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Dragi si scumpi utilizatori, cu bucurie (sau tristete pentru unii) pentru imbunatatirile ce vor urma va anuntam ca am activat snatchlist-ul.
Ce inseamna asta ? Vom putea acorda puncte celor care stau la seed, vom putea vedea si detecta userii care fac fake upload, vom putea vedea userii care fac hit and run. Pe scurt, vom putea recompensa userii seriosi si cu bun simt si ii vom putea alunga mai usor pe cei care sunt o povara pentru aceasta comunitate.
Am sa fiu direct, cei care faceti hit and run la greu va rog opriti-va, cei care faceti fake upload va rog si pe voi, opriti-va. Va spun frumos acum ca sa nu aveti surprize neplacute si sa spuneti ca nu ati stiut. Stiu ca nici nu ar trebui sa zic asa ceva, ca e clar ca nu e ok sa abuzati (si cei care fac prostii stiu si ei asta) dar totusi am facut-o.
Oricum nu cred ca este cazul la noi, stim ca toti sunteti cu bun simt si nimeni nu face prostii (in afara de cel care a luat azi disable pentru fake upload). Decat sa impart cu disable in stanga si in dreapta, m-am gandit sa va anunt prima data.
In alta ordine de idei, noi niciodata nu am obligat utilizatorii sa stea la seed fortat asa cum e pe alte site-uri, nu am facut-o si nu o vom face niciodata. E drept, am putea, dar nu o vom face niciodata. Tot ce va cerem (si e pentru binele comunitatii - pentru toti utilizatorii) e ca orice descarcati sa tineti si la seed ca sa poata lua si altii ce voi deja ati descarcat. E chestie de bun simt, nimic mai mult. Vom avea grija ca cei care intr-adevar sunt cu bun simt si stau la seed sa fie recompensati.
Va multumim,
FileList Staff
Pentru pareri sau sugestii puteti posta aici: https://filelist.ro/...&topicid=106669
PS: Acest anunt tine doar de snatchlist, vom face si un anunt cu privire la puncte pentru seed.
PS2: Cei care stau la seed dar au viteze slabe, nu au de ce sa isi faca griji, important e sa stati la seed.
In urma unor modificari efectuate la botul de irc (System), acum punctele de idle se acorda in felul urmator:
Default: 0.17/5 minute
Addict: 0.19/5 minute
VIP: 0.21/5 minute
Intern sau mai mare: 0.30/5 minute
Va rugam sa raportati aici orice bug-uri gasite. De asemenea, sunteti liberi sa-mi oferiti sugestii, daca sunt bune, vor fi implementate.
Pentru cei care se intreaba, vor reveni si jocurile(battle, iBET etc) in decursul acestei saptamani.
Dear and dear users, with joy (or sorrow for some) for improvements to come will know that I worked snatchlist site.
What does this mean? We can award points to those who are the seed, we can see and detect users who upload fake do, we can see users who are hit and run. In short, we can reward users with common sense and serious and we will be able to more easily flush out those who are a burden to the community.
I'll be blunt, those who do the hard hit and run please stop it, those who make fake and you upload please, stop. I say nice now to have no unpleasant surprises and say that you did not know. I know I should not say so, it's clear that it's not ok to abuse (and those who are nonsense and they know it) but still I did.
Anyway do not think that is the case, we all know that you are with good sense and nobody makes nonsense (except the one who took today disable the fake upload). Rather than disable share with left and right, I thought to announce first time.
In other news, we've never forced users to stay seeding forced as it is on other sites, we did not and we will not do again. True, we could, but we will not do again. All we ask (and it is for the good of the community - for all users) is like any download to keep as seed and others can take what you've already downloaded. It's a matter of common sense, nothing more. We take care that those who really are and taste are the seed to be rewarded.
Thank you,
FileList Staff
For advice or suggestions, you can post here: https://filelist.ro/...&topicid=106669
PS: This ad only snatchlist you, we will do an announcement on seed points.
PS2: Those who are at low speeds seeding but do not have anything to worry about, it's important to stay seeding.
After some changes made to IRC bot (System) now idle points are awarded as follows:
Default: 0.17 / 5 minutes
Addict: 0.19 / 5 minutes
VIP: 0.21 / 5 minutes
Internal or higher: 0.30 / 5 minutes
Please report any bugs found here. Also, you are free to give me suggestions, if good, will be implemented.
For those who wonder, will return and games (battle, iBET etc.) during this week.
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