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  1. BioWare is known for their games like Mass Effect, Jade Empire, and Dragon Age. Anthem is the latest and brand new game from the developers which has a completely different approach. Starting on a new IP is definitely not easy and it was definitely not easy for BioWare as Anthem is different from the previous games they have made. Recently in an interview, General manager of BioWare, Casey Hudson talked about how it all started. Casey Hudson talked about how they thought about where should their games go after Mass Effect trilogy and how players enjoyed playing their games online. He emphasized how important it is to play the games together and how unfortunate it can be to play a game, to witness a scene but without your friends. They wanted to create a new world where you could call your friends to come with you and try new things out, that’s how Anthem started. The hardest thing to do was do it from scratch. Everyone starting pitching their ideas in a particular format and they kept the parts which they liked and took out what was not suitable, that’s how they filled the blank page for the game. Exo Javelin suits came into existence due to the survival and dynamic environment in the game, where you’d need those suits to help you progress and also make you a hero. Hudson also mentioned how he was happy and impressed by the team when he came back to BioWare. Since he’s back team has been focused and is working on to deliver the best to the public with Anthem. The hype is real and we are closer than ever to play Anthem with our friends or alone when the game releases on February 22, 2019, for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.
  2. Call Of Duty Black Ops 4 is the latest game for all Call Of Duty fans and is one of the most improved games in the Black Ops series. Black Ops series consists of some of the most played games ever in Call Of Duty franchise, which gives everyone a reason to be excited for the upcoming Black Ops 4. There’s a lot of things to be excited for when it comes to Black Ops 4. First, it’s boots on the ground which everyone has been asking for and it features some amazing maps. It also includes its own Battle Royale mode called Blackout and more. In a recent interview, co-head of Treyarch, Dan Bunting talked about the game in detail which gave us more information about the multiplayer maps and changes made to the game. Dan Bunting talked about the game and the new close range maps in the game including a map called Frequency. He also mentioned the remastered maps and revealed that how it’s not easy to put old maps back in the game and how they improve each map by making changes to it. The team wants to reinvent themselves with each game and they don’t want the new game to feel like the last one thus they choose boots on the ground for Black Ops 4 to make it completely different. Dan Bunting mentioned that they wanted to bring more tactical pace to the game since their Black Ops 3 was quite fast as it includes wall running and that’s really fast. So they decided to slow the pace without slowing down the players by giving them more time to think to make more tactical decisions. He also talked about the Blackout mode and how the map is so big. The ballistic system has been also added which will allow you to tune and set some parameters allowing you to control the bullet and how it’s going to travel. Black Ops 4 looks promising and we can’t wait to get our hands on the game when it releases on October 12 for Xbox One, PC, and PS4.
  3. Resolution of a display is an important matter, especially in gaming. However, a report has made its way on the internet suggesting that your 1440p Monitor that you have been using for gaming or other purposes might have a 4K screen, which isn’t necessarily a good thing. The report has come from Prad, who revealed that some display manufacturers have been featuring 4K UHD screens into your 1440p QHD monitors to cut down the costs. According to the report, while their 1440p monitor might be using a 4K screen but, there is no way they can unlock the UHD resolution. The report doesn’t mention which manufacturers have been installing 4K screens into 1440p monitors. The report suggests that the reason why manufacturers use 4K screen in their 1440 monitors is that the 4K panel is either cheaper compared to the 2K panel or as expensive as the 2K panel. Since a majority of the video game community prefers the jump from 1080p to 4K instead of 2K which makes sense why 4K panels would be cheap compared to 2K. However, using a 4K screen in a 1440p monitor isn’t a good thing as the display has to down-sample or downscale the 1440p image since the 4k UHD panel is capable of higher resolution. This, in turn, will cause worse image quality compared to a monitor using a QUD panel. Some gamers prefer to use 1440p monitors to balance the performance and image quality. Using a 4K panel in a 2K monitor results in a down-sampled image which ruins the image quality. Also, given that there is no way for the users to unlock the 4K resolution on their 2K monitor using the 4K panel, it seems unethical practice on manufacturers part just so that they can reduce the cost of manufacturing the display. Speaking of the 4K display, Nvidia K 144Hz HDR Displays have launched for a whopping $2000. While the manufacturers are asking for a premium price, they haven’t cut any corners in using premium components as Nvidia G-sync module alone is worth around $500.
  4. If we can nail down to one thing that seems to be stealing the spotlight over all the other Anthem details, its those amazing Javelin suits. Ever since they made their appearance at the E3 2018 conference, fans over the internet have been obsessed over them. How will they work, what will we be able to do, what won’t we be able to do? What will others suits have, that we won’t? so on and so forth. Lucky for you guys, the executive producer of Anthem, Mark Darrah has addressed series of questions, asked by the fans about the game. BioWare’s Mark Darrah recently has been quite active, on his Twitter account mainly because he has been answering a lot of fan queries. Although a lot of details that have been laid out by him are known to us since those were highlighted at E3 2018 still, he did give away some new information regarding the game, and especially those Javelin suits. The most useful information that Darrah has revealed, has been handpicked and made available to you. Having said that, you can also reach out to his official Twitter account and take a deep dive into all the other details, as well. No gender variations for the Javelins (the mech suits players travel and fight in) Each of the Javelin types are unlocked via separate missions All Javelins have the same movement speed outside of combat There is a chance that loot for other Javelins will drop that is different than the one you’re wearing There will be fall damage There is a weather system, (which might also influence the use of Javelins) There are rewards for exploration. These are the details that refer to the Javelin Suits, other details include; An inventory system, but you cannot change the load when out in the field Characters are fully voice acted There will be paid cosmetics but no pricing info or how the system works is available yet No plans for crossplay at launch There will be a skill and point unlock system and players can respect No dialog system when out in the open world Controller, mouse, and keyboard will be supported on PC There will be a colorblind mode There may be, loot underwater Revive will take a few seconds and anyone can revive a fallen player, even non-party members No trading at launch to preserve balance control There will be a character customization option at the start of the game Preorder items will be given to players right after completing the tutorial No PC system specs are ready yet Putting all that into context, one of the most anticipated question was answered recently, that will there be Aerial duels with the enemy Javelins in Anthem, to which Mark Darrah said that, there will not be any Aerial duel with the enemy Javelins. That said, Anthem is slated for February 22, 2019, for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
  5. Sony had to do something to make up for the backlash caused on their policy of crossplay restrictions with Nintendo Switch a week ago. Possibly due to that, a special Fortnite PS4 Bundle has been revealed today, featuring an exclusive skin to use in the game and a few V-Bucks. The reveal of the upcoming Fortnite PS4 Bundle has leaked through the Facebook page of Playstation Italia. The guys moderating the page must have mistakenly released the photo of the offer ahead of schedule, leading to a big reveal for all of us. Anyone considering buying a PlayStation 4 might be thinking right now, why should I pick this version that includes a free to play game than any other featuring a PS4 exclusive title like God of War? The answer is simple. If you are a Fortnite player and are just now getting into console gaming, you wouldn’t want to miss that awesome looking “Royal Bomber” skin. Furthermore, this edition will be releasing at a considerably lower price than the existing bundled ones. It might possibly be priced the same as the classic PlayStation 4 slim, so stick our watching for new offers for this one. The post on Playstation Italia Facebook page states that the Fortnite PS 4 Bundle will be available starting July 16, 2018. The post’s translation reads: “Ready for summer challenges? From July 16th comes PS4 with Fortnite, the phenomenon of the year! In The Pack also there will be the special costume Royal Bomber and 500 v-bucks!” Dexerto has also revealed the 3D rendered model of the Royal Bomber skin available in the bundle. In related news, Epic Games is changing Fortnite not only by adding new content and cosmetics but also intends to slowly change its late game with balance tweaks to building and shotguns to provide more versatility to players.
  6. Ubisoft developer Johnathon Dumont, the creative director of the upcoming Assassin’s Creed game, held an AMA (“Ask me anything”) on Reddit today to give out some new Assassin’s Creed Odyssey information that told us a great deal about everything we’ll be seeing in the new game, which takes place in Ancient Greece. Odyssey will be taking a different tack from the other Assassin’s Creed games that were released before it. Where Ptolemaic Egypt chronicled the start of the Assassin Brotherhood and the beginning of their conflict with the organization that would become the Templars, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will instead chronicle how the Pieces of Eden first came into the hands of man. Characters will be playing as one of two Greek mercenaries, named Alexios and Kassandra, as they travel across Greece in order to stir up unrest against the city-state of Athens, which rules Greece with an iron fist before the conflict known as the Peloponnesian War. The Assassin’s Creed Odyssey information also says that there will be a wide variety of both old and new mechanics in the game. The map will be larger than that of Origins, with a lot more content, but half of the map will be sea, though there will be seven different biomes to explore. Speaking of that sailing is returning to the map, but not to the extent of Black Flag. Your ship will play a significant role however; your crewmates will fulfill the Brotherhood mechanic from the Ezio side games and Assassin’s Creed 3, going on other missions. Dynamic weather will also be possible. The loot system from Origins has also been refined in various ways. Loot will no longer be random, and instead will be found in pre-established places. You won’t be able to have a shield though (odd considering where you are) but you can also re-spec your skills at any time, though not all of the skills are going to be unlockable at once. To see the rest of the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey information you can find the AMA here by following this link. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will be releasing on the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC sometime in 2019.
  7. Spiderman PS4 is scheduled to launch later this year and as the release is getting closer, Insomniac Games is revealing new details about the game. This time around the studio has confirmed that Spider-Man PS4 collector’s edition contains a major spoiler for the game. During the recent Twitch livestream, Insomniac Games confirmed that Spiderman PS4 Collector’s edition contains an action figure of an important character in the upcoming game. According to the studio, they don’t want to reveal the character until the players get to play the game and reach the latter part of it as the action figure is a major spoiler. The studio added that they aren’t going to show the full collector’s edition. Someone asked if we’re gonna show the full collector’s edition, and the answer is no. It’s a spoiler and it’ll even say on the box: ‘Don’t look at this till you’ve played far enough in the game. Now the pre-ordering a collector’s edition the consumer wants to know what he/she will be getting with the package. If the action figure is a major spoiler then why it was included in the Spiderman PS4 collector’s edition in the first place. This doesn’t make any sense. Speaking of the game, Insomniac Games has also confirmed that players will have control over many aspects of the game like players will be able to change time of day and weather. The truth is, this is a very story heavy game, and as you guys know a lot of great games use time of day to communicate a certain feel/vibe to the situation [depending] where you are in the story, so we want to make sure that we were communicating a certain feeling to the player while they were first making their way through the main story. That being said, when you do finish the game you can actually change the time of day and weather yourself manually. Spiderman PS4 is an upcoming open-world action adventure title in development at Insomniac Games and is scheduled to launch on September 7, 2018, exclusively for PlayStation 4.
  8. When Bungie’s Destiny 2 expansion Forsaken got revealed at E3 2018, there has been high hope among fans regarding the game. Everyone was sure of one thing, that Bungie will have big shoes to fill in and that is why they promised the fans, that Forsaken DLC is their high priority. Following that Bungie also promised to keep bringing changes to those exotics, in their expected updates and now seems like they are turning true to their promise by bringing Destiny 2 Exotic Armor changes in their next update. On the official website of the game, the developers have previewed the new batch of those nine exotics that are going under changes. Hunter: Lucky Raspberry Hunter: St0mp-EE5 Hunter: Young Ahamkara’s Spine Titan: ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan: Doom Fang Pauldron Titan: Dunemarchers Warlock: Crown of Tempests Warlock: Karnstein Armlets Warlock: Starfire Protocol A great many changes seem to have been listed down, you can take a detailed look as well. Apart from that, some basic buffs to the Hunter Lucky Raspberry include providing more control to the players. These new changes will increase your chance to fully recharge, provided players can hit four targets with a single Arcbolt. Changes in Hunter St0mp-EE5 will now make the exotic work with other hunter class’s jumps, Strafe Jump and Triple Jump. According to Bungie, they are working on making PvP better, but they also have given some value to PvE. So more buffs that will make the exotics more useful can be expected, like increasing Tripmines blast radius. As mentioned before, you can take a deeper dive into the changes, in the Destiny 2 Exotic Armor that Bungie is bringing in the next upcoming update. That said, this Destiny 2 Update is scheduled to roll out on July 17th. After taking a look at the changes being brought to Destiny 2 lately, do you think that this game will be able to recover from the recent issues it has been facing? Let us know in the comments below.
  9. As announced by Ubisoft at E3 2018, The Crew 2 open beta is now live on all platforms including PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. If you haven’t got the chance to play the game during the closed beta then this is the time to try out the game and witness what’s the hype is for. To download the open beta, all you need to do is to go the respective stores on your platform, PlayStation Store on PS4 or Steam for PC for example. Just search The Crew 2 open beta and you are ready to go. The Crew 2 beta is not small so you’ll need to make space on the system you are on. 26.44 GB for PS4, 23.95 GB for Xbox One and 25 GB for PC. Beta is live now and will end on Monday, June 25 at 1 AM PST, 4 am EDT and 9 am BST. So it’s another great weekend for gamers as you can play the latest Crew 2 for free and have some fun alone or with friends. Interestingly, it’s also mentioned on the official site that if you get to achieve fame level 2 you’ll be in a chance to win a real-life Harley-Davidson Iron 883. What else you would want by just playing your favorite game and winning a Harley Davidson. No PlayStation Plus or Xbox Live Gold membership is required to play the open beta of The Crew 2. Keep in mind, all your progress will be completely wiped out and won’t be transferred to the full version of the game if you consider to buy it. If you play the open beta, you will get a free special gold helmet which you will be able to use in the full version of the game and it will be linked to your Ubisoft account. The Crew 2 will get major content updates every three months and 2 new vehicles each month.
  10. Back in April, we saw the first official trailer of Shadow of the Tomb Raider in which we got to see some detailed look at Lara Croft and her upcoming missions. We did get to see more of the game at E3 along with a lot of other things but the latest addition is the artbook of the game which is made especially for the fans of the Tomb Raider series. Shadow of the Tomb Raider artbook reveals a lot about the game within detailed interviews of developers discussing the game and it also includes some breathtaking artwork which will be exclusively found in this book. This is also another dream come true for collectors who want to have all the exclusive and goodies. If you are one of them then you can pre-order the book on Amazon here. Author of the book is Paul Davies and it is being published by Titan Books. ISBN-10: 1785659499 and ISBN-13: 978-1785659492 are the ISBN numbers for this book. The official Shadow of the Tomb Raider artbook will be released on September 18, 2018, and you can also gift it to someone by using the gift wrap option on Amazon. The official art book of the game will cost you $39.95. You can check out the full description of artbook by Amazon below. Experience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Lara must master a deadly jungle, overcome terrifying tombs, and persevere through her darkest hour. As she races to save the world from a Maya apocalypse, Lara will ultimately be forged into the Tomb Raider she is destined to be. The Shadow of The Tomb Raider Official Art Book features exclusive concept art and developer interviews detailing the climactic conclusion of Lara Croft’s origin story where she will experience her defining moment in becoming the Tomb Raider.
  11. Destiny 2 Forsaken Expansion is scheduled to release this fall and with it, Bungie intends to right many wrongs but fixing the bug that prevents players from purchasing armor from various vendors isn’t one of the wrongs that Bungie will be fixing with Destiny 2 Forsaken expansion. Bungie community manager, Cozmo, took it to Twitter and posted that the bug preventing players from purchasing armor will be fixed with update 1.2.3 which will roll out after the next faction rally. Suffice to say, this has many Destiny 2 fans disappointed. Cozmo explained that the reason why the bug exists in the first place. According to him, when Bungie added the seasonal progression rewards it conflicted with the players’ ability to purchase armor from vendors. Since then armor purchasing has been disabled by Bungie and now the studio has confirmed that this bug will be fixed with the upcoming Destiny 2 update 1.2.3. We removed direct purchase of armor from certain vendors due to constraints when adding seasonal progression rewards. The fix came too late to add direct purchase of armor in 1.2.1. This issue will be addressed in the 1.2.3 update for both Iron Banner and Faction Rallies. — Cozmo (@Cozmo23) June 22, 2018 Speaking of the upcoming expansion, Bungie has noted that the focus of the Forsaken expansion are Destiny 2 fans. Destiny 2 had a strong start but following the launch, Bungie made some decisions that put off many of its dedicated players and with the upcoming expansion, Bungie intends to right many of its wrong and win back the trust of its fans and player base. Not only that, Bungie has also confirmed exotic armor changes. According to Bungie, nine of its exotics will receive changes. These exotics include: Hunter: Lucky Raspberry Hunter: St0mp-EE5 Hunter: Young Ahamkara’s Spine Titan: ACD/0 Feedback Fence Titan: Doom Fang Pauldron Titan: Dunemarchers Warlock: Crown of Tempests Warlock: Karnstein Armlets Warlock: Starfire Protocol The changes made to these exotics will give players a certain degree of control over some aspects of these exotic armors. Destiny 2 is a first-person action shooter developed by Bungie for PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
  12. The hype is real, Resident Evil 2 remake was announced at E3 which has made everyone go crazy as it looks quite impressive and brings us back to one of the best games in the Resident Evil series. Everyone has been excited about the game but Nintendo Switch users will not be anymore as Capcom has revealed they have no plans for Switch version anytime soon. At E3, GamingBolt talked to Mike Lunn who’s the brand manager of Capcom, he was asked about the possibility of Nintendo Switch version of the game after being confirmed for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Mike Lunn replied by saying “No, not at this time. We just wanted to focus on PS4, Xbox One, and PC at the moment.” That’s a clear answer and is enough to calm down the Nintendo Switch users who have been interested in a Switch version of the game. Currently, there are no plans for the Nintendo Switch version of the game but we can expect Capcom to release it later just like they did with the Resident Evil 7. Keeping in mind Capcom was the one who made Nintendo increase the system ram so they can run games on it by using their RE engine. Obviously, there’s a possibility but due to the recent release of Resident Evil 7 as a cloud game on Switch tells us that it’s not easy. Capcom will require a lot of work to do prevent the issues faced by Resident Evil 7 on the console and also the exclusivity for the people in Japan which has to change. Resident Evil 2 remake looks amazing and you can take a look at 4k gameplay here by Capcom which shows u the huge improvements made to the game after all these years. Also, there is no zapping system in the game, instead it will feature two different campaigns for Leon and Claire. Resident Evil 2 remake will release on 25 January 2019 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
  13. Sega’s dramatic fantasy sci-fi RPG game series, Sakura Wars has seen many bright day lights and on various platforms. Fans have been expecting a New Sakura Wars Game, what they might not have been expecting is that it just might be coming on PlayStation 4 as well as Xbox One. A new job listing seems to have pointed us in this direction. As you may very well know that, the New Sakura Wars Game got announced back in April and aside from the announcement, there was not much for fans to hang on to. With the limited information, fans have been speculating about various aspects of the game. One of the major being, the platforms it is going to roll out on. Although now with the new job listing at Creative Job by Sega, it seems to be that perhaps this New Sakura Wars Game, that was announced might also be heading towards the PS4 and Xbox One consoles. Having said that, this new job listing by Sega, specifically reads that they are in need of a staff for their New Sakura Wars project. Then further details on which the staff shall be working include background designing, character designing, and mecha modelers. One of the most interesting skills that seem to have been listed down and has caught the attention, is the fact that they are looking for a developer with an experience in development of games on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. As this seems to hint at the this New Sakura Wars Game joining the latest console generation. If this requirement was not enough to imply the possibility, another requirement includes having experience with the development of high-end engines. So at the moment, it seems pretty obvious that Sega has plans to bring Sakura Wars Game to the present gen consoles and it would be a good move if that actually do it. With all that said, since its a job listing and not an actual announcement, we would recommend you to take this with a grain of salt for now. Until we hear something official from Sega, it would be too early to assume such a possibility.
  14. A new Ni No Kuni 2 Update is now available to download, weighing in just a few MB, bringing two new difficulty modes: Hard and Expert. This update might be small be gives every player that has already finished the game, a little nudge to dive into its world again. With the new Ni No Kuni 2 Update, you can adjust your default difficulty to either Hard or Expert to give the game more challenging opponents. As expected, the quality and quantity of drops are also increased for both modes accordingly. Truth be told, nothing changes much to the way Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is played, by raising its difficulty level. However, some extra dodges will be required as well as some extra effort to kill enemies, something most of us didn’t do on our first playthrough. Take this as a good way to test the game’s abilities and combos. The last update the game received was back in April, a few weeks after its release. It contained bug fixes, a few changes to gameplay features like the timing of the Victory pose after the battle and a useful lock/unlock feature for your inventory. Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is currently on sale on Steam with a 40% discount for 35,99€. If you haven’t been able to grab the game until now, you can buy it on PC since it’s playable on even low-end systems thanks to its optimization settings. Our review on Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom reads: While not perfect by any means, there are precious few games that look like Ni no Kuni II, this wonderful presentation, idyllic narrative and fun gameplay more than makes up for any of its minor flaws. The game is full of charm that will most likely strongly appeal to any fan of the first Ni no Kuni, as well as anyone in the market for a fun, lighthearted RPG with gorgeous presentation.
  15. After the success of the first game, Life is Strange is returning for the second season with Life Is Strange 2. Life is Strange is a graphic adventure game published by Square Enix and developed by the Dontnod Entertainment. After Life is Strange in 2015 and its prequel which launched in 2017, everyone has been waiting to hear more about the upcoming games from Dotnot Entertainment. It’s now been officially revealed by Dotnot that Life is Strange is coming to all platforms this year. Some time ago, Square Enix revealed in a press release for the farewell of Life Is Strange: Before The Storm that the team is working is working on it and will reveal the next chapter in the series in the upcoming months, so time has finally come. Episode 1 of #LifeisStrange2 will release on September 27th 2018. Further information about @DONTNOD_Ent's #LifeisStrange2 will be revealed this August. pic.twitter.com/Jml0977VS1 — Life is Strange (@LifeIsStrange) June 22, 2018 This was revealed by the team in short clip of 20 seconds by not revealing more than the name of the game and the release date of the first episode which is September 27. Just like the first game, Life is Strange 2 will come as a series of 5 episodes which involves intense teen drama the game is known for. There’s no clue who’ll we will get to play as or what the story is about yet. We hope to hear more about the game soon and it’s great to see one of my personal favorite game title come back with a sequel. The game focuses on telling a story with a narrative and the first one was unique with Max Caulfield having the ability to rewind time. Dontnod revealed a few months ago that their Life is Strange title has sold more than 3 million copies which is another reason for the team to bring the next game to the people as it’s been a long time. Other than that, The Adventures of Captain Spirit was announced by Dotnot at E3 which is free to play and takes place in the same universe as Life Is Strange.
  16. In the football frenzy that fans are now during the World Cup 2018, there is another exciting thing in store for them. FIFA 19 marks the return of the yearly sports title and this time around will showcase a bunch of new and exciting features that you can read about below. FIFA 19 Features Being a yearly title, it could be really tiring for the series to bring something new and innovative to the table that is refreshing and at the same time, a win for the fans. Of all the annual titles like Call of Duty series and Assassin’s Creed, FIFA always has a job of bringing something fresh to distinguish itself from the previous entries. Thankfully, straight from EA Play 2018, we have a bunch of information regarding the new features and game modes that will make their way into the football game fans have been waiting for. Champions Rise on September 28th. This is #FIFA19. @ChampionsLeague #UCL pic.twitter.com/YHkvbDkg2F — EA SPORTS FIFA (@EASPORTSFIFA) June 9, 2018 The Champions Champions League is more than just a league in real life football; it is more of an event and an experience. For years now, FIFA lacked some sort of authenticity in its football experience by neglecting the UEFA Champions League in the game. This year, that will change as we saw from the trailer at E3 2018. Moreover, we have some more information from game’s Creative Director, Matt Prior, thanks to an interview right after the conference. In it, he mentions how they have always wanted to bring back this prestigious league back to the video game and how fans have been asking for it for such a long time. Players will now be able to play solo through a Champions League Mode in the game where they can choose any team and take part in the competition. Alternatively, players can choose to play the Career Mode where they will be able to qualify for the Champions League and start their journey of chasing that silverware. Via the UEFA license, you can expect all the respective leagues: Champions League, UEFA Euro Cup, and the Super Cup. Furthermore, the cinematic Journey Mode will see Alex Hunter end his story arch by competing in this most important league at club football level. Lastly, FIFA 19 will overlap the events of in-game with that of the outside world through online aspects of FIFA Ultimate Team. Each UEFA Champions League match will have an effect and impact on what you can do in the game. The Tech on the Pitch At its core, it is always about the gameplay itself that sets FIFA apart from its counterparts. This year, the director explained they have revamped the technical system that goes in to enhance the dribbling, touching, trapping, and striking the ball. The physics of these mechanics have been improved and the animations have been reworked to provide more authenticity, fluidity, and responsiveness. Players will now be able to pretend to trap the ball to play mind games with the opponents. The new Flick System has also been introduced that allows the player to use the right stick to drive home some wicked volleys or just to achieve more control of the ball. A certain depth has granted to the Tactics System that now you can customize to your liking and playstyle. Looking to have quick wingers go forward while the midfielders stay back, be the guest! 1 of 5 PreviousNext A new feature allows you to shoot the ball more accurately and with more power. This will be possible if you time your second press of the shoot button as soon as the striker’s animation to strike the ball starts. However, if the timing is incorrect, the shot may fly over the net so you need to assess the situation carefully and respond accordingly. Lastly, 50/50 battles for the ball during the match have been significantly improved. There will now be collisions that are more realistic and everything from the football player’s body mass to his angle will be judged when such a 50/50 situation arises. Not all of these features will be there just for the one playing but you can expect something similar from the AI as well. Every team’s trademark style of play will be in the game so for e.g. playing against Manchester City will feel like you are being pressed and pressured more than say West Ham. Stay tuned for more as we near the launch of FIFA 19 on September 19, 2018 on Xbox One, PC, and PS4.
  17. Armor before Battle Royale games seemed like just another piece of your kit that was used to enhance your defensive stats. However, the advent of the Battle Royale genre has brought forth quite a few adjustments to the way armor works and Realm Royale continues that trend by having Armor Potions for you along with the various different types of armors that you would expect in a game like this. Hence, you will need this Realm Royale Armor Guide to figure it all out. Our Realm Royale Armor Guide will tell you all that there is to know about the various different Armor sets in Realm Royale and how you can use them to your maximum advantage. Realm Royale Armor Armor in the game comes in 4 different types which have different levels of armor given to you. There is Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary. The Legendary Sets are usually crafted at the Forge whereas the other Armor Sets can be found strewn about in the game-world according to their levels of rarity. Armor Potions can be used to regenerate some of the Armor that you have lost. It is not possible to have more armor than your gear allows but in case you do end up losing some of your armor by taking damage, you can use your Armor Potion to regain that armor back. Armor Sets There are a total of 4 different items that contribute to your Armor Set. They are Boots, Gloves, Chest Armor, and Helmets. All 4 of these have 4 different variants of their own and you can use them and combine them together to be as resistant to damage as you possibly can. At their core, all of them provide the same armor with 300 for Legendary, 220 for Epic, 160 for Rare, and 100 for Common. However, it is important to try to get the Epic/Legendary variants of these sets since they can give you an important perk that can be imperative to your survival in the game. For example, the Epic Helmet gives you 10% Cooldown Reduction and the Legendary Helmet gives you 30% Cooldown Reduction. You can get a 10% Increase in Swap and Reload Speed with the Epic Gloves that is upgraded to 30% for the Legendary Variant. Chest Armor will be used to grant you HPs. 5 and 15 respectively for the Epic and the Legendary Variants. Lastly, Greaves increase your mount speed by 5% for the Epic one and 15% for the Legendary one.
  18. J ust because there are tons of ways to be effective and deal damage in Realm Royale, does not mean that you cannot go back to the age old tried and tested method of using your weapon to blast off enemies. Moreover, to assist you with that, we have the Realm Royale Weapons Guide. Our Realm Royale Weapons Guide will tell you about some of the best weapons that can be found in Realm Royale as of this moment, and what is it exactly that makes them better than the other ones in the game. Realm Royale Weapons Before we begin, it is important to remember that Realm Royale is an Early Access game and that it is constantly changing as newer items are added into the game and over powered items are balanced to ensure that the game is running smoothly for all players. For that reason, it is best to take a look at some of the stats of the weapons before you start making use of this guide, as it may not be up to date on some of the weapons. The weapons themselves are one of the best ways to deal damage in the game. The legendary weapon of your class will definitely be one of your go to methods for taking control of a fight and raining blood. You will of course, also find smaller weapons that can be effective situationally depending on their statistics and their rarity. Weapons Rarities First of all, let us go ahead and discuss the rarities of the weapons. As players who have played Fortnite will already know, weapons can have multiple different variants and these variants can have different stats. Here are a total of 4 different variants for each of the guns including Crossbows, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, and Swords. As you might have expected after reading the above paragraph, the rarest variant will be the one that has the best stats and is the most useful. That for this game is known as the Legendary Variant. After that, we have the Epic Variant that does lesser damage followed by the Rare Variant and the Common Variant. Remember that these variants mainly impact the damage of the weapon and the rate of fire does stay same for the most part. Legendary Weapons These weapons are by far the most fun to use and have the highest amount of impact on firefights. There are 5 different classes in the game and each class has its very own Legendary Weapon. These weapons all have a unique characteristic that makes them suitable for their own class such as the Sniper Rifle that is made for the Assassin class. The assassin class is predicated on the fact that it can take out enemies while avoiding confrontation as much as possible, and that is exactly what the Sniper Rifle helps it achieve. There also has been a new update that allows you to have Elemental Weapons for use. Elemental Weapons are a very fun concept that add an exciting new dimension to the game. There is really nothing you can do to get the Elemental Weapons since they are given by chance when you are crafting a Legendary Weapon. There are 3 different types of Elements that can be fused with the weapon. Fire will burn enemies for some time, dealing extra damage and reducing healing. Frost will slow down enemies and Spirit will reveal the enemies if they are stealthed or hiding behind a wall to not only you but your team as well. Let us go ahead and look at each of the Legendary Weapons individually to see what sets them apart from the rest of the pack. Throwing Axe Throwing Axe is the Legendary Weapon that is used by a Warrior. As you would expect with an axe that is thrown at enemies, it does not really travel that quickly and can only be used at close to medium range. However, it deals 900 damage and you can dish out damage at a very quick rate since the axes can be thrown one after the other without reloading. Lastly, you never run out of ammo so this gives you enough leeway to make mistakes when wielding this weapon. Sniper Rifle As discussed earlier, this gun is a staple of the Assassin and has a massively long range that allows you to avoid damage altogether and take out enemies from afar. The bullets travel at a decent pace and deal 1100 damage. You can fire 1 shot per second with this but you have to lead your targets at long range so as to account for the distance. There is no drop in the bullets so you do not need to account for gravity. Stone Spear This is the weapon of choice of the Mage. You can only fire 1.2 shots per second and they deal 300 damage. However, each shot has 3 projectiles and the damage can stack onto an enemy meaning you can do up to 900 damage to an enemy provided you are able to hit him or her with all 3 of the projectiles. The speed of these projectiles has also been recently increased so trying out this weapon might be worthwhile. Plasma Launcher This gun shoots Plasma and is a favorite of the engineer class. The plasma can do a ton of damage so try to hit enemies with it to make short work of them. 800 damage per shot that you can fire once a second. There is also splash damage so you can damage multiple enemies of a squad if you are fighting them in close quarters. Longbow The Hunter uses the Longbow and it deals 900 damage. There is an awfully long loading time as it takes 2 seconds to draw the bow but you do not have to wait that long as you can fire the bow whenever you want it in between. Once again, the bullets are slow so you may need to account for targets moving at long ranges.
  19. Mario Tennis Aces is the eighth entry in the illustrious series of Nintendo tennis games that started with the dubious Mario’s Tennis on Virtual Boy in 1995, made it big in 2000 with Camelot Software Planning developed Mario Tennis on N64 and then has seen a successor on every Nintendo console since; from GameCube, GBC and GBA to 3DS, Wii and the WiiU. Unfortunately, the series’ last entry on the WiiU, titled Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, was considered a critical and a commercial disappointment as it compared unfavorably to its predecessors and was considered a bare-bones, lackluster addition to Mario’s sporting adventures. With the release of Mario Tennis Aces, the developer Camelot Software Planning aims to capitalize on the success of Switch and redeem itself as well as course correct the entire Mario Tennis franchise by delivering another critically and commercially successful title that rights the wrongs of Ultra Smash. Returning to the arcade fun of traditional Mario Tennis games, Mario Tennis Aces brings back several characters from the Super Mario series and traditional rallying gameplay with additions to mechanics and a new story adventure mode. But is all of that enough to bring the series back to its former glory? So whereas Ultra Smash was derided for its lack of content and barebones offerings, one of the successes of Mario Tennis Aces is in how it manages to correct that mistake and include slightly more characters, interesting modes, and varied tennis courts. Mario Tennis Aces starts with introducing players to the Adventure mode. As the primary single player experience, the adventure mode allows players to challenge various characters across different courts and offers a brand new flavor of tennis gameplay, with a variety of missions, boss battles and more. The main story is a fairly generic narrative about finding Power Stones for stopping a mystical tennis racket. As expected, this story is quite tongue-in-cheek and is merely treated as an excuse to sample and unlock the variety of courts, opponents and challenges that Mario Tennis Aces has to offer. Progressing through the campaign allows players to collect new rackets and gain EXP to raise Mario’s level to improve his shot speed, run speed and overall agility in the story. However its over-reliance on ramping difficultly through stage hazards and focus moves ups the frustration and hampers the enjoyment of progressing through the 5-8 hour Adventure mode to completion. One benefit of playing the Adventure mode is that through this campaign the game introduces players to its game mechanics. These not only include the traditional basics of serving and returning through top spin, slice, flat, lob and drop shots but also the new brand new mechanics in Aces that revolve around energy management and zone moves. The new energy system is actually crucial to the gameplay as it governs all of the special moves in the game and can be used to serve up everything from trick shots to split-second blocks. Players can build up energy through continuing the rally, landing charge shots and pulling off successful trick shots. This fills up the energy gauge, which ends up working like EX/Super meters in fighting games. Once part of energy gauge is filled, the players can use part of the gauge to perform Trick Shots that allow character to leap after the ball, activate Zone Speed that temporarily slows down time as well as perform Zone Shots that allow player to aim in first-person and perform powerful shots that can break rackets and even KO opponents. This added element of how and when to build and spend energy, coupled with the traditional back and forth of a tennis game, is not only fun to utilize, but also creates a very fighting game-esque mix of mind-games and execution that utilizes depth of gameplay mechanics to dynamically build tension and add a healthy dose of strategy in the frantic and competitive pace of each match. Along with the single player Adventure mode, Mario Tennis Aces also includes Free Play, Tournament and Swing modes, all of which can be played using the 14 returning characters including the iconic Mario bros, Princess Peach and Daisy, Donkey Kong, Wario, Bowser, Waluigi, Toad as well as Spike and Chain Chomp, who are 2 brand new characters added to the Mario Tennis franchise. Free Play is basically the exhibition mode that allows 1-4 players to play with CPU opponents or against each other online or locally, in singles or doubles matches, under limited rules, in 7 different styles of courts featuring variety of ground types ranging from normal hard, clay and grass courts to desert, snow, forest, tile, air ship and haunted house. The Tournament mode allows players to take on other players online in standard or simple class tournaments, or face CPU opponents for the Mushroom Cup, Flower Cup, or Star Cup. Winning the 1st tournament unlocks the next and then the 3rd cup. Each of these Cup tournaments feature different rule sets and are progressively more difficult than the last, however what hurts this mode is the curiously absent ability for players to create a local / offline tournament. Finally, the Swing mode allows players to play the game using the motion-controls of the Switch Joy-Cons and use the Jon-Con controller like a real racket ala Wii Sports. This method of control is only limited to local play and for good reason. Unlike the tennis game from the 12 year old Wii Sports, the gimmick of motion controlled racket in Mario Tennis Aces is very imprecise in action, as its lack of responsiveness and auto-moving characters makes the Swing mode fall apart far too often to provide much lasting fun. Whether played in docked or portable mode, Mario Tennis Aces looks great in motion. As with most games based in the Mario universe, the game’s presentation is full of vibrant colours. With a healthy dose of bright red, blue, orange and green, every stage and court feels joyful and bright, and contains interesting new details like 3D modeled spectators, confetti and fireworks as well as dynamic LED banners and background screens showing match broadcast. The game also features smooth animations, whether it is in movement of characters or application of stage hazards like piranha plants, mirrors and explosive mecha-koopas. Each action from character entrances and win/loss poses to shots and special moves, is animated in a way to add energy and quicken the pace of the action on the court, though several of these animations, like idle poses for returning characters, are repeated from past titles like Ultra Smash. Similarly returning levels, especially the Hard, Clay and Grass courts in Marina Stadium are straight remixes of Stadium courts from Mario Tennis Ultra Smash on WiiU. Same is the case with characters designs, as with exception of Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi, most of returning characters like Rosalina, Bowser, Boo, Toad, Bowser Jr, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Princess Daisy and Peach do not receive any new costumes or major design changes. However Mario Tennis Aces does feature much better lighting and textures from Ultra Smash. The game features upgraded glow, shadows, particle effects and reflections that are featured heavily in the flashy special effects for charging, focus moves and trick shots. This also highlights the upgraded textures in character models and arenas, unfortunately there are couple of areas where quality takes a dip, especially areas like Grass Court stages which have textures looking extremely blurry up close. Online Tournaments promise prizes including unlocking additional characters in the coming months and also feature a month-wise ranking board that includes World, National and Friend-only rankings for win-loss ratio, tournament wins and points accumulated in both Standard and Simple class tournament results. Despite all this, Mario Tennis Aces is still unable to make up for the barebones showing of its predecessor. While its 16 character roster is slightly better than Ultra Smash, it is still anemic when compared to 20 playable characters from Mario Tennis on N64 and 25 character roster of Mario Tennis Open on the 3DS. The game is similarly lacking in variety of tournaments, courts and ability to customize amount of games and sets, or even select a specific court in the free-play match. This is very disappointing, especially when compared to its previous-gen counterparts. The old N64, GBC, GBA and 3DS games not only featured far better variety of modes and customization options but also had more robust single player component. Moreover, even though the mechanics introduced in Mario Tennis Aces are fairly intuitive, they require too many varied and contextual button presses during the heat of the moment to remain accessible for casual play. The focus moves and trick shots affect the outcome of most matches to such an extent that the gameplay can become too focused on gimmicks rather than timing and placing shots. Unfortunately its over-reliance on gimmicks and lackluster singleplayer content means that Mario Tennis Aces will not appeal to most players who are looking for a solely offline single-player experience. On the other hand, the strength of its core game mechanics are worth experiencing for anyone wanting a fun multiplayer experience in competitive or casual game of arcadey virtual tennis. Gameplay: Mario Tennis Aces has solid core mechanics that are bolstered by addition of energy management and special moves which add a little more depth and strategy into the fun rallying competition of base tennis without diluting the arcadeyness of the franchise. Presentation: With a mix of vibrant colours, fluid animations and peppy music, the game ups pace with its upgrades to the flashiness and effects while still keeping with its traditional Mario asthetics. Story: Aces features a straightforward light-hearted tale that revolves around an infamous ancient mystic tennis racket. The reliance on this story is mostly kept to a minimum, which only there to contextualize different courts and stage hazards in the Adventure mode. Value: While the core gameplay in Mario Tennis Aces is solid and it is immensely fun to battle on the court with new Zone mechanics, the game still disappoints in the amount of customizable options and content it offers as compared to its predecessors. Verdict: Mario Tennis Aces has a solid base and really fun game mechanics but the overall package is plagued by lack of variety and customization which keeps it from being a true all-rounder like the classic Mario Tennis games of the past.
  20. Fortnite is a free to play Battle Royale game with in-game purchases. Players can use real-life money to buy cosmetic items from the game’s online store. Since the game is highly popular in teens and children, a large portion of these purchases is made through a parent’s credit card information. But sometimes parents forget to keep an eye on what’s being purchased and how much money is spent using their cards. Often online stores save credit card information in the name of making it convenient for the buyer to purchase again. Recently, a UK dad allowed his 12-year son use his credit card to make purchases in Fortnite. However, one purchase later turned into 81 different purchases from the store, racking up a total bill of $918. The angry dad blames Epic Games and the Bank for approving so many transactions within 72 hours. But the bank refused to reverse all transactions; “We sympathize but we are not able to refund the disputed transactions because the card use was contrary to our terms and conditions.” The father, Steve Harrison, now warns other parents to keep an eye on their kids. A parent’s lack of knowledge when it comes to video games is partly to blame for such occurrences. It is not wise to hand over your credit card to a minor and trust him with it. For a parent, it is best to make these purchases themselves and do not allow the store to save their credit card information for future purchases. Parents should not only keep an eye on spendings but also how much kids are playing these games. Recently, a 9-year old girl is admitted to rehab for her Fortnite addiction.
  21. Super Mario Odyssey is a game played by millions from minors across the globe. And while Nintendo portrays itself to be a family-friendly game publisher, its lack of moderation is allowing unfriendly activities on Nintendo Switch. Games that are meant for children are now showing pornographic images. There is some form of workaround for Nintendo’s Avatar system that allows users to upload custom images for profiles. And over the weekend, a parent discovered how people are uploading pornographic images. The father of a young Nintendo Switch user posted on Reddit after discovering the issue and urged parents to their child’s Nintendo Switch offline until Nintendo offers parental control. it seems hackers have found a way to insert indecent content into our children’s games. It seems to be an issue with users’ profile pictures. The picture was changed several times over the course of my time patrolling, each picture being pornographic content. There are multiple of these balloons all being made by the same user. This is obviously intentional, and made to upset children. These are some of the images I’ve seen, and your child could find when playing, but censored so they aren’t as obscene. (picture, other picture) We only have seen this happen on Mario Odyssey, but who knows how many other games could be affected. While we wait for Nintendo to offer better parental controls, I am taking my child’s switch offline and I encourage others to do so with me. The issue isn’t widespread but if one game is affected, there are many others played by millions that can be exploited. Unless Nintendo takes notice immediately.
  22. E3 was full of surprises and one of the best conferences to take place there was of Bethesda’s, which included big games like Fallout 76 and out of nowhere the new Elder Scrolls game called The Elder Scrolls 6. The Elder Scrolls 6 was announced by Bethesda which just confirmed the title and the game with nothing else about the game. It was announced in a trailer which showed us some trees and mountains. In the end, it showed off the logo of the game including the title. It’s confirmed now that The Elder Scrolls 6 is coming but what’s unknown is the release date, story and whether it’s an online or single player game. Since Fallout 76 was announced as an online-only game everyone has been wondering that, will this be the same case with The Elder Scrolls 6, but it is not. Pete Hines, who’s the VP of marketing at Bethesda revealed in an interview that The Elder Scrolls 6 is just a single player game. Pete Hines said: [The announcement] also helps convince folks, like, look, this is not forever-more what we’re doing. We are going to do a game that’s just single-player next time around, and yes, we are going to get to Elder Scrolls 6. There’s going to be a long time before we’re ready to talk about what those are, because we want the time between when we start to talk about it and it comes out to not be two years long or three years long. But it just gives folks a better idea of where we’re headed and understanding what the studio is working on and trying to do. It’s clear that Bethesda is going into a new direction with Fallout 76 but they intend to stick to the single player campaigns Bethesda is known for with their upcoming Elder Scrolls 6. The Elder Scrolls 6 is currently in production and is slated to release after Starfield which is in early development so don’t expect the game to arrive until 2020.
  23. It has been three long years since Square Enix took the stage at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3 2015) to officially announce Final Fantasy VII Remake. The developer has refrained from giving away any significant details during this extensive period, mounting the fact that the announcement was simply made too early. There was a brief glimmer of hope when Square Enix confirmed a live stream at E3 2018 this year. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy VII Remake did not make it and still remains without a release date. While the video game industry has been trying to move away from announcing projects in their unfinished states, Square Enix continues to believe otherwise. There is a reason behind this and not one that will simmer down fans. Here is why Square Enix would still make the same early announcement if given another chance. Speaking with Multiplayer in a recent interview, game director Tetsuya Nomura admitted that Final Fantasy VII Remake was announced too early. However, this was out of necessity. There were rumors circling the internet at the time that prompted Square Enix to no longer keep the project a secret. Nomura pointed out that he prefers to make announcements before unofficial sources upstage what the studio is working on, even if the release date is afar. “I am well aware of the fact that we announced it too early,” said Nomura, “but even in the industry, word was beginning to spread that we were working on the game, so we just decided not to keep it more secret and officially reveal it.” Final Fantasy VII Remake is not alone in this regard. Kingdom Hearts III is another upcoming offering that saw a similar treatment from Square Enix. However, that premature announcement was because of mounting pressure from fans for new information on the critically acclaimed franchise. “Deciding when to announce your game to the public is always difficult,” said Nomura. “In our case, we receive pressure from the fans even when we do not announce anything. … People are waiting for new information regardless of whether the game has been announced or not.” Both Final Fantasy VII Remake and Kingdom Hearts III are currently being developed in parallel. The latter is confirmed to release on January 29, 2019, after enduring a few delays. The former, though, is unlikely to arrive before fall 2019 at best. Even that release window would be wishful thinking because Final Fantasy VII Remake has not been talked about in any detail for three straight years. Nomura has stated that he will give Final Fantasy VII Remake his full attention once Kingdom Hearts III has been completed.
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