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Posts posted by Rajesh

  1. http://i635.photobucket.com/albums/uu74/Andikki/Jpopsuki/discord_join_jpopsuki.png

    Hey hey hey peeps! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

    Thanks to some very hip folks who know what's cool and trendy we have now set up jpopsuki's own Discord chat server. Discord is an 

    all-in-one voice and text chat for gamers that's free, secure, and works on both your desktop and phone

    It's very user-friendly and lovely, so if you never were geek enough to get into IRC, this might be a new opportunity for you! You can use Discord from the web browser or a nifty desktop/phone client. Finding us there is easy, just use this link:

    There are text chats, there are voice chats, plus there's an added bonus of jpopsuki staff being more available there than at IRC (come for support you never got at IRC!)

    P. S.: Please don't share this link outside of jpopsuki much. It's okay to give it to a friend who'd like to participate in discussions about Asian music and whatnot, but don't broadcast it in random forums, or else we'll be swarmed by invite seekers and will have to enforce account confirmations.

  2. Open Registration till 30th November 2016! AvistaZ.to will be open for registration starting 15th till 30th Nov 2016. Please invite your friends, share on your wall, tweet and blog it! This will be last open registration for 2016! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

  3. DMCA takedown notices are designed to take down infringing content, but they regularly target legitimate content as well. Just recently a local distributor of Dreamworks' "Trolls" movie tried to have several TorrentFreak links removed from Google for merely referencing "copyright trolls."

    trollsWeek in and week out copyright holders scour the Internet to detect and report millions of alleged infringements.

    They report these links to Google and other services, with requests to take them offline.

    Unfortunately, not all of these allegations are correct. Over the years, we have written dozens of articles on DMCA takedown abuse and mistakes. While these usually focus on other sites, we are sometimes targeted as well.

    For example, a few days ago Estonian Theatrical Distribution tried to have two Torrentfreak.com URLs removed from Google’s search results.

    The outfit in question owns the local distribution rights for the Dreamworks’ movie Trolls and indirectly accused us of spreading pirated copies.

    Of course, reality is a bit more nuanced. If we take a look at the reported URLs it’s immediately clear that they’re not infringing at all. In fact, they’re not even about the movie in question.

    As can be seen below, one of the “infringing” links points to a news report about the Swedish invasion of copyright trolls that was canceled last week. The other link is harmless as well, referencing our archive of “copyright trolls” articles.


    The takedown notice


    Apparently mentioning the word “trolls” in a news article can put you at risk of being scrapped from Google’s search results. Needless to say, these type of mistakes are quite worrisome.

    And it’s not the only mistake they’ve made. The same notice also lists a link to a Boxtrolls torrent. While this may be pointing to infringing content, it’s an entirely different movie that’s accidentally targeted for using the word trolls.

    Luckily for us, we have Google on our side.

    The company wisely decided not to take any action and has kept our content in its search results. However, it’s easy to see how a mistake like this get missed in the millions of reports that come in every week.




  4. Just now, crnz said:

    Yeah, I did that with my waffles account.  I wanted it, and then once I got in I saw it wasn't at all what I needed, so I let it lapse.  When you just want a piece of music occasionally, you really don't want to first have to sit exams on encoding methods.  All seemed a little OTT to me! :)

    I should add, happy to trade what I've got to anyone who has decent ratio proof.  (We all have to protect our reputations, don't we?)

    i am not a trader or seller so i will never trade or sell,if you want Iptorrents i will give you as i said.

  5. File-sharers are often portrayed as destroyers of the creative industries but new research suggests that isn't the case. According to the survey, 60% of music pirates also buy music, a figure that drops to 44% among non-sharers. Movie pirates continue the trend by being much more likely to pay than their law-abiding counterparts.

    piratesaint.jpgEach year, The Internet Foundation In Sweden (IIS) produces a report titled ‘Swedes and the Internet.’ As its name suggests, the report aims to shine light on how people behave online.

    Covering issues from social media to smartphones, gambling, and of course, content consumption and file-sharing, the survey of 3,000 citizens aged 11-years-old and up has provided interesting insights in previous years. 2016 is no different.

    “We continue to use the Internet to listen to music and watch movies. Eight out of ten listen to music and just over six out of ten watch movies. This is most popular among the young where almost everyone is doing it,” the report reads.

    “Youtube is the most popular site for all ages. It begins in the pre-school years and almost all four-year-olds are using Youtube, but also the oldest are frequent users.

    “With the arrival of streaming services more have begun to pay for music and film, but nevertheless file-sharing remains around 20 percent of the population, which it has done for almost ten years.”




    But while the survey indicates that peer-to-peer file-sharing has remained static, other areas of unauthorized content consumption have been on the increase. Notably, web-based streaming services are gaining traction, particularly among lower age groups.




    But of course, people obtaining content for free is only part of the puzzle. People paying for official online services has been on the increase since their inception. In 2011, for example, 15% of the population streamed music. That had increased to 38%, 42% and 44% in 2014, 2015 and 2016 respectively.

    In 2015, after a late start for video, 28% were subscribing to a Netflix-like service and this year that figure reached 38%. Roughly speaking, four-out-of-ten now pay for a music or video streaming service but it is the young (and traditionally the most likely to pirate) who are the most enthusiastic customers.




    In fact, IIS says that those who engage in illegal file-sharing and unauthorized streaming are also more likely to pay.

    “File-sharers previously bought at least as many CDs as those who do not file-share and today we can see that it is more common for file-sharers to subscribe to streaming services for music and movies than those who do not,” the organization explains.

    “60 percent of file-sharers pay for music streaming services, compared with 39 percent of those who do not share files and 44 percent of the population.

    “The ratio is similar for those who use the sites where you can download movies for free. 53 percent of those pay for a Netflix-like streaming service, compared with 34 percent of those who are not downloading movies for free,” IIS notes.

    The figures are an improvement on those reported in last year’s survey.

    In 2015, 58% of music pirates put their hands in their pockets to pay versus just 39% of non-filesharers. The figures for the movie sector were 46% and 24% respectively.

    The full report can be downloaded here (pdf, Swedish)




  6. Hi All,


    It’s now been seven months since tmghub.org came online and as you all know we had a hard time in the beginning as we made improvements on the site as well as attracted members and releasers .  But we were able to overcome the initial struggles mainly due to the sincere support and help from our members who stayed with us while we worked on continuously improving the site.


    Tmghub would like to take this opportunity to thank all our loyal members for supporting us at the time and hopefully we can expect the same level of support in the future. We would also like to extend heartfelt thanks to the special members who continue to work hard to keep this site alive by bringing releases and keeping the forums active.


    We are a small community today but with assistance from all we continue to grow. We would like to keep growing as well as provide a forum where all members can come and discuss various issues  but as you know it costs money to run any site as servers, technical support and maintenance has to be paid for and currently it costs us 600 Euro’s annually. The full amount is borne wholly by the site owners at this time. So we are turning to our members to support us in meeting the costs.


    Please note that the payments are not for becoming VIP members. VIP membership is reserved for individuals who have greatly contributed or supported the site and is based on staff decision only.


    Any amount would be helpful and we can accept your payment through Paypal. All donors will get an upload credit based on the amount of the donation. When making your payment through Paypal, please indicate your tmghub nickname on the receipt. If you do not mention your nickname, then the donation will be considered as anonymous .


    Paypal Id : [email protected]

    Total amount Targeted: 600 Euros


    Once more, thank you all for your continued support so far and in the future.



    TmGHub Staff

  7. Internet provider Cox Communications has filed its appeal to overturn the $25 million damages verdict in its case against music publisher BMG. The ISP argues that the district court made several errors. As a result, millions of people now risk having their Internet access terminated based on one-sided evidence.

    coxcommsLast December a Virginia federal jury ruled that Internet provider Cox Communications was responsible for the copyright infringements of its subscribers.

    The ISP was found guilty of willful contributory copyright infringement and ordered to pay music publisher BMG Rights Management $25 million in damages.

    The verdict was a massive victory for the music licensing company and a disaster for Cox.

    After the Virginia federal court had denied Cox’s request for a new trial, the Internet provider elevated the case to the Court of Appeals where it hopes to have the verdict reversed.

    In a 93-page filing submitted to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals this week, the company warns that the case has brought a lot of uncertainty to the industry, based on a verdict that’s rooted in erroneous conclusions.

    “This case involves an unprecedented attempt to impose liability on an Internet service provider (ISP) for its subscribers’ alleged copyright infringement,” Cox begins, nothing that the district court was well aware of the stakes.

    “Yet the court sanctioned a novel expansion of contributory liability to ISPs, based not on evidence that the ISP actually knew of specific infringing acts or took affirmative steps to foster infringement, but on the ISP’s constructive knowledge of the existence of infringing activity on its network.”

    With the appeal, Cox hopes to reverse the judgment or at least have the opportunity to have a new trial.

    The company explains that the case started when the ISP refused to forward infringement notices which contained “extortionate” settlement requests. They asked BMG’s anti-piracy partner Rightscorp to remove the settlement demands if they would like the notices to be forwarded, but they refused to do so.

    The dispute over the settlement language eventually led to a guilty verdict by the jury, which according to Cox is based on several reversible errors.

    First, Cox argues that the district court misread a binding Supreme Court authority, which prevents contributory copyright liability if a technology has substantial non-infringing uses.

    “Cox’s Internet service has endless legal uses, and BMG failed to prove either that Cox actually knew of specific infringing acts by specific subscribers or that it took active steps to promote infringement,” the ISP writes.

    In addition, the court took away the Internet provider’s safe harbor protection as it failed to terminate repeat infringers. However, Cox doesn’t believe that subscribers can be seen as such, solely based on one-sided accusations from Rightscorp.

    Finally, Cox argued that the jury instructions on the damages aspect were incorrect on several points which led to an inflated $25 million verdict.

    With the appeal, the ISP hopes to turn around the negative judgment. If not, the company fears that its subscribers, as well as those of other U.S. Internet providers, risk having their Internet access terminated based on ‘flimsy’ evidence.

    “If allowed to stand, that judgment would force ISPs to terminate subscribers’ Internet access—and with it access to critical information, e-commerce, and entertainment—based on the say-so of third parties. This Court should reverse.”

    The case will be crucial in determining what obligations ISPs have when it comes to repeat copyright infringers. Up until now, several Internet providers have argued that only a court could determine if a subscriber is a repeat infringer, but this has now become uncertain.

    Cox Communication’s full filing is available here (pdf)



    source :Torrentfreak

  8. Police in Italy have taken action to block more than 150 sites involved in the unauthorized streaming of movies and sports. The Special Units of the Guardia di Finanza obtained a mass injunction from a judge in Rome, marking the start of the largest ever blocking operation since measures began in 2008.

    guardia.jpgThe Guardia di Finanza (GdF) is a department under Italy’s Ministry of Economy and Finance. Tasked with dealing with financial crime, in recent years the department has also been at the forefront of anti-piracy operations.

    In order to disrupt the activities of pirate sites, the GdF takes direct action against site operators, with raids of sites deemed to be locally significant. Sites considered to be operated from elsewhere are regularly targeted with legal action, with most major sites now blocked by ISPs.

    Now, according to lawyer Fulvia Sarzana, a lawyer with the Sarzana and Partners law firm which specializes in Internet and copyright disputes, the GdF is engaged in the largest action yet against pirate sites.

    Describing the move as “sensational”, Sarzana says 152 sites involved in the unauthorized streaming of movies and sports have been targeted by police.

    Far-reaching injunctions were signed by Judge Alessandro Boffi in Rome today, which according to Sarzana are the most important since Italy began its piracy crackdown eight years ago.

    “It is the most important police operation involving copyright since 2008, when this type of order was introduced in Italy,” Sarzana told TF.

    “The seizures concern the largest football and movie streaming sites and covers roughly the first four pages of results on Google with regard to the search terms streaming, football and films.”

    Sarzana says that the injunction orders local ISPs to block subscriber access to the sites, something that has happened many times before in the country but never on this scale in a single act.

    In January 2015, around 120 sites were targeted following a complaint from 21st Century Fox’s Sky TV but this latest action is even bigger. It also challenges the total blocking efforts of local telecoms watchdog AGCOM.

    “To give you a comparison, just think that in three years of activities on copyright, the Authority for the Communications Authority (AGCOM), with a lot of energy and personnel, carried out more or less the same number of injunctions of what happened today with a single Judicial Authority act,” Sarzana says.

    For now the injunctions concern only blockades and there are no instructions for domain seizures. However, more trouble could lie ahead.

    “The novelty of the measure is that they were also given the IP addresses of the servers, which could mean that more detailed investigations on the origin of the content were undertaken,” Sarzana says.

    “At the moment it is unknown whether investigations have been made on the advertising activities related to the sites but this is the most recent trend of the Italian Financial Authorities,” he concludes.



    Source: https://torrentfreak.com/court-orders-landmark-mass-blocking-of-152-pirate-sites-161108/

  9. After discussing this with ScienceHD staff we've opened the doors to these refugees after SciHD decided to close theirs, this site is currently open signup* to allow as many in as needed - so we can rescue the people AND the content.

    ScienceHD have given its members a months notice & site wide freeleech AND a further 1 month tracker activity after the website closes.

    Anyone who knows anyone who needs rescuing - please bring them in* as we're awarding a welcome bonus to those NEW members who arent already here. They will need to identify themselves via a "Contact Staff" message & give their username/ID on ScienceHD for verification. The welcome bonus is available until the 14th of December 2016. 

    To save the content  we're going to allow ScienceHD.me current content (no other trackers) to be uploaded FREE until14 December 2016. on 15th December 2016 it will revert to normal status.

    procedure for the freeleech is simple but will require patience: 

    Firstly remember our titles & desc riptions are laid out slightly differently - so ensure you see the model desc ription -or- ask staff if you arent sure how to upload it.

    Also remember unlike science HD we dont allow multiple packs of the same torrent - eg a 1080/720/x264 SD in the same torrent - theyre considered megapacks and arent allowed.

    To QUALIFY for FREE status we do ask for the verifable URL off scienceHD #

    eg https://sciencehd.me/torrents.php?id=417 IN THE DESCR1PTION - VISIBLE FOR STAFF TO SEE

    Please send either a report to staff or a contact staff message (above) when uploading and WAIT for the status of the torrent to change before starting to seed it. 




    rules wrote:

    Site nor Staff will not be held responsible if people leech a torrent that's due to be Neutral or FREE where it hasn't changed status yet. Please wait and be patient. No refunds for lost credit will be made when you downloaded it too early and the status hadnt been changed then.





    # = IF the torrent exceeds an acceptable filesize level for  FREE  staff may substitute "huge" sizes with   Neutral instead.

  10. 为了促进魔力值消费和给会员更好的体验,现提供会员使用魔力值购买种子促销的方案。当用户遇到某些种子欲下载却苦于速度不佳或者担心分享率的情况,可以通过消耗魔力的方式置顶种子或(和)给予种子促销。

    2 :购买置顶会附送相同时间的free/免费。若置顶大于6个月且做种人数少于5人的种子,置顶购买价格减半。
    3 :种子申请置顶的要求(其中之一满足即可):


    a 外国PT站作品 
    b 非国内其他站官方组作品(不能置顶,但可以自己购买相应促销让其他会员加速)
    c 个人原创

    4:有意愿后请跟帖回复欲加速的种子链接,置顶天数(0 — ∞),优惠类型及天数(ps:管理组有权决定是否给予促销或者置顶)。


    优惠类型及天数:50% (2天)

    置顶:3000/小时                      60000/天  
    2xfree: 500/小时                        10000/天 
    2x&50%:   400/小时                         8000/天  
    free:   300/小时                                 6000/天 
    30%或者2x: 200/小时                             4000/天 
    50%: 100/小时                                            200/天



       In order to increase bonus point consumption and to provide a better experience for users we now provide a TEST-PLAN for every user to increase the visibility/popularity of certain torrents. When users want certain torrents and they’re hard to download because of bad speed or because the user has a low buffer, you can place these torrents at the top and/or give them torrent promotion.

    PS:Click  here to understand torrent promotion rules. 

    detailed  Rules: 

    1: A maximum of 3 unofficial torrents seeded by less than 10 people can be placed at the top and given torrent promotion.

    2:Top-set-torrents will be set the same time of free. Only when the torrent is older than 6 months and seeded by less than 5 people, the cost will be cut in half.

    3: requirement for top-set-torrent: 

     Release from foreign trackers
     no official-release in other trackers of Chinese 
     original release

    4: Please post the torrent link you want to promote, amount of top days and/or which torrent promotion. Promotion can last anywhere from 0 days to ∞ days if you have enough bonus points. (PS: Staff reserves the right to decide whether a torrent gets top and/or promotion). 

    Sample format (If you ignore format,I chose to ignore replies  [em34]): 
    Torrent link: https://www.hdarea.co/details.php?id=2348&hit=1
     Top days: 0 days 
     Type and number of days: 50%  (2days)

    5:  The cost of bonus points per promotion type
    Top: 3000/ hour      60000/day 
    2xfree:500/ hour     10000/day
    2x&50%: 400/ hour    8000/day 
    Free:300/ hour       6000/day 
    30% or 2x:200/hour      4000/day 
    50%:100/hour           200/day

    Of course after reading this you might feel overwhelmed but we are currently looking for people to develop the program so that it will be a simple one-click system and a user-friendly experience.

    Last edited by 懒羊羊先森 at 3 days 14 hours ago


  11. To all members,
    This announcement is to clarify the criteria for VIP membership as many have asked what the requirements are.
    First of all at this time we have no plans to sell VIP membership and existing VIP members will continue with no time restrictions on their access.
    TmGHub staff continually monitor member’s activity and at their discretion will grant VIP privileges to any member who we feel is greatly contributing to the site and deserves something extra to encourage his activity here.
    This would include, but not limited to, torrents uploaded, seeding, activity on forums, as well as general behavior on the site. All these factors are taken into consideration before a decision is made.
    For example if a member is very active in the forums, has made a lot of releases and seeds for a long time but is rude to others on the site, then he  would not be considered for VIP status.
    VIP members have access to certain sections of the site that are not available to regular members and VIP membership is only given at the discretion of staff.
    Once VIP status is granted to any member, he/she is still fully expected to follow all rules and any violation will result in their VIP status being revoked without warning.
    Staff decision will be final in the selection of VIP members as well as anytime if we have to revoke their access.
    Note that these are the current requirements and based on circumstances, they can be amended without notice in future
    Thanks for your support
    TmGHub Staff 
  12. I have just been informed that a former member of staff and long time member Maseo died recently in tragic circumstances. 

    Maseo was a member of Torrentday for over 6 years which 4 years was as staff and spent that time mainly in the games section.

    I just want to say on behalf of Torrentday Staff and members that we are truly sorry and sadden for his family's loss.

  13. Click Here if you want to get Lottery Tickets.


    "SceneTime Lucky Draw - Give your luck a chance!"
                              Lucky Draw Rules

    The Draw is open to ALL members who donate beginning November 1st and end January 1st.

    Donations count in every donating category     |    For every $5 you donate, you get 1 ticket.

    Winners will be randomly selected & announced on January 2th, one every hour.

    Prizes will be shipped between January 7th - 15th.

    Contest is open to all locations, worldwide. Yes this means International, if you have an address we can ship it!

    If you hate the prize, no problem. We will give you the equivalent on a gift card or send via PayPal.

    Can you win more than once? Yes. As with any Luckydraw, it is the pick of the draw. If you have 3 numbers come up, you win 3 prizes.

    The total number of your Lottery entries will display under the banner:

    Draw prizes : 


    1-Apple - 9.7-Inch iPad Pro with WiFi - 32GB - Space Gray
    2-Microsoft - Xbox One S 500GB Console Halo Collection Bundle
    3-Apple iPhone 7 32GB, 4G LTE, Jet Black
    4-Sony - PlayStation 4 Console Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Bundle
    5-Samsung - 850 EVO 250GB Internal Serial ATA Solid State Drive for Laptops - Black
    6-Amazon - Fire TV Stick - Black
    7-GoPro - HERO5 Black 4K Action Camera
    8-Samsung UN48J5000AFXZA 48-Inch 1080p HD LED TV - Black (2015)
    9- Avera Digital 40" 1080p 60Hz LED-LCD HDTV 40AER10

    10-iTunes Gift Cards $50
    11-iTunes Gift Cards $25

    12-Google play Gift Card $50
    13-Google Play Gift Card $25

    14- One Year VIP
    15~18- Six month VIP
    19~23- Three months VIP
    24~30- One month VIP ''


    Good luck to all.

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