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What is a good site that specializes in TV torrents? - Movie & TV News - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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What is a good site that specializes in TV torrents?

Guest Ryan

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Guest Ryan

The main thing I download is TV shows, and although my IP Torrent account handles it fine, every once in a while there is something that I either can't find our doesn't have enough seeders.

I want to find a good private TV based torrent site, and try and get get an invite (this isn't a request). Or if there are any good public ones I can use until I can find someone to trade for an IP Torrent invite, I'd like to know those too.

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Guest suburban

1. TvT: Always more seeders than the other trackers so all the content is available and the speed is good

2. BTN: Also ratio-free/ one of the best pretimes/more content

3. Freshon: a lot of content/packs are freeleech

4. bmtv: one of the best pretimes/motherload of content

With those 4 combined, you get:

The best pretimes, all the content you need at a good speed(+btn community is quite active)without mentionning so interesting perks that come up if you're active ;)

Otherwise there is still general trackers with good pretimes(gft, scc, tl, xnt, mat, ...) but you quickly get sick of unraring all the episodes <_<

EDIT: BTW, nobody trades IPT

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Guest Ryan

What's the best way to get into those sites? You said no one trades for IPT invites? Does it help build reputation on this site to give them away? What's the best way to go about getting invites to those sites you mentioned. I realize patience plays a big part, but what's the best thing a new user could do?

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