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A revenit RoDVD ! - Valmed

Dat fiind ca avem alaturi de noi cativa stafferi ai unui tracker de torrente vecin care ne-au ajutat de-a lungul timpului si ne ajuta in continuare am decis sa ajut si eu cu un pic de reclama gratuita trackerului unde activeaza ei, cu ocazia faptului ca este Free Signup la ei.

Este vorba despre RoDVD ( http://rodvd.net/ ).

Trackerul nu este tocmai nou asa ca poate multi dintre voi ati auzit de el sau poate ati avut cont. Dar a fost desfiintat o vreme si a revenit recent. Este specializat pe filme vechi/clasice multe dintre ele traduse de stafful lor (nu veti prea gasi subtitrari pe site-uri specializate). Desi numele sugereaza ca ar avea doar DVD-uri (deoarece site-ul a fost profilat initial pe formatul DVD) acum gasiti toate variantele de calitate, inclusiv remux-uri bluray.

Conturile vechi exista cu tot cu upload si puncte bonus, asadar daca ati avut cont il puteti refolosi...n-are sens sa faceti alt cont.

De asemenea, deoarece au tinut cont de sfatul meu de a elimina regulamentul de seed (hit and run) asa cum e si la noi pe ICE...si deoarece toate torrentele lor sunt FreeLeech permanent deci cum e la noi non-ratio , am decis sa ii ajut un pic si cu traficul. Asadar, voi oferi aici pe ICE cadou 3 luni de VIP tuturor celor care pot face dovada ca si-au facut cont recent (2016) si au promovat pe RoDVD la nivelul L2 (sau mai sus). Ba mai mult, veti primi aici pe ICE ca bonus exact cati GB upload si puncte bonus ati strans acolo la momentul cand imi veti da reply cu dovezile de rigoare !

Cum spuneam, este Free Signup deci nu aveti nevoie de invitatie. Asadar va invit sa va inscrieti, sa sariti la download si sa imi dati PM dupa ce ati promovat la L2 pentru a va revendica premiile aici pe ICE !

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He returned RoDVD! - Valmed

Given that we have with us some staffer of a torrent tracker neighbor who helped us along time and help us further I decided to help myself with a bit of free advertising tracker which activates them at that Free Signup it to them.

It's about RoDVD (http://rodvd.net/).

The tracker is not really new so maybe many of you have heard of it or may have had in mind. But it was disbanded for a while and returned recently. Specializes in old movies / classic of them translated their staff (you will not find too subtitles on specialized sites). Although the name suggests that it was only DVDs (because the site was originally profiled on the DVD) now find all variants of quality, including BluRay remux sites.

Old accounts and upload there with all the bonus points, so if you had in mind you can reuse ... no sense to make another account.

It also took into account because my advice to remove seed Regulation (hit and run) as it is to us ICE ... and because all their torrents are permanent freeleech so like us non-ratio, I I decided to help them a bit with traffic. So, I offer here three months of VIP ICE gift to anyone who can prove that they have done recent bank (2016) and promoted on RoDVD to L2 (or above). Moreover, you will get here on ICE bonusGB upload and exactly how many bonus points you have collected there at the time when I will give reply with evidence of rigor!

As I said, it is Free Signup so you do not need an invitation. So I invite you to register, to download and skip to give me the PM after you have upgraded to L2 to claim your prizes here on ICE!



Observ ca unii ati inteles gresit ce am spus ieri vizavi de acele bonsuri primite pe ICE in conformitate cu statutul vostru pe RoDVD. Sunt valabile pentru cei inscrisi acum la ultima revenire a RoDVD in scop de a va stimula sa va faceti cont si sa sa faceti trafic acolo.

Daca aveti cont vechi, e irelevant cati TB upload aveati dinainte de a se desfiinta acum 1 an !

Voi lua totusi in considerare torrentele descarcate de voi incepand cu data de 28.06.2016 (ieri) si veti fi premiati doar pentru uploadul facut la acele torrente.

Userii noi : Dat fiind ca este necesara vechime de 1 luna pentru a promova la L2, voi premia pe oricine depaseste 50 GB upload (conditia necesara pt a promova la L2) dar fara a fi nevoie sa asteptati 1 luna pana sa puteti promova.

Userii vechi : care au inceput sa descarce torrente incepand de ieri, daca doresc sa fie premiati pentru acestea imi vor da PM abia dupa ce torrentele recent descarcate au cumulat peste 50 GB upload

Concluzie : Atat userii vechi cat si cei inscrisi acum care fac dovada ca au cumulat 50 GB upload la torrente descarcate incepand de ieri, vor primi pe ICE atat uploadul cat si cele 3 luni de VIP

Dovada o faceti cu un print screen pe pagina de Snatch de pe RoDVD ca sa vad data descarcarii torrentelor si uploadul facut la ele.


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I notice that some have misunderstood what I said yesterday opposite those bonsuri received ICE in accordance with your status on RoDVD. They are now available for those enrolled last comeback RoDVD purpose is to stimulate you to make an account and to make traffic there.

If you have old account, it's irrelevant how many TB upload before you had to disband 1 year ago!

However, considering'll take you downloaded torrent starting on 28/06/2016 (yesterday) and will be awarded only to those done uploading torrents.

Users us: Since one months old is required to promote the L2, will reward anyone upload exceeds 50GB (necessary condition for promoting L2) without having to wait for 1 month until you can promote.

Old users: who began to download torrents starting yesterday, if they want to be rewarded for PM will give me just recently downloaded torrents after cumulated over 50 GB upload

Conclusion: Both old and those registered users who prove they have now accumulated 50 GB upload torrents downloaded starting yesterday, ICE will receive both upload and VIP 3 months

Proof you do a print screen on the Snatch on RoDVD to see time downloading and uploading torrents done to them.

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