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Best place to download ebooks

Guest Snoogins

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Guest Snoogins

Hey guys

I spent months trying to find a decent torrent site for downloading ebooks but most only had the most recent, popular books. Eventually I found this guide and have downloaded pretty much everything I've ever tried to find. The amount of books they have is unmatched anywhere else I've searched


You just need to use mIRC and follow the instructions.

Some of the books are in htm/pdf/txt formats etc. and I've found that converting them before putting them on your ebook reader is sometimes needed. For that I use another free program called Calibre, it manages your ebook collection, converts them into different formats and also automatically downloads the covers/descriptions etc for you. Get it from


It may seem a little bit complicated at first glance but trust me it's really simple once you've downloaded your first couple of books. It takes seconds to download and I rarely search for a book they don't have.

Hope this helps any of you in the same boat I was 6 months ago!

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Guest omgeverynametaken

Thanks for the tip! Haven't been on MIRC in ages...since the classic days of Runescape botting :)

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Guest karpuz

ı think bit-spyder is the best, but ı'm really curious about bitme. Most of my friends told me that it's very good too.

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Guest Atlas

bitme isn't as good as bitspyder or bibliotik imo... it's just rarer to find

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