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Which seedbox?

Guest ImminentFrog

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Guest ImminentFrog

Tbh, I would like something more of a VPS. something i have root access too. 100mb / ulimited bandwidth with 100GB+ disk space.

The only real issue I have with getting a seedbox is it's location. A lot of seedboxes I see are based in countries that have really tough filesharing laws; like the US or France. Right now I use a VPN, the server is based in Switzerland, and trust the company enough when they say I have a level of anonymity that is adequate - time and dates of logins to the service are recorded but actual session data/connections are not - a fair level of anonymity. The problem with seedboxes, based in countries with really tough anti-infringements laws, is that, when the man comes knocking on their door, my personal details are sitting in a database of theirs; with every detail of my activities along with it.

My question is that, because of the rather lax laws in Switzerland (filesharing for personal use is legal), do you guys know of any seedboxes that are based there; or similar? Can you recommend any other seedboxes if not? Bearing in mind that my intention is to NOT get caught. Handing over my details to fbiyousay-comein-wantacupoftea.gov or dcma4lyfe.com always firstly and formost raise suspicion and due care.

Thanks. :)

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Guest heavysilence

Just want to precise something. I'm a law student and I'm swiss. "Filesharing for personal use is legal" is not quite correct. DOWNLOADING for your personal use is legal (from any http website, filelocker and so on) UPLOADING illegal stuff is illegal, because it's not for your personal use, you're sharing stuff, that's illegal too in Switzerland. Unless you don't seed anything and only download, you're breaking the law. Buuuut, they're only after big fish..But how hard is it to define a "big fish"..

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