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Hi Im back

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Hi All

Well finally back after a few months away having my Heart worked on. Iv had a triple bypassand all did not go to plan Simply because I am still getting breathless and angina when trying to do any exersion so in lamans terms IM *****!! Also there was a problem in my breastbone going together right as can now get my finger ends in the grouve down the front of my chest. Then I keep being asked by stupid people why I have depression. All I can say is walk in my shoes and you will see why. For instance I was told before the op I would be a new man Now 4 months on all the pain and recovery Im about %10 better than I was but worse in the fact that the pain left in my chest area and my legs where I had the veines removed for my surgery is hell and still after 4 months keep bleeding and now I find that one of the legs has started to lose feeling as well. Along with this they have also found out I have 3 bulging vertabra that need another op But du to the failur of this one I am now unsuitable for all ops other than life saving ones So in all intence and purposes its downhill from here on. Great hey Im almost in a wheel chare at the moment but can manage about 10m anda set ofsairs at a push but then its sit down time. So you can all gues what my hobby is . Yes watching TV and being on the PC. And this is where the "" Why have you got Deppression comes in"" I just put a brave face on and think to myself dont say anything simply because if I have to sat you think I like being like this and doing this all day JUST LOOK at WHAT I HAVE LOST before saying you are enjoying what you are doing Aggggg I could screem and cry all at the same time.

Anyway thats my rant for the day,

Anyway its good to be back I think.. Regards Os

P,S, all I need now is what I was after before and that is looking to get into BTN But on her no doubt I will find a way

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