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Posts posted by Rajesh

  1. Last News
    Posted by: Rudieger
    Date posted: 01/12/2013 18:58 Title: Registration open from now on

    The site is now open for registation for new members, for the next 2 weeks (until December 15th).
    Depending on how many new members have signed in on December 15th, we could decide to prolong the open registation.
  2. ] at 2013-12-01 15:16:44 GMT (1 day ago) top.gifvw7rI.png

    vw7rI.png ZAL1x.png

    A venit din nou timpul să redeschidem înregistrările pentru encoderi, dar de data aceasta doar pentru grupurile playXD & playHD.
    Cine crede că este capabil și se poate descurca, este rugat să trimită un PM aici completând următoarea aplicație:

    Subiect: Aplicatie playXD sau Aplicatie playHD

    Link CPU-Z...................................:
    SpeedTest (București)........................:
    Experiență în uploading/encoding.............:
    Ce înțelegi prin termenul de encoding ?......:
    Surse externe................................:
    Cât timp poți dedica funcției de encoder ? ..:

    Cei cu experiență sunt bineveniți, însă și cei fără pot fi instruiți.

    Short FAQ:

    Spoiler (arata)

    Mai multe detalii veți primi în cazul în care veți fi promovați.


    A time again to reopen the encoder records, but this time only for groups playXD & playHD.
    Who thinks that is capable and can handle it, is asked to send a PM here by filling following application:

    Subject: Application or Application playHD playXD

    playXD / playHD ................................:
    Link CPU-Z ...................................:
    SpeedTest (Bucharest) ........................:
    Experience in uploading / encoding .............:
    What do you understand by the term encoding? ......:
    External sources ................................:
    How much time you can dedicate encoder function? ..:

    Those with experience are welcome, but those without can be trained.

    Short FAQ:
    Spoiler (show)

    More details you will receive if you will be promoted.

    Good Luck!

    Any message with off-topic or application made ​​mockery will be penalized!

    Mult succes!

    Orice mesaj cu off-topic sau aplicaţie făcută în bătaie de joc va fi penalizat !

    Last edited by Evaine at 2013-12-01 17:11:25 GMT

  3. trans.gif 2013.12.01 - 请全体会员立即修改你们的passkey秘钥!

    接到友站管理员告知,目前有大量PT站的会员秘钥已经泄露到公网,给整个pt界埋下了严重的安全隐患。故此,请各位会员立即修改自己的秘钥文件。方法是打开http://hdsky.me/usercp.php?action=security。勾选 “我想重置密钥”,点击“保存设定”即可。同时正在做种的任务也要修改为新的passkey。事态紧急,请大家立即修改!


    Emergency Notice

    For the sake of your account safety, please reset your passkey right away!

    HOW TO RESET PASSKEY: http://hdsky.me/usercp.php?action=security , tick off ”I want to reset my passkey”, then click the button ”Save Settings”.Thank you!
  4. NEWS - 2013-12-01
    10 years of collecting the opiate of the masses
    This year, it was 10 years ago that the domain tvtorrents.com was registered. In the beginning of this year, this was celebrated doubling donations.

    To continue celebrating our 10-year anniversary, all purchases in the tvtshop.com, all donations through payson.se and all bitcoin donations will count double during the last month of this year.

    Happy holidays!

    Johan and Kathryn

  5. hLEHw9F2.jpeg

    It's end of another successful year for Scenetime and as you all know that WE celebrate Christmas and new year with Gifts and we have been doing this from Start of SceneTime.

    This year we have some special gifts for our SceneTime lovers and loyal members who have been with us and always supported us.

    Wish you all best of luck.

    You can post below and tell us how many coupons you got so far.

    Last edited by SceneTime at 2013-12-02 10:59:40 GMT

    ..::Scenetime God::..
    Volunteers are seldom paid, n

  6. 全体会员,大家好!




    Google Translation

    All members, Hello everyone!

    Because you use Thunder download torrent files at the same time, the Thunder will also download a copy of the same file on their server is offline, the user is unaware of this process. In other words, once you had with Thunder download torrent files, you have no right to reset your passkey, then other Thunderbolt users will get into your passkey!

    Therefore, in order to ensure that your own interests are not compromised, please download PT seed time away from the Thunder!

    Emergency measures: If you are not careful with the Thunder once downloaded torrent files, do not hesitate to go to immediately reset the passkey!

  7. Trump Changes, Donations Update, and Site Wide Freeleech 10 hours and 4 mins agoHide
    Trump Changes, Donations Update, and Site Wide Freeleech

    Trump Changes

    Torrents are no longer auto removed due to inactivity. Instead, torrents that are not seeded for 4 consecutive weeks are marked "Inactive." These torrents are trumpable. If you see an Inactive torrent, feel free to click on the torrent and request re-seed or reupload the content and report the Inactive torrent. Further details can be found in the wiki:wiki.php?action=article&id=142

    This is an example of a torrent marked as Inactive


    We have also updated our trump rules following our last V2 announcement. Now VBR and CBR are separate on the trump chart. This means a VBR MP3 cannot trump a lower bitrate CBR encode and a CBR MP3 cannot trump a lower bitrate VBR encode.

    Here is what the new trump chart looks like. If you have any questions, feel free to send a Staff PM or ask in #help on irc. Full details about the changes can be found in the Site Rules


    Donations Update

    We have hit 100% donations for the month! Any donations made between now and the start of our next cycle will be used for our next bill. Thank you to everyone who donated, the site exists because of you! heart.gif A special thank you to all of our Top Public Donors heart.gif

    This leads us directly to our next announcement...

    48 Hour Site Wide Freeleech

    As an extra thank you for helping us reach donations for the month, we are substituting December Staff Picks for a 48 hour site wide freeleech! You guys have earned it smile.gif


    The freeleech will end at 0000 UTC December 04

    What is Freeleech?
    All torrents on the site will be freeleech. This is explained in the wiki here:

    Discuss this post here

  8. Posted by: Petra

    Date posted: 01/12/2013 18:33 Title: Downtime

    So DTN has finally managed to resurface after it's recent downtime.

    As you will know many trackers have been under attack recently and some are yet still being attacked.

    There is not a lot we or any other tracker can do when this happens apart from try to ride out the storm and seek calmer waters.

    All Hit and Runs have been set back to zero due to the downtime.

    // Staff

  9. This week we have four newcomers in our chart.

    Riddick is the most downloaded movie.

    The data for our weekly download chart is collected by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only. All the movies in the list are BD/DVDrips unless stated otherwise.

    RSS feed for the weekly movie download chart.

    Week ending December 01, 2013
    Ranking (last week) Movie IMDb Rating / Trailer torrentfreak.com
    1 (…) Riddick 6.6 / trailer
    2 (…) Captain Phillips (Webrip) 8.1 / trailer
    3 (…) Kick Ass 2 6.9 / trailer
    4 (1) Prisoners 8.1 / trailer
    5 (…) Escape Plan 7.1 / trailer
    6 (3) Elysium 7.0 / trailer
    7 (2) Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 6.4 / trailer
    8 (4) Red 2 6.9 / trailer
    9 (5) The Wolverine 6.9 / trailer
    10 (7) 2 Guns 7.4 / trailer

    • Upvote 1
  10. I believe in competition. I believe in experimentation to see what works best and what can be predictably repeated – call it the scientific method applied to society, if you like. This has been a problem geopolitically, as the United States has guaranteed its global rent-seeking by bullying other countries into so-called “free trade” agreements that are, in the best kind of newspeak, the exact opposite: they are agreements to prevent free trade in favor of incumbent monopoly holders.

    But a monopoly only lasts as long as all involved countries respect it. In particular, a monopoly that touches the Internet – one such as the copyright monopoly – requires the cooperation of every single country connected to the Internet to live yet another day. The first country to defect from this oppressive monopoly construct will cause the floodgates of culture and knowledge to open – imagine The Pirate Bay located in a country where it is declared 100% legal, and where it is rightly illegal to harass its enormous library.

    Three geopolitical zones stand to threaten the US dominance on this rent-seeking and the monopolies we know as the copyright and patent monopolies:

    We have Europe, which has strength in its civil liberties tradition and its sheer economic strength – it is the world’s largest economic power, and so, any monopoly Europe doesn’t like just ceases to exist for all intents and purposes. Regrettably, European political leaders are perennially starstruck by anything the United States does, and won’t be challenging them any time soon, unless challenged in turn on the matter by something like the Pirate Party. (When it happens anyway, like with the ACTA defeat last year, it is due to citizen outrage – not because of any kind of political will.)

    We have China, which has a different cultural and idealistic tradition than Europe and the Americas – Asia works on a timescale of generations and centuries, rather than one of weeks and months. There is patience to a degree unheard of in the West. The Chinese have economic clout comparable to the US and Europe, and are anything but stupid. They are copying the Intellectual Protectionism (IP) regimes of the United States, seeing how they can benefit the Chinese once China has taken the lead: protectionism works to preserve incumbence, and the Chinese understand this perfectly. So while the mechanisms may be preserved, their initial purpose may be subverted to a new geopolitical power than the one they were constructed to maintain.

    Lastly, there is Latin America, which holds no love for the United States on any level after the interventionism of the past 50 years. Economically, they have half the GDP of the US or Europe, and so, they can’t compete on brute strength. However, they can compete with raw competition of the framework, and this appears to be one of the most exciting geopolitical developments in a long time.

    Yesterday, it became clear that legally autonomous startup zones (plural) will be established in Honduras and other locations, with Panama and Guatemala watching the developments with great interest. A legally autonomous zone is a small location that gets to write its own experimental laws, in order to compete on a small-scale with country-level laws to find out at a laboratory scale if something works immensely better.

    As many of these are planned in Latin America, and Latin America is rightly and royally sick of the copyright monopoly, I’m hopeful that one, just one, of them will ditch that monopoly concept in favor of real free trade and actual ownership rights. On an international network, it only takes one single country to declare the copyright monopoly obsolete for the entire planet to lose any and all copyright monopoly function. Now, we’ve arrived at the point where it only takes a single autonomous Internet-friendly startup zone to do so.

    To illustrate, the book 1984 by George Orwell is still under copyright monopoly in the United States and Europe, but not in Australia, where it is published as public domain. This is something that is thoroughly illegal to distribute in Europe and the United States, but you can access it from there just fine, because it is legal to distribute in Australia, and Australia is connected to this thing we know as the Internet.

    Now, imagine if one country – or one autonomous zone – desired to do this for all of humanity’s knowledge and culture, as part of free trade and free judicial competition.

    The future looks immensely bright, and there is no copyright monopoly there at all. It only takes one single jurisdiction to topple the entire oppressive construct worldwide.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Google’s popularity means that it is one of the first places users turn to when they’re trying to find content online. That also includes unauthorized content, and as a result Google receives endless notices from copyright holders to remove infringing URLs from its listings.

    Even as a content-less search engine, Google is held responsible for everyone else’s infringing behavior, but they’re not on their own. Specialist search engines that focus on indexing content on other sites are also subjected to takedowns, but in the last couple of years the trend has been to hit Google’s index of those sites’ links too.

    One such site is FilesTube, a search engine dedicated to indexing content found on the biggest file-hosting sites with public sharing capabilities such as Rapidgator, 4Shared and Uploaded. These sites host large quantities of unauthorized content uploaded by their users, so FilesTube has become popular with those looking for TV shows, movies, music, apps and just about any other content one can imagine.

    FilesTube, a site founded back in 2007, reportedly responds to DMCA notices, but Google nevertheless gets hammered with requests from copyright holders to de-list FilesTube URLs.

    “During the last year Google disabled access to 389,512 FilesTube links,” we wrote in May 2012 when FilesTube first topped the takedown charts. The situation today has developed out of all proportion.

    This week, Google received its 10 millionth takedown notice for FilesTube, the vast majority of them received in the last calender year. During the past four months there hasn’t been a week with fewer than 130,000 takedowns and at times as many as 460,000 were issued.


    The total of 10,074,633 URLs dwarfs its nearest ‘rival’ ZippyShare which takes the current second place spot with ‘only’ 5,914,229 URLs.

    As can be see from the image above, FilesTube’s number one ‘enemy’ is the music industry. The BPI and RIAA have together de-indexed close to six million of the search engine’s URLs. In third, fourth and fifth position are Fox (TV/movies), anti-piracy group MarkMonitor (various industries), and Takedown Piracy (adult content).

    Overall, 3,838 copyright holders and 1,270 reporting organizations have issued notices to Google about FilesTube, something which has put the site at odds with the entertainment industry.

    In June 2011, FilesTube took on a new domain after it was blocked by ISPs in Malaysia on copyright grounds. By the end of October 2013, FilesTube was also censored in the UK after the music industry obtained a High Court injunction against six of the country’s top ISPs.

    In the past few weeks FilesTube took the decision to dump its .com domain. The site can now be found on the more anonymous FilesTube.to. No reason was given for the switch but whereas the site was previously blocked in the UK, it is now available again through ISPs including Virgin Media.

    There are also some other interesting developments underway. FilesTube has long insisted that it’s a search engine just like Google, in that it carries none of its own content and responds to takedown notices. FilesTube has been happy in the past to allow searches for specific file types (AVI, MP3, MKV etc) and lists popular user-generated searches on its main page, but really hasn’t gone any further. Until now….


    The above image is part of a survey being carried out by FilesTube (link at top of the main page) in which they ask the user “Imagine that you’re searching for your favorite TV series on FilesTube. Will the detailed search results page be useful for you?” The suggestion is that a page like this, giving details of TV shows alongside links to pirated content, could be implemented if users want it.

    Of course, this goes way beyond the actions of a search engine “like Google” but with FilesTube being treated harshly by copyright holders anyway, one has to wonder whether the company has now given up trying to please them.

    • Upvote 1
  12. A short while ago we reported that Google has already received takedown requests for more than 200 million URLs this year.

    While most of the submitted URLs do indeed link to infringing content, not all takedown notices Google receives are correct.

    Some copyright holders target legitimate content by mistake, sometimes even their own work. Others abuse the system to censor competitors or stifle critics.

    A recent takedown notice that Random House sent to Google is most likely an example of the former.

    As the largest trade book publisher in the world, Random House sends out thousands of takedown requests every week, and one of the most recent notices includes the URL of Kim Dotcom’s cloud hosting service, mega.co.nz. While Mega probably hosts several Random House books, these are definitely not listed on the homepage.

    According to the publisher, however, mega.co.nz infringes the copyrights of Stephen King’s novel Carrie.

    Random House targeting Mega


    Luckily for Dotcom, Google caught the error and refused to remove the Mega homepage so it remains available in its search results today. However, these kind of mistakes are certainly not an isolated incident, nor are they limited to Google.

    For example, before Kim Dotcom’s Megaupload was shutdown early 2012 the site received many erroneous takedown notices.

    “During the Megaupload days over 20% of all takedown notices were bogus,” Dotcom told us previously.

    “We analysed big samples of notices and most were automated keyword based takedowns that affected a lot of legitimate files. The abuse of the takedown system is so severe that no service provider can rely on takedown notices for a fair repeat infringer policy.”

    Random House’s recent mistake shows once again how much can go wrong with automated DMCA notices. Google doesn’t have a repeat infringer policy but the errors can cause trouble in the long run since Google down-ranks sites based on the number of DMCA notices it receives for them.

    Perhaps it’s also an idea do de-prioritize DMCA requests from copyright holders who continues to make easily avoidable mistakes?


    • Upvote 1
  13. VeNoMouS_bannercomp.jpg
    Well it is that time of year the Christmas season is offically here!
    But most importantly.. it is the perfect time for our members and staff to show off their artistic abilities with a competition to see who can create the best Christmas/Holiday banner for Zoom!

    This is Offically the First Zoom Holiday Banner Competition.
    Here is how it will work:
    - Each user may post up to 3 banners.. If you have uploaded one and want to add another later on. Please use the -EDIT- button in your original post and add your entry.
    - The banner should be 1140 x 176 pixels.
    - The competition will be open Dec 1 and run until December 13th 11:59pm GMT. All entries must be in by then. Winners will be announced on Dec 20th.
    - Staff (that have not entered the contest) will pick their favorites... and then we will let you vote on which of those you think is best!
    - The banner with the most votes will be displayed at the top of the site as the Christmas theme!
    - Since not everyone celebrates Christmas, so we will welcome banners representing other December/January holidays as well... or even non-denominational ones such as general winter themes!

    The Prizes:
    1.First - 75 GB Upload Credit + VIP Promotion and Your Banner will be displayed at the top of the site as the Christmas theme!
    2.Second- 50 GB Upload Credit + VIP Promotion.
    3. Third - 25 GB Upload Credit + VIP Promotion.
    4.Runners Up - 5gb Upload Credit
    All members participating will recieve 1000 karma bonus points.
    Winners may choose to transfer there winnings to another member. (you can not however keep the upload and transfer VIP status...entire prize will be transfered)
    Good Luck Everyone
    I look forward to seeing everyones banners!!!!
    Remember, entries must be in BEFORE 11:59pm GMT..13th of December
    Also please do not double-post...edit your post if you need to change something.
    Side Notes: If you are already a VIP and chosen as a winner you may exchange the VIP promotion for 10 freeleech slots.
    Contest Guidelines
    - The acceptable image formats are .gif .jpg and .png.
    - You can only enter once, but you may enter up-to 10 banners in your entry.
    - DO NOT hotlink an image to any Site except Image Hosting Sites.
    - DO NOT use potentially offensive material involving porn-religious material-animal-or human cruelty or ideologically charged images.
    - DO NOT discuss the entries in this thread.. use the Contest Chat Thread.
    -Hotlinking- is a term that refers to a direct link whether through an image or by direct IP Address to another web site. Please use a web hosting site for all image files.
    Image Hosting Sites
    ImageShack® - No signup required and -Direct linking- is allowed. Images that have not been accessed in over a year will be deleted. Images greater than 1024 kilobytes are resized automatically. ImageShack® supports .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .tif .swf (flash) and .png image types. bmp and tiff images are converted to .png automatically. ImageShack® provides an unlimited amount of space, but limits each image to a transfer rate of 100 megabytes per hour- if this limit is exceeded the image will be rendered inaccessible.
    Photobucket - No signup required and -Direct linking- is allowed. Images greater than 512 KB are resized automatically. PhotoBucket supports .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .tif .swf (flash) and .png image types. bmp and tiff images are converted to .jpg automatically. Photo Bucket allows image uploads by mobile camera phone or via email message attachments.
    ImageVenue - No signup required and -Direct linking- is allowed. The file size limit is 1.5 MB images not accessed for one year will be deleted. There are no limits on the number of images you can upload. ImageVenue supports only jpg and jpeg image formats. ImageVenue provides unlimited storage space and bandwidth.
    IMGUR - No signup required and -Direct linking- is allowed. The maximum file size limits vary based on type of user. For all users the maximum non-animated file size you can upload is 20MB. The image is then compressed down to a smaller size based on the user type. User types can be found in the FAQ. .jpg .jpeg .gif .bmp .apng .tiff .bmp .pdf .xcf(gimp). .tiff .bmp .pdf .xcf(gimp) will be converted to PNG on upload.
    TinyPic - No signup required and -Direct linking- is allowed. Images greater than 250 KB are resized automatically. TinyPic supports .jpg .png .gif and .bmp image formats.

    • Upvote 1
  14. For more than a decade the music industry has been struggling with online piracy.

    To prevent music from spreading like wildfire all the major labels have experimented extensively by adding DRM to digital music files. While this did little to stop piracy, the restrictions did hurt legitimate consumers.

    It turns out that consumers find music with DRM less attractive than the pirated alternative, and some people have argued that it could actually hurt sales. A new working paper published by University of Toronto researcher Laurina Zhang confirms this.

    For her research Zhang took a sample of 5,864 albums from 634 artists and compared the sales figures before and after the labels decided to drop DRM.

    “I exploit a natural experiment where the four major record companies – EMI, Sony, Universal, and Warner – remove DRM on their catalogue of music at different times to examine whether relaxing an album’s sharing restrictions impacts the level and distribution of sales,” she explains.

    This is the first real-world experiment of its kind, and Zhang’s findings show that sales actually increased after the labels decided to remove DRM restrictions. “I find that the removal of DRM increases digital sales by 10%,” Zhang notes.

    This effect holds up after controlling for factors such as album release dates, music genre and regular sales variations over time.

    Interestingly, not all albums are affected equally by the decision to remove DRM. Older albums selling less than 25,000 copies see their sales increase by 41% and overall lower-selling albums get a 30% sales boost. The top selling work, on the other hand, doesn’t benefit from less restrictions.

    “Relaxing sharing restrictions does not impact all albums equally; it increases the sales of lower-selling albums (the “long tail”) significantly by 30% but does not benefit top-selling albums. My results are consistent with theory that shows lowering search costs can facilitate the discovery of niche products.”

    According to Zhang, the 30% sales increase for lower-selling albums can be explained by the fact that DRM-free music makes it easier for consumers to share files and discover new music. The finding that removing DRM from top-selling albums has no effect on sales makes sense in this regard, since the discovery element is less important for well promoted musicians.

    While DRM is still prevalent in the book industry and elsewhere, most of the major labels are now in agreement that it’s not a good fit for music.

    Those who look around will find that there’s hardly any music being sold with classic DRM in place. Even the RIAA admitted that DRM is an endangered species, probably because what the researchers report today is rather accurate.

    The late Steve Jobs already knew this a long time ago. “DRMs haven’t worked, and may never work, to halt music piracy,” he said back in 2007.


  15. Reminder Hello.

    Once again we need to remind and ask you for help.

    Only 6 days left till the end of the month and we reach only the half way for our donation goal.

    Please, donate whatever you can, because we cant afford to pay the server bills. Our site relies on your donations to stay online. We can add ads so we can pay the bills,but we believe in our members. In their support like always...

    Also dont forget that every month when we reach our donation goal the whole site will be set to freeleech till the end of the month,so its up to you how many days there will be site freeleech.

    Also since a lots of holiday are coming we have decided to share our site with everybody, so the whole december will be with open sign ups.

    Few new thing will come to the site in december, the main thing will be that the vips (donators) will have bigger privacy if they want, they will be able to hide their profile from everybody exept the staf..

    Thank you for the support once again.

    HD-Space Staff!

  16. 由于之前的网页漏洞导致密钥(passkey)信息泄露,现在我们已经屏蔽了此漏洞。为了各位会员的利益不受损害或将损害程度降到最低,请各位会员在第一时间重置自己的passkey!!

    重置passkey方法: http://chdbits.org/usercp.php?action=security ,勾选 “我想重置密钥”,点击“保存设定”即可。同时正在做种的任务也要修改为新的passkey。



    Google Translate

    Because of loopholes in the previous pages key (passkey) information leakage, and now we have blocked this vulnerability. For the benefit of our members will not be harmed or minimize the extent of damage, please reset the first time members of his own passkey! !

    Reset passkey method: http://chdbits.org/usercp.php?action=security, check the "I want to reset key", click "Save Settings" button. At the same kinds of tasks being done should be revised as new passkey.

    There are any questions, please forums plate "Customer Area" question, there will be someone responsible to answer. Thank you!

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