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Peer access files -SIC -Loosies(2012) - Tracker News - InviteHawk - Your Only Source for Free Torrent Invites

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Peer access files -SIC -Loosies(2012)

Guest chang

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Guest chang

Well we have seen many major P2P groups bonding with torrent sites and releasing their stuff on those sites first.....

Well peeraccessfiles (PAF) have struck a deal with SIC( For those who dont know SIC,read at the bottom of this post about them) and they are doing great.....!!

Some of the latest content is released on PAF and the VIPS get access to it first.

At the moment the SIC have released the latest movie Loosies a VOD Rip is posted on PAF and is available for the VIPS...

None of the other sites have a copy of the Loosies.The admins believe that PAF will make it big time with SIC helping them.They plan to have some great and exclusive content for the VIPS,so donating to this site will be worth it.

SO what are you waiting for you have a new home go join PAF , donate and get access to all latest releases months before other sites release them.

SIC Info:

SIC is a p2p group which releases all of the major movies coming out they believe in quality rather than the speed none of their releases have a fault,they are known for rare releases which no other p2p groups release some examples are Blackthorn,Loosies etc.

So go join this tracker and get those movies before everyone else....!!!!

PS: i forgot they are open for sign ups atm so go register yourself if you havent already....!!!


Update: The Group claims to have access to Deadheads movie which was released recently on other sites,two months ago....!!!

With that being said one can only imagine will this group be the next IMAGINE ? only time will tell

Till then enjoy those releases on PAF

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