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Posts posted by J.Stash

  1. After more than a year of downtime Demonoid’s website is again showing signs of life. A notice displayed on the website of the infamous BitTorrent tracker reveals that the people behind the site are planning a comeback. Talking to TorrentFreak Demonoid’s admin confirms the resurrection without revealing a time-frame or any other specifics. While many questions remain unanswered, former Demonoid users are getting excited.


    As the single largest semi-private BitTorrent tracker that ever existed, Demonoid offered a home to millions of file-sharers.

    This changed abruptly August last year when a series of troubled events took the site offline. When it was still down after a year, many had given up hope that it would ever return.

    Today there’s a glimmer of hope to report to estranged Demonoid members, as the site is preparing for a glorious comeback. TorrentFreak contacted the Demonoid team via its demonoid.com email address where the Demonoid team confirmed the plans.

    “I can’t give you any specifics at the moment, but yeah, we are planning to bring the site back,” we were told.

    A follow-up request, for more details and whether the same people are behind the site, remains unanswered for now. However, a landing page on Demonoid.com and Demonoid.me brings more hope.

    “We will rebuild! Coming back soon, please check back later. Thanks for your visit!,” it reads, with a Bitcoin donation option below.

    Demonoid coming back?


    It is currently unknown whether the site’s legal troubles are still ongoing.

    When Demonoid had its servers taken down by Ukrainian hosting company Colocall last year local authorities explained that Interpol had requested the action as part of a criminal investigation into the site’s alleged owners in Mexico.

    Months earlier Mexican authorities had carried out raids in Monterrey, the capital city of the northeastern state of Nuevo LeĂłn. Their prime target was a Demonoid operator, and one person connected to the BitTorrent tracker was subsequently imprisoned but later released.

    At this point TorrentFreak is unable to confirm whether the Demonoid domains are still in the hands of the old crew. Neither do we know if the planned resurrection will be with the old user and torrent database.

    Earlier this year the mysterious D2.vu site launched using a copy of the Demonoid user and torrent database. The operator of the spin-off claimed not to be related to the Demonoid owners and thus far the site hasn’t gotten much traction.

    The people behind the planned resurrection of Demonoid have access to the site’s original .com and .me domains so there’s a good chance that the site may return fully, backed by part of the old crew.

    Time will tell whether that’s the case.

    • Upvote 4
  2. Company BitTorrent Inc. - developer of the most popular Bittorrent client uTorrent - launched a new file-sharing related project. The new service got a name "SoShare" and was released on February 15th.

    SoShare is a new service for sharing of files online. It focuses on online users, who need to send and receive large amounts of data regularly. It's rather inconvenient to send large files by e-mail or use a cloud storage because of their limitations. The new SoShare should help users to transfer large files without size and speed limits.

    The new service is a development of BitTorrent Labs department. It uses a cloud-caching principle and it is easy to guess that the technology is based on Bittorrent protocol. The main advantage of it is that the data recipient will be able to access files of the sender even if his computer is turned off.

    SoShare allows you to transfer files sized up to 1TB. The cached copies will be stored for 30 days after last download. The user is able to set up the storage duration on his own, as also to define a public or private access for the file.

    The representative of BitTorrent Inc. explained the main difference between SoShare and other cloud services like Dropbox: the content distribution will be achieved by unlimited computers of members, so that the file is stored in many places at the same time and not have only one copy as at Dropbox. This way of file storage should provide a high download speed. Additionally, SoShare's technology allows to stop and resume transfer of the file and it will send a notification once file will be "delivered" to the right destination.

    There is a registration required to start using the service. After that, a user is forced to install a SoShare plugin that will be supported by browsers Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari for Windows and Mac operation systems.

    The developers of BitTorrent Inc. warn that SoShare is still in beta stage and it will be updated frequently if any bugs appear. And the main point is that SoShare is offered completely for free.

  3. Welcome To InviteHawk Selling Section - The Place where selling gets to a new level!

    In this category u can sell ur tracker invites/accounts. Following are the rules that need to be followed while selling!
    Rules Regarding Selling at InviteHawk :

    • Do not scam or even try to do so. Doing so will get u a permanent ban!
    • Users are allowed to bump their thread every 24 hours. Unnecessary bumping will give u a warning and a further ban.
    • Users are allowed to have one single active thread at a time. More than one threads will be deleted.
    • Users need to provide unedited ratio proofs and profile links of high level trackers when asked.
    • Always give a positive rep to a user if u have had a successful deal , and a neg rep if u are not satisfied.
    • Giving fake reps to users , will result in a permanent ban.
    • Do not create multiple/dupe accounts. 1 account per ip.
    • Do not ask/request permission to sell. You need to have some minimum requirements and u need to fill up an application.
    • Do not post email addresses in public. Doing so will give u an infraction.
    • If a user acc gets banned within one week of selling , users need to replace it with other tracker or money. After one week , the buyer is responsible.
  4. Filling a request is an act of generiousity and users who fulfill a request deserver a reward.

    Users filling requests will receive 50 fo2bKlF.png Points.

    After filling up a request, PM Plick or Ethan. with the request thread link and 50 fo2bKlF.png Points will be added to your account.

    Sharing is Caring ! The whole idea of torrenting is based on helping each other. So, please be generous and try to help people by Filling request and get your deserving reward 50 fo2bKlF.png Points !!! :D

    If you have any questions, please feel free to PM Plick or Ethan.. :)

    Kind Regards,

    Invite Hawk Administration

    • Upvote 1
  5. Request Section Rules [Must Read]

    Request Template:

    Thread Name : [Req] Name Of the Tracker
    The Thread Should contain the following Details :

    1) Tracker Name :
    2) Why Do You Need It :
    3) Ratio Proof Of Your Best Tracker [Minimum-1] :
    4) SpeedTest :
    5) Any Other Things (optional) :

    Request Rules:

    # To Open a Request You must have 50 posts.
    # Any request's found without the above template will be deleted.
    # Only ONE request allowed per month per user. If your request doesn't get filled in one month, pm a staff to lock your first request, then you can open another.
    # When that request is filled you will have to inform any staff to move your thread to "Filled Request section.", Then you can make another.
    # Do not post unedited Ratio proofs. Make sure to have them properly edited like this example.
    # Posting unedited ratio proofs will get your request deleted and you may even find yourself with a warning.
    # Last thing do not post your email in public this will get you a warning as well.

    If you don't follow the template and rules, you will leave us with no choice than to delete your request. Good Luck Guys.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Tracker Name : bitGAMER

    Tracker URL : http://www.bitgamer.ch

    Tracker Genre : Games

    Tracker Speed : 9/10

    Tracker PreTime : N/A

    Tracker Content : N/A

    Tracker IRC : None Yet

    "With the recent news of Underground Gamer and GazzelleGames shutting down, it was a massive blow to the torrent gaming community. It seems that recent pressure from certain industry groups has taken it's toll.

    Therefore, we have decided to resurrect bitGAMER as best we could in order to allow gamers to continue to have a home in order to share their torrents. I want to make it clear that this tracker has not been created by former bitGAMER staff, the last thing we want is for them to receive threats for something they have not done.

    We are however looking for any previous bitGAMER staff that would like to resume their roles if they wish to, or previous experienced members.



    Tracker Categories:


    Tracker Browse Page:


    Tracker Forum:


    Tracker Rules:


    Tracker FAQ:


  7. Hello All

    Iv used Utorrent for many years along with peerblock and up untill last Tuesday id been fine. I had thought I was relativly all setup and that Utorrent was well balenced with peerblock but looks as though I may have been mistaken. This has now made me look in other directions. Firstly usenet of which i no nothing of or about so would be my last choice. Then there is the private traker and all this entails. The other is odviously VPN Again something I know little about but am at the moment reading up about. I watch TV shows no music software or the suchsuch as the private trackers. The one I had thought of was Broardcast the Net which under the circumstances and what I watch would be a good fit. But its getting the invite .

    I just wanted your take on the ways iv mentioned or anything you can suggest that might be of interest to me

    Thanks Osh

  8. Major Book Publishers Demand Identities of Usenet Uploaders

    Some of the world’s largest book publishers are going after two prolific Usenet uploaders. The publishers have obtained subpoenas from a federal court in the District of Columbia which require major Usenet providers to reveal their customers’ identities. Thus far legal action against Usenet users has been relatively rare, but the documents suggest that the publishers are preparing just that.


    Lawsuits against individual file-sharers are nothing new in the United States. In recent years hundreds of thousands have been accused of sharing copyrighted material.

    Thus far, these lawsuits have almost exclusively focused on BitTorrent users, but new legal action by several major book publishers suggests that Usenet uploaders are also being eyed.

    Cengage Learning, John Wiley and Sons, Elsevier and McGraw-Hill recently obtained subpoenas from the U.S. District Court of Columbia, requiring Usenet providers to hand over the personal details of two very active uploaders.

    The publishers state that they caught the uploaders “Hockwards” and “Rockhound” sharing hundreds of books. The pair are allegedly connected to Usenet services provided by Highwinds and XS News, and both companies are now being held responsible for the infringing uploads.

    “This information is being provided to you as the Usenet provider responsible for providing Rockhound with the accounts through which the infringement is occurring,” the publishers write in one of their letters.

    “Based on the information at our disposal, we have good faith belief that the material uploaded to Usenet by Rockhound is infringing the book publishers’ copyrights. Over the past four months alone, Rockhound has uploaded hundreds of infringing books.”

    The book publishers are asking the Usenet providers to hand over all information they have on the two uploaders, including billing records, phone numbers and addresses. In addition, the publishers list hundreds of infringing books that they want the providers to remove from their servers.

    Information requested


    TorrentFreak talked to a representative of the book publishers who informed us that they have to protect their rights online, to guarantee that high quality books will continue to be published in the future. Targeting Usenet providers and their users is part of this strategy.

    “The publishers are actively monitoring and enforcing their rights on the internet, including on Usenet. Any individual or company that uploads large quantities of digital copies of the publishers’ books for others to download without authorization is a potential target for enforcement,” the representative told us.

    “Those individuals and companies are violating the law, no matter where they live and no matter why they are doing it,” the publishers add.

    Whether the information obtained through the subpoenas will help the book publishers to identify both users has yet to be seen. It is not uncommon for uploaders to take measures to obfuscate their identities by using prepaid credit cards, VPN services and false contact information.

    That said, the action against these Usenet uploaders is significant and in line with developments over the past year. Gradually, we’ve seen anti-piracy efforts begin to include Usenet providers and related services.

    Copyright holders, for example, have rapidly increased the number of DMCA takedown notices they send to indexing and hosting services, leading to the shutdown of NZBMatrix. In addition, payment providers such as PayPal are banning Usenet related sites over piracy concerns, causing sites such as Newzbin2 to fold.

    Although very rare at the moment, these recent legal actions by book publishers show that Usenet users aren’t immune to legal troubles either.

  9. High Court Gives Irish ISPs 30 Days To Block The Pirate Bay

    The High Court in Ireland has made its decision in a copyright infringement case brought by the major recording labels against several top ranking ISPs. The labels said that the service providers should be prohibited from facilitating subscriber access to The Pirate Bay and today the Court agreed. UPC, Imagine, Vodafone, Digiweb, Hutchison 3G and Telefonica O2 now have 30 days in which to block the infamous torrent site.


    The Irish Recorded Music Association which represents the major recording labels has long sought a comprehensive ISP blockade against The Pirate Bay in Ireland.

    Their mission was partially completed when they squeezed a voluntary agreement from ISP Eircom in 2009. Ever since they have continued to push against several others in the hope of victory.

    In a fresh process which began months ago EMI, Sony, Warner and Universal demanded that ISPs UPC, Imagine, Vodafone, Digiweb, Hutchison 3G and Telefonica O2 all stop facilitating access to The Pirate Bay.

    In court at the end of May the labels argued that as many as 200,000 Irish ISP users access TPB every month, causing losses to the labels of around 20 million euros a year. This situation, they said, required a court order to force the ISPs to take action within 30 days.

    The application by IRMA was the first of its kind since Ireland’s signing into law of the European Union (Copyright and Related Rights) Regulations 2012. Described by some as “Ireland’s SOPA“, the legislation was penned to make it easier for rightsholders to have sites such as The Pirate Bay blocked by court order. It appears to have done its job.

    Today in the High Court, Mr Justice Brian McGovern granted the order and said he was satisfied that the new legislation permitted an infringing site blockade.

    “There is no doubt but that this activity has caused, and continues to cause, substantial financial damage to the plaintiffs,” he said.

    In common with similar orders out of the UK High Court, IRMA will not have to return to court for a fresh order should The Pirate Bay move around or change its setup in an attempt to avoid censorship.

    Despite being innocent parties, the ISPs will have to swallow the costs of initiating the blockade. In line with IRMA’s demands they have just 30 days to do so, meaning that by mid July the majority of Ireland’s Internet users will have to find a new way to access the site, whether that be via proxies or VPNs.

    It remains to be seen whether the ISPs will also block proxy sites as they did in the UK this week, but it is likely that the labels have learned from their past experiences making this a distinct possibility.

  10. Vuze Condemns PRISM and Promotes VPNs

    Considering the scale of the problem it comes as no surprise that dozens of organizations across the web have come out against the U.S. Government’s PRISM spying program this week. One of the latest additions is the team behind the Vuze torrent client. Condemning “stunning abuses and violations of our basic Constitutional rights” the team say that they fully support encryption tools such as VPNs for legitimate uses. In parallel, a major VPN provider is reporting a nice boost in business.


    This week the PRISM surveillance scandal has consumed the Internet as the implications of massive scale U.S. Government spying begin to sink in.

    The revelations of former CIA technical assistant Edward Snowden, which come on the back of his four-year stint with contractors working with the National Security Agency, have seen him labeled a hero by the masses and a traitor by top U.S. officials.

    For netizens it now seems that any dream of basic privacy is a thing of the past, especially for those using the services of Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo, PalTalk, YouTube and Skype. Understandably the masses are outraged, with sentiments only being inflamed by carefully worded statements by those involved that seek to divert and do nothing to allay citizens’ fears.

    As a result a coalition of 80 organizations and companies including EFF, Free Software Foundation, Mozilla, Demand Progress and Reddit have joined AccessNow to call on U.S. Congress to end the NSA’s spying.

    Also getting in on the action are the makers of the open source torrent client Vuze, who have pledged their support to a campaign operated by the American Civil Liberties Union.

    “The recent revelations about the National Security Agency’s surveillance apparatus, including using data from non-governmental business entities, if true, expose stunning abuses and violations of our basic Constitutional rights,” Vuze say.

    The company states that it’s a supporter of civil liberties and the right to anonymity and privacy, and is against censorship, hate, oppression, punishment, reprisal and retaliation.


    “Vuze supports the uses of tools to protect and safeguard those rights and uses, and against evil, from printed pamphlets to encryption to avoiding storing private data and communications on central servers,” they add.

    In common with other torrent clients Vuze operates via a peer-to-peer infrastructure so naturally avoids most of the downfalls of central server operations such as those operated by the companies embroiled in the scandal. It also has features which enables users of VPNs to bind their connection to their encrypted tunnel in order to avoid privacy-threatening anonymity leaks.

    “To be very clear, and we are very serious and don’t say this with a wink or a knowing nod, we are publicly coming out in support of these rights and tools for legitimate uses now because of these recent shocking (maybe not so shocking) revelations,” Vuze add.

    Vuze conclude by noting that the company only supports the use of encryption tools for legitimate uses, which now appears to include the avoidance of government spying.

    With Vuze support for encryption tools on the table, it’s perhaps no surprise that others have been expressing renewed interest in the technology following this week’s controversy.

    TorrentFreak spoke with a major VPN provider yesterday who confirmed that since news of the scandal broke, the number of users taking out subscriptions has increased.

    In the current environment it may not be long before anonymous VPN services are considered a necessary tool for even the most ordinary Internet users.

  11. Sports Streamers, Indexes and Broadcast Tools Hit By DDoS Attacks

    Streaming sports indexes, event streamers and Flash players used for broadcasting have all been subjected to malicious attacks during the past 10 days. According to sources close to the situation, sites including FirstRowSports and WiziWig, plus sundry Flash broadcast tools have been hit by DDoS attacks. One prominent sports streamer says that there has been a constant daily effort to disrupt unauthorized sports streaming activities.


    Watching sports in many areas of the world is an expensive pastime. Many events, leagues and matches are marketed and served as exclusives, often with a hefty PPV price tag or subscription requirement attached.

    But of course this is the Internet, so if one knows where to look almost any sport can be obtained close to instantly from unauthorized sources.

    While Google is often used by stream hunters to find single sites specializing in a particular kind of sport, in common with the torrent world there are indexes dedicated to the job.

    One such site is WiziWig, a site that grew out of MyP2P.eu back in 2011. WiziWig is a continuously updated source of links to free streams of NBA, NFL, NCAA, motorsports, soccer and combat sports such as boxing and MMA. Whenever there is a live event, a link can usually be found somewhere on the site.

    However, the sport free-for-all came to a halt for a while this past weekend when WiziWig was hit by a DDoS attack. After we were tipped off by another source the site’s admin confirmed that there had been an attack but it had ended late Sunday.

    Apparently the hit on WiziWig wasn’t an isolated incident either. In fact, according to a well known live sports streamer who spoke with TorrentFreak on condition of anonymity, attacks over the past 10 days also hit other indexes including FirstRowSports.


    But the problems didn’t stop there. The sites mentioned above are indexes which carry links to other sites which actually display the streams, usually via a Flash player embedded in a page. These players, a list of which can be found here, can be up and running in no time but they too have been coming under attack.

    “Many players used by streamers on these sites have all been DDoS’d constantly including hdmytv.com, yycast.com and many others. These random attacks which are very large have come out the blue,” TorrentFreak was informed.

    “Myself and other streamers have had our streams hit daily and players brought down. Almost every single player has been hit.”

    For now there appears to be calm but questions remain. Are the problems attributable to some loose-triggered anti-piracy company taking considerable risks with an almost certainly illegal approach to business? Or (perhaps more likely) is a rival rogue streamer to blame?

    For now, that remains a mystery.

  12. Thanks for your interest!

    Now it's summer! A time many of us have been looking forward to long. A time when we really go out and enjoy the nice weather on the beach,
    in the park, with family and friends, and some of us are even fortunate enough to be on holiday! This of course means that there is less time in front of the screen to the daily NextGen fix and for seeding on everything you download. In this context, we now once again in the light of strong demand an opportunity to forget about keeping his PC turned on to seeding in all torrents, downloading . the big deals:

    VIP to 3 months
    100% FreeLeech throughout VIP period
    A heart by your name Immunity from Hit n 'Run system throughout VIP period 1 Invite to NextGen For only 375 kr The small deals:

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    A heart by your name Immunity from Hit n 'Run system throughout VIP period For only 150 kr

    NextGen is 100% volunteer driven, without any kind of annoying banner ads and pop-ups. We therefore need your support to keep NextGen running as the best tracker and cover our expenses for our service. A service that is our hobby to keep running with you, which is your home to film and television, with the best Danish custom subtitles provided by the best Danish subbere, and the best releases in the market. Any donation is received with gratitude Want to avail this offer, it can be done through our regular donations page . Simply donate the amount you want and choose to redeem the special offer (large or small) when you get a message that the donation is received. in doubt on how to use Bitcoins? See this guide!

  13. UK ISPs Secretly Start Blocking Torrent Site Proxies

    Several UK Internet providers have quietly added a list of new sites to their secretive anti-piracy blocklists. Following in the footsteps of Sky, the first ISP to initiate a proxy blockade, Virgin, BT and several other providers now restrict access to several torrent site proxies. The surprise isn’t really that proxies have been added to the blocklist, but that the music industry and ISPs are failing to disclose which sites are being banned.


    Following High Court orders, six UK ISPs are required to block subscriber access to several of the world’s largest torrent sites.

    The blocking orders are intended to deter online piracy and were requested by the music industry group BPI on behalf of a variety of major labels. Thus far they’ve managed to block access to The Pirate Bay, Kat.ph, H33T and Fenopy, and preparations are being made to add many others.

    The effectiveness of these initial measures has been called into doubt, as they are relatively easy to bypass. For example, in response to the blockades hundreds of proxy sites popped up, allowing subscribers to reach the prohibited sites via a detour.

    However, as of this week these proxies are also covered by the same blocklist they aim to circumvent, without a new court ruling.

    The High Court orders give music industry group BPI the authority to add sites to the blocklist without oversight. Until now some small changes have been made, mostly in response to The Pirate Bay’s domain hopping endeavors, but with the latest blocklist update a whole new range of websites is being targeted.

    Last week we reported that Sky had started blocking access to several torrent site proxies, and yesterday it became apparent that this was not an isolated incident. TorrentFreak has received numerous emails form Virgin and BT subscribers who are now unable to access many popular proxies, an indication that these are now covered under the BPI’s list of prohibited sites.

    Proxies now blocked as well


    Although the results may not be the same for all providers, the following sites appear to be blocked (in part) now. All sites in this list provide access to at least one of the torrent sites previously blocked by court order.

    - Fp.kleisauke.nl

    - Fenopy.5gg.biz

    - H33tunblock.info

    - H33t.uk.to

    - H33tproxy.co

    - H33tmirror.co

    - Katunblock.com

    - Katproxy.com

    - Kat.dashitz.com

    - Kat.kleisauke.nl

    - Katmirror.com

    - Kat.5gg.biz

    - Kickassunblock.info

    - Kickassproxy.info

    - Pirateproxy.net

    - Proxybay.net

    - Malaysiabay.org

    - Piratereverse.info

    - Pirateproxy.net

    - Campeche.zapto.org

    - Tpb.rubenstadman.com

    - Piratebay.interflective.com

    - Dashitz.com

    - Tpb.evrl.com

    TorrentFreak talked to Drastik, the operator of the most visited Pirate Bay proxy Pirateproxy.net, who says he’s determined to find a good workaround to make his site accessible again in the UK.

    “I never thought the BPI would go this far. I have already started setting up new servers for the blocks. However, I think educating people about alternate methods will be better. I have compiled a list of some good methods on a dedicated page,” Drastik says.

    “I will continue to move the site to new servers to keep it accessible,” he adds.

    Since the High Court order clearly states that ISPs have to disable access to the torrent sites in question (and the proxies provide this), the recent addition of the proxy sites to the list is not necessarily the main concern.

    The problem lies with the fact that these changes are being made in secret without any form of oversight. There appears to be no valid reason to keep the list of prohibited sites away from the public eye, but yet the ISPs nor the BPI are prepared to be open about it.

    TorrentFreak reached out to the BPI and some of the ISPs for a comment but we have yet to receive a response.

    Update: BPI responded after publication and noted that proxies do indeed fall under the court order. The group does not intent to make the list of blocked website public.

    “The court orders obtained in relation to The Pirate Bay cover not only the site itself, but also sites which have the sole or predominant purpose of providing access to The Pirate Bay. It would not be right to allow proxy sites flagrantly to circumvent blocks ordered by the High Court. We do not publish the names of proxies and it would not be appropriate for us to do so,” a BPI spokesperson said.

  14. Games of Thrones Season Finale Sets New Piracy Record

    The season finale of Game of Thrones has set a new BitTorrent record with more than 170,000 people sharing an episode simultaneously. In just one day more than a million people have downloaded a copy of the show, figures no other TV-show comes close to. Despite the invasion of pirates, HBO wants to keep the show as an exclusive and is not expected to put it on Netflix anytime soon.


    Yesterday evening the season finale of Game of Thrones aired on HBO and shortly thereafter the first unauthorized copies were uploaded online.

    In recent weeks the hit show has been shared millions of times online, but never before have we seen this many people sharing the same file.

    Within a few hours after it was released hundreds of thousands grabbed a copy of the show via The Pirate Bay and other torrent sites, breaking the old record Game of Thrones set just a few weeks ago during the premiere of the third season.

    At its height the Istole tracker reported that 171,572 people where active on a single torrent, 128,686 sharing a complete copy while 42,886 were still downloading.

    Data gathered by TorrentFreak shows that, within 24 hours, the season finale has been downloaded a million times. This could increase to more than five million during the weeks to come and means that unless a miracle happens, Game of Thrones will be crowned the most pirated TV-show of the year once again.

    A new record


    As previously revealed, Game of Thrones downloaders come from all over the world. Most downloaders come from Australia, followed by the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.

    Australia stands out in this list as it also has the smallest population, and this hasn’t gone unnoticed.

    The Ambassador of the United States of America to Australia recently complained about this “plain theft” by Australians. However, since the local cable provider has chosen to decrease instead of increase availability next year, things are not going to change anytime soon.

    In the U.S. the situation is not much better, and to a certain degree one could claim that HBO is to blame for Game of Thrones’ BitTorrent record. They want to keep access to the show “exclusive” and even Netflix wasn’t able to buy the rights no matter what they offered.

    It’s clear that HBO prefers more exclusiveness over less piracy, a stance that is reflected in recent comments from HBO programming president Michael Lombardo. He sees piracy as a compliment and doesn’t believe it negatively impacts DVD sales.

    The huge numbers of unauthorized downloads don’t bother the show’s makers all that much either, quite the contrary.

    David Petrarca, the show’s director, noted that these unauthorized downloads actually do more good than harm. According to the director, pirates are partly responsible for the “cultural buzz” the show needs to thrive and survive.

    Game of Thrones will be back next year, and if most torrent sites are still unblocked in in most parts of the world, we can expect another record to be set.

  15. Disabled Accounts

    Some of you may have noticed accounts being disabled on a daily basis here at DTN.
    It is explicitly stated in both the Welcome PM and the WIKI that if you do not use your account it will be disabled.

    We will show zero tolerence when your account is disabled because you did not 'know' about the rules here.
    We did NOT write them so they are not read - they are there to let you know what is expected of you.
    Those users who do not use their account serve no purpose here at all and do not benefit DTN or it's members.

    We do not want to disable accounts but we will not tolerate the rules being consistently broken by members logging in here and never actually using the account, period!

  16. 404c1.jpg

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  17. Asiatorrents Review


    Tracker Name :AsiaTorrents

    Tracker URL: http://www.asiatorrents.me

    Signup URL : Invite Only

    Tracker Type : Movies - Asian

    Tracker's Birthday : 3rd June 2005

    IRC Details :

    server : irc.rizon.net
    channel : #AvistaZ

    Tracker Speed :9/10

    Tracker PreTime :7/10

    Tacker Content :9/10

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