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Pierce Brosnan Wants Tom Hardy To Be The Next James Bond


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While the role of secret agent James Bond is still in the hands of Daniel Craig for one more film, former 007 Pierce Brosnan thinks Tom Hardy should be the next actor to put on the tux. There’s really no better support for an actor whose name has been floated around in fan circles as a possible choice to play Bond than to have someone like Brosnan endorse you as a candidate before the role is officially open. Though it’s likely going to be quite some time before the powers that be behind the immensely successful franchise are ready to announce Craig’s successor, Brosnan has chimed in with a solid choice.

Hardy’s name has been bandied about numerous times over the years, putting him in good company along with Tom Hiddelston, Idris Elba, and even Damian Lewis. Since the role is akin to casting the next Spider-Man, Batman, or Superman, everyone has their favorite choice for who’s best suited to play the suave spy. And while there’s no clue if any of the abovementioned actors are even on the Broccoli’s short list, it’d be surprising if fans weren’t pleased as punch to see Hardy in the role. 

Brosnan made the comments in an interview with The Mail on Sunday’s Event Magazine. In it, the actor addressed the future of the character and who might take over the part. “I think Tom Hardy could be a good Bond,” Brosnan said. “I’d be happy to see him do it.” Though he didn’t go too much into specifics, he did follow that up with: “You need an actor who can put a bit of wiggle into it — that’s what makes Bond.”

What exactly “a bit of a wiggle” means is up for interpretation, and yet at the same time, it’s hard to not to think that if anyone has that, it’s Hardy. Just listen to him speak in the trailers for Venom, and try not to hold some sort of actorly “wiggle” responsible for that accent. 

As for the actor who replaced him, Brosnan has nothing but nice things to say about the star of Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre. “Daniel Craig has been an incredible Bond,” Brosnan said. “He’s very physical, he looks lethal. You genuinely believe this is someone who could kill a man.” Of course, Craig is getting ready to play the character one last time — and in the 25th Bond movie to boot — in the as-yet untitled film set to be directed by Danny Boyle. After that, it’ll be interesting to see whether or not Brosnan has an eye for casting 007.

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