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How To Delete Hit'n'Runs from IPT

Guest shaileshbad

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Guest shaileshbad

How To Delete Hit'n'Runs from IPT

If you're on the tracker IPTorrents, you may have seen a message saying something like "N Torrents Require Seeding", or maybe a message about how you have some Hit'n'Runs, which is when you download a torrent but don't seed it for long enough or upload enough. Luckily, IPTorrents offers a way to 'zap' these hit'n'runs without you worrying about spending ages trying to seed them back to no avail.

go to the seeding-required page

You'll see that you can choose to zap the torrent via two methods:

Method1: 50 Bonus points

Method2: decrease upload statistics by the missing amount.

With method 2, if you've downloaded a 3GB file for example and only uploaded 1GB, you can choose to decrease your upload by 2GB in order to remove the hit'n'run from your record.

So, which should you do? Spend bonus points or lose buffer? This is what you're given the choice to do. Well, here, I'll make the choice easy for you and show you how I did it:

What we need to do is figure out how much 50 bonus points is worth in Upload Credit, and this calculation is exceedingly easy. If you click on the 'bonus points' link near the top of the page, near your statistics, it will bring you to
What you see there is that you can trade 1000 bonus points for 10GB upload credit.

1000 bonus points = 10GB of buffer

<< convert GB to MB >>

1000 bonus points = 10240MB of buffer

<< divide both sides by 10 >>

100 bonus points = 1024MB of buffer

<< divide both sides by 2 >>

50 bonus points = 512MB of buffer

So, back to the Seeding Required page -- you can see that each hit'n'run has a removal price of either the data missing or 50 bonus points. Obviously you should choose whichever one has the lower value. So, given the math I just did above, if the data price is above 512MB, you should pay 50 bonus points, and if it's below, you should pay by giving up some of your buffer.

Before 'zapping' the hit'n'run though, make sure you remove the torrent from utorrent. If you don't, you will have spent your zap points/buffer for nothing.


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