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Posts posted by J.Stash

  1. What is a Dedicated Server?

    A dedicated hosting service, dedicated server, or managed hosting service is a type of Internet hosting where the client leases an entire server not shared with anyone.

    What is a Seedbox?

    It is a bittorrent terminology for a dedicated server that is used to upload and download torrents. Seedboxes are usually purchased by uploaders and torrent communities to get the latest content at high speeds.

    How do I use the dedicated server/seedbox?

    A Dedicated Server/Seedbox is very simple to use, once you have purchased and fully paid for the dedicated server/seedbox, the service provider will send you the following:

    - The Server IP Address

    - The Server Username

    - The Server Password

    Using these things you can log on to your server using remote desktop.

    You can download RDP at: Download Here

    (Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a multi-channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services.) You can access remote desktop on your Windows PC by going to:

    1. On your home computer, click Start, point to All Programs, and then point to Accessories.

    2. In the Accessories menu, point to Communications, and then click Remote Desktop Connection.

    Then type the IP Address for the Server provided by the Hosting company, click connect and you will be taken to a log in screen, similar to the OS the server is running. Log in and that is it, you now have access to your server.

    If you purchase a linux server, remember that there is no remote desktop on linux. In that case you have to login to your server via webadmin interface where the service provider will give you a web login to enter to your server control panel. If you wish to execute/install applications on your linux box, you need to use a SSH client such as PUTTY: Download Here and you can access your folders (create, delete, move, copy, paste) using ftp client in order to upload/download materials to/from your dedicated server.

    Hosting Companies


    The Following are my Top 5 Choices for Best Dedicated Servers.

    Number 5: Shinjiru

    Offshore dedicated Hosting, these servers get great speeds, but not lately due to the natural disaster in Taiwan, so for the next couple weeks connection to North America wont be as good. But once repaired this server is one of the best ive used. Especially Since its hosted in Malaysia were there are no Copyright Laws big_smile

    If you want a reliable cheap server with peace of mind from police, etc Then Shinjiru is for you.

    Link: click Here

    Server: 3/5

    Network: 2.5/5 (normally superb speeds)

    Number 4: Vectoral.Info

    I personally havent used this company, but i have heard nothing but great things from them. They too offer cheap, reliable servers at competitive prices.

    Link: click Here

    Server: 3.5/5

    Network: 3.5/5

    Number 3: L A Y E R E D T E C H

    Hmm, layered tech one of the best server that i have ever used, i dont think there was a time i didnt max out my speed, with their 100Mbit i could easily reach 11-12 mb/s. They have a great turn around time, i got my server in less than 5, 6 hours.

    Link: click Here

    Server: 4.5/5

    Network: 5/5

    Number 2: S O F T L A Y E R

    This is probably one of the best server that i have ever used, Softlayer is the best of the best, nothing more to say, maxed out connections 24/7. Note Softlayer is the most expensive server ive purchased only because i upgraded to a higher bandwidth and network speed. You have got to purchase one to know how amazing their server and network is, the speeds are phenomenal and the service is phenomenal. This is why ScT, FTN, FSC, all Top site uploaders and torrent sites purchase SoftLayer, because your getting what you paid for.

    Link: click Here

    Server: 5/5

    Network: 5/5

    Number 1: L E A S E W E B

    This is the best hosting company, why else would torrent sites such as TL and SCC host there. They provide excellent support and excellent dedicated Server service. They have top-notch servers with one of the best network, you will get great speeds no matter what.

    Link: click Here

    Server 5/5

    Network 5/5



    What is a dedibox?

    A dedibox(s) are dedicated server that are hosted by Dedibox.fr. Dediboxes are dedicated servers that you have root access to but the network on which it is connected is shared. Dediboxes are connected to a supposed 300Gbit network, but due to the many subscribers, dediboxes which are advertised as 100Mbit Unmetered will only guarantee you 30Mbit Unmetered. The only time users report reaching 100Mbit Speeds is while connection to another user on the dedibox network.

    Dedibox.fr Resellers/Affiliates:




    (there are more, but these are the main resellers/affiliates)


    ? CPU VIA 2Ghz - 1024 MB RAM - Hard drive with a 160 GB capacity

    ? 100Mbit/Sec unmetered bandwidth.

    ? Several Operating systems available (Ubuntu-Server, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse 10.1, Mandriva, Gentoo 2006, CentOS 4.2, Slackware 10.2, FreeBsd, NetBsd, OpenBsd)

    ? Some desktop software (Ubuntu-Desktop Dapper, Kubuntu-Desktop Dapper, Xubuntu-Desktop Dapper)

    ? Unlimited technical support

    ? Remote manager

    ? 5Go Security Backup

    ? Own Server Monitoring

    ? automatic material diagnosis

    ? Rescue system

    29.99 € /Month


    ? CPU VIA 2Ghz - 1024 MB RAM - Hard drive with a 160 GB capacity

    ? 100Mbit/Sec unmetered bandwidth.

    ? Several Operating systems available (Ubuntu-Server, Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse 10.1, Mandriva, Gentoo 2006, CentOS 4.2, Slackware 10.2, FreeBsd, NetBsd, OpenBsd)

    ? Some desktop software (Ubuntu-Desktop Dapper, Kubuntu-Desktop Dapper, Xubuntu-Desktop Dapper)

    ? Unlimited technical support

    ? Remote manager

    ? 5Go Security Backup

    ? Own Server Monitoring

    ? automatic material diagnosis

    ? Rescue system

    45.00 €/Month *Note Price Changes Often


    They advertise I Quote "All dedicated servers rented by our customers are located in the high-tech-metropolis Frankfurt, Germany." But after talking with a customer one selection of their servers are infact hosted in France, even while uploading and downloading a torrent their host name is shown as Dedibox.fr.

    Dedicated Server M

    Hard disk: 80 GB

    CPU: Intel Celeron 2.4 Ghz

    RAM: 1024 MB

    Traffic: UNLIMITED

    Price: 59.99 EUR / month


    Dedicated Server L eco

    Hard disk: 160 GB

    CPU: AMD Athlon64 3800+

    RAM: 1024 MB

    Traffic: UNLIMITED

    Price: 64.99 EUR / month


    Dedicated Server L

    Hard disk: 160 GB

    CPU: P4 3 Ghz HT Technology

    RAM: 1024 MB

    Traffic: UNLIMITED

    Price: 69.99 EUR / month


    Dedicated Server XL

    Hard disk: 250 GB

    CPU: P4 3 Ghz HT Technology

    RAM: 2048 MB

    Traffic: UNLIMITED

    Price: 79.99 EUR / month


    Dedicated Server XXL

    Hard disk: 500 (2 x 250) GB

    CPU: 6.0 Ghz Intel Xeon (2 x 3.0 Ghz)

    RAM: ECC 4096 MB

    Traffic: UNLIMITED

    Price: 149.99 EUR / month




    Processor: VIA C7 2.0 GHZ

    Disk space: 160GB SATA2

    RAM: 1GB DDR2 400MHZ

    Bandwidth: 100Mbps Unmetered

    Managed: NO


    Monthly - : $59.95

    No hidden costs, No setup fees, Free support

    30 Minute activation (When servers are in stock)

    Windows Server 2003 Web Edition: $20 / month

    Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition: $30 / month

    Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition: $45 / month

    DirectAdmin control panel available for Debian, CentOS & Fedora: $14 / month

    Additional HDD, RAID0 or RAID1 (Debian & Ubuntu only): $20 / month


    Full Root access.

    2 free OS reloads per a month.

    Rescue mode (A small network OS where you can make changes to the partition, OS, etc...)

    Automatic reboots via web interface.

    Web MRTG.



    Note: For all Dediboxes, fee apply if you want to run a Windows OS, they only provide linux OS free.

    Also note that these Dediboxes are not that strict about running torrents, but if they catch you due to excessive use or abuse of bandwidth they will close your dedibox without refund.

    Dediboxes also have random checks and police raids.

    Ive Had Dediboxinternationa, Bestofdata, GigaInternational and Dedihostplus, if you enable encryption and keep the bw below 3TB a month it gives you a better chance under to keep under the radar.



    Let us talk about torrent clients now.

    If your purchased server is windows based, then you can just remote desktop it and use utorrent/azureus/other bittorrent clients. Easy...

    For linux users, you need to install Torrentflux which can be found Here




    1. open putty

    2. under "Host name (or ip address)" type the ip address provided by the dedicated box provider.

    3. press ENTER

    4. you will be asked to enter your LOGIN NAME and PASSWORD, after that press enter and you are in...

    TorrentFlux is a PHP based torrent client that runs on a web server, allowing you to manage your downloads through a web interface from anywhere. It's based on BitTornado and requires a functional LAMP server in order to run properly. Once having it installed, you'll be able to add, remove and/or manage torrents and their settings through a web browser. NOTE! If your Linux system already has a functional Apache + MySQL suite already installed, you can skip this step. Otherwise, this guide will allow you to have TorrentFlux installed with XAMPP.

    Install XAMPP

    XAMPP is a very easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, Perl and ProFTPD. To install it, you have to:

    - Download the latest version of XAMPP from Softpedia - Click Here

    Extract the packages and move them to the appropriate directories:

    - Secure your XAMPP installation. Type:

    - Answers you'll need to type:

    - Start Apache and MySQL:

    Install TorrentFlux

    NOTE1: If you already have Apache, PHP and MySQL installed and skipped the "Install XAMPP" step, you should remove the /opt/lampp/bin/ target from ALL the commands. For instance:

    # /opt/lampp/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p create torrentflux


    # mysqladmin -uroot -p create torrentflux

    NOTE2: If you already have Apache, PHP and MySQL installed, the PHP configuration file could be unsuitable for TorrentFlux. Check the /etc/php.ini file if the following directives are correctly set:

    NOTE 3: If you're running FEDORA CORE, you must disable SELinux: Open /etc/selinux/config and replace the line:




    and reboot your computer.

    - Download the latest version of TorrentFlux

    - Extract and move it to the appropriate directory:

    Create a database for torrentflux and load the sql script in it.

    - Edit /opt/lampp/htdocs/tf/config.php file and specify the MySQL ROOT password in the db_pass directive. The rest shouldn't need to be edited.

    - Open a browser and go to http://your.linux.ip.address/tf. The first time you access TorrentFlux, you will be prompted for a user and password, this will be used to set the SUPERADMIN user and password by what you enter. If you enter username "admin" and password "nimda", you will be able to access the application later by using this login information. Enjoy!


    • Upvote 2
  2. The first thing you will notice about Bioshock (in DX10 mode anyway), is how delicious the graphics are. The first time I decended into the bathysphere and headed underwater to the entrance point my jaw just dropped, the graphics are simply awesome. The water and fire effects in the game are incredibly realistic and just look damn fantastic. My only complaint in this department is that the blood effects are a little crappy (as in the blood spray when you hit an enemy, the blood pools enemies create on the floor when they bleed out are actually pretty realistic). The water reflection and refraction effects are also awesome

    As for the gameplay... All that I can say is that Bioshock is like no other shooter you will play, the plasmids and slight role playing elements make it a truly unique FPS, and the enemies are amusing, as they are spliced up and totally insane, and some of their behaviour is amusing, however their gung-ho attitude to fights make the game a trifle more difficult than your average shooter.

    The other thing you will notice is that the Environments are incredibly expansive and cleverly designed, in fact it is easy to spend hours just wandering through them looking for things, and they really help to suck you into the story, as the added environmental realism makes you feel like you are really there in a ruined and deserted underwater story, and the audiotapes you pick up along the way do a good job of helping you learn the story of Rapture as you go along, giving you a bit more insight into the background story than some other games.

    Finally, the storyline of the game is also very clever and intricately woven together, and it creates an extremely compelling environment that adds to the immersive nature of the game.


    • Fantastic Graphics
    • Cleverly Designed and expansive Environments
    • Compelling Storyline
    • Great characters
    • Game engine supports SMP which enables it to scale brilliantly to multi-core CPUs
    • There are multiple ways of solving most challenges meaning the game has good replay value


    • Bioshock uses Deferred lighting which unfortunately means that AntiAliasing cannot be used in-game when you run in DX10 mode
    • The Viat-Chamber save system does not appear to have been very well designed, if you die you are not respawned with full health
    • Due to the size of the environments and the complexity of some challenges in the game, playing the game can be a touch daunting to people not overly familiar with FPS games
    • The game has no official support for Shader Model 2.0 Graphics Cards
  3. Welcome to the new Game Ratings forum!

    If you've played a game recently and want to share a review with everyone here at Invite Scene, then this is the place to do it. Please take note of the forum rules posted above, and make sure that every thread has a tag!

    For the sake of unity, this forum is not platform specific. In fact, we encourage Multi Platform reviews here. For example The Simpsons Game was released on several platforms. Instead of having several threads, one for each platform, please create just the one thread and use the [MP] tag to indicate that it's a multiplatform review. You can include the platform you're reviewing on as well if you want to, for example [MP][X360]The Simpsons Game.

    Any questions - please contact a moderator, or post here!


  4. We have made some simple RULES for Gamers' Hangout section. If you follow it carefully you won't get into any trouble.

    Please follow these guidelines:

    Do not flame any member directly or indirectly, no matter how right or wrong you believe that member to be.

    If somebody does flame you, report it. Do not reply to it in any way. Feeding the flames does not help, and can result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well as the member that flamed you.

    Trolling will be moderated just as heavily as flaming. Trolling on a certain company or console will not be tolerated at all. Jumping in a thread just to say, "Microsoft sucks!" or, "Sony sucks!" etc., will result in disciplinary actions taken against you. Trolling simply creates a more hostile atmosphere and will almost always result in flaming and arguments.

    Do not respond to trolling. You should simply report any post you believe to be trolling. Responding to any trolling posts also can result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well as the member who was trolling to begin with.

    Do not call out another member by name in a negative fashion. Even if you just want to say, "I told you so" to somebody specifically, do not do it. This sort of behavior can and will cause a snowball effect of flaming and simply cannot be tolerated.

    Do not respond to somebody that has called you out by name. Report the post and be done with it. Responding to such a post can result in disciplinary action against you as well as the member you reported.

    If a thread has simply degraded into a full-blown argument rather than a debate (read: unsubstantiated attacks against other members rather than a calm discussion between members with different viewpoints), do not participate. Even if you want to tell those participating in the argument to stop, do not do it. Responding in any way to argumentative posts will only make it worse, and, once again, may result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well. Leave the argument alone and simply report it.

    If you're trying to debate with somebody that seems to have an opinion based on skewed or even completely incorrect information, just let it go. You don't always need to be found correct, and you won't always be agreed with by everybody.

    If you are caught infringing upon these guidelines, disciplinary actions will be taken, resulting in a warning and, in many cases, a restriction from Gamers' Hangout for a certain period as determined by the staff at that time. Repeat offenders will eventually be restricted from Gamers' Hangout indefinitely.

    I, as well as the rest of the staff, will be monitoring and moderating Gamers' Hangout as much as possible, keeping this new policy in mind. Do not misunderstand us -- we do not want to be too strict, but we cannot have the behavior we have been seeing if we want to have an open, friendly, and fun community.

    we're gamers, so we know how to have fun. Try to keep that fun-loving attitude when posting on InviteScene.

  5. We have made some simple RULES for Gamers' Hangout section. If you follow it carefully you won't get into any trouble.

    Please follow these guidelines:

    Do not flame any member directly or indirectly, no matter how right or wrong you believe that member to be.

    If somebody does flame you, report it. Do not reply to it in any way. Feeding the flames does not help, and can result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well as the member that flamed you.

    Trolling will be moderated just as heavily as flaming. Trolling on a certain company or console will not be tolerated at all. Jumping in a thread just to say, "Microsoft sucks!" or, "Sony sucks!" etc., will result in disciplinary actions taken against you. Trolling simply creates a more hostile atmosphere and will almost always result in flaming and arguments.

    Do not respond to trolling. You should simply report any post you believe to be trolling. Responding to any trolling posts also can result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well as the member who was trolling to begin with.

    Do not call out another member by name in a negative fashion. Even if you just want to say, "I told you so" to somebody specifically, do not do it. This sort of behavior can and will cause a snowball effect of flaming and simply cannot be tolerated.

    Do not respond to somebody that has called you out by name. Report the post and be done with it. Responding to such a post can result in disciplinary action against you as well as the member you reported.

    If a thread has simply degraded into a full-blown argument rather than a debate (read: unsubstantiated attacks against other members rather than a calm discussion between members with different viewpoints), do not participate. Even if you want to tell those participating in the argument to stop, do not do it. Responding in any way to argumentative posts will only make it worse, and, once again, may result in disciplinary actions taken toward you as well. Leave the argument alone and simply report it.

    If you're trying to debate with somebody that seems to have an opinion based on skewed or even completely incorrect information, just let it go. You don't always need to be found correct, and you won't always be agreed with by everybody.

    If you are caught infringing upon these guidelines, disciplinary actions will be taken, resulting in a warning and, in many cases, a restriction from Gamers' Hangout for a certain period as determined by the staff at that time. Repeat offenders will eventually be restricted from Gamers' Hangout indefinitely.

    I, as well as the rest of the staff, will be monitoring and moderating Gamers' Hangout as much as possible, keeping this new policy in mind. Do not misunderstand us -- we do not want to be too strict, but we cannot have the behavior we have been seeing if we want to have an open, friendly, and fun community.

    we're gamers, so we know how to have fun. Try to keep that fun-loving attitude when posting on InviteScene.

  6. English

    From this moment, this website`s main domain is http://freshon.tv. Please update your bookmarks and let your friends know about this change. Also, the old domain (http://tv.torrents.ro) will redirect you to the new one.

    All your current torrents will continue to work on the old address so you don`t need to worry.

    The website`s name will still be Tv TORRENTs ro.

    //Tv TORRENTs ro Staff


    Din acest moment, domeniul principal al acestui website este http://freshon.tv. Va rugam sa va modificati bookmark-urile si sa va instiintati prietenii de aceasta modificare. In acelasi timp, vechiul domeniu (http://tv.torrents.ro) va va redirectiona catre noul domeniu.

    Toate torrent-ele dvs de pana acum vor functiona in continuare pe vechea adresa deci nu e nevoie sa va faceti griji.

    Numele website-ului va ramane Tv TORRENTs ro.

    //Staff-ul Tv TORRENTs ro


  7. Review: The Wireless BitTorrent router

    I heard some stories about the Asus WL-700gE, aka “the BitTorrent router” a couple of months ago. It was announced as the ultimate gadget for torrent freaks, so I decided to buy one as soon as it was available. That was three weeks ago.


    160GB Built internal 3.5″ Hard Drive

    3 USB 2.0 ports

    Web/FTP Server

    Photo Album/Message Board Wizard

    Auto bandwidth management (downloading + web browsing)

    Plug ‘n Share USB Storage + RAID mirroring

    iTunes Server + UpnP AV Server

    Power usage (approx) 30watts peak (restarting router) and 15watts “idle”

    and a lot more

    The router comes with a setup utility, thus configuring the router is pretty easy. The goal of this article is to review the BitTorrent related functionalities of the router, but I have to say that the router does pretty much everything it promises. To name a few things:

    The Itunes server works like a charm, and is very useful if you want to access your mp3 collection with other gadgets or computers.

    The FTP server allows you to create multiple users with separate access levels

    The plug and play USB backup works like it should.

    The Wireless signal is excellent, it has no problem to bypass the two steel-enforced concrete floors in my house.


    But now the BitTorrent part. The Asus WL-700gE comes with a “download master” utility that supports ftp, http, and BitTorrent downloads. There are two ways to download torrents, you can upload a torrent with the “download master” utility on your pc or you can access the “download master” in your web browser.

    The progress of the downloads can be monitored in the transfer panel of the download master. It lists the filename, progress, size, speed and ETA. The web-based download master has a few extra monitoring options (peers!, download/upload).

    Download Master


    Web Download Master


    The transfer monitoring is quite buggy, the speed and filesize update every 10 seconds or so, but the torrents have the strange tendency to stop downloading if you watch the transfer progress for more than a minute. They resume downloading as soon as you minimize the window.

    And there are more bugs. About 50% of all the torrents I paused, never resumed after the pause. This means I had to redownload all the data.

    The overall speed is ok, and it shouldn’t matter too much, since most people will use it to download torrents overnight.

    There is not much to tweak. The only option you have is to set the time the torrent should seed once the download is finished (default is 1 hour). Too bad they didn’t include a ratio seed setting.


    Overall I would say the router performs very well and is worth the money (I paid approximately $300). However, the BitTorrent client is very buggy and limited. It works but it could and should be improved significantly. The router would not yet replace my regular torrent client, but it does the job at night.


    torrent downloads work (sometimes)

    all the other features are sweat


    transfers stop at random

    files disappear

    tweaking options are limited

    Source: TorrentFreak(TF): http://torrentfreak.com/review-the-wireles...torrent-router/

    • Like 1
  8. here what write in SCL news:

    In the next 72 hours (till Sunday the 26th of July). We will set up several invite "windows". Meaning that during this period we hand out 1 invite with a time frame of a couple hours. After these couple hours the invite will be gone again. We will not announce when you will get your invite, so make sure you'll be sharp and browse a lot. It is noted that there will be several opportunities so you if you play it right you can invite more then one person.

    The invites are being handed out to the privates rank and above (ranks explained here!). So if you are not a private already we suggest you become one. So you will be able to invite someone in to SceneLife.

    if any buddy what SCL invite this is ur chance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  9. After having negotiated a deal with the entertainment industries, ISPs in the UK have agreed to send out warning letters to customers who are suspect of downloading copyrighted movies and music. However, one ISP has decided to take it one step further, by acutally disconnecting alleged copyright infringers.


    Every day, tens of thousands of warning letters are sent out to ISPs on behalf of copyright holders. Some ISPs simply ignore them but the majority forwards the emails to their customers. However, the actions of the UK ISP Karoo in dealing with these requests are quite unique, and more far reaching than this.

    Instead of notifying its customers that they have received a letter from a copyright holder, with the claim that their IP-address is associated with illegal downloading - Karoo customers are immediately disconnected without any prior warning. As we reported last year, Karoo doesn’t even allow users to have an open router.

    Andrea Robinson is one of the Karoo customers who was accused of downloading illegally, Terminator Salvation in her case. She lost her Internet connection and the only option she has to get her Internet access reinstated is by signing a form sent to her by Karoo, which says she admits guilt.

    “The form basically said ‘if I admit my guilt you’ll reconnect me’. So I didn’t sign it and walked out. I’m still not reconnected,” she told the BBC. With Karoo being the only ISP in her neighborhood she is now left with no Internet, and clueless what to do about it. According to the BBC she is not the only one, as there are similar cases at Karoo dating two years back.

    In the United States there is one ISP that employs a similar strategy - Cox. When Cox receives a takedown request from a copyright holder, it will disconnect the customer associated with the IP-address, if they don’t admit to being guilty. If a customer receives three takedown requests their Internet is cut off entirely.

    The real problem with Karoo and Cox’s methods lies in the fact that they act upon accusations made by anti-piracy organizations who employ evidence gathering methods that are shoddy, to say the least.

    In the UK, the BBC consumer show Watchdog revealed how easy it is to point the finger (and pull the plug) on the wrong person. For Karoo this means that these wrongfully accused customers will lose their Internet access, unless they admit to an offense they were not involved in.

    Since Karoo is the one and only Internet provider in the area, some will feel that they have no alternative, and they will sign the “guilty” form just to get back online. The anti-piracy groups must be proud of Karoo and their reckless tactics but the ISP should stop to consider the future. Monopolies don’t last forever and the Internet has a long memory.

    Update: After today’s reports Karoo decided to change their policy. Instead of disconnecting alleged pirates directly, they will operate a a three strikes and you are out rule.

    Source: TorrentFreak(TF)- http://torrentfreak.com/uk-isp-cuts-off-al...pirates-090724/

  10. google is ruling the world what next lol

    I was recently watching a youtube video and now Google Earth now allows you to explore the moon. Along with some very interesting tours by people that have been to the moon, looks quite neat!


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