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  1. In May, Triller sued the popular H3 Podcast for $50m claiming that the people behind it had pirated the Jake Paul vs. Ben Askren fight and displayed it on YouTube. In a scathing motion to dismiss, the defendants describe Triller's complaint as "fatally flawed" and a "mangled and mangy mess", noting that they are fully protected under the doctrine of fair use. As part of Triller’s legal campaign targeting people and entities that allegedly pirated the Jake Paul vs. Ben Askren fight earlier this year, the company sued the popular H3 Podcast. Filed in May, the complaint alleged two types of copyright infringement, violations of the Federal Communications Act (FCA), conversion, and violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Triller said that the operators of the H3 Podcast “unlawfully uploaded, distributed, and publicly displayed” the fight in breach of its rights, causing damages in excess of $50,000,000 after the “unauthorized broadcast” was viewed a reported 1,000,000 times. Later that same month, Triller filed its first amended complaint naming Ted Entertainment Inc. (TEI) and the operators of the H3 Podcast, Ethan and Hila Klein, as defendants. H3 Podcast was removed but the claim for $50m in damages remained. In July, Triller filed its second amended complaint which added Teddy Fresh Inc. and 10 ‘Doe’ defendants. It also cut the allegations of wrongdoing by half, leaving the defendants to answer claims of copyright infringement, vicarious copyright infringement and violations of the FCA. Triller’s Complaint is “Retaliation” to Criticism In a scathing motion to dismiss filed with the court yesterday, the defendants pull no punches in their response to Triller. Describing Triller’s complaint as “fatally defective”, they explain that despite being given numerous opportunities, the company consistently files complaints that are “a mangled and mangy mess that are devoid of any merit.” According to the motion, Triller’s complaint centers around TEI’s use of an excerpt of the ‘broadcast’ for the purposes of commentary and criticism in a video entitled ‘Jake Paul Fight Was a Disaster’. TEI employees reportedly uploaded the excerpt (the ‘reference video’) onto YouTube as an unlisted video and the defendants say that Triller’s lawsuit amounts to retaliation for their broad criticism. “Anyone who watches the 4/22/21 Podcast can instantly recognize the true purpose of Triller’s [second amended complaint]: retaliation against the 4/22/21 Podcast because it excoriated the Broadcast and its main event – the boxing match between Jake Paul and Ben Askren (the ‘Fight’). In other words, Triller’s SAC is a brazen and unabashed attempt to intimidate, punish and silence lawful and protected criticism,” the motion reads. Triller Says Defendants Used a ‘Bootleg’ Video Triller says that the defendants watched a pirated or bootleg version of the broadcast, uploaded it to YouTube, and showed an excerpt and its URL in the 4/22/21 podcast. However, the defendants say that the screenshot provided by Triller failed to show the URL and Triller could not provide it. It was possible to see the URL in the video with some work but ultimately the video received just 65 views. Triller says the defendants profited from their conduct because the H3 Podcast is part of the YouTube partner program, contains sponsorships, and sells merchandise. However, the channel the ‘reference video’ was uploaded to has none of these qualities, the defendants say. From here, things start to get more interesting. While Triller’s complaints have all centered on the fight itself, that famously lasted for under two minutes. The entire broadcast, to which Triller owns the copyright, lasted much longer – four hours in fact – meaning that any use of the Jake Paul fight by the defendants in their two-hour podcast was necessarily small. According to the motion to dismiss, the H3 Podcast spent 12 minutes of the podcast critiquing the broadcast and in the middle of that showed 42 seconds of the ‘reference video’, which included five seconds exclusively of audio, nine seconds of both audio and video, and 28 seconds exclusively of video. Ethan and Hila’s Outreach to Triller Failed Late June, Ethan and Hila wrote to Triller demonstrating how each claim in the first amended complaint failed. Triller then submitted its second amended complaint (SAC), dropping three claims. In July the parties had a telephone conference but Triller remained “unpersuaded” that its SAC contained “fatal defects”. Triller responded by filing a new action against the defendants in the Los Angeles Superior Court claiming that comments made in H3 Podcasts about the fight lawsuit amounted to tortious interference. Copyright Infringement Claims “Fail as Matter of Law” The defendants believe that Triller’s first copyright infringement claim is based on an Ethan Klein statement that he watched a pirated version of the broadcast. According to them, that’s not infringement. “Viewing a transmission – whether it be Triller’s April 17, 2021 transmission of the Broadcast, the Reference Video or the 4/22/21 Podcast – does not constitute copyright infringement. Viewing a transmission is not a public display, public performance, public distribution or derivative work of the original copyrighted work,” the motion to dismiss reads. Triller’s vicarious copyright infringement claim appears to rely on the allegation that third parties watched the ‘reference’ video and the podcast but in common with the first infringement claim, that also fails under the doctrine of fair use, the motion adds. Fair Use Defenses According to the motion, Triller is seeking to separate the ‘reference’ video and Klein’s viewing of the broadcast from the use of the broadcast in the podcast. This, the defendants say, is something explicitly rejected under the doctrine of “intermediate use”, meaning that copying as a preliminary step in the creation of a fair use work also qualifies as fair use. “As such, Triller’s attempt to view Defendants’ alleged acts of infringement in isolation from the 4/22/21 Podcast is precluded as a matter of law.” Weighing in on the first fair use factor, the defendants say that their use was highly transformative and contained significant commentary and criticism, including that relating to the overall quality of the show and the physical appearance of Ben Askren. The podcast also critiqued the referee, pondered whether the fight had been staged, and questioned the amount of revenue the event might make. In respect of whether the use was commercial, the defendants argue that since the use was highly transformative, this factor is much less important. They also believe that any unauthorized access to the broadcast (“bad faith”) should not affect a finding in favor of fair use. “[T]riller’s argument that access to an authorized copy is a precondition for Defendants to invoke the fair use is, itself, a bad faith argument,” the motion adds. The second factor in a determination of fair use is the nature of the work being copied, such as whether it was for factual/informational or entertainment purposes. The defendants only used a section from the broadcast that showed the men fighting so on that basis they argue their use was primarily factual. On the third factor of fair use, which questions whether “the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole are reasonable in relation to the purpose of the copying”, the defendants believe the law is on their side. “The Broadcast was essentially four hours long…In other words, the 4/22/21 Podcast used less than .3% of the Broadcast,” an amount that under the circumstances was “very reasonable in relation to the 4/22/21 Podcast’s transformative purpose of commentary and criticism of the Broadcast and Fight.” In addressing the fourth factor (whether the copying affects the market value of the copyrighted work), the motion notes that the court must distinguish between “biting criticism that merely suppresses demand and copyright infringement which usurps it.” They also point out that they catered to a different audience than Triller. While the latter’s wanted to sit back and enjoy the event, H3 Podcast’s viewers wanted to hear why the whole thing was a disaster. Vicarious Infringement Claim Fails To prove a vicarious copyright infringement claim, the defendants say that Triller must show that the defendants had a direct financial interest in the alleged infringing activity by showing a causal relationship. They counter by noting that the ‘reference’ video had no sponsorships and was not monetized on YouTube so Triller’s claim fails. On the allegations relating to the violations of the Federal Communications Act, the defendants say that since Triller acknowledges that the videos were shown on YouTube after the original transmission (i.e they did not extend the point of distribution of the actual broadcast signal), that claim fails too. Conclusion “Triller’s abuse of the judicial process to punish and silence lawful speech can no longer be countenanced. Triller’s lawsuit is retribution for the 4/22/21 Podcast lambasting the Broadcast as a ‘disaster’,” the motion adds. “[T]riller persists in filing “disastrous” and fatally defective complaints – and the SAC is no exception. Since Triller consistently refuses to cease its abuse of the judicial process and Defendants, it is up to this Court to make Triller stop.”
  2. A high-ranking representative of Russia’s notorious Finiko Ponzi scheme has been arrested in Tatarstan. Ilgiz Shakirov, a businessman from Kazan, rose to the rank of vice president of the crypto pyramid which is believed to have defrauded millions of investors in the Russian Federation and surrounding regions. Kazan Police Detain Finiko Vice President Police in the Russian republic of Tatarstan have detained Ilgiz Shakirov, a businessman from the capital city Kazan, for his suspected involvement in the fraudulent theft of funds in the Finiko case, Realnoe Vremya reported. The local news outlet quotes undisclosed sources familiar with the investigation. Shakirov has allegedly attracted 100,000 people to the Ponzi scheme which is one of the largest financial scams in Russia’s modern history. For his achievements, the Tatarstan native was granted the status of vice president of the cryptocurrency pyramid. Ilgiz Shakirov. Source: Realnoe Vremya According to a recent report by blockchain forensics firm Chainalysis, Finiko received over $1.5 billion worth of bitcoin between December 2019 and August 2021. The digital money came in 800,000 separate deposits from investors lured with promises of monthly returns of up to 30%. Chainalysis noted that while it’s unclear how many individual victims were behind those deposits and how much of the total amount was paid out to investors to keep the Ponzi scheme going, “it’s clear that Finiko represents a massive fraud perpetrated against Eastern European cryptocurrency users.” Most of the defrauded bitcoin holders are based in the Russian Federation and neighboring Ukraine, analysis of the sending addresses shows. Finiko had been mostly targeting potential investors among Russian-speaking populations in the former Soviet space before the scheme collapsed this summer. Police investigators are now expected to request a permanent arrest warrant for Shakirov within 48 hours, Realnoe Vremya added in its report published Wednesday. Before he was apprehended, the only other Finiko executive in custody was the pyramid’s founder, Kirill Doronin, an Instagram influencer associated with other Ponzi schemes in the past. International arrest warrants have been issued for three of Doronin’s associates. Together with their boss, they are accused of embezzling at least 250 million rubles (almost $3.5 million) in collusion with “unidentified persons.” However, estimates of caused damages in the case continue to grow. So far, 80 individuals have been officially recognized as victims of the scam with more applications pending review.
  3. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)’s director of monetary policy, Hassan Mahmud, has suggested that the institution is not worried about the naira’s valuation but is instead interested in “boosting dollar supply on the currency market.” Naira Depreciation According to a report, Mahmud’s remarks were made just a day after the local currency touched a new low of 532 naira for one dollar on the parallel market. This new parallel market exchange rate differs significantly from the CBN’s current spot exchange rate of approximately 411 naira to the dollar. Yet, in spite of the glaring differences between the two rates, Mahmud, who was addressing a virtual investor conference, insisted that fixing this gap is not the priority of the central bank. Mahmud explained: We are not really bothered much about valuation. What we are worried about is the supply side and the confidence in the system. Forex Shortages Since the second quarter of 2020, Nigeria has grappled with shortages of foreign exchange which in turn increase pressure on the naira. To ease pressure on the naira, the CBN has devalued the currency three times since March 2020. In addition, the central bank has imposed a series of restrictions that are aimed at controlling the movement of foreign exchange. Despite the devaluations and the restrictions imposed, the naira has continued to lose ground against major currencies like the U.S. dollar due to what Mahmud calls “market failures.” According to the CBN’s director of monetary policy, it is these market failures that prompted the central bank to “adopt a managed float regime.
  4. Russia has no reason to recognize bitcoin, President Putin’s press secretary has noted after El Salvador became the first country to adopt the digital coin as legal tender. In a statement to the press, Dmitry Peskov revealed he is convinced that such a move would not bring any benefits to the Russian Federation. Kremlin Not Open to Bitcoin Adoption in Russia The government in Moscow sees no reason to recognize bitcoin at this point, according to Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Describing it as a quasi-currency, the Kremlin representative insisted that equating bitcoin to official monetary instruments wouldn’t do anything but harm Russia’s financial and economic system. Speaking to reporters, Peskov emphasized: Clearly, Russia is not ready for such steps. The statement, quoted by RIA Novosti news agency on Tuesday, came as the Republic of El Salvador became the world’s first country to recognize bitcoin (BTC) as legal tender for payments in its jurisdiction. On Sept. 7, El Salvador’s Bitcoin Law came into effect, making the leading crypto by market cap a national currency alongside the U.S. dollar, as Bitcoin.com News reported. Residents of the small Central American nation can now pay for goods and services using the cryptocurrency as all prices can be denominated in BTC. Furthermore, taxpayers can use bitcoin to cover their obligations to the state. On Monday, President Nayib Bukele revealed his government had also started purchasing BTC, later announcing that the country had acquired 200 coins, bringing the total it holds to 400, and then “buying the dip” with another 150 coins when the price fell to below $43,000. Russia, on the other hand, is a long way from accepting any cryptocurrency as legal tender. Moscow partially regulated coins and tokens with the new law “On Digital Financial Assets” which entered into force at the beginning of this year. Its provisions recognize cryptocurrencies as property but prohibit their use for payments. According to the country’s current legislation, the national fiat ruble remains the only legal tender, and “money surrogates” are banned in the Russian Federation. Bank of Russia, the country’s central bank which has categorically opposed the adoption of decentralized digital money, is preparing to launch a digital ruble prototype by the end of 2021. Russian media reported in May, however, that members of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia’s parliament, had started working on amendments to the Civil Code that would permit the use of crypto assets as contractual means of payment. If approved, the changes will allow parties to a contract to pay each other with cryptocurrency, only under the terms of their agreement.
  5. If you want to develop websites/web applications, then knowing how to create responsive designs is essential to your success. In the past, the creation of websites that adapted well to different screen sizes was a luxury that website owners had to request from a developer. However, the uptick in the use of smartphones and tablets has now made responsive design a necessity in the world of software development. Using media queries is hands down the best way to ensure that your website/web app appears exactly how you want it to on every device. Understanding Responsive Design In a nutshell, responsive design deals with using HTML/CSS to create a website/web app layout that adapts to various screen sizes. In HTML/CSS there are a few different ways to achieve responsiveness in a website design: Using rem and em units instead of pixels (px) Setting the viewport/scale of each webpage Using media queries What Are Media Queries? A media query is a feature of CSS that was released in the CSS3 version. With the introduction of this new feature users of CSS gain the ability to adjust the display of a webpage based on a device/screen height, width, and orientation (landscape or portrait mode). READ MORE: The Essential CSS3 Properties Cheat Sheet Media queries provide a framework for creating code once and using it multiple times throughout your program. This might not seem so helpful if you’re developing a website with only three web pages, but if you’re working for a company with hundreds of different web pages—this will prove to be a massive time saver. Using Media Queries There are several different things that you need to take into account when using media queries: structure, placement, range, and linking. The Structure of Media Queries Example of a Media Query Structure @media only/not media-type and (expression){ /*CSS code*/ } The general structure of a media query includes: The @media keyword The not/only keyword A media-type (which can be either screen, print, or speech) The keyword “and” A unique expression enclosed in parentheses CSS code enclosed in a pair of open and close curly braces. RELATED: Using CSS To Format Documents For Printing Example of a Media Query With the Only Keyword @media only screen and (max-width: 450px){ body{ background-color: blue; } } The example above applies CSS styling (specifically a blue background color) to only device screens that have a width of 450px and under—so basically smartphones. The “only” keyword can be replaced with the “not” keyword and then CSS styling in the media query above would only apply to print and speech. However, by default, a general media query declaration applies to all three media types so there is no need to specify a media type unless the aim is to exclude one or more of them. Default Media Query Example /*design for smartphones*/ @media(max-width: 450px){ body{ background-color: blue; } } The Placement of Media Queries A media query is a CSS property; it can, therefore, only be used within the styling language. There are three different ways to include CSS in your code; however, only two of those methods provide a practical way to include media queries in your programs—internal or external CSS. The internal method includes adding the <style> tag to the <head> tag of the HTML file, and creating the media query within the parameters of the <style> tag. The external method involves creating a media query in an external CSS file and linking it to your HTML file via the <link> tag. The Range of Media Queries Whether media queries are used via internal or external CSS, there is one major aspect of the styling language that can adversely affect how a media query functions. CSS has an order of precedence rule. When using a CSS selector, or in this case a media query, each new media query that is added to the CSS file overrides (or takes precedence over) the one that came before. The default media query code that we have above targets smartphones (450px wide and under), so if you wanted to set a different background for tablets you might think you could simply add the following code to your pre-existing CSS file. Tablet Media Query Example /* design for tablets */ @media(max-width: 800px){ body{ background-color: red; } } The only problem is that, due to the order of precedence, tablets would have a red background color and smartphones would now also have a red background color because 450px and under is under 800px. One way to solve this little problem would be to add the media query for tablets before the ones for smartphones; the latter would override the former and you would now have smartphones with a blue background color and tablets with a red background color. However, there is a better way to achieve separate styling for smartphones and tablets without being concerned about the order of precedence. This is a feature of media queries known as range specification, where the developer can create a media query with the maximum and minimum width (the range). Tablet Media Query With Range Example /* design for tablets */ @media(max-width: 800px) and (min-width:451){ body{ background-color: red; } } With the example above the placement of media queries within a stylesheet becomes irrelevant as the design for tablets and smartphones target two separate collections of width. Link Media Queries If you don’t want to embed media queries into your CSS code, there is an alternative method that you can use. This method involves using media queries in the <link> tag of an HTML file, so instead of having one massive stylesheet that contains the styling preferences for smartphones, tablets, and computers—you could use three separate CSS files and create your media queries in the <link> tag. The <link> tag is an HTML element that is used to import CSS styling from an external stylesheet. This tag has a media property that works the same way as a media query would in CSS. Using Media Queries in the Link tag Example <!-- main stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"> <!-- tablet stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" media="(max-width:800px) and (min-width:451px)" href="tablet.css"> <!-- smartphone stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" media="(max-width:450px)" href="smartphone.css"> The code above should be placed in the <head> tag of your HTML file. Now all you need to do is create three separate CSS files with the file names main.css, tablet.css, and smartphone.css—then create the specific design that you would want for each device. The style in the main file will apply to all screens with a width greater than 800px, the style in the tablet file will apply to all screens with a width between 450px and 801px, and the style in the smartphone file will apply to all screens below 451px. Now You Have the Tools to Create Responsive Designs If you made it to the end of this article you were able to learn what responsive design is and why it is useful. You can now identify and use media queries in CSS and HTML files. Additionally, you were introduced to the order of precedence in CSS and saw how it could affect how your media queries function.
  6. Since the dawn of the internet, publishers big and small have wondered about the mysterious virtual visitors to their sites. How many are there? What are they reading? How many pages do Canadians using Firefox view per session? The field of analytics tackles these questions, and the leading practitioner is, unsurprisingly, the company that often leads the way when it comes to internet data analysis: Google. What Is Analytics? Depending on exactly how you measure it, roughly half to two-thirds of the internet uses Google Analytics. Although the service has only existed for about half of the World Wide Web’s lifetime, the concept of measuring and analyzing web traffic was established right from the start. Unlike other less direct media, such as television or newspapers, the web has always involved sending a large amount of rich information back and forth between producer and consumer. When you visit a website, your browser sends a lot of data to that site. Thankfully, that data tends to be more about the browser than you as an individual! There are several reasons why web publishers might want to get their eyeballs on this data. For a start, it’s quite fun just to have positive feedback on the content that you’re putting out there. Anyone who has taken time out to view the behavior of their site’s visitors in real-time can attest to this! Analytics can also inform on how a site is being used, from time spent on pages to the performance of search results. Some companies, including Google themselves, construct a feedback loop, continuously measuring changes. By observing real usage, they then respond with tweaks to even the smallest design or structural elements. Finally, advertising supports many online business models. Analytics can prove a valuable means of demonstrating value to companies looking for an audience. RELATED: Data Analytics Software Tools You Can Learn Quickly What Is Google Analytics? Google Analytics is a simple-to-use, mostly automated solution for the gathering and analysis of web traffic data. It’s a third-party solution, which means your data is sent to Google, then made available for you to use subsequently. It utilizes JavaScript, which means it will collect data even if a page is fetched from a cache or proxy server. This is in contrast to earlier web monitoring tools, which relied on data collected by the server. That approach still informs a lot of current thinking because sites collect much of the same data. However, client-side monitoring provides a richer set of information. You can still see both approaches in use today. How to Setup Google Analytics Google Analytics is freely available to anyone with a Google account. You can then measure any web page usage, from the smallest blogging service to the largest in-house architecture. If you can edit a page’s HTML or supply a custom JavaScript file, you can use Google Analytics. Once you’ve set up a Property (broadly speaking, a website) within your Google Analytics account, you’ll have a unique identifier (e.g., UA-1234567-1). You'll also be able to download a Tracking Code, a small snippet of JavaScript to embed in each web page you wish to track. You can go beyond this drop-in solution, with various navigation funnels to track different types of behavior. But the default setup is quick and straightforward and provides a lot of useful data. To share the workload, you can give other users access to your account, with various permission levels. For example, you can allow members of a marketing team to view some reports and members of a sales team to view others. What Is a Metric In Google Analytics? Google Analytics divides the data it presents into two distinct types: Metrics and Dimensions. Metrics are quantifiable measurements, such as Pages per Session, which counts the average number of pages viewed in a session. They are typically expressed as numbers, including percentages or durations of time. Metrics often represent the key data: how many users visit your site, how many pages do they read, how much time do they spend reading. Examples of Some Common Metrics The Users metric represents the number of users for a requested period. This metric aims to count individual visitors to your site with as high a degree of accuracy as possible. A related metric, Sessions, tracks the number of visits to your site. Note that each session can involve the viewing of several different pages. If a user visits your site on Monday and then again the following day, that behavior will likely result in a total of two sessions. Pageviews is a metric that totals the number of times a user loads a page. Unique Pageviews is often more useful since it discounts repeat views. If a user refreshes a single page 100 times, that will represent 100 Pageviews and 1 Unique Pageview. Time on Page, which you should treat with caution, records the number of seconds a user spent reading a page. What Is a Dimension In Google Analytics? Dimensions are attributes of your data, such as City, representing the city from which a session originates. They typically hold non-numeric values such as names, languages, or campaign identifiers. Dimensions often refine metrics, splitting them into smaller groups based on specific demographics. For example, you can take a total number of Pageviews and see how many were from Europe and how many were from Africa. Examples of Some Common Dimensions User Type groups users into New or Returning, based on whether they’ve visited your site before. Continent, Country, and City are a few examples of geographic data. They identify your users’ locations, albeit with a small margin of error. Screen Resolution is an example of the type of Dimension that can help to inform your site’s design. As with all data you collect, though, you should understand it in context. Take Website Traffic Analysis Further With Google Analytics Google Analytics offers more besides the basics. Secondary Dimensions provide more granular breakdowns of your data. Custom dimensions & metrics can track other types of data specific to your site. In fact, customizable reports and ongoing improvements to the service mean that you can analyze it in almost any way you can imagine once you start collecting data. But the default settings make Google Analytics useful right out of the box.
  7. Chrome DevTools is an essential asset for developers. While other browsers offer pretty handy troubleshooting tools, Chrome DevTools is worth your attention because of its multi-functional interface and popularity. Chrome is the most popular browser for developers due to its powerful suite of debugging tools. Using Chrome DevTools is easy, but you need to understand how it works to get the most out of it. How the Chrome Developer Tools Work Chrome DevTools let you solve problems on a website via its error console and other debugging and monitoring tools. Using DevTools exposes frontend loopholes and lets you monitor how your website appears on mobile and tablet devices. With DevTools, you can carry out real-time edits on a website's code, like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, and get instant results of your changes. The changes you make via the DevTools don't affect the website permanently. They only temporarily display the expected outcome as if you had applied them to the actual source code. This lets you work out ways to get your website to load much faster and makes it easier to iron out bugs. How to Access Chrome DevTools You can access Chrome DevTools in several ways. To open the developer tools with the shortcut method on Mac OS, press Cmd + Opt + I. If you're using the Windows OS, hit the Ctrl + Shift + I keys on your keyboard. Alternatively, you can access the Chrome developer tools by clicking on the three dots at the top-right corner of the screen. Head to More tools and select Developer tools. Another option is to right-click on the web page and click on the Inspect option. Using the Chrome Developer Tools for Website Diagnosis Chrome DevTools offer several ways to tweak and troubleshoot a webpage. Let's take a look at some of the ways DevTools can help you. See How Your Website Looks on a Smartphone Once you switch your Chrome browser to developer mode, it renders a half-sized version of your webpage. However, this won't give you a real view of what it would look like on a smartphone or tablet. Thankfully, in addition to setting the screen size of a webpage, Chrome DevTools lets you switch between different mobile screen types and versions as well. To access that option, toggle on the Inspect mode. Next, click on the Responsive drop-down at the top-left corner of the DevTools and select your preferred mobile device. The webpage then renders and adjusts to fit the size of the mobile device you selected. Access the Source Files of a Webpage You can access the files that make up a webpage via Chrome DevTools. To access these files, click on the Sources option at the upper part of the DevTools menu. This exposes the file system of the website and also gives you editing. You can also search for source files, which can be helpful when you're dealing with a webpage that has many resources. To search for a source file via DevTools, click on the Search option just above the console. However, if you can't find the Search option, a better alternative is to use keyboard shortcuts. On Mac OS, press the Cmd + Opt + F keys to search for a source file. If you're using Windows OS, press the Ctrl + Shift + F key to access the source file search bar. Perform Live Edits to a Webpage One of the main purposes of using the DevTools is to carry out an instant fake edit of the elements on a webpage. Once you switch to the developer tools, you can edit a website's HTML content by clicking on the Elements option. Then, right-click on any point you want to apply changes to within the code editor and select Edit as HTML. To edit CSS properties that aren't inline, select Sources. Next, select the CSS file you want to edit. Place your cursor on your line of choice within the code console to perform a live edit. Doing this gives you instant feedback on any style changes you apply to the webpage. Note that when you edit a page via the DevTools, reloading the page on your browser reverts it to its original form, and the edit is only visible to you. Editing via DevTools neither affects the smooth running nor usage of that website for other users. Debug JavaScript Code with the DevTools Console One of the best ways to debug JavaScript is using Chrome's developer tools. It gives you a direct report of invalid scripts as well as the exact location of the bug. It's good practice to always keep DevTools open while designing a website with JavaScript. For instance, running the console.log() command of JavaScript on a set of instructions displays the result of that log in the DevTools console if the program runs successfully. By default, the console reports any JavaScript issues on your website. You can find the console at the lower part of the DevTools or access it by clicking on the Console option at the top of the Chrome DevTools window. Monitor Resource Loading from a Database In addition to debugging JavaScript, the console can also give you a detail of resources that aren't loading correctly from the website's database. While this is not always the best way to debug backend issues, it still tells you which resources are returning a 404 error after running a database query of those elements. RELATED:Common Website Errors And What They Mean Switch the Orientation of Chrome Developer Tools To change the position of the Chrome developer tools, click on the three menu dots within the DevTools (not the main one on the browser). Then select your preferred position from the Dock side option. Install Chrome DevTools Extensions You can also install language or framework-specific extensions that work with Chrome DevTools. Installing these extensions lets you debug your webpage more efficiently. You can access a list of available extensions for Chrome DevTools in Chrome's Featured DevTools Extensions gallery. Check for Security Issues on a Website Chrome DevTools lets you assess how secure your website is, based on parameters like availability of web security certificates and how secure the connection is, among others. To check if your website is secure, click on the Security option at the top of the DevTools. The Security tab gives you an overview of your website's security details and tells you any potential threats. Audit Your Website Chrome DevTools has a feature that lets you check the overall performance of your website based on specific parameters. To access that feature, select the Lighthouse option at the top of the DevTools window. Next, select the parameters you want to check, then tick either the Mobile or Desktop options to see how your webpage performs on different platforms. Next, click on Generate report to run an analysis of your webpage based on the parameters you selected earlier. You can also assess the run-time or loading performance of a website by clicking on the Performance option. To run a test, click on the icon next to the Click the record button option to perform a run-time analysis. Alternatively, click on the reload button below it to assess the load-time performance. Click on Stop to stop the analyzer and display the results. Take Advantage of Chrome DevTools Depending on what you need it for, Chrome DevTools let you do more than just simple website debugging. Thankfully, DevTools are easy to use for programmers of all skill levels. You can even learn some basics of website frontend development by looking up the source code of websites you visit. You might also discover some other options we didn't discuss in this article. So, feel free to play around with the available features. Besides, tweaking these features doesn't harm a website a bit.
  8. Vue is a modern front-end framework that can help anybody build a website or web app. It's lightweight, flexible, and easy to get started with. But it's also a full, rich framework that can grow to meet the needs of the most advanced web app builder. Let's look at Vue.js and what you need to know to start using it. Getting to Know Vue Vue is the most versatile framework currently available for JavaScript. It's also the easiest to understand for programmers and non-programmers alike. Vue is easy to learn for people who are new to website development. Almost everyone who has worked with HTML has hit a wall where they want to do something that HTML can't. For example, what if you wanted to add a switch to change your website theme from light to dark mode? How about adding a simple menu hidden behind a hamburger button? That's when you may need to learn some Javascript. These are tasks that are pretty easy to do in JavaScript. You can add a snippet of JavaScript to a script tag, and you're all set. This is what inserting text looks like with vanilla JavaScript: The way that JavaScript references page elements can be confusing to beginners. Adding JavaScript with Vue is just as easy as adding vanilla JavaScript. But with Vue, you get more functionality and access to modern JavaScript techniques. This is how you insert text with Vue: {{ message }} Let's dissect those examples a bit. In JavaScript, the code had to look for the element, choose an aspect of it, and change it. In Vue, we told the HTML where to expect variable text. Then we created a JavaScript object, assigned it to the element, and set the variable text. This simple example illustrates an important point. It's best to keep your code decoupled from your HTML. In the Vue example, Vue doesn't manipulate the HTML directly. It only manages its own business. And it gave HTML more functionality without adding code to it. Is Vue a Framework or Not? If you're familiar with other frameworks, you may be aware that they usually need you to build an app from the ground up using their technology. This usually involves creating an app from the command line and starting a server. But in the previous example, we added Vue to a static website without all of that complexity. Vue is a framework, though. On its introduction page, it says: "Unlike other monolithic frameworks, Vue is designed from the ground up to be incrementally adoptable." That means that you can use as little or as much of the power of Vue as you want in your apps. You can use Vue to manage an image slideshow, or you can build a full single-page app with all the bells and whistles. That includes testing, routing, state management, security, and much more. Who Is Vue For? Due to its power and versatility, Vue appeals to a wide audience. Vue Is for HTML/CSS/JS Purists JavaScript is a rapidly changing ecosystem with lots of churn. It's possible to dedicate yourself to a collection of tools and see them grow obsolete two years later. JavaScript also adds complexity to websites on its own. Installing a framework and a huge wobbly stack of Node packages only makes it worse. Some people prefer to stick with the basics for that reason. HTML works fine, CSS has its quirks, and JavaScript is kind of funky. But they're all rock-solid! They continue to change and evolve, but slowly and steadily. Many frameworks end up adding changes that will break your code. However, there are a few scripts, like jQuery and Handlebars, that make your life as a front-end programmer easier. jQuery starts great, but turns into spaghetti when your code-base gets too complex. Handlebars is also nice, but doesn't do much to make JS itself easier to use. Vue can replace both of those tools and solve their problems. And it does so without completely taking over your website. It introduces modern JavaScript practices without the modern JavaScript headaches. Vue Is for Rapid Prototyping Vue is a lightweight framework with the functionality of much heavier frameworks. If you have experience with front-end web development, you can learn Vue in a few days. If you don't, you can start with only as much as you need. One of the main reasons to use a framework is that the tools they give you to make development faster and easier. For example, a progressive web app relies on programmatic navigation, custom layout, and structure that changes on the fly. Front-end frameworks make this challenge almost trivial. And Vue is no exception. You can now finish projects that used to take months in weeks, thanks to modern frameworks. And because Vue is so lightweight and easy to work with, you can finish prototypes in hours or days. Vue Is for Web App Development Developers have come to expect certain benefits from modern front-end frameworks. String replacement for HTML, component-based architecture, and tooling are good examples. Vue has all of those benefits, as well as the ones mentioned in the framework section above. Vue Is for Native Mobile App Development Web-app developers often want to make their products available as a mobile app. Traditionally, they did this by hiring extra developers to build for iOS and Android. Then they'd have to find a way to coordinate between the three platforms. But today, there are other options. One option is to use NativeScript to build mobile apps, which lets developers build for Android and iOS with the same JavaScript code. Nativescript developers can even port their web code to mobile without having to hire new developers. And it has great support for Vue. How Does Vue Compare to Other Frameworks? Vue, Angular, and React are the three most popular frameworks according to the 2019 State of JS survey. Here are some points to consider about them: The Big Three Frameworks Angular was the first big-name front-end web framework. It's published by Google and has been around since 2010. It introduced the world to dynamic HTML via directives and three-way data binding that makes code magically update on the page without a refresh. React was first released in 2013 by Facebook and is a more approachable alternative to Angular. React is best known for using JSX and components. Vue was released in 2014 by Evan You, a former Google employee. Vue didn't introduce anything too groundbreaking. But it did introduce a much better and cleaner way of working. Benefits of The Big Three Angular is an enterprise-grade beast of a framework. It's been around the longest and is built and maintained by Google. React has been the most widely adopted of the big three frameworks, according to the 2019 State of JavaScript. It's known as easy to work with and flexible. Vue is subjectively the easiest framework to learn and implement. And it stays as easy as it is without sacrificing a rich and powerful feature set. Criticisms of The Big Three Angular Angular has been notoriously hard to learn in the past. Version 1 (AngularJS) used a lot of college-level computer science jargon in its documentation. Version 2 (Angular) simplified and streamlined a lot, though. When Google released Angular, it kept the higher-level concepts from AngularJS. Butthe company changed the details so much that many developers still found it confusing. There was a lot of churn in the early days of Angular, with code-breaking changes in almost every release. Angular is better now, but it's still very formal, rigid, and hard to learn for some developers. React One of the best and yet most challenging aspects of React is JSX. It condenses HTML, CSS, and JS into one language. This makes everything simpler for developers, but harder for designers. JSX also makes working with existing libraries more difficult. Also, it's considered an anti-pattern to put design, layout, and code in the same place. Doing so can create messy, unreadable code. React handles this gracefully by using components to separate code. But it's up to individual developers to use components properly. React is technically a framework. But it lacks some important features like navigation and app-wide state management. Vue Vue solves all of the issues mentioned about the other big two. Unlike Angular, it is easy to learn. And unlike JSX, Vue components separate HTML, CSS, and JS. It's much easier for designers to work in a Vue component. And keeping everything clean isn't entirely up to the developer. The biggest challenges facing Vue are relatively low adoption and a lack of "killer apps." Quite a few companies use Vue, but arguably, none of them have name-brand recognition. Is Vue Another Fad? Even though Vue has been around for several years, it's still the new kid on the block. It also doesn't have the corporate backing of the other two. And as mentioned already, there are no killer apps that showcase what it can do. What Vue lacks in enterprise-level backing, it makes up for with passion and grassroots support. Evan You runs a Patreon campaign to support himself and one other developer. In a sense, Vue is democratically run. As long as there is enough interest in Vue that companies are willing to support it, Vue will stay around. The Best Parts of Vue
  9. In the early days of the internet, websites didn't care what browser you used, because most pages were static. But today's dynamic websites often adapt to the operating system, browser, or screen size your device uses. They typically do so through a bit of text called the user agent. So, let's look at what a user agent is, what it does, and how you can make your browser pretend to be another browser or another device. What Is a User Agent? A user agent is a string (line of text) that your browser sends to websites when you access them. It basically serves to tell the website that you're using the Chrome browser on Windows 10, for example. If you'd like, you can see your user agent by visiting a site like WhatIsMyBrowser. User agents are important because sites can use them to modify the content they send to your browser. For example, if you visit most modern sites in Internet Explorer 6, you'll see a message that you need to upgrade your browser for proper compatibility. User agents also come into play when browsing on a mobile device, so websites know to show you the mobile-friendly version of a page. As it turns out, your user agent isn't permanent. It's easy to change if you know where to look, and some extensions let you change it in just a few clicks. How to Change Your User Agent Let's look at how to change your user agent in major browsers. This will let you trick websites into thinking you're on a different type of computer or browser. Change Your User Agent in Chrome Open Chrome's Developer Tools by right-clicking anywhere and choosing Inspect, hitting Ctrl + Shift + I, or by pressing F12. At the bottom of the resulting panel, you should see a section with the tabs Console, Network conditions, and What's New. Press Esc to show this if you don't see it. On the Network conditions tab, uncheck Select automatically and you can then choose a new user agent from the list. Refresh to update the page with the new agent. Note that this setting will revert back to normal when you close the developer panel, and only applies to your current tab. For more control, check out Google's official User-Agent Switcher for Chrome extension. This lets you easily switch your user agent, including setting certain sites to use a different agent all the time. Change Your User Agent in Firefox The process to change your user agent in Firefox is clunky, as it requires you to manually paste a new user agent string. You're better off using an add-on to easily change your user agent. User-Agent Switcher by Alexander Schlarb is well-reviewed and easy to use. Change Your User Agent in Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge uses a similar setup to Chrome for changing your user agent. Press F12 or right-click on an empty spot of the page and choose Inspect element to open the developer tools window. Along the top bar, select the Emulation tab---you may need to click the dropdown arrow to show it if it's hidden. Here, change the User agent string box to trick the website into thinking you're something else. You can also change Browser profile from Desktop to Windows Phone to view the mobile version of webpages. Like Chrome, this only applies to the current tab while the developer tools panel is open. Unfortunately, there are no extensions that easily change your user agent for the current version of Edge. When Microsoft's revised browser launches, this will hopefully change. Change Your User Agent in Safari You'll need to enable the hidden Develop menu in Safari before you can change your user agent. To do this, visit Safari > Preferences and go to the Advanced tab. There, check the box labeled Show Develop menu in menu bar. Next, select Develop > User Agent and pick the option you'd like. Safari even lets you choose Other to specify your own user agent string. Request Desktop Site on Android and iPhone While there's no quick toggle to change your user agent in the mobile versions of Chrome and Safari, you can easily make websites think your phone is a computer. On Android, open Chrome and tap the three-dot Menu button in the top-right. Check the Desktop site box and it will reload to show you the full version. Image Gallery (2 Images) On Safari for iOS, tap the aA button to the left of the address bar and choose Request Desktop Website. You'll find the same option in Chrome for iPhone by tapping the Share button at the top-right, followed by scrolling down and choosing Request Desktop Site. Image Gallery (2 Images) Reasons to Change Your User Agent Now you know how to trick websites into thinking you're on another device. But why would you change your browser's user agent when you can just install another browser? Here are some situations where changing your user agent could prove to be fun, useful, or convenient. 1. Website Development If you're developing a website (or learning about website development), it's important to make sure your site looks good and functions properly in a variety of browsers. While swapping your agent can't accommodate every possible real-world situation, it lets you get some basic testing done in a fraction of the time. Perhaps you can test Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Internet Explorer just fine on your own. But what if you don't have a Mac to run Safari, or don't have a tablet to test mobile versions of the page? Further, if backward compatibility is important for your site, swapping your user agent to IE 8 is a lot easier than installing a copy of ancient browsers manually. Whether for efficiency or because you don't own some of the devices needed to test your site, seeing how your site looks in a variety of browsers is easy using this method. 2. View Mobile Sites on Limited Connections On a lot of sites, the mobile version offers a slimmed-down amount of content to reduce data usage for the mobile users. While we looked at how to view the full desktop site on a mobile browser, it's not as common to see desktop pages offer their mobile versions. By changing your user agent to act as a mobile browser, you can force this change the next time you're using your phone as a mobile hotspot or working on a limited connection. Browsing mobile versions of pages means you only get the basics and aren't wasting data on multimedia or other large items. 3. Get Around Browser Restrictions While not as common as it once was, sometimes you'll come across websites that tell you Firefox doesn't work with the page, or you must use Internet Explorer, or other similar warnings. If you know the site works fine in whatever browser you're using, you can swap your user agent to oblige the website without actually changing browsers. Remember that changing your user agent doesn't actually modify the software you're running---it only changes what your browser reports to the website. Thus, this doesn't work if a website is truly IE-only because it uses archaic ActiveX controls or something similar. However, you're unlikely to come across such sites today. 4. Better OS Compatibility Another uncommon reason for switching your user agent appears in reviews for user agent switching extensions. Some people explain that they use these services to get around sites that block entire operating systems. While there's really no good reason for a site to block an entire OS, you could run into a page that complains about you using Linux. If this happens, you can just tell it you're using Internet Explorer and the site will think you're on Windows. This could also come in handy if you're using an out-of-date operating system. Those still using an outdated browser on Windows XP will likely see warnings on most websites that the browser is no longer supported. As Windows 7 is left behind, this will also happen as major browsers drop support for it. We recommend jumping ship to a modern operating system as soon as possible. But in the meantime, you can try swapping your user agent to squeeze a little more life out of your current system. 5. See a Different Perspective and Have Fun Are the above options too boring for you? If so, you can still use agent switching just to have a bit of fun. If you've used Windows all your life, you can jump around some sites and see if they look any different when using Mac or Linux. Or change your user agent to an ancient version of Internet Explorer, then see how many sites still support it. What kind of messages do they display, and how many block you from using the outdated browser? Some browser-switching agents even allow you to pose as Googlebot, the robot Google uses to crawl and index the web. It could be interesting to see what content sites serve to the bots! Seeing the web from a different perspective could be enjoyable once in a while, even if you can't get much practical use out of it. Trick Websites With a New User Agent We've looked at how to make your browser pretend it's something else by changing your user agent. While it's not something you'll probably need to do often, it comes in handy at times. Keep in mind that the user agent isn't the only way to identify your browser, so sites may still be able to tell what you're actually using. Even though it is fun to trick websites, it's not a true measure of privacy.
  10. JavaScript has become a staple in modern web development. This powerful language has evolved into an essential tool for any web developer to understand. JavaScript has special features that make it different from traditional programming languages. We're going to dig into what it is, how it works, and what you can do with it. Let's break it down. What Is JavaScript? JavaScript is a scripting language for the web. It is an interpreted language, which means it does not need a compiler to translate its code like C or C++. JavaScript code runs directly in a web browser. The latest version of the language is ECMAScript 2018 which was released in June 2018. JavaScript works with HTML and CSS to build web apps or web pages. JavaScript is supported by most modern web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, etc. Most mobile browsers for Android and iPhone now support JavaScript as well. JavaScript controls the dynamic elements of web pages. It works in web browsers and, more recently, on web servers as well. Application Programming Interfaces (API) are also supported by JavaScript, giving you more functionality. Understanding all the ways JavaScript works is a little easier when you understand how web programming works, so let's learn more. Web App Building Blocks There are three components that build websites and apps: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript. Each one has a role in creating a web app. HTML is a markup language that creates the skeleton of the web page. All the paragraphs, sections, images, headings and text are written in HTML. The content appears on the website in the order they are written in HTML. CSS controls the style and the additional aspects of the layout. CSS is used to create the design of the website creating the colors, fonts, columns, borders, etc. It takes the website from plain text elements to colorful designs. The third element is JavaScript. HTML and CSS create the structure, but they don't do anything from there. JavaScript creates dynamic activity on your app. Scripting in JavaScript is what controls functions when buttons are clicked, how password forms are authenticated, how media is controlled. All three parts work in harmony with each other to create full-scale apps. It would be a good idea to learn more about HTML and CSS if you're not entirely comfortable with them. How Does JavaScript Work? Before writing JavaScript it's important to know how it works under the hood. There are two important pieces to learn about: How the web browser works, and the Document Object Model (DOM). The web browser loads a web page, parses the HTML, and creates what is known as a Document Object Model (DOM) from the contents. The DOM presents a live view of the web page to your JavaScript code. The browser will then grab everything linked to the HTML, like images and CSS files. The CSS information comes from the CSS parser. The HTML and CSS are put together by the DOM to create the web page first. Then, the browsers' JavaScript engine loads JavaScript files and inline code but does not run the code immediately. It waits for the HTML and CSS to finish loading. Once this is done, the JavaScript is executed in the order the code is written. This results in the DOM being updated by JavaScript code and rendered by the browser. The order here is important. If the JavaScript did not wait for the HTML and CSS to finish, it would not be able to change the DOM elements. What Can I Do With JavaScript? JavaScript is a full-fledged programming language that can do most things a regular language like Python can do. These include: Declaring variables. Storing and retrieving values. Defining and invoking functions, including arrow functions. Defining JavaScript objects and classes. Loading and using external modules. Writing event handlers that respond to click events. Writing server code. And much more. Warning: Since JavaScript is such a powerful language, it is also possible to write malware, viruses, and browser hacks to inflict them on the users. These range from stealing browser cookies, passwords, credit cards to downloading viruses onto your computer. Using JavaScript Let's look at some JavaScript basics with code examples. Declaring variables JavaScript is dynamically typed, which means you do not have to declare the type of your variables in your code. let num = 5; let myString = "Hello"; var interestRate = 0.25; Operators Addition 12 + 5 >> 17 Subtraction 20 - 8 >> 12 Multiplication 5 * 2 >> 10 Division 50 / 2 >> 25 Modulus 45 % 4 >> 1 Arrays let myArray = [1,2,4,5]; let stringArray = ["hello","world"]; Functions JavaScript can write functions, here's a simple function that adds numbers. function addNumbers(num1,num2){ return num1 + num2; } >> addNumbers(10,5); >> 15 Loops JavaScript can perform loops for iteration, loops like for loops and while loops. for(let i = 0; i < 3; i++){ console.log("echo!"); } >> echo! >> echo! >> echo! let i = 0; while(i < 3) { console.log("echo!"); i++; } >> echo! >> echo! >> echo! Comments // Writing a comment /*Writing a multi-line comment You can use as many lines as you like to break up text and make comments more readable */ In a Web Page The most common way to load JavaScript in a web page is to use the script HTML tag. Depending on your requirements, you can use one of the following methods. Load an external JavaScript file into a web page as follows: <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/javascript"></script> You can specify the complete URL if the javascript is from a different domain from the web page as follows: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script> JavaScript can be directly embedded in the HTML. Here is an <script type="text/javascript"> alert("Page is loaded"); </script> Other than these methods there are ways of loading JavaScript code on demand. In fact, there are frameworks dedicated to loading and running JavaScript modules with proper dependencies resolved at run time. Those are more advanced topics, right now you're learning the basics. Sample JavaScript Code Snippets Here are some simple JavaScript code samples to illustrate how it is used on web pages. These are examples of code that work with the DOM. The following selects all bold elements in the document and sets the color of the first to red. var elems = document.getElementsByTagName('b'); elems[0].style.color = 'red'; Want to change the image in an img tag? The following associates an event handler for the click event of a button. <img id="myImg" src="prev-image.png"> <button onclick="document.getElementById('myImg').src='new-image.png'">Change Image</button> Update the text content of a paragraph (p) element? Set the innerHTML property of the element as shown: <p id="first-para">Hello World</p> <button onclick="document.getElementById('first-para').innerHTML = "Welcome to JavaScript!"'>Click me</button> These code samples offer just a glimpse into what you can do using JavaScript on your web page. There are plenty of tutorials that can teach you how to code to get you started. You can try it out on any web page, even this one! Open up your console and try out some JavaScript code.
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