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'Guardians' director reveals more details on Groot in 'Infinity War'


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Spoiler Alert: This article discusses the shocking ending of Infinity War, which you really should have seen by now. 

We're not crying you're crying everyone's crying.

Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn has revealed an overwhelmingly sad fact about Groot in Avengers: Infinity War and yeah, we're not ok.

SEE ALSO: We need to talk about the ending of 'Avengers: Infinity War'

What's all this blubbering about? Groot's final line, uttered as he once again evaporates from our lives into a cloud of Infinity Stone-inflicted nothingness. Thanos, ya jerk.

Gunn hopped on Twitter to answer a question on this line from a fan on Sunday, and dropped this devastating truth nugget:

Groot's final line, as he disintegrates into Thanos-clicked dust like many of your favourite Marvel heroes, is delivered to? Rocket.

Our bratty teenage space tree thinks of former freelance criminal and fellow Guardian Rocket Raccoon as his dear ol' dad, guys — so much so, that he broke his regular "I am Groot," utterance tendency to say so. Someone hold me.

Yeah, folks on Twitter also lost their collective shit.

We too, are dead inside. We'll be over here staring into the film's billion-dollar box office success and slipping slowly into despair.

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