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Happy 13th Birthday Gazellegames!

Today marks 13 years since the site was founded, and we just keep growing in content! As this milestone comes and goes, so do our users, each leaving their own unique mark on the site, shaping it into what it is today. We wouldn't be where we are without all of our combined efforts and activity, and we hope we will continue as a community for many years to come!

But before we get to the good stuff, we have two announcements to make!

qBittorrent Versions Blacklisted
For those who are not yet aware, a recent discovery revealed a security vulnerability in qBittorrent clients v4.5.0 and v4.5.1 that were using WebUI on Windows. Accordingly, we have now taken the steps to remove qBittorrent v4.5.0 and v4.5.1 from our Client Whitelist. These clients can no longer be used to connect to the tracker. On the other hand, versions v4.5.2 and upwards will continue to be whitelisted. For comments and discussion on this topic, or for further information please view the Security Vulnerability announcement. And for those who are now suddenly seeing errors in your torrent clients, Happy Birthday!

Enhanced Trading Wiki
We also have more positive news to share. Last year, xxxxxx volunteered to write two articles to explain both the basics and more advanced details of trading. After some small refurbishments, we are now making them official articles that we'll keep updating for the future. We heavily recommend everyone read through it at least once, it is useful to newcomers and experienced users alike! And if Legendary Users+ have any suggestions or ideas for improvements, please feel free to complain in #Brainstorming!

Now, we've put together a delightful little box of birthday treats in celebration of our community. It contains gold, FL tokens, trading cards, delicious pumpkins and cakes, and a variety of other exciting items. Once you click the box below, you can find it in your inventory. Many more items are also dropping across the site, thrown away by shadowy, orange figures high above. It seems we were not yet able to stop all that flapping and roaring! Perhaps we can take our frustration out on some frozen pumpkins? In any case, let us enjoy this lovely birthday box together:

Don't wait too long before claiming it. Some gazelles have started a huge party that will devour our entire supply in 2 weeks! So while we munch on some pumpkin, join us in commemorating this special occasion and looking forward to what the future will bring!

GGn Staff

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