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R3VUK.Wtf (R3V) News


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Ok so here goes, as some of you may have noticed for many months now this place has started to become a bit well... shall we be honest and say just plain shit? staff have left or no longer bother (myself included, although i am retired!!! ) uploaders have disappeared and it seems some of the regular chatterboxes here have also done a bunk... now I don't know what we can do to rectify the situation, but as it stands if things don't change pretty damn soon we won't be bothering to carry on paying the server fees, it's depressing for us and probably depressing for some of you who have been here with us for many years to see how quiet and poo we have become, so here it goes this is what we need from you all as members

1. if you wish to not be here or aint arsed about your account please let us know so we can politely fuck you off from it

2. this place needs new staff (or even old staff), staff that don't mind doin stuff on the regular not lazy buggers, we've had our fuckfull of em. So if you want to help plz put your name forward to us

3. uploaders, whatever you can bring here would be appreciated that our bots do not cover

4. Ideas and opinions going forward, We would love to hear them, feel free to pm staff or make a forum post,that would be great.
last but not least...

Site will be opening signups so please if you can be welcoming to any new folk coming in that would be great, also make sure you all get your friends etc here too

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