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Birth of a great new tracker? Blu-evolution? - General Hangout & Discussions - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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Birth of a great new tracker? Blu-evolution?

Guest mophocrackho

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Guest mophocrackho

Those who support trackers are typically on the forefront of what makes economies great. Despite what some local/political movements or corporation funded political movements try to make you think, they are actually a bastion for the drivers of economies world wide. They act as sand boxes, training grounds, and focal points for all of us that push the world economy forward. Those that participate, typically our opions matter two fold.... 1. We say what is cool 2. We can say what is crap.. the first encourages creation of "better" and the latter helps raise the bar somuchas we vote by not willing to pay for what sucks...and since we tried it...some voice what is needed to make it better.

Private trackers make this world better.

Now I see Blu-Evolution in their infancy. Do they (site admins) have what it takes to be great? Can they achieve a critical mass? Can they be a great source of content? Can they achieve a user friendly design (ex. the logo does not need to be 33% of screen real estate)..poo poo?

More important? Can the community make the site better?

As a sports fan, how is it that some know how to churn out new and better teams year after year and some just give up?

Can torrent trackers and content be so awesome as to be indestructable and continue to make the world a better place?

Let me know and feel free to PM

...full disclosure, am a Blu Evolution user and will seed and add content within the rule obligations I have commited myself

just wanted to add... is it reasonable to believe that we can now get in on the ground floor of a new tracker Blu Evolution and be part of greatness? Maybe this deserves a new post but we shall see if the conversation deserves reposting

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