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Everything posted by Rajesh

  1. As you know we had some unwanted downtime. enjoy some Global FreeLeech!
  2. Effective immediately µTorrent 3.4.2 is added to the banned clients list. It appears as they have bundled Bitcoin mining software with this version.
  3. We got access to our main server, renewed it, and no data loss! I will be trying to transfer over new accounts and torrents uploaded in past couple days, but not sure if it is easily possible. The switch should take affect hopefully by tomorrow
  4. All torrents have been set 2x up and free from now on!
  5. As recently requested, a new search option has been added to filter by only freeleech torrents. Selecting this option will still allow you to search within the title & tags of torrents while only showing freeleech results. If no search text is given, all freeleech torrents will be shoW.
  6. Changes to the nomination of shows that we later vote on for staff pick are being discussed in the forums. This is your time to weigh in on what works and what doesn't and what you think about the new ideas I've shared. You can find the thread here. Don't waste your time complaining about it, give your opinion and help make changes so you and everyone can enjoy the idea and have more control of my staff pick.
  7. Dear friends, The popular torrent client uTorrent has been under fire today under accusation of silently installing a BitCoin miner known as "Epic Scale" without user's consent. A BitCoin miner runs in the background of your computer and uses CPU and sometimes GPU processor power to solve a series of complicated math problems to generate electronic currency. The bundled software, Epic Scale, appears in the latest version of uTorrent - uTorrent 3.4.2 Build 38913. However, upon further inspection, Epic Scale does not "silently" install itself, but it is presented in such a way that the majority of users will opt-in to install it without noticing. ---------------------------------- PREVENTING INSTALLATION ---------------------------------- You can infact install the latest build of uTorrent without installing Epic Scale. If upgrading from and older version of uTorrent or installing a fresh version of uTorrent 3.4.2, you may be presented with a screen like this during installation: To prevent the installation of Epic Scale you must click "Decline Offer" (this will not end the setup). It is also recommended that you decline any other bundled software that comes with uTorrent. Please read each page carefully. Normally, uTorrent will show three offers of bundled software. It should also be noted that seemingly not all users get the option to install Epic Scale, but rather an option to install "Spigot's Search Protection". If you should get this prompt, Epic Scale will not be installed, however it's recommended that you also decline this offer. ---------------------------- REMOVING EPIC SCALE ---------------------------- If you're not sure if you've accidentally installed Epic Share, luckily you can check and remove it fairly simply. In Windows, it should show up under Add/Remove programs. You can also check to see if it's in your startup using MSConfig or CCleaner. The .exe is "EpicScale.exe" If you don't see it under Add/Remove Programs, then navigate to C:\ProgramData\ (You will have to enable Hidden Files & Folders under your explorer options to see the ProgramData folder) If Epic Scale was indeed installed, there would be an folder called "Epic Scale" in your Program Data. If you don't have one, then your system is clean. If you do, then you can simply uninstall Epic Scale and delete this folder to remove the miner. You can find more detailed removal instructions here if you need them: http://www.epicscale.com/how-to-uninstall-epic-scale PLEASE NOTE: Using uTorrent 3.4.2 on IPT is currently not recommended and therefore not supported. Using this version may result in unexpected issues with regards to your account stats being tracked properly. Recommended: uTorrent 2.2.0 Build 23071 Last edited by NxTGeNSySoP at 2015-03-07 01:50:41 NGS IPT Moderator
  8. Open Registrations We have open registrations right now.. let's just make clear that it is NOT allowed to register multiple accounts on the same IP address. Yes, we see it if you do, and yes you will get your account(s) disabled. If you have problems confirming your account (due to email difficulties) Come to our IRC channel for some help, DO NOT REGISTER ANOTHER ACCOUNT, it is useless and will only get your accounts disabled.
  9. We deals on the page , any donation is doubled X2 * Community FluxZone.org looking serious uploaders who wishes to apply an application here , all applications will be examined and promoted the 1000 gb receive Bonus if job related if they will not be subtracting GB * Recruitment Moderators: Click, We provide many Moderator stations and other higher classes of experienced
  10. Update on Invites: Only Extreme Users or higher can use their invites.
  11. uTorrent users beware uTorrent Quietly Installs Cryptocurrency Miner, Users Complain Quote: Many users of the popular BitTorrent client uTorrent are complaining about it silently installing a cryptocurrency miner with a recent update. The Epic Scale tool, which slows down host computers, is reportedly being installed without consent and for some is particularly hard to remove.
  12. Utorrent 3.4.2 will be banned very soon. So if you are using it consider using other build. We recommend using utorrent 2.0.4 or 2.2.1
  13. Hi ExDesians, I hope all of you are looking fine. We come up with this wonderful plan of allowing our users to Request their Favorite Movies, Music, TV Shows, Untouched DVDs, Dubbed Movies to us which will be fulfilled by our home team, Team XMR. I know we already have a request section available in our forum, but I feel like not much people visit this section. So here are the basic Rules you need to follow in order to request to Team XMR to be fulfilled on priority basis. You can only request the Stuffs mentioned above. You need to post Movie Name, Year of Release, IMDB Link with your request over here in this thread. Number of requests from a single user are limited to 4 requests per week. Exceeding the limit will result removal of your request. All Requests are depend on the availability of the Stuff you are asking for. We can't guarantee you of providing the requested stuff. The user who is Requesting must be having a Ratio of 0.9. If you are requesting with having ratio below 1:1, your request will be deleted immediately & if you continue doing the same you may face ban from forum. Apart from these Rules you need to follow all basic Rules of our site without fail. If we can't fulfill one request we'll inform you the same on this thread. Keep checking after requesting. On successful completion of a Request the Uploder will get 500 Reputation points All the requests will be filled by proud members of Team XMR-ExD comprising -=Rangeela=-, -=ToM=-, international khiladi, nepsters, Phantom, Titan_Of_Titans,XdesiArsenal and HearTLessS. If anybody wants to join us on this, is always welcome. This request opportunity is available on trial basis until our next notice. After observing our capability of fulfilling requests we'll decide of continuing or discontinuing this. So start requesting... Thanks & Regards, Team XMR-ExD
  14. I have now issued this period's referrals. As a one off members with left over unused referrals have been allowed to carry them over to this period in addition to the new referrals issued, this is unlikely to happen again after the next review which is expected to be around mid April. Some members in the user class that weren't eligible last time will be pleased to learn that they will have received some referrals this time around too. Additional referrals have been issued as follows: Users who have been a member for at least 90 days and have downloaded at least 100GB of data - 2 invites. Power Users and Super Power Users - 3 invites if you've been a member for at least 90 days, otherwise 1 invite. Elite, Super Elite and Uploaders - 4 invites if you've been a member for at least 90 days, otherwise 2 invites. If you are/were in Kitty Litter at the time of writing and issue you won't have received any additional invites, but if your account is later promoted back into good standing and you would have been eligible for invites you can optionally apply to receive them at a later date by writing to the Staff Box titling your message, "KL invite application", but any such applications received after the 19th March will be automatically rejected. The IRC #invites channel remains fully open for business where members are allowed to give away invites to others, it's up to yourselves exactly what criteria you ask for before issuing an invite, but as usual please invite responsibly. Please note that once a referral code is issued it only remains valid for up to 24 hours, if a code expires before being used it will be wasted. Invitees should be advised to avoid using hotmail, msn or outlook to signup as they often block our email responder and they may not receive their sign up confirmation email. If your invitee doesn't receive their confirmation email, firstly please advise them to wait at least 15 minutes and also check their junk / spam folder as it commonly arrives there, if it's definitely not received the code can be used again to retry with a different email address within the 24 hour period. Do NOT distribute your referral codes on known invite forums or trading sites of any kind. Invite giveaways are also prohibited on such sites. The only invite giveaways that are allowed are those that are on other class restricted forums or those sanctioned by staff. Doing so will result in you losing your referral privileges indefinitely as well as possibly being disabled along with your invite tree. Please issue your referral codes responsibly. Referrals are subject to change and maybe be reissued, changed or even withdrawn at the sole discretion of the staff at any time
  15. Right now Banned Ratio is 0.05 But From 1st April 2015 Banned Ratio Will 0.15 so Keep maintain yours Ratio.
  16. 各位HDSkyer,由于攻击鼠辈日益猖獗,造成了连日来访问困难和红种的问题。为了彻底解决这一后顾之忧,本站将于今晚进行服务器数据搬迁维护工作。搬迁维护时间可能长达数小时,期间可能无法正常访问和下载,感谢各位理解与支持! HDSky管理组 2015年3月2日 We are going to transfer our tracker server to safe rooms in order to against the DDOS attack,please wait for several hours to visit HDSky. Thank you for your understanding and kindness. HDSky Staff 02.03.2015
  17. - Sci Fi MOVIES - for every uploaded on "Science fiction Movies" in March 2015 you will receive 5 Gb, another 3 Gb if not yet on the site + 1Gb for every collection item (type, actor, actress, director, producer - complete list on collections) - All these - Sci Fi Movies - uploads are free leech in March 2015- As Always you have to claim your reward by PM to Rudieger
  18. WeBop has announced that it will be shutting its doors on March 10th. It is unfortunate to see another torrent site have to disappear. As such, we'll be taking in refugees starting tomorrow, March 1st. Be kind to your new perv neighbors!
  19. After technical maintenance personnel tireless efforts day and night , and finally to the server to resume normal work ! All this is inseparable from our HDSkyer are always valuable encouragement and silently support ! Here, silently in the background to maintain the technical staff to pay tribute ! To support this site all HDSkyer thanked ! Publisher to you , re- coding group , TV group , the original disk DIY group members to express my sincere thanks ! I believe tomorrow will be more blue sky , the sky more colorful HD ! Also, the whole station Free time is extended to 28 February 24. Please HDSkyer arrange their download time. HDSky Management Group
  20. Any torrent without proper info eg BDInfo or screenshots shall be deleted whether it has 100 seeders or 100 leachers, you have been warned.
  21. e have surpassed 1,000 uploaded TV movies! Great work, now let's celebrate with dinner and a movie! Clicky the TV dinner for how to choose your own freeleech and more:
  22. We implemented a new topic ( Wood) . To activate it , go to your profile and select from the dropdown Wood theme from the Stylesheet .
  23. adies and gentlemen, we are proud to present to you BHDTV.NOT This little tool will make your life much easier.It's a simple two-click tool for uploading your content that includes support for .RAR files as well! Setup: 1) Install the bot 2) Open the settings file, and edit the following: user|password|C:\\uploads|"C:\\Program Files\\uTorrent\\uTorrent.exe" Write your user then your pass (For example Williams|123bear123|) and set the path for uTorrent like the above. Once you've made these changes, save and exit. 3) Open v2 from BHDTV.BOT folder and select the file or folder you want to upload(If using .RAR files, it can contain these files as well). Here's a video of the upload. (too lazy at this moment to make one) You can find it here https://www.sendspace.com/file/e1djdq Notes: You may occasionally see "(Not Responding)" in the title. It is okay to ignore this and let the bot do it's thing. It works for any uTorrent version above 2.0 You may need to add an IMDB link once the bot is completed. Use the cancel button instead of the 'X' Waiting your feedbacks! Feel free to write any suggestion that could improve it
  24. 2015.02.24 - 2015.2.24 Happy Spring Festival! Signup open! Join us,now!
  25. Site is under going updation we will be available back in few mins:- Telly staff.
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