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Its getting to that time again when the THC server bill needs to be paid and once again we are running low on donations to cover the costs. We are constantly working to improve THC and make it the best it can be, but unfortunately it takes money to keep the site alive. With reluctance we are again forced to appeal for donations from our members.

Of course no one likes to feel badgered into donations, so were offering a few extra perks to people willing to chip in following this request. Donors of any amount will now have whatever freeleech butcher knives theyve used replenished to the maximum of 5. Furthermore, Donors of $25 and up will be rewarded with 1 week of personal freeleech while Donors of $50 and up will be given two weeks, in addition to the existing Donor perks you can find in the FAQ.

If you would like to help out and make a donation, then please PM Cat to ask for details by following this link: https://horrorcharnel.org/sendmessage.php?receiver=9

We thank all donors, uploaders and community members for helping keep this site alive over the years.
THC Staff
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