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Posts posted by Ordinaryus

  1. Nairobi’s chief magistrate Helen Onkwani sentenced Peter Esiaba for 5 years having been found guilty of pirating DStv signals.

    Esiaba is among three suspects that were arrested in Garissa Township, and charged with distributing illegally sourced DSTV signals.

    The police officers drawn from the National Police Service and Kenya Copyright Board conducted the raid, dismantled their network and carted away decoders and other tools used to distribute illegal signals.

    The officers were acting on a tip off from concerned residents who suspected unusual activities in the house which has several big transmitters. Kenya Copyright Board has warned that they will not relent on their fight against infringement of copyright, piracy and other related crimes.

  2. Notoriously known as one of the most pirated shows in history, Game of Thrones is just one example of the impact illicit streaming can have. It begs the questions – what is the real impact of piracy? And, what can be done about it?

    Simon Trudelle, Senior Director Product Marketing at NAGRA, offered the following insights: “As a high-value television series, Game of Thrones enjoys incredible consumer awareness, its popularity also drives up piracy figures to record levels over time. The piracy threat surrounding Game of Thrones clearly indicates that we are now fully operating in a globally-connected consumer market, where the Internet can be massively misused by pirates.”

    “Leaked episodes, especially in the case of the Game of Thrones series finale, increase the likelihood of fans hearing about the final plot line before the episode airs – ruining the fan experience. It also makes it increasingly difficult for the industry to finance and develop new and entertaining content for consumers.”

    “The overall impact of pirated Game of Thrones’ episodes differs in the short-term and long-term. In the short-term, the social dimension of the premium end-of-series experience will bring friends and families together in their living rooms – even if pirated material is available online. However, because the Internet can bring top-value content to consumers on a worldwide scale for years to come, the long-term effect of pirated content is an increasing concern for content owners.”

    “In today’s increasingly complex media environment, it is equally important to preserve both the value of premium content for content owners, and the enjoyment of that content for consumers. In the case of the final episode of Game of Thrones, preventing leaks and if needed, identifying the source of any leak is critical.”

    “To preserve the value of high-value content for both consumers and content owners, sophisticated content protection technologies, such as forensic watermarking, and anti-piracy services can help identify leaks and trace them back to the source. With the right technologies in place, it is possible to identify which legitimate clients the stream is leaking from, and then stop the distribution through that point.”

  3. Anti-piracy outfit Group-IB has released data on what it took to protect Game of Thrones from online pirates in Russia. Across the last four seasons alone, the firm executed 180,000 successful takedowns, more than 43,700 since Season 8 began. The response from pirates was interesting, from creating mirror sites to reinstate search traffic to converting their pages to legitimate fan hangouts.

    There have been many stories published about Game of Thrones, mostly due to its massive viewing figures.

    However, the now-concluded show wasn’t always viewed on legitimate platforms, something which made it the most-pirated show in TV history.

    While breaking records on all platforms is something that many shows will settle for, behind the scenes there’s a constant battle against piracy. Over in Russia, that task has fallen to anti-piracy company Group-IB.

    After working on behalf of streaming service Amediateka, which has held the exclusive distribution rights to Game of Thrones in Russia since April 2015, Group-IB has today revealed some of the facts and stats from its four-year campaign.

    The headline figure is that since the launch of Season Five, Group-IB has carried out successful takedowns against 180,000 links to illicit copies of the show on websites, forums, and social media.

    As the infographic below shows, enforcement was something of a crescendo, growing rapidly as the seasons progressed (bars represent takedowns during the seasons’ airings).


    During Season 8, Group-IB’s team took down more than 43,700 links to pirated versions of the show in Russian.

    While that’s a large number of takedowns in itself, those were spread far and wide, spanning 1,098 different websites. More than 90 of those sites were designed specifically to spread pirated copies of the show.

    Like all takedown campaigns, Group-IB also placed an emphasis on removing links to pirated copies of the show from search engines. Yandex is Russia’s most popular portal so it’s no surprise it chose to focus there.

    The company reports that more than 30,000 links were removed from the search engine. Group-IB informs TF that they were all links to streaming websites but also of interest was the pirates’ response to those takedowns.

    According to the anti-piracy company, the operators of the sites were unprepared for their links to be removed from Yandex, so began taking counter-measures by duplicating their platforms to ensure a new search engine listing.

    Amediateka, home of HBO in Russia


    “In response to the blocking, online pirates struck back by creating mirrors on a daily basis – copies of their websites with new but very similar domain names. For instance, one of the pirates created more than 20 mirrors on their subdomains,” Group-IB reports.

    “However, according to the pirates’ forum posts, the owners of pirate websites were not ready for the ‘attack’ on them: ‘Looks like somebody just wiped the links out. Some of the pages disappeared… some of them do not appear in search results’,” Group-IB reports, citing the operators’ comments.

    The anti-piracy campaign also targeted social media and by default VK.com, Russia’s largest social networking site. Interestingly, after filing numerous complaints with VK, some of the groups on the platform reportedly decided to go straight, converting from places to host pirated videos to become Game of Thrones fan pages.

    “Group-IB Anti-Piracy team filed many takedowns through VK moderators who forced the groups’ owners to remove infringing content,” the company informs TF.

    “The groups which kept publishing pirated content despite the warnings from VK were banned. Others, which removed the infringing content, turned into fan pages so as not to lose traffic that can be converted to advertising revenues.”

    Finally, some thoughts from Andrey Busargin, Director of Anti-Piracy and Brand Protection at Group-IB.

    “For us the battle against online pirates, trying to profit off the illegal distribution of the Game of Thrones in Russian, was as fierce as for George R.R. Martin’s characters,” Busargin says.

    “I would also like to highlight Amediateka’s commitment to counter online piracy in Russia: they brought in Group-IB Anti-Piracy team ahead of time and have been making continuous efforts to popularize legal viewership of the Game of Thrones making it available on its website, in movie theaters all over the country and even on the stadium.”

    While there will always be historic GoT links to clean up, Group-IB also protects other titles, including True Detective, Billions, The Good Wife, and Westworld. Game of Thrones may be over, but the takedown work will persist for years to come.

    Source: Torrentfreak.com

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