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Posts posted by banglabhai420

  1. 01.01.2023

    Wish you all a happy new year 2023 on notretk

    The staff of ABN
    Abnormal, BigBoss, roach, KickQss714, KRiSS, mangajapanime, MENTAL, ModoTorrent, Roro7302, skaspen, Jeanjean1941

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  2. Happy New Year Aither!

    What an amazing time to be alive, there is only one way to describe the last year, with an old English expression “May you live in interesting times.” 2022 has been interesting both geopolitically and within the tracker world. Through all of it, Aither has grown over the year and we are attracting some serious high quality uploading, internal, and moderation talent. When I said in past messages you were on the ground floor of something amazing, we were not bluffing. This New Year the staff will be raising a glass to all of our members and their families. We especially want to thank he core of the Aither family, our amazing uploaders, internals and VIPs. Thank you all for what you do.

    As with every New Year we look back and see if there is an opportunity for change and improvement. Looking back we have had a good year, but this next year is going to be better as we are going to be making some major changes. The Aither 2.0 project will be kicking off in the New Year to reshape the content and direction of the site. High Quality movies/T.V content and member rewards will be the primary focus to increase the benefits for all current members and continue to attract and keep talent. With the change we will also be looking for comments and suggestions from the community to help us, we are all in this together. We are working hard to reward all of our members who have supported us and been patient with the direction of the tracker, you are in good hands.

    2022 has been a wild year. We have seen a number of major events unfold across the world, our hearts go out to those caught in dangerous places or rough times. The Aither staff wants to reiterate what we mentioned over Christmas to take care of yourself and each other. Your cyber security is a priority, but all of our members are important, the holidays can be tough for some people, but we need you all signing in and seeding next year, so stay safe. You can be sure the staff at Aither will remain focused on bringing our members the best we can moving forward into 2023. In closing we ask everyone to raise a glass of your favorite beverage to the future of Aither, a community tracker unlike any other.

    Happy New Year Everyone!

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  3. 2023 Happy New Year Free & Betting

    I wish you all a happy new year in 2023, the site free has been opened until January 3rd. Registration will open at 8:00 tomorrow morning and last for 24 hours (or the maximum number of people reached)

    Wish you all a happy new year in 2023, torrent freeleech has been opened until January 3rd. Registration will open at 8:00 tomorrow morning and last for 24 hours ( or the maximum number of members reached)

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