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Details Of all the TRACKER....... Cheak it out!!!!!! - Tracker News - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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Details Of all the TRACKER....... Cheak it out!!!!!!

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This is a list on how to get invites from the trackers you are already in.

Click on the Tracker Names For Individual Reviews


Invites can be bought in the online-shop for Bubliks.


They have open-signups now.


Invites are given in exchange for donations. $5 = 2 invites, $10 = 3 invites, $20 = 5 invites, $50 = 10 invites


Users get 2 invites after they signup.

Every month, on the 8th, each Power User gets one invite (no limit).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each Elite User gets one invite (no limit).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each TorrentMaster gets two invites (no limit).

Then, every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, we give out bonus invites like this:

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 2 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 2.0 and total invitee upload is over 10 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 3.0 and total invitee upload is over 20 gigs gets one invite.


Invites can be bought in the shop and by donating.


Invites are hard to come by. They are given to VIP members only. You would have to donate to be given VIP status.


Invites are no longer issued there.

THose who wish to join will have to wait till the next sign-up day.


Invites are given out to HD-Pros (4 weeks membership + 75 GB upload + ratio of 0.75) and higher user classes twice a month. Plus you can receive more invites depending on the ratio of your invitees.


Every month, on the 8th, each Power User gets one invite (max of 4).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each Elite User gets one invite (max of 4).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each TorrentMaster gets two invites (max of 8).

Then, every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, we give out bonus invites like this:

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 2 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 2.0 and total invitee upload is over 10 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 3.0 and total invitee upload is over 20 gigs gets one invite.

This cascades, so if you qualify for the last bonus group, you also qualify for the first two and will receive three bonus invites.

So a TorrentMaster who fits in the last bonus category gets 5 invites every month on the 8th and the 22nd, whereas a power user who fits in the first category gets two invites on the 8th and one on the 22nd. A power user whose invitees suck only gets one invite per month.

There is a hard maximum of 10 invites for all classes, that cannot be exceeded by bonus invites.


They have open signups, so no need for invites.


The new limits are as follows:

Power User: 2

Elite User: 4

VIP: 10

You will start at your max and replenish used invites by 1 invite every 15 days.


1 invite for every 100gb uploaded as well as hitting Elite.

You will get 5 invites if you fulfilled the following requirements to become an Elite member:

200GB upload

100 GB download

2.05 Ratio

10 week member

Only Elite users and above can send invites now.


You can buy invites from the bonus system. An invite costs 50000 blitz, in order to use blitz, you must be a power user(member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 30GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.) You can have up to 10 invites.


Invites are given to qualified members so that they may invite their friends to become members of BitMe. The staff evaluates accounts and makes decisions on who it feels is qualified to receive invites. There is no guarantee that invites will be received in association with any user class, promotion, performance, or tenure. A member's invite allocation status may change at any time at the staff's discretion.

Invites are not given out immediately upon promotion; for ANY class. They are allocated automatically to eligible members every 30 days.


Invites are given to PU user (member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 65GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05. )and above only

the number of invites you can receive depends on your ratio

Ratio is .90 - .999 = 1 invite

Ratio is 1.0 - 1.049 = 2 invites

Ratio is 1.05 and up = 3 invites

A member also has to have downloaded a certain amount to obtain each level.

1-7GB for 1 invite

7-10GB for 2 invites

10GB+ for 3 invites

You can have a maximum of 3 invites at a time.


Invites are given out every 4 weeks and depend on your stats:

Invites:Stat Requirements

Downloaded >25GB and ratio is greater than 1.00

Downloaded >50GB and ratio is greater than 1.25

Downloaded >100GB and ratio is greater than 1.50


You have to collect points/stars. It's based on how much you uploaded weekly and monthly.

Weekly top:

If you're in top 10.000 uploader list weekly, you earn 1 point

In top 1.000 uploader list weekly, you earn 2 points.

Monthly top:

In top 20.000, you earn 1 point.

In top 1.000, you earn 2 points.

In top 100, you earn 3 points.

In top 10, you earn 4 points.

Heaviest uploader of the month earns 5 points.

* Invites are obtained by bidding using points (10 points minimum). About 50 invites are given out daily.


They will give you two invitations when you sign up, but in order to use them you have to become a power user or should at least be a member for 6 months

with 5GB Uploaded or Downloaded with a minimum ratio of 0.5


Invites are given every 4 weeks depending on your status:

1 Invite: Downloaded > 25GB with a ratio greater than 1.00

2 Invites: Downloaded > 50GB with a ratio greater than 1.25

3 Invites: Downloaded > 100GB with a ratio greater than 1.50


Open registrations. Registrations open up as accounts are pruned.


You get one invite a month for every one of these criteria you meet

Downloaded 1-4 GB and ratio is greater than .90

Downloaded 4-7 GB and ratio is greater than .95

And then you get two a month for every one of these.

Downloaded 7-10 GB and ratio is greater than 1.00

Downloaded greater than 10 GB and ratio is greater than 1.05

This cascades, so you could get 6 invites a month, but there's also a limit on amount of 4 invites you can have at one time.

BtMusic (Pedro’s):

Regular Uploaders (25 uploads) get 1 invite/3 months. Elite Uploaders (150 Uploads) get 1 invite/month. VIPs get 3 invites/month.

Lite Uploaders (<25 Uploads), Users, and Senior Users no longer get invites.


Invites are randomly given to Power Users.


Bonus points are awarded for seeding completed torrents. Every 15 minutes you are awarded 0.25 points for each completed torrent you're seeding.

- Less than 80% Donations, only Extreme User class and above will be able to send invites

- At 80% Donations, Power Users will be able to send invites

- At 90% Donations, Members will be able to send invites

- At 100% Donations, Users will be able to send invites

1 invite costs 200,000 points

2 invites cost 350,000 points

Donate €5 and Receive:

5GB Upload Credits OR

1 Raffle Tickets OR

1 Invite

Donate €10 and Receive:

15GB Upload Credits OR

3 Raffle Tickets OR

2 Invites

Donate €20 and Receive:

30GB Upload Credits OR

10 Raffle Tickets OR

5 Invites

Custom Title

Donate €50 and Receive:

80GB Upload Credits OR

30 Raffle Tickets OR

10 Invites

Custom Title


"Invites are given when you have a good share ratio and active in forums"


Only donors are able to receive invites.

CCFBits :

They have a bonus system where you can exchange 5000 karma points for 1 invite


They have a bonus system where you can exchange 50,000 karma points for 1 invite. Invites are only given out to VIPs(they have open-signups right now)


Invite system not in use. They have open signups from time to time.

Cinematik -

Active users can ask in request invite thread. (PU-6 weeks, 50GB)


Invites can be purchased from their karma point system.

1 Invite - 50000.0

2 Invites - 100000.0

3 Invites - 150000.0

Comic Releech: (Tracker is Dead)

You have to pm a mod/admin and ask for an invite, explaining why you want it, etc. This may or may not change in the future. You can also get invites from donating.


Invites are given out by the staff whenever they feel it is needed.


Users receive invites every month based on their User Classes.

The script is not run at 00:00 on the 8th. Do not expect your invites until the end of the day. If your invite count has not updated, you may also try logging out and back in from the site. Generally it is better to wait after the 8th day ends to be sure it's not the invitation script.

gedhi `izzim | no invite possibilities atm

GoatArmy | no invite possibilities atm

BovidaeSteroids | On the 8th day of each month, read more here.

DubSpecialist | On the 8th day of each month, read more here.

DB9RadioDJ | On the 8th day of each month, read more here.

ClovenElite | On the 8th day of each month, each receives one invite (1 invitee/month max)

HornMaster | On the 8th day of each month, each receives one invite (1 invitee/month max)

ĂśberGoat | Unlimited invites

VeryImportantGoat | Unlimited invites

Other restrictions may apply.


Users receive invites every month based on their User Classes.

The script is not run at 00:00 on the 8th and 22nd. Do not expect your invites until the end of the day. If your invite count has not updated, you may also try logging out and back in from the site. Generally it is better to wait after the 8th (or 22nd) day ends to be sure it's not the invitation script.

- Sous Chefs: On the 8th day of each month, each receives one invite (max of 4)

- Chefs: On the 8th and 22nd day of each month, each receives one invite (max of 4)


Invites are given only to power users and above. (member for 4 weeks, 40 GB Upload and at least a 2.0 ratio)


Invites are available in exchange for bonus points.

Diwana -

You can purchase invites from their bonus system. (20 points for 3 invites.)


You have to be member for at least 30 days with no warning and it's random generating after that.


Invitations can be purchased for 400 bonus points.


They don't have an invite system but occasionally they have open sign-ups

EbookShares -

You are given 3 invites after activation. You can ask an Admin for an invite if you give details about the recipient. You can also obtain invites by donating.


$30 - 1 invite

$50 - 2 invites

$100 - 5 invites


You will be given 5 invites after activation. You can also exchange bonus points for invites.


You must be an elite member in order to receive two invites (elite - 20GB, 3 weeks)


You will automatically receive five invites when you are promoted to Power User. They also have a bonus system where you can trade 300 karma points for 3 Invites


They do not have an invite system.


They don't have an invite system


All users are given 2 invites when they register.

Formula Monkey:

Power users receive an unlimited amount of invites. (uploaded a minimum of 50 GB and have a ratio of 1.25 or better)


Invitations are disabled for a while. Sign-ups will be open on the last Friday of June!


You can get 2 invites with a few GB uploaded, and after reaching PU status (Been a member for 2 weeks, has uploaded at least 25GB, and ratio above 1.05) , you will receive 5 invites.

Freshon.tv (TvT.ro) -

Invites are given out every 1st of the month as follow:

1 Invite - TV Collector

2 Invites - TV Freak

3 Invites- TV Maniac

4 Invites- TV Master

5 Invites- TV Guru and Guest of Honor

These invitations are given immediately when promoting to an eligible class and their number is recalculated immediately on demotion.

The invitations do not cumulate. With privileges come and responsibilities, explained here on Rules.


If an account is in good standing (no hit and runs, and 1+ global ratio), all a member has to do is ask (PM or IRC), and we will gladly give them out. We also randomly add them, on special occasions. They also have a credit system where you can trade in 100 credits for one invite.


You can get an invite at FunkySouls Forums (special thread for invitations). Power Users (member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05) and above have invites too.


We no longer issue PU or any other classes invites in any sort of cycle as we used to. We gift userclasses invites from time to time, but they are no longer given out like before.


Invites are available in exchange for bonus points.


FREE REGISTRATION is closed. Registration will be available from 2 apr 2009 till 4 apr 2009. They will no longer issue anymore invites, due to continuous sales of their invites and investigations about torrent sites.


After reaching PU status(must have been be a member for at least 4 weeks, have uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.), you will receive one invite every week.

HeavenTracker :

Only VIPs and Staff has invites.

Hd-bits.ro: :

There are no written rules as to how to achieve invites but according to a sysop, invites are only handed out to donators or users who perform special tasks in the forums.


Only staff and VIPs may issue invites.


They have a bonus system where you can exchange karma points to buy invites. (50000 credits = 1 invite) . Invites are given to users picked up by staff based on activity and contribution.


They have a bonus system where you can trade in 12000 karma points for 1 invite. Invites are also given when you jump classes. Power user will get 1 invite; Elite user or higher will get up to 10 invites according to their level.


They have a bonus system, where you trade in 1000 points for one invite.


The invitation is first of all only active when the registrations to the site is closed. You receive 1 invite upon registration.

Donate €30 and you receive 1 invite.

Donate €40 and you receive 3 invites.

Donate €50 and you receive 5 invites.

Donate €100 and you receive 10 invites.

You can also exchange 1000.0 bonus points for 1 invite.


You can trade in your points for invites.


You can purchase invites for 250 points from their bonus system.

ILC (I Love Classics) -

Invites can be bought with Karma points and are given upon donation.


In order for a user to invite another user a few conditions must be met:

Must have a share ratio of over 1.0

Uploaded over 1GB of data.

You must also have a user class of Uploader or better

If you meet all these conditions you will be allowed 1 invite for each 4 weeks you are a member.


If you are a Power User or higher you'll get 1 invite for every 50 GB of upload. Movie Critics, Releasers and VIPs get 5 invites per month. (Max number of unused invites you can have is 3) (TRACKER CLOSED BY THE POLICE)


You can donate to get an invite.

Donation By mobile phone :

If you sent an message by mobile phone.(Available only, for local operators.)

9 € - iPLAY VIP for a period of 3 months and 45 GiB Upload + 1 invitation

10 € - iPLAY VIP for a period of 3 months and 50 GiB Upload + 1 invitation

Donation Via PayPal :

20€ - The Oshells service for three months and three months of VIP access, 45 GiB upload credit and one invite as a reward from iPLAY.

* 35€ - The Oshells service for six months and six months of VIP access, 90 GiB upload credit and two invites as a reward from iPLAY.

* 50€ - The Oshells service for one year and ONE YEAR of VIP access, 180 GiB upload credit and four invites as a reward from iPLAY.


Every Month VIPs and Power Users will receive invites.

VIPs: 3 invite/month + if they donate, they will get extra invites.

Uploaders: 1 invites/month.

Power Users: 1 invite/month ( if 1 invite not used, next month system will not give another invite, so better use it and get a fresh invite next month ) !


Power Users and over can request invites. The staff would evaluate your request and make the decision.


You are given two invitations after you sign up.

Jpopsuki -

Currently only Members+ can send invites.

You receive two invites when you join, but you cannot use them until you rank up -- you start as a "User."

User Classes:


Requirements: None. Members get demoted here if their ratio falls below 0.65

Privileges: Can download/upload, nothing fancy.


Requirements:10GB uploaded, has been a member for more than a week and ratio above 0.7

Privileges: Can use notifications, and set a forum signature, can access the Top10

Power User

Requirements:25GB uploaded, posted 5 torrents, has been a member for 2 weeks or more and ratio above 1.05

Privileges: Same as member + advanced Top10, can view torrent snatched list, can delete tags, can access advanced user search, receive a new Invite every month


Requirements: Donated to the tracker, any amount.

Privileges: Our eternal love, same rights as Power Users + can submit requests for free, can edit the Knowledgebase, can add own torrents to recommendation list, can invite users when invites are closed


Requirements: Undisclosed.

Privileges: Same as Donor + can send unlimited invites, can make own torrents freeleech.


You need to become power user (Must have been be a member for at least 12 weeks, have uploaded at least 50GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05.) to receive invites.


They have a bonus system where you can trade in 100 points for 3 invites.


Invites are given when you reach a new user class:

Power User (member for at least 4 weeks, uploaded at least 25GB and have a ratio at or above 1.05) ----> 2 Invites

Extreme User (member for at least 3 months, uploaded at least 250GB and have a ratio at or above 2.05) --> 3 Invites

LL Junkie (member for at least 6 months, uploaded at least 500GB and have a ratio at or above 3.05) ------> 5 Invites

LL Obsessive(member for at least 9 months, uploaded at least 1TB and have a ratio at or above 5.05) --> 5 Invites

Elite User (member for at least 1year, uploaded at least 10TB and have a ratio at or above 10.05) -----> 5 Invites

Libble -

Every month, on the 8th, each Bronze member gets one invite (max of 1).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each Silver, Gold and Platinum member gets one invite.

Silver members have a maximum of 2 invites, Gold 3 invites and Platinum 4.

There is a hard maximum of 10 invites for all classes, that cannot be exceeded by bonus invites.


You will receive one invite after you sign-up


Only Power Users and above can get invites.

Every month, on the 8th, each Power User gets one invite (max of 4).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each Elite User gets one invite (max of 4).

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, each TorrentMaster gets two invites (max of 8).

Then, every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, we give out bonus invites like this:

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 2 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 2.0 and total invitee upload is over 10 gigs gets one invite.

Every Power User, Elite User or TorrentMaster whose total invitee ratio is above 3.0 and total invitee upload is over 20 gigs gets one invite.

This cascades, so if you qualify for the last bonus group, you also qualify for the first two and will receive three bonus invites.

So a TorrentMaster who fits in the last bonus category gets 5 invites every month on the 8th and the 22nd, whereas a power user who fits in the first category gets two invites on the 8th and one on the 22nd. A power user whose invitees suck only gets one invite per month.

There is a hard maximum of 10 invites for all classes, that cannot be exceeded by bonus invites.


They also have a point system where you can trade your points in for an invite.

1 torrent seeding 0.4 points/hour 9.6 points/day

5 torrents seeding 2 points/hour 48 points/day

10 torrents seeding 4 points/hour 96 points/day

20 torrents seeding 8 points/hour 192 points/day

1344 points/week


You will receive four invites after you sign up and afterwards you can gain one invite for each 10 GB you upload. (maximum of 5 at any one time.)


VIPS/Donors get 1 every month. (Vips can make requests and download torrents with a bad ratio, bookmark torrents, see the snatched lists and hide your stats from general members)

$ 10 US:

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

One month VIP status

$ 20 US

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

Three months VIP status

$ 35 US:

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

Six months VIP status

$ 50 US:

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

Receive a gift of 3 Invites (you will still receive 1 invite each month during your VIP status period)

Nine months VIP status

$ 75 US:

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

Receive a gift of 5 Invites (you will still receive 1 invite each month during your VIP status period)

Twelve months VIP status

$ 100 US:

Receive 1 Invite on the first day of each month during your VIP status period

Receive a gift of 10 Invites (you will still receive 1 invite each month during your VIP status period)

Fifteen months VIP status

Special Cases:

VideoHolic - Receive 1 invite per month. [Appointed by Appointed by Admins/SysOp.]

VideoLegend - The TOP Elite Member Class. Same privileges as Videoholic. Receive 2 invites per month. Selected due to their very special contribution to the site. [Appointed by Admins/SysOp.]

Mt-fun.com (aka midnight torrents):

For every 10 COMPLETED torrents seeded to a ratio of at least 1.000, a user who is at least a power user will be issued one invite. There is no limit on the number of invites you can earn.


Invites can be exchanged through the karma bonus system. (50 Pts: 3 Invites)


Invites are given based on user class

Power Users with a ratio of 1.05 or higher receive 1 invite every week.

Super Users receive 1 invite every week regardless of their ratio.

Moderators, Administrators, and Sys Ops have infinite invites.


You can trade in 500 points for one invite.


Only Wii class (member for at least 8 weeks, 60GB upload and a minimum ratio 2.00) get invites when staff choose to refresh invites.


Invites are given out every 10 days and depend on your stats:

Invites Status:

1 invite: Downloaded 1-4 GB and ratio is greater than .90

2 invites: Downloaded 4-7 GB and ratio is greater than .95

3 invites: Downloaded 7-10 GB and ratio is greater than 1.00

4 invites: Downloaded greater than 10 GB and ratio is greater than 1.05


May purchase invites using bonus points:

1 invite 250,000 points

2 invites 500,000 points

3 invites 750,000 points


PU+ receive invites.

These users receive 1 invite a month with a cap of 2 invites. They may purchase invites from the bonus store


They have a credit system where you can trade in 100 credit for one invite.

PiN (The Donkey):

Only staff and recruiters can give invites to PiN. There is a permanent invite channel on irc.packme.in (#PackMe.IN) where users can come to be interviewed for an invite.


Invites are given based on your user level (These level upgrades do not apply until you have been a member for at least 4 weeks.), you will receive:

1 invite for Bronze status (1.0 Ratio, 20GB )

2 invites for Silver status (1.25 Ratio, 40GB)

3 invites for Gold status (1.45 Ratio, 60GB)

4 invites for Platinum status (1.65 Ratio, 80GB)

5 invites for VIP status

6 invites for Uploader status (3.0 Ratio, 300GB Uploaded & 5 Active Torrents )

10 invites for Extreme PAT User status (5.0 Ratio, 500GB Uploaded)

Also you get invites for karma points: 500pt – 1 invite


They have a bonus system where you can exchange 500 karma points for 3 invites.


2 invites for 900000.0 bonus (you need to be Cabin Mate+ to do this transaction)


A donation of over $20.

PS2-P (ps2ptt.com):

You can exchange 200 points for three invites.

Racing Underground:

The amount of invites that are given are based on your GB difference and length of membership. Invites are only given to those that have been a member for at least three months and have a GB deficit not bigger than 100GB. Please note that members who create a back-up account for themselves, will have all their accounts removed. Invites are not meant to be used as a free leech option.

Random Bytes: (Tracker is Dead)

If anyone needs invites while signups are closed. Ask a staff member and they will give you a few invites.

3 Invites

With enough bonus points acquired, you are able to exchange them for a few invites. The points are then removed from your Bonus Bank and the invitations are added to your invites amount.


When you reach PU status (25 GB upload and membership of 4 weeks), you will receive 2 invites. After donating, you can receive 4 invites. (If you did not receive any invites, you can go request them in the forums)


Invites are given every 4 weeks depending on your status:

1 invite: Downloaded > 25GB and ratio is greater than 1.00

2 invites: Downloaded > 100GB and ratio is greater than 1.25

3 invites: Downloaded > 200GB and ratio is greater than 1.50

Secret-Cinema -

Invites are auto assigned every week (max 3) when you have a ratio of at least 1.0 and have uploaded at least 10GB.

STR: (ShareTheRemote.org):-

B]Donors of $5+ Receive

Our eternal love, as represented by the Donor you get next to your name.

3 invitations, to invite 3 good friends to use this tracker.

Immunity to inactivity pruning.

A warm fuzzy feeling.

Donors of $15+ Receive

All previous features of $5+ donation +2 extra invites

Custom Title

Access to Power User exclusive features.


They have a bonus system where you can exchange 100 points for an invite. (click for more details on the bonus system courtesy of The Pirate Society


You receive 10 invites when you reach the "User" class (5GB download, ratio over 0.5, member for at least two weeks). Then another 10 when you reach the "Power User" class.(25 GB upload, ratio over 1.05, member for at least 4 weeks.)


you must donate to receive invites. One invite for every 10 Euros you donated.


You need to have the HD Collector (500GB upload, member for at least 15 weeks with a ratio of 2.0 or up) status or above to able to use an invite . If you want one, you will need to buy one in their bonus system (500p) or win them in future competitions.


They have open-signups now.


Power Users (Must have 25GB uploaded, a 1.05 ratio never decreasing from 0.95 and been a member for 28 days.) and above receives 2 invites weekly.


Donors are able to receive invites or you exchange clams for invites. (They currently have open registration.)


You can exchange 12000 bonus points for an invite.


You Start with 3 invites. You can obtain more by donating.


€ 5.00 - 1 invite

€ 15.00 - 3 invites

€ 50.00 - 10 invites

€ 100.00 - 20 invites


You can get invites when you are promoted. You can also Donate to ST and you will receive a number of invites depending on the amount your donate.(SuperTorrents are closing their invite system for an indefinite amount of time, so if anyone still having invites, better use them now!)

Tang Soo Do:

Invites are bought cheaply with bonus points

1 Invite - 10 bonus points

3 Invites - 20 bonus points

10 Invites- 50 bonus points

15 Invites- 75 bonus points

25 Invites - 100 bonus point


Every new member starts with one (1) invite. If you need more, make sure you know who you want to invite, then go to this thread and post asking for however many invites you need. Assuming you are a good user, with a reasonable request, it should be granted. Note that this is entirely up to staff discretion, so don't be surprised if you don't get as many as you wanted.

The Peer Hub:

No invite system. This site is open registration


You will be given one invite when you reach PU status. You can also receive invites regardless of user class if you have downloaded more than 10 GB and a ratio greater than 1.05 (Invites given every 20 days).


Invites are issued based on your user class. The tracker will automatically add invites to your account as you move up the ranks.

Power User Requirements:

Min Upload: 25.00 GB

Min Ratio: 0.90

Min Member: 4 weeks


Max Download Slots: 3

Extra Invites: 1

Extreme Trader Requirements:

Min Upload: 100.00 GB

Min Ratio: 1.00

Min Member: 6 weeks


Max Download Slots: 4

Extra Invites: 1

Fierce Trader Requirements:

Min Upload: 250.00 GB

Min Ratio: 1.20

Min Member: 8 weeks


Max Download Slots: 5

Extra Invites: 1

Maniac Mover Requirements:

Min Upload: 500.00 GB

Min Ratio: 1.40

Min Member: 10 weeks


Max Download Slots: 6

Extra Invites: 2

VIP - This class cannot be auto obtained, this is given to a user by staff for having a special input


Max Download Slots: 10

Extra Invites: 10

Uploader - This class cannot be auto obtained, this is given to a user by staff for having a special input


Max Download Slots: 25

Extra Invites: 1

Supa Seeder Requirements- A User who has dedicated a lot of bandwidth to the site!

Min Upload: 1.00 TB

Min Ratio: 1.60

Min Member: 12 weeks


Max Download Slots: 50

Extra Invites: 4

Former Staff - A User who used to be Staff


Max Download Slots: 100

Extra Invites: 50

Devs - Developers


Max Download Slots: 100

Extra Invites: 100

The Horror Charnel :

Invites are given according to classes.

Member +

uploaded 20 GB

has a ratio of 1.2 or better

3 invites

Member ++

uploaded 40 GB

minimum ratio of 1.3

invites 5

Member x

uploaded at least 100 GB

minimum ratio of 1.55

invites 10

Power Mover

must have at least 15 torrents on the tracker

invites 10

Blood Donor

invites 5 or if member ++ or higher, 10


specific class as a recruiter for new members

invites 20

Charnel Friend

staff from other sites

invites 20

Themagiciantorrents.com -

You can exchange 1000 points for an invite.

TheVault :

After having 4 weeks of membership and 25 GB upload, you will get invites.


You will receive two invites every month when you become a PU. You can obtain additional invites if you donate. (They are still working on their user class system, so it might not be automatic, you might have to ask for a promotion in the forums. According to their old user class system, to become a PU you have to be a member for at least 4 weeks with a 10GB upload, so you should ask after you meet those requirements)

TorrentKing -

Invites can be bought with seed bonus points.


Only Vips get invitations, usually each month, and 2 of them when you donate for the first time or renew. Power Users can also get invitations, but this is purely random.

Torrent.LT -

You can get invitations over the public holidays, or at the discretion of the administration of occasions. e.g (admin birthdays) If you donate 10LT(1 Lithuanian litas = 0.394182 U.S. dollars) you will receive: Donor star+ 10GB + 1 invite.

Torrent-vault -

You can receives invite as gift of thanks by donating.

1 Month VIP (10 Euro) ---> 1 Invite

3 Month VIP (25 Euro) ---> 3 Invites

6 Month VIP (50 Euro) ---> 4 Invites

12 Month VIP (90 Euro) --> 4 Invites

Or you can exchange gold for invites:

1 Invite --> 75,000

2 Invites --> 95,000

3 Invites --> 130,000

4 Invites --> 170,000

ToxicJ :

All users will receive two invites after registering.


They have three kinds of invites:

Lite invites - unlimited and free. But invited users becomes as «noobs». After that they can do something useful and promote to standart users.

Standard invites - invite normal users. You can cast this type of invites on the energy page.

VIP invites - users received this invites automatically promote to VIP. Only staff members can make this type of invites.

TranceTraffic :

VIPs receive 2 invites per month. VIP status can be obtained by donating.


One invite every time, each time you are promoted. You can also trade in seedhours (504) for one invite. You must be a Pro User (Upload 300GB, ratio 1.50, member for 90 days, demoted if you drop below 1.25 in ratio)to use seedhours.


3 invites after being a member for 3 months, must have at least 11GCreds or more. Refreshed every 90 days (Invites are currently disabled)

Tv-vault -

You will receive two invites after you sign up


This site doesn't issue invites, sorry.


Invites are assigned depending on the user status, and is increased automatically every 10 days, depending on your ratio and download amount. Invites are only given to Power Users and above.

Invites Min. Ratio Downloaded

1 invite- Min. Ratio of: .90 Downloaded: 1-4 GB

2 invites- Min. Ratio of: .95 Downloaded: 4-7 GB

3 invites- Min Ratio of: 1.0 Downloaded: 7-10 GB

4 invites- Min Ratio of: 1.05 Downloaded: 10+ GB


They have a bonus system where you can exchange 1000 bonus points for 2 invites (for every hour you seed, you get one point). (invite system closed)


They do not have an invite system. Recruitment are done by staff. only


Users receive invites every month based on their User Classes .

Invites are assigned on the 8th and the 22nd of every month, usually towards the end of the day. Please wait until after the end of the day before asking about any invites you think may be missing.

Silver Members : On the 8th day of each month, receive one invite (max of 4)

Gold Members : On the 8th and 22nd day of each month, receive one invite (max of 4)

Also, any user regardless of user class, will receive 2 invites with each donation to Videoseed.com See "Donations" for more information.

Bonus Invites

Every month, on the 8th and the 22nd , we give out bonus invites to any members that can receive invites (Silver Members and above).

Every Silver User or Gold Member whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 10GB gets one invite.

Every Silver User or Gold Member whose total invitee ratio is above 1.50 and total invitee upload is over 25GB gets one invite.

Every Silver User or Gold Member whose total invitee ratio is above 2.50 and total invitee upload is over 50GB gets one invite.

The bonuses are cumulative. So if you qualify for the last bonus group, you also qualify for the first two and will receive 3 bonus invites. For example, a Gold Member who fits in the third bonus category gets eight invites every month, four on the 8th and four on the 22nd, whereas a Silver Member who fits in the first category gets two invites on the 8th and one on the 22nd. A Silver Member who invites bad users would only get one invite per month.

There is a hard maximum of 10 invites for all classes. This limit cannot be exceeded by bonus invites given by the invitation script. Note that invites from donating and other events are not counted in this limit.


Invites are given out to power users twice per month at a random time, donors upon their first donation, and as prizes to contest winners. If you have regular invites accrued, you can convert them in the shop to anytime invites. You can simply purchase anytime invites from the shop as well. You can have a maximum of 5 invites.


Users receive invites every month based on their User Classes

Power Users: On the 8th day of each month, each receives one invite (max of 4)

Elites: On the 8th and 22nd day of each month, each receives one invite (max of 4)

TorrentMasters: On the 8th and 22nd day of each month, each receives two invites (max of 8)

Also, any user regardless of user class, receives a one-time gift of 2 invites for donating to What.CD.

Bonus Invites

Then, every month, on the 8th and the 22nd, we give out bonus invites to any user class that can receive invites (Power User and above).

1. Every Power User or Elite User whose total invitee ratio is above 0.75 and total invitee upload is over 2 GB gets one invite.

2. Every Power User or Elite User whose total invitee ratio is above 2.0 and total invitee upload is over 10 GB gets one invite.

3. Every Power User or Elite User whose total invitee ratio is above 3.0 and total invitee upload is over 20 GB gets one invite.

World Wrestling Torrents:

You start with 2 invites. Recently became invite only (about 2 weeks ago)

Wunza: :

All users will receive two invites after registering. They can also be bought for 500 points


Only elite users can get invites. They receive one invite every weeks and they can store up to 3 invites.


Invites are given only to donors.


The primary method of obtaining invites is trading karma points which is 100 points for 3 invites.

Invites are also awarded as part of the donation rewards

ÂŁ5 - 2 invites

ÂŁ10 - 5 invites

ÂŁ20 - 7 invites

ÂŁ30 - 9 invites

ÂŁ40 - 12 invites

ÂŁ50 - 17 invites

ÂŁ100 - 25 invites

If u like this plz give me a rep

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Guest Mekanik

Phew...that was a long exhaustive info....thanks for it. :)

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Guest JohnDilinger

not a good Ctrl+V, you not even remove wrong info <_<

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