith has been silent, one of the show's other voice actors may know a little something about what's coming. Here's what Desus & Mero's Desus Nice tweeted following Ezra Koenig's cryptic statement:

    Desus Nice's response is a reference to the titular city Neo Yokio, which is divided by the old money of the east side of town and the neo-rich of the west side. In the Season 1 conclusion, Jaden Smith's Kaz Kaan escaped the city and realized that Neo Yokio was not the amazing home he once thought it to be. Where Season 2 would go is as good as anyone's guess. But if we had to speculate, there are probably going to be more demons to fight, more pop culture references, and lots more Toblerone product placement.

    Neo Yokio Season 1 is currently available to stream on Netflix. Head to our 2018 Netflix schedule to see what other new and returning shows are hitting the streaming service soon. For information on upcoming shows in 2018, head on over to our midseason premiere guide.


  11. Jane Chapman Shailene Woodley Big Little Lies HBO

    Big Little Lies is returning for Season 2, and it looks as though all the show's leading ladies will be back with it. Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon confirmed their returns a couple months ago, and now it has been announced that Shailene Woodley, ZoĂŤ Kravitz, and Laura Dern will all be back for what could be another award-winning season of the series. I mean, this season has Meryl Streep added to the cast, so awards are mandatory right?

    Shailene Woodley's return is the least surprising of the bunch, as much of Season 1 of Big Little Lies hinged on her story. Season 2 will show her character Jane Chapman attempting to start a new life following the dramatic conclusion to the season, and hopefully her son Ziggy (Young Sheldon actor Iain Armitage) won't get blamed for any sort of trouble this coming season to prevent that from happening.


    Bonnie ZoĂŤ Kravitz Big Little Lies HBO

    ZoĂŤ Kravitz will once again portray the second wife of Madeline's ex-husband Bonnie, who may not be as free-spirited as she once was in Season 1. Bonnie's character description would imply (spoiler alert) she's not over her role in the killing of Perry, whose death was ultimately ruled an accident by the detectives. Bonnie will struggle with what happened that night, and EW reported Kravitz character will also be faced with some demons from her past.

    Bonnie's issue with the cover-up of Perry's death could pose a problem for the women down the road, as revealing the truth behind what happened could land them in trouble with the law. Big Little Lies fans may remember there was one detective still skeptical about what happened, and with Meryl Streep coming into the town as Perry's mother, there's another person that Bonnie could foreseeably spill the beans to about what actually went down that night.

    Renata Laura Dern Big Little Lies HBO

    Laura Dern will also come back to play the amazing Renata Klein, who is said to be facing some marriage challenges with her husband Gordon in Big Little Lies Season 2. Given Renata's fire and fury she rained down on Monterey when her daughter Amabella was being bullied, I don't like Gordon's odds of survival if he's in the wrong in this situation. Dern won a Golden Globe and an Emmy for her role as Renata in Season 1, so naturally, all eyes will be on her and whatever's next for her character when Season 2 premieres.

    Season 2 of Big Little Lies is expected to air sometime in 2019. For more information on shows set to premiere in 2018, head on over to our midseason premiere guide.

  12. Lucy Davis Dianne Shaun Of The Dead

    Netflix has been chugging along with casting for its Sabrina The Teenage Witch reboot, and after learning the casting of Sabrina and a couple other roles, fans now know the actress who will play Aunt Hilda. British actress Lucy Davis, who has starred in projects like Shaun of the Dead and DC's Wonder Woman, will step into one of the major roles in the series as Sabrina's aunt. Davis' casting knocks out yet another prominent character in this universe, as she plays one of Sabrina's primary caretakers and magical mentors.

    Lucy Davis' Hilda Spellman doesn't appear to be entirely different from the Hilda Spellman from the original television hit Sabrina The Teenage Witch, as her character description labels her as the more "motherly," and "nurturing," of Sabrina's two aunts. However, the darkness in the new Hilda Spellman is found in the latter half of her description, which includes the witch's ability to brew spite jars against her family's enemies. Deadline also mentioned her brewing up love potions too though, so perhaps she's not quite as dark as most characters appearing in this tale based on Archie Comics' Chilling Adventures of Sabrina will be.


    Lucy Davis' casting takes another key character for the Sabrina series off the table, as the actress will join Kiernan Shipka who has been cast as Sabrina. Davis' and Shipka aren't the only announced cast members of the Spellman family so far, as the series added Chance Perdomo to play Sabrina's English cousin Ambrose Spellman. Sabrina having an English cousin is interesting, given Lucy Davis being an English born actress. With this casting, its possible Hilda Spellman might be English in this series, although we have no way of knowing that for certain. Suffice to say if the actress who will play Zelda Spellman ends up being British, then we'll have to start wondering what the family connection is between Ambrose and either of the two Spellman sisters.

    Lucy Davis is a big get for Netflix's Sabrina series, as the actress is still hot in Hollywood following her role as Etta Candy in DC's Wonder Woman. She's currently part of a series in post-production titled Kick, and with a Wonder Woman sequels already planned, there could be questions surrounding her availability if the show takes off past Season 1. That said, current speculation surrounding the plot of Wonder Woman 2 wouldn't leave one to assume Davis' role will be quite as large as the first film (if she appears at all). And with no major news surrounding this Kick series, it sounds like Davis' schedule is cleared for as many Sabrina episodes as the show will have her in.

    The Sabrina The Teenage Witch Netflix series doesn't have a release date just yet, but with casting rolling along there's bound to be an announcement regarding the show's release sooner than later. For some information on show's that do have confirmed release dates, visit our midseason premiere guide.

  13. Andy Serkis as Klaue

    Warning: There are spoilers for Black Panther all over this article, so please exit right now if you've yet to see Ryan Coogler's latest film.

    Where are the recurring villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Marvel villains don't get to stick around, so there's no consistent thorn in the side of our favorite MCU heroes, no foil they can point to when dastardly things start to happen in their corner of the universe. Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has Loki (Tom Hiddleston), and Captain America (Chris Evans) has HYDRA. But for the most part, villains are dispatched at the end of solo adventures, and Black Panther made a huge mistake by killing off Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis) in the middle of Black Panther.


    Ah, I bet you thought I was going to complain about the death of Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) in the same movie. While I lament the fact that Killmonger had to die following his infiltration of Wakanda -- with T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman) allowing his new nemesis to see one of those legendary Wakandan sunsets -- it made more sense that Killmonger's arc would have him falling at the hands of the Black Panther. This is the journey of a traditional MCU villain... a rise in power, a challenge to our hero, a mighty fall that can lead to death (so long, Ego) or some form of incarceration (maybe we'll see you again, Adrian Toomes).

    Not Klaue. Andy Serkis' deranged lunatic is eliminated fairly unceremoniously following a shootout with Killmonger as the main villain is trying to get to Wakanda. Klaue was the catalyst behind the film's thrilling South Korea confrontation, which starts in a casino and spills out into the streets for a car chase. Klaue also gets an exposition dump, so that Everett Ross (Martin Freeman) and the audience can learn more about Wakanda.

    Here's why I think it was a major mistake to kill off Klaue. The story didn't require it. Killmonger easily could have kept Klaue detained at the end of their confrontation, and the plot would have played out as normal. There could have been a different way to prove to W'Kabi (Daniel Kaluuya) that Killmonger had eliminated Klaue. Then, Klaue could have been kept around as a thorn in Black Panther's side, knowing how he feels about Wakanda, and Vibranium. He could have easily been a recurring threat in upcoming Black Panther sequels (or even standalone films in the MCU). And he never had to be a focal villain, Klaue was memorable when he was assisting the main villain, be it Killmonger or even Ultron (James Spader) in the second Avengers movie.

    Also, Andy Serkis was just fantastic as the unhinged Klaue. He relished every bit of screen time -- probably happy that he was able to show his own face on screen, and not hide behind the motion capture that brings to like Caesar the ape or Snoke, the Star Wars villain. Klaue's accent, his maniacal plans, his over-confidence, his sonic cannon of an arm... all of these were delicious ingredients for a villain that was ultimately underused in the MCU. Killmonger definitely had to go, but Klaue? He should have been spared to fight another day.

    Do you agree? I mean, once all of the Infinity Stones are unearthed, any villain who has been killed off in the MCU can be brought back. So maybe Andy Serkis will get some more screen time in Avengers 4. But for now, Ulysses Klaue is gone. Make room for Thanos.

  14. Jennifer Lawrence in Red Sparrow

    Jennifer Lawrence is one of the biggest stars and most acclaimed actresses working today. Ever since she announced her arrival in 2010's Winter's Bone, the actress has been a major part of the Hollywood landscape. But the days of her being ever-present on cinema screens seems to be coming to an end, at least for a little while. Jennifer Lawrence has announced she is taking a year off from acting to try and use her celebrity to do some good. The actress will be working to help reform our political process by getting people engaged, as she explained:

    I'm going to take the next year off. I'm going to be working with this organization I'm a part of Represent.Us. It's just trying to get young people engaged politically, you know on a local level. It doesn't have anything to do with partisan. It's just anti-corruption and stuff trying to pass state by state laws that can help prevent corruption, fix our democracy.


    Jennifer Lawrence has never been shy about espousing her political beliefs in the past and now it looks like she will be using her celebrity to take action and make a difference. As the actress told ET, the organization she will be working with, Represent.Us is a non-partisan non-proft organization that aims to stop corruption. The mission of the organization is to bring together people of all political stripes to engage in the process and help pass anti-corruption laws to outlaw bribery and end secret money to fix the election process. Jennifer Lawrence is a member of the non-profit's Creative Council along with other industry names like Rachel McAdams, Kerry Washington and J.J. Abrams.

    Part of what people love about Jennifer Lawrence is her candor. Whether it be her self-awareness, honesty or willingness to speak her mind, the actress has often been a refreshing contrast from the canned and carefully crafted images many public figures display. So naturally, using her celebrity to get people engaged politically should come as no surprise to fans of the actress. While many often tell Hollywood celebrities or sports figures to stick to their occupation and stay out of politics, these people are in a unique position to use their fame to fight for things they believe in. In theory being against corruption should be something everyone can agree upon and hopefully the actress can make a difference in this aim.

    A year off could also be restorative for the actress, who has been a constant presence in Hollywood for some time. Since Winter's Bone she has vacillated between huge blockbuster franchises like X-Men and The Hunger Games and more prestige fare like Silver Linings Playbook, which earned her her first Oscar and launched her career into the stratosphere. It will be interesting to see if any other actresses break through in the next year and what Jennifer Lawrence will do after she makes her inevitable return.

    But fret not J.Law fans, the actress still has some movies in the can to entertain you in 2018. You can next see Jennifer Lawrence playing an entirely different, far more dangerous political game in Francis Lawrence's Red Sparrow, in theaters on March 2nd. Then she returns to the X-Men franchise as Mystique in X-Men: Dark Phoenix, in theaters on November 2nd.

  15. Ocean's 8 Sandra Bullock Cate Blanchett

    Steven Soderbergh's Ocean's Eleven remake changed the heist genre forever when it debuted back in 2001, and the franchise is about to get a brand new look when Gary Ross' Ocean's 8 debuts later this year. The film will spin off from the male-oriented continuity of the original trilogy to focus on Debbie Ocean (Sandra Bullock) and her new crew of thieves, but that doesn't mean there won't be a few cameos from the team assembled initially by her brother Danny (George Clooney). In fact, Matt Damon recently opened up about his cameo as Linus Caldwell in the upcoming film, and even teased some other familiar faces in the movie, saying:

    It's just a very small cameo. I'm not really in the movie a lot. ... I think there are a few of us who pop up really quickly.


    It has been over ten years since we last saw Linus Caldwell and the other members of the Ocean's crew walk off at the end of Ocean's Thirteen. Now things are moving to a new crew featuring a new gender, but it seems that Matt Damon and "a few" other key players from the original Steven Soderbergh films will show up to help hand it off, according to what he told The Toronto Sun.

    Of course, aside from Matt Damon's tease about his return as Linus Caldwell and the tease of others showing up as well, there are other cameos that we have already reported on in recent months. Chief among these is Carl Reiner, who will similarly return to the Ocean's franchise as veteran thief Saul Bloom. We still don't know who else is slated to return. (For example,Danny Ocean might not be as dead as some think, and George Clooney's status as a producer would make a cameo easy to pull off.) So, we will just have to wait and see.

    Out of all the characters who could show up in Ocean's 8, Linus Caldwell seems like a particularly logical choice. The original Ocean's Eleven framed him as the young, up-and-coming thief on Danny's crew, and the trilogy portrayed his growth into a confident and self-sufficient criminal mastermind. Given that arc, he can now serve as a mentor and guide for the members of Debbie's crew.

    Matt Damon Linus Caldwell Ocean's 11

    With all of that said, despite Matt Damon's promise that there is going to be multiple cameos in Ocean's 8, it also sounds like we shouldn't start to think about former characters taking on central roles in the plot. The Jason Bourne actor's remarks indicate that he only worked on the film for a single day, with the emphasis still placed on the female characters at the core of the story, rather than an extension of the ensemble seen in the first three Ocean's movies.

    Ocean's 8 will debut later this year on June 8. If you want more information about all of the other films debuting this year, then hop over to CinemaBlend's movie premiere guide!

  16. Black Widow

    Right now all eyes on the Marvel Cinematic Universe are focused on the smashing success of Black Panther. However, it looks like Chris Evans may have accidentally confirmed another MCU movie we'll be getting down the line. Recently the Captain America actor was asked what he thought of the success of Black Panther and, while singing the praises of Marvel, he said that he thought the studio would see similar responses when they released the first Marvel film to feature a woman in the lead, Captain Marvel. However, he didn't stop there as he mentioned another female superhero in the same breath that isn't confirmed to be starring in her own movie quite yet, Black Widow. In Evans words...

    There's nothing [Marvel Studios] can't do, man. And I'm sure it's gonna have the exact same effect when Captain Marvel comes out, and then the Black Widow movie comes out. Marvel just has the winning recipe and they're kind of one step ahead of everybody else.


    While fans have been clamoring for Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow to get her movie pretty much ever since the character appeared on screen, it's been only recently that there was any evidence that Marvel was even seriously entertaining the idea. However, the only recent news, and it even it isn't confirmed, is that Marvel has only hired a screenwriter to write a Black Widow film. That's far from confirmation that such a movie will actually come out. However, Chris Evans' comments to ET Canada are far more concrete, he seems to think the movie is happening.

    It's possible that he's just being extra positive and assuming that the Black Widow movie will happen without any specific evidence that it will. Of course, as one of Marvel's top actors, it would certainly make sense that he has more information than the rest of us. If Marvel has already given a Black Widow movie the green light behind the scenes, it's possible he would know. If there's any possibility that we might see Evans in the MCU's Phase 4 or beyond, there's a decent chance he could even appear in a Black Widow movie, and so it's possible he's been more involved in this specific project.

    Even if there's no specific Black Widow movie currently planned, if Marvel is very high on the idea, and dedicated to making the project happen, Chris Evans might be privy to those feelings. If Marvel wants to make a Black Widow movie, they almost certainly will, even if the specific details of when and how haven't yet been decided. Check out Evans full comments below.


    Regardless, Chris Evans is not wrong. Wonder Woman proved that female-led superhero movies are something the audience wants and when Marvel finally debuts Captain Marvel, and hopefully Black Widow too, those films will almost certainly be huge successes.

  17. Shuri Black Panther

    Warning: Spoilers for Black Panther follow. Come back after you've seen the movie!

    People are certainly saying a lot when it comes to Black Panther: It's one of the best movies in the MCU; it has terrific world-building; Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) is one of the best MCU villains; and Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) is just a genuinely cool dude. All of this is true, but another point that's been continuously surfacing is that people really like Shuri, T'Challa's sister and the genius behind all of Wakanda's technological advancements. Played by Letitia Wright, Shuri, with her constant one-liners and scene-stealing personality, is clearly leaving an impression on people to the point where we have to wonder exactly where her character goes from here.


    Given the sheer size of the MCU and the nearly unlimited entertainment power of Disney, there's no shortage of options for Shuri to make frequent appearances. In terms of finding the best option, there probably isn't one, but I can sure think of a bunch of different ways that Marvel can utilize Shuri that would be pretty satisfying for viewers (and hopefully Letitia Wright). Shuri may not have three sequels and an Avengers films under her belt, but the character has plenty of potential for some interesting avenues to demonstrate what made her such a compelling character in the first place.

    The first choice that most people will jump to is a spin-off movie with Shuri as the star. There's no doubt that Shuri has lead star potential. As the smartest person in the world, she has the "special attribute" requirement down pat and it would be incredibly interesting to see what technology she develops and what she uses it for. I could see a spin-off movie taking her out of Wakanda and to a different area of the globe to share resources and technology now that Wakanda is actively building bridges with the world. Maybe some bad guys try to misuse the tech and then the movie becomes about the good that technology can do, and the bad that results when it's mishandled. If that sounds a little similar to Iron Man, well, that brings me to my next point...

    What if Shuri became the next Iron Man? CinemaBlend's own Dirk Libbey previously broke down how Shuri as Iron Man could work, so I won't dig too deep into it here, but the idea is that with Robert Downey Jr.'s future in the MCU unclear post-Avengers 4, Shuri would make a great candidate to take over the mantle. She's got the brains for it (more so than Tony Stark, in fact), and she builds Black Panther suits, which are way more advanced than the majority of the suits found in Iron Man's armory. Now that all of the Heart Shaped Herbs have been destroyed (for now), if Shuri wants to get into the superhero game, this may be the best way to do it. If she can't be Black Panther, then Iron Man is a decent second.

    Shuri as Black Panther

    However, that's not to say that Shuri can't become the Black Panther somewhere down the road. After the success of the movie, there's no way that Marvel is replacing Chadwick Boseman as the lead of the franchise until they've completely exhausted his contract. Once he's done, though, it makes sense that someone would take over the role and Shuri is the perfect candidate. In the comics, Shuri becomes Black Panther after her brother falls into a coma. She holds the title for a short time by herself before T'Challa regains consciousness, and then they both just kind of share the title until Shuri is killed later on. She didn't have the most memorable run (not that Marvel really let her), but it's notable that when she started out, she didn't have any of the typical Black Panther powers and she still managed to defend her country from threats. With the Heart Shaped Herb gone, the MCU could pull off a similar story.

    It's likely too soon to give Shuri her own movie, so maybe having her continue her supporting role in Black Panther movies is the way to go. That's not very exciting though, so let's put a spin on it: Shuri should show up as support for other Marvel films. Part of the fun of the MCU is that it creates the opportunities for characters to pop up in each other's movies, creating interesting and clever pairings. We've seen this with Black Widow in Captain America: Winter Soldier and Hulk in Thor: Ragnarok, so it's just finding the right movie for her to visit. My personal favorite choice: A Spider-Man movie. Peter Parker and Shuri are a similar age, with a shared interest in science. It's not so much of a stretch to think that with Wakanda now creating outreach centers, Peter's class could take a field trip to one where Shuri herself shows them around. I think it's a cool idea at least, and it provides the option of Spider-Man getting tricked out with sweet Wakandan tech.


    All are fairly good options, but ultimately Marvel is the one who will be making the final decision. What's clear is that Shuri is a character that people want to see more of and she likely has a bright future ahead of her in the MCU. In the meantime, you don't have to wait much longer to see Shuri once again. She'll be appearing in some capacity in Avenger: Infinity War, which comes out May 4, 2018. Hopefully, she has that scene with Spider-Man that I'm asking for!

  18. Star Wars Jabba Barge

    Being one of the most powerful franchises ever created, Star Wars has provided fans with countless characters, worlds, and stories to fawn over across just about every conceivable medium, but any executive will tell you that the real money comes from the merchandise. That includes toys, which are so popular and demanded that they might as well be their own sub-genre.Star Wars toy collecting is big and Hasbro is launching a new initiative to deliver all-new toy designs to Star Wars fans. By funding the project, you can own your own Jabba's Sail Barge (The Khetanna), the first of the planned toys.

    Hasbro has announced the launch of HasLabs, a new crowdsourcing platform that hopes to bring sought-after toy designs to Star Wars fans. The first toy on the list is The Khetanna, Jabba the Hutt's sail barge from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Despite fan demand, Hasbro has yet to produce a toy based on the vehicle and is using the new HasLabs initiative to finally make it happen. Star Wars collectors can back the project for $499.99 and should it reach 5,000 backers, Hasbro will make the toy and ship it to everyone who preordered. At the time of this writing, the project currently has 845 backers.


    $499.99 is a lot of money, but what you're getting is a heavily designed collector's item with all the trimmings. The Khetanna is four feet long and comes with fan accessible interior/exterior decks, two soft cloth sails, and other realistic features that mimic the vehicle seen in the movie. Collectors will also receive a 3.75 inch Jabba the Hutt figure, and a 64-page booklet that goes behind-the-scenes of the design and development of the actual Sail Barge film set piece and Hasbro toy. This also includes set photos, product blueprints, interviews, and more.

    Jabbas barge toy

    Should the project reach its backers goal and you are not one of these backers, the toy will only be sold on the HasLabs website and will not be available at other stores. People have until April 3, 2018, to back the project. Should it not reach the 5,000 backers goal before then, no toy will be made and people who preordered will not be charged the $499.99.

    While toy collecting isn't my thing, this certainly seems like a pretty sweet deal for collectors and toy fans. You're getting a highly-designed product with limited availability and it's a Star Wars vehicle that's somehow never made it to shelves before. Of course, it comes with the risk that the project won't be backed and your dreams will die with it, but that's just the world of toy collecting, I guess. If it does reach its goal, however, expect to see HasLabs pitch more toys in this fashion.

    If it reaches the 5,000 backer goal, the Khetanna will ship on February 28, 2019, and Jabba's Sail Barge (The Khetanna): Behind the Workbench book will ship starting April 4th, 2018.

  19. Transformers

    The Transformers franchise currently consists of five movies, with a Bumblebee spin-off slated for release later this year. While the majority of the films in the series have been very successful, the later entries have been seeing some diminishing returns, finally coming to a head in Transformers: The Last Knight, which underperformed (compared to the rest of the series) at the box office. This gave some credence to the rumor that the franchise was in for a reboot following Bumblebee, but now Hasbro is stepping in to let people know not to believe everything they read. According to the Hasbro Brand Manager...

    Don't believe what you hear, don't worry.


    Not exactly the most illuminating statement in the world, but Hasbro clearly doesn't want people to believe that there's a reboot on the way right now. Recently, a report dropped claiming that Hasbro said at the Toy Fair 2018 during its investor preview that the Transformers franchise would be rebooted following the release of Bumblebee and that Hasbro would have more creative control over the series moving forward. In addition, Transformers 6 -- which was originally scheduled to release June 18, 2019 -- was removed from Paramount-Hasbro's film slate. A grain of salt was still necessary, but considering the lackluster performance of the sequels both critically and commercially, it was a believable report.

    Well, Hasbro's now telling you not to believe it and not to worry. According to Bleeding Cool, someone at Toy Fairs' three-hour Hasbro presentation asked about the new reports that Transformers was being rebooted. The Transformers brand manager said "don't believe what you hear," and left it at that. For what it's worth, Transformers: The Last Knight did set up another sequel, and a writers room was established to develop more films, but it's possible that Paramount and Hasbro are cooling it on the franchise for the time being.

    So, is Transformers being rebooted? It's tough to say at this point. Hasbro certainly can't go around saying there's a reboot when there's still one more Transformers movie on the schedule. Otherwise, why should people go see it if it doesn't even matter to the series? We'll have to keep waiting for more updates in the future, but Hasbro does seem to be increasing its movie output. The toy company has movies for G.I. Joe, Micronauts, and Dungeons & Dragons in the works, as well as an untitled event film with Paramount. How exactly Transformers will play into that is anyone's guess at the moment.

    There's bound to be more updates surrounding the fate of Transformers so stick with CinemaBlend and we'll keep you updated with more information as soon as it becomes available. For all movies hitting theaters in the near future, check out our 2018 movie release guide.

  20. Black Panther

    Spoiler Warning: Spoilers concerning the Infinity Stones follow for Black Panther. If you haven't seen the movie yet, bookmark this and come back when you have.

    Now that Black Panther is officially in theaters (and officially killing it), the next film in the Marvel lineup is Avengers: Infinity War, which will find the Avengers attempting to stop Thanos from acquiring all of the Infinity Stones. So far, we've seen five of these stones introduced across the entirety of the MCU, and several fans theorized that the final stone -- the Soul Stone -- would make its debut in Black Panther. As people who have seen the movie know, that wasn't the case, but the director and co-writer Ryan Coogler has a pretty good reason for wanting to keep the stone out of the movie. Here's what he said:


    I love the Infinity Stones as much as any comic book fan, it's just Wakanda already has its thing, which is Vibranium. For us, that was special enough, so to throw in something like another special thing didn't feel right. It felt like we should stick with our one MacGuffin for the country and explore that, let that be the important thing because frankly, we didn't need to have another piece like that.

    Due to Black Panther being the final movie before Avengers: Infinity War drops at the top of the blockbuster season, some thought that the movie would have to be introducing the Soul Stone to help set up for Marvel's upcoming epic. Instead, Black Panther is as stand alone as they come and only focuses on telling its own story rather than trying to service another. So, the Soul Stone is still MIA and it sounds like no one making Black Panther was too concerned with working in the cosmic stone, to begin with.

    Ryan Coogler told IGN that the Soul Stone wasn't included with the movie because Wakanda already had a MacGuffin in the form of Vibranium, which can basically do anything. Coogler felt that Vibranium was special enough and it probably wouldn't have helped the film to take up more time to explain an entirely different supernatural item. Coogler goes on to say that there was never any pressure to include the Soul Stone and that Marvel Studios was "never really interested" in including it either.


    I think that Marvel and Ryan Coogler made the right call on this one. Black Panther was much better off telling its own story and introducing its own world than having to take precious screentime for a shoehorned reference to a movie that comes out in less than four months. Besides, Marvel doesn't have the best track record when it comes to this sort of thing. Or need I remind you of a certain magical hot tub? Plus, it creates more mystery for Avengers: Infinity War and how the final stone will play into the grand scheme of things.

    You can see a bunch of great stuff (but not the Soul Stone) in Black Panther, which is out in theaters right now.

  21. Spider-Man with a hood on in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    In the realm of superhero animation, DC has long stood as the champion among many fans. However, Marvel looks like it's about to step things up in a significant way with the upcoming release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The film has amassed a fascinating ensemble of actors such as Moonlight's Mahershala Ali and Atlanta's Brian Tyree Henry, but one of the most exciting casting choices of the bunch is Isle of Dogs star Liev Schreiber. When asked about why he opted to sign on for the animated comic book flick, Schreiber recently admitted that his decision to join the project stemmed from the quality of the animation team. Schreiber opened up to CinemaBlend and other outlets at the Berlin International Film Festival and said:

    It was actually the animation team. The guys who are working on it, I saw their work and said, 'Wow! These guys are special.' And it is. It's going to be pretty special, from what I've seen so far. And I haven't seen much, but it's pretty special. They're super-talented. And just working with them in the brief time that we did on my stuff, I've been in a bunch of these different situations, and these guys have their ducks in a row. And they're collaborative. They know what they want and they're clear, they've got all their sequences and their animatics, but you come up at them with a creative idea and they shift, they do it nimbly and with great execution.


    We admittedly haven't seen the full movie yet, but Liev Schreiber's remarks about the quality of the animation and the team behind Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse seem to bode well for the project. The film is "anamorphic," which means its size and scope may be unlike anything that we have ever seen from an animated Spider-Man movie before. If that was the thing that won him over to the film, then we can likely rest assured knowing that we're due for an incredibly stylish and grandiose foray into the Spider-Man world.

    It probably also helps that Liev Schreiber is no stranger to the world of Marvel-based films. In addition to his upcoming turn in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, he also appeared in the Marvel universe as Sabretooth in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine -- and he has become widely regarded as one of the best aspects of the entire film.

    Liev Schrieber sabretooth x men origins wolverine victor creed

    Despite Liev Schreiber's enthusiasm for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, we still don't know who he is playing in the upcoming animated movie. We know the film will follow the exploits of Miles Morales (Shameik Moore) and that it will feature supporting characters like Aaron Davis (played in Spider-Man: Homecoming with Donald Glover in the role), but the exact nature of the former Sabretooths' role in the movie hasn't come to light yet.

    CinemaBlend will keep you posted with more information related to Liev Schreiber's involvement in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as more details about the Spidey project become available to us; the film is expected to debut later this year on December 14. Until then, make sure to watch out for his upcoming voiceover role in Wes Anderson's Isle of Dogs, which will debut in theaters on March 23.

  22. Flight sim company FlightSimLabs has found itself in trouble after installing malware onto users' machines as an anti-piracy measure. Code embedded in its A320-X module contained a mechanism for detecting 'pirate' serial numbers distributed on The Pirate Bay, which then triggered a process through which the company stole usernames and passwords from users' web browsers.

    warning.pngAnti-piracy systems and DRM come in all shapes and sizes, none of them particularly popular, but one deployed by flight sim company FlightSimLabs is likely to go down in history as one of the most outrageous.

    It all started yesterday on Reddit when Flight Sim user ‘crankyrecursion’ reported a little extra something in his download of FlightSimLabs’ A320X module.

    “Using file ‘FSLabs_A320X_P3D_v2.0.1.231.exe’ there seems to be a file called ‘test.exe’ included,” crankyrecursion wrote.

    “This .exe file is from http://securityxploded.com and is touted as a ‘Chrome Password Dump’ tool, which seems to work – particularly as the installer would typically run with Administrative rights (UAC prompts) on Windows Vista and above. Can anyone shed light on why this tool is included in a supposedly trusted installer?”

    The existence of a Chrome password dumping tool is certainly cause for alarm, especially if the software had been obtained from a less-than-official source, such as a torrent or similar site, given the potential for third-party pollution.

    However, with the possibility of a nefarious third-party dumping something nasty in a pirate release still lurking on the horizon, things took an unexpected turn. FlightSimLabs chief Lefteris Kalamaras made a statement basically admitting that his company was behind the malware installation.

    “We were made aware there is a Reddit thread started tonight regarding our latest installer and how a tool is included in it, that indiscriminately dumps Chrome passwords. That is not correct information – in fact, the Reddit thread was posted by a person who is not our customer and has somehow obtained our installer without purchasing,” Kalamaras wrote.

    “[T]here are no tools used to reveal any sensitive information of any customer who has legitimately purchased our products. We all realize that you put a lot of trust in our products and this would be contrary to what we believe.

    “There is a specific method used against specific serial numbers that have been identified as pirate copies and have been making the rounds on ThePirateBay, RuTracker and other such malicious sites,” he added.

    In a nutshell, FlightSimLabs installed a password dumper onto ALL users’ machines, whether they were pirates or not, but then only activated the password-stealing module when it determined that specific ‘pirate’ serial numbers had been used which matched those on FlightSimLabs’ servers.

    “Test.exe is part of the DRM and is only targeted against specific pirate copies of copyrighted software obtained illegally. That program is only extracted temporarily and is never under any circumstances used in legitimate copies of the product,” Kalamaras added.

    That didn’t impress Luke Gorman, who published an analysis slamming the flight sim company for knowingly installing password-stealing malware on users machines, even those who purchased the title legitimately.


    Password stealer in action (credit: Luke Gorman)


    Making matters even worse, the FlightSimLabs chief went on to say that information being obtained from pirates’ machines in this manner is likely to be used in court or other legal processes.

    “This method has already successfully provided information that we’re going to use in our ongoing legal battles against such criminals,” Kalamaras revealed.

    While the use of the extracted passwords and usernames elsewhere will remain to be seen, it appears that FlightSimLabs has had a change of heart. With immediate effect, the company is pointing customers to a new installer that doesn’t include code for stealing their most sensitive data.

    “I want to reiterate and reaffirm that we as a company and as flight simmers would never do anything to knowingly violate the trust that you have placed in us by not only buying our products but supporting them and FlightSimLabs,” Kalamaras said in an update.

    “While the majority of our customers understand that the fight against piracy is a difficult and ongoing battle that sometimes requires drastic measures, we realize that a few of you were uncomfortable with this particular method which might be considered to be a bit heavy handed on our part. It is for this reason we have uploaded an updated installer that does not include the DRM check file in question.”

    To be continued………

  23. The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. 'Justice League' tops the chart this week, followed by ‘Thor Ragnarok'. 'Pitch Perfect 3' completes the top three.

    justicel.jpgThis week we have four newcomers in our chart.

    Justice League is the most downloaded movie.

    The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only. All the movies in the list are Web-DL/Webrip/HDRip/BDrip/DVDrip unless stated otherwise.

    RSS feed for the weekly movie download chart.

    This week’s most downloaded movies are:
    Movie Rank Rank last week Movie name IMDb Rating / Trailer
    Most downloaded movies via torrents
    1 (7) Justice League 7.1 / trailer
    2 (2) Thor Ragnarok 8.1 / trailer
    3 (…) Pitch Perfect 3 6.2 / trailer
    4 (1) Coco 8.9 / trailer
    5 (4) The Shape of Water (DVDScr) 8.0 / trailer
    6 (…) Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri 8.3 / trailer
    7 (3) Daddy’s Home 2 6.0 / trailer
    8 (…) Lady Bird 7.7 / trailer
    9 (8) Blade Runner 2049 8.9 / trailer
    10 (…) The Gateway 5.9 / trailer
  24. ec449ac9dd5b32711634bfb6638d91ae9466d67f

    Dragon Ball FighterZ has only been out about a month and already Bandai Namco has pulled back the curtain on the game's first DLC additions to the cast. Get ready to pummel both Broly and Bardock.

    This news comes to us from ShonenGames (via Siliconera), who broke the news via a two-page magazine spread. A handful of pictures show off the duo, along with a bunch of text that anyone who doesn't speak Japanese is going to have some serious trouble working through. Thankfully, the heavy lifting has already been done.


    For the most part, the announcement states that Broly and Bardock will be the first DLC characters for the Dragon Ball fighter, though a launch date and price point have not been revealed. If you happened to pick up the DLC season pass, though, you're covered.

    The only other information revealed through the magazine spread pertains to each character's Meteor Attack, as well as some in-game bonuses for folks who also own a copy of Xenoverse 2. Broly's big move is called Gigantic Meteor that blasts his opponent with a huge ki blast. As with all Meteor Attacks, this move will drain three bars from the Ki Gauge. Bardock's Meteor Attack is the Revenger Assault, where he goes full Super Saiyan and charges forward with a ferocious series of attacks.

    As for those extra goodies, anyone who owns both Dragon Ball FighterZ and Xenoverse 2 will get some extra content in both games. Your copy of Xenoverse will be infused with some Android 21 costumes and accessories, while FighterZ will receive a Supreme Kai of Time lobby character and stamp. Those are nice little additions but, thankfully, nothing folks who don't own both games should feel too sore about missing out on. Similar to the DLC characters, we have no timetable on when to expect the cross-promotional content.

    If you were to ask FighterZ players which characters deserve one of the game's upcoming DLC slots, we imagine Broly and Bardock would have been strong contenders. The former is a massive Super Saiyan who appeared in a trio of movies and gave the Z Fighters a real run for their money. Bardock, though, is Goku's father, who died defending the planet Vegeta from Frieza, an adversary Goku himself would eventually beat...And then he came back to life. What can I say? This is Dragon Ball. Things are cray-cray.

    Being smaller but still significant characters, both Broly and Bardock have earned loyal fans over the years, and both have appeared in multiple Dragon Ball games. It makes perfect sense that they'd lead the DLC charge and, now that the more obvious picks have been announced, we can't help but wonder who the remaining additions will be. Feel free to drop your wish list in the comments below.

  25. Overwatch Lunar New Year

    One of the many factors that keeps Overwatch players coming back for more are the regularly occurring in-game events. Players are actually celebrating the Lunar New Year within Overwatch right now, so it seems like as good a time as any to remind folks who haven't jumped on the bandwagon quite yet how they can get in on the action free of charge.

    As we reported earlier this week, Overwatch is hosting a free weekend for all platforms. And thanks to the inclusion of President's Day on Monday, that means the festivities are only halfway over on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. And as Gamespot has reminded us, this particular free weekend coincides with the ongoing Lunar New Year event. So if you haven't played Overwatch and you want to see how the Year of the Dog has been plugged into the game, now might be a good time to do exactly that.


    As a reminder, the Overwatch free trial means you'll be downloading the entire game. Rather than give players a small slice of the action with a standard demo, developers have learned it's much easier to simply let players grab a full title with a timer tacked on. That means that, if you pop onto your platform of choice and get to downloading, you'll soon be able to experience every character, map and mode Overwatch has to offer at no charge. Even better, that includes everything under the Lunar New Year umbrella.

    As for what's going on in the YotD event, players can expect a whole bunch of themed skins, including some new additions for this year and a return of last year's skins. Also included in the event is a new version of Capture the Flag. Rather than let those events end in a tie, the revamped version simply moves the flags closer together when the timer runs out. That should make grabbing the final capture a bit easier. Also, players now pick up the flag instantly, but they'll drop it if they activate a move that makes them invincible or adds extra mobility.

    As typically happens with these types of events, the folks at Blizzard have decided to sweeten the pot by discounting Overwatch through the weekend. Whether you're buying physical or digital, both the base and GOTY versions of Overwatch have been marked down by 50 percent.

    Even better, any progress you make during the free weekend will carry over seamlessly if you decide to make the full purchase. So any leveling up you've done or skins you've unlocked this weekend will be waiting for you in the full game, even if you decide to wait a while longer to make the purchase.

    As for the Year of the Dog event, that'll keep on rolling until March 5, so get in there and enjoy it before it's gone.

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