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343 Industries Doing Away With Halo Infinite Battle Royale – Is That A Good Thing?


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So recently 343 Industries’ employees and the minds behind the upcoming Halo, ditched out all hopes of a Battle Royale mode in Halo Infinite. Is that the right decision? Are Microsoft Studios right not to follow the recent trend by doing away with Halo Infinite Battle Royale? We discuss below!

No Halo Infinite Battle Royale

Put jokingly by the game’s developers, Jeff Easterling and James Bachici had to say this about Battle Royale mode (BR) in Halo Infinite:

“I’ll tell you right now, the only BR we’re really interested in is Battle Rifle. The original BR. So, calm yourself!”

It is clear from the statement that not only are the developers not in favor of such mode; they do not think that is worthy of the legacy and importance of the Halo series, so they are almost mocking it. It is safe to say such a mode will not make its way into the game, be it at launch or years after as additional content.

It would not be much of a surprise even if Halo adopted the new mode seeing as how big names in the shooter department like Call of Duty and Battlefield have both included the popular mode with the former even sacrificing its trademark singleplayer mode for it.

The only difference being Halo practically invented the first-person shooter genre, at least perfected it. Now it needs to continue doing what it does best… a tight-paced Multiplayer Mode and a Singleplayer Campaign. That is the magic of the Halo games. With that being said, the mode alongside all other iconic ones will not hurt that much.

Provided they do not REPLACE any of the modes, a Battle Royale mode will not do much harm. Especially, if something like the custom game modes of Halo Reach can return. Players would be able to use the ‘Forge’ feature to make custom maps and carry out custom events.

Moreover, Halo still has big team battles. What if they made the Battle Royale mode in the same vein but with a larger team on each side, say 50 members?! That way, the formula of the team battle mode remains and elements of the Battle Royale mode are incorporated at the same time.

Moreover, there is also the potential of attracting newcomers to the franchise, fans of the Battle Royale mode who would try Halo for the very first time because of it. Realistically speaking, a Battle Royale mode means just extra content. It is game mode vs nothing at all, so obviously, something is better than nothing is.

How Would a Battle Royale Look?

An interesting thought would be players dropping from pods or UNSC Infinity Spaceship, and instead of the storm, there is the flood that takes players out of the game if they are outside of it. Regarding the map, this is an opportunity for making a multi-regional map with each area distinct in geography and topology.

We are thinking along the lines of a snowy region in the north, a water body towards the west and a heavy forest to the Far East. Towards the extreme south, something resembling a desert.

Then there is a number of iconic and trademark vehicles present in each of the Halo games that could make their return in the Battle Royale mode. Players will be able to ride the Scorpio Tank, Pelican, Falcon, Warthogs, Banshee, and many other vehicles popular with the fans.

Hence, Halo Infinite can bring all sorts of cool mechanics and features to make the Battle Royale mode quite fun and entertaining seeing as how the expansive maps and customization options can fit really well for a Battle Royale setting.

Halo is not such a stranger to the Battle Royale mode because it has done something similar in the past like the Survival Mode in Halo 2 and Halo Reach. Only this time, they could have the player dead for good when killed once, instead of respawning.

Then there is the custom Forge and Sandtrap features which the fans used to make custom game sessions including spawning of random vehicles and weapons. Therefore, in a sense, they were unknowingly playing a Battle Royale-esque game.

Therefore, while bringing the Halo formula to the Battle Royale genre, the developers can give the community the entire access to create custom maps and modes. This way everyone wins, the game continues to live and the community continues to grow. Otherwise, they can continue to follow the arena-type shooter formula that made all the Halo games a treat to play with friends.

So frankly speaking, a lack of Battle Royale mode is not a big deal; it is not an issue, the franchise can continue to flourish by focusing on its main formula and what made it good in the first place. However, the inclusion of a Battle Royale mode will not do much harm and in fact, carries more potential for the series in a sense that it will appeal to a broader audience.

Do you think Halo Infinite Battle Royale would make sense? Be sure to let us know in the comments section below!

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