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Posts posted by HTchead

  1. We fixed a bug with accounts that haven 't been

    used since we switched to Gazelle , which was

    responsible for an awful lot of accounts not beeing

    pruned by the system.

    We also lowered the usercap to 75 k for now , which

    makes room for ~ 10 k new users

    • Upvote 1
  2. Weekend framework torrent flood advantage of

    games, upload 1 GB + result , which corresponds to

    the upload rules ! In this week's duration is in action :

    29 / 11 / 2013 from 00 :01 to 23 :59 , 12 / 01 / 2013 .

    From now on , every weekend , looking forward to the

    other categories were added , about which you can

    read in the news that week here !

    Hétvégi torrent áradat keretében a JÁTÉKOK lesznek

    elönyben, + 1 GB feltölté st eredményezhetnek , ami a

    feltöltési szabályzatnak megfelel ! Az e heti akció

    idötartalma : 2013 .11 . 29 00 :01 - tól 2013 . 12 . 01

    23 :59 - ig. Mostantól kezdve minden hétvégén más

    kategóriában várjuk a feltöltéseket, amiröl az adott

    héten itt a hírekben olvashattok!

    • Upvote 1
  3. Seed Bonus Points

    As of today we are now offering 2 seed bonus points

    per hour for any member that joins IRC and idles in

    there or hangs out and chats . It used to be 1 point

    per hour , and the site owner decided that members

    could benefit from this new addition to the site. We

    prefer you to use mIRC and if you need help setting it

    up you can come to IRC and someone from staff will

    be happy to help you set it up if needed . You can

    also use the site IRC which is located on the menu to

    your left , simply click the "Live Chat" tab and you 're

    in. Enjoy , and we hope to see some new members

    joining us in chat .

    Moderators Wanted

    Do you think you have what it takes to help keep this

    site going ? We are currently looking to take on a few

    new Moderators , no other commitments at any other

    trackers . You do not need any experience as you will

    be shown the ropes by Administrators , don 't worry ,

    it 's not rocket science . This ideally suits people that

    spend a lot of time in front of their computers , we are

    looking for dedicated people that are willing to put

    the effort in, so no time wasters please, we've had

    more than our fair share of those in the past. We

    seem to be lacking staff from the southern

    hemisphere for some reason , maybe they 're all out

    sunbathing, who knows ? If you think you have what

    it takes and can idle in IRC on a daily basis, you can

    apply on the link provided , and we will get back to

    you ASAP .

    • Upvote 1
  4. bibliotik. org : News


    Re : Salinger ' s unpublished works

    As much as we would love to keep Salinger 's

    unpublished works on - site, there are multiple

    reasons why we cannot.

    First, Salinger ' s estate is exceedingly protective of

    his unpublished works , and it 's not unreasonable to

    assume that any place where they are available will

    be a target for their undoubtedly well- paid lawyers.

    Second is an issue of verification . These works were

    sourced from a book acquired through an auction

    site. The person selling had multiple copies , and

    without having someone who can physically check,

    there 's just no way to know if these are actually

    Salinger 's work or not .

    Finally, what we do , we do to protect the rest of the

    collection we have here . The last thing we need is

    that kind of bulls - eye painted on our back , for

    something that may or may not be accurate or even

    real. One work , however rare , is not worth potentially

    losing the thousands we have .

    Do not upload Salinger 's unpublished work .

    Disobeying this will result in a non - negotiable

    account ban .

    • Upvote 1
  5. As many of you are aware , a leak of J . D . Salinger s

    heretofore unpublished Three Stories found its way

    to What. CD in the last day . It is our current belief that

    this leak originated as a physical copy on eBay and

    made its way to our site in digital form thereafter ,

    although we cannot confirm this lineage at present .

    The official request for these stories has existed on

    What. CD for some time , and although many thought

    it would never be filled or otherwise viewed it as a

    harmless act of communal wishing, the requests

    existence was in no way a formal endorsement by

    What. CD Staff. The site was temporarily brought

    down so that we could work to preemptively resolve

    issues related to the leaked content and the publicity

    it has received .

    Our first priority can and must be the protection of

    What. CD. Due to this case s rare and unlikely

    circumstances, due to the unnecessary and

    unwanted attention the Salinger leak has brought ,

    and due to our desire to comply with the desires of

    the Salinger estate or other involved parties in this

    matter, the content has been removed from

    What. CD. It is not to be re - uploaded under any

    circumstances, and anyone found doing so will have

    their account disabled . We thank you for your

    patience as we continue to resolve this matter .

    Additional details will become available as is

    necessary per the discretion of the Staff.

    • Upvote 1
  6. A karácsony szelleme már a hónap beköszöntét

    megelőzően munkálkodott , így hát el is készítette

    Nektek ezt a kalendáriumot. Ennek minden részén

    egy- egy ajándékot találhatnak azok , akik a

    megfelelő napokon meglátogatják a rejtett

    dobozokat . Minden apró szeglet csakis azon a

    napon nyitható, és naponta kizárólag egyszeri

    alkalommal, amikor annak eljö tt az ideje. Aki pedig

    minden napon meglátogatja e rejtelmes odúkat, az

    karácsony napját követő pirkadatkor újabb kalandok

    elé nézhet.

    Naptárt megtaláljátok a fejléc részen ikonnal jelöltük.

    The spirit of Christmas has been worked before the

    advent of the month , so I put together an almanac

    you this . This is all part of a gift can find those who

    visit the corresponding days of the hidden boxes .

    Every little corner is only open in the day and only

    once a day , when its time has come . Those who visit

    this mysterious nest boxes every day , at dawn the

    day after Christmas is poised for further adventures .

    Calendar to find your section headings are marked.

    • Upvote 1
  7. [LBI ] Anton Kreil - Professional Trading Masterclass

    @ 2013 - 10 - 11 16 : 36 :55 GMT

    Anton Kreil - Professional Trading Masterclass

    From: Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management

    This Torrent Contains :

    Core Course: 28 videos

    Documents: 64 documents . Spreadsheets and PDFs


    Welcome to the most comprehensive online Trading

    Education video series available in the World . Your

    Teacher and Mentor will be the Institutes Managing

    Partner and former Goldman Sachs trader Anton

    Kreil .


    " To say the penny has dropped is an understatement

    my thought process has hit the jackpot and it 's still

    paying out pennies . " - Martin, London ( August

    2013 )

    " I 've just completed the Professional Trading

    Masterclass and had my eyes opened to how the

    pro 's do it. They don 't teach you this stuff at school .

    The course is very well structured with the fun parts

    helping drive the messages home and lift the lid on

    technique , discipline and mindset .. . . . I should have

    done this years ago !" - Graham, London ( July 2013 )

    " I have to say that your course is absolutely

    amazing. I wanted a big picture. Now I have it and

    it's also a much clearer picture of the market than

    ever before ." - Bruno, Belgium ( July 2013 )

    " Course is INCREDIBLE !!! Only hope I can gradually

    put it into practice and grow spiritually by being

    more analytical in my investment decisions

    making . " - Kibbs ( July 2013 )

    " IMHO the best trading course I 've seen on TV bar

    none. . . for pros and amateurs alike !" - PX ( couple of

    seconds ago )


    This is the core course:

    As Anton Kreil publishes more videos ( Overall eight .

    One each month) they will be uploaded . Furthermore

    research/ trader meetings will also be uploaded at a

    later time .

    • Upvote 1
  8. Here's another round of FL picks , this time from our

    VIP and Custom Class friends . Keep your eyes peeled

    for more surprises in the days to come !

    Once Were Warriors [1994 ]

    American History X [1998 ]

    Escadrille de Lafayette AKA Lafayette Escadrille

    [1958 ]

    Mean Girls [2004 ]

    Koara kachô AKA Executive Koala [ 2005 ]

    Basket Case [1982 ]

    Bhaag Milkha Bhaag [ 2013 ]

    Jumanji [ 1995 ]

    Honogurai mizu no soko kara AKA Dark Water [ 2002 ]

    Videodrome [1983 ]

    12 Angry Men [ 1957 ]

    Sherlock Jr . [ 1924 ]

    Ali G Indahouse [ 2002 ]

    Contagion [ 2011 ]

    Play [ 2011 ]

    The Road [ 2009 ]

    Trailer Park Boys : The Movie [ 2006 ]

    Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

    [2008 ]

    Lock , Stock and Two Smoking Barrels [ 1998 ]

    Man on Wire [ 2008 ]

    The Deer Hunter [ 1978 ]

    Moskva slezam ne verit AKA Moscow Does Not

    Believe in Tears [ 1980 ]

    Levity [ 2003 ]

    The American Astronaut [ 2001 ]

    Finding Neverland [ 2004 ]

    I'm Gonna Git You Sucka [1988 ]

    Elmer Gantry [ 1960 ]

    • Upvote 1
  9. "Black is the New Black : 100 Noirs "

    For the dark month we go all noir . Here's a list of 100

    Noirs . But to complete the list you need to help us

    upgrade at least 32 to state of the art mkv / mp 4 rips.

    Upgrades of these torrents , HiDef copies & filled

    requests will be added for a 100 % bonus, and will get

    the uploader a 2 GB bonus . However, we won 't

    include any new films to the list . 100 it is . 100 %

    download refund from 01 - 12 - 2013 to 31 - 12 - 2013 :

    The Killing - 1956 - Stanley Kubrick ( Classics )

    The Sniper - 1952 - Edward Dmytryk ( Classics )

    Suspicion - 1941 - Alfred Hitchcock ( Classics )

    Kiss Me Deadly - 1955 - Robert Aldrich ( Classics )

    The Letter - 1940 - William Wyler ( Classics )

    Obsession - 1949 - Edward Dmytryk ( Classics )

    In a Lonely Place - 1950 - Nicholas Ray ( Classics )

    The Third Man - 1949 - Carol Reed ( Classics )

    Gilda - 1946 - Charles Vidor ( Classics )

    Nightmare Alley - 1947 - Edmund Goulding

    ( Classics )

    The Desperate Hours - 1955 - William Wyler

    ( Classics )

    Call Northside 777 - 1948 - Henry Hathaway

    ( Classics )

    Kiss of Death - 1947 - Henry Hathaway ( Classics )

    The Dark Corner - 1946 - Henry Hathaway ( Classics )

    Bob le flambeur ( Bob the Gambler ) - 1956 - Jean-

    Pierre Melville ( Classics )

    The Flanagan Boy ( Bad Blond) - 1953 - Reginald Le

    Borg ( Classics )

    The Killers - 1946 - Robert Siodmak ( Classics )

    Rebecca - 1940 - Alfred Hitchcock ( Classics)

    Criss Cross - 1949 - Robert Siodmak ( Classics )

    The Big Sleep - 1946 - Howard Hawks ( Classics )

    Laura - 1944 - Otto Preminger ( Classics )

    The Set - Up - 1949 - Robert Wise ( Classics )

    Pickup on South Street - 1953 - Samuel Fuller

    ( Classics )

    99 River Street - 1953 - Phil Karlson ( Classics)

    Sorry , Wrong Number - 1948 - Anatole Litvak

    ( Classics )

    The Red House - 1947 - Delmer Daves ( Classics )

    Dark Passage - 1947 - Delmer Daves ( Classics )

    Ace in the Hole - 1951 - Billy Wilder ( Classics )

    Nightfall - 1957 - Jacques Tourneur ( Classics)

    Out of the Past - 1947 - Jacques Tourneur

    ( Classics )

    Angels with Dirty Faces - 1938 - Michael Curtiz

    ( Classics )

    The Asphalt Jungle - 1950 - John Huston ( Classics )

    The Window - 1949 - Ted Tetzlaff ( Classics )

    A Dangerous Profession - 1949 - Ted Tetzlaff

    ( Classics )

    Deception - 1946 - Irving Rapper ( Classics )

    The Enforcer - 1951 - Bretaigne Windust ( Classics )

    The Lineup - 1958 - Don Siegel ( Classics )

    Angel Face - 1952 - Otto Preminger ( Classics )

    White Heat - 1949 - Raoul Walsh ( Classics )

    Quai des Orfèvres ( Quay of the Goldsmiths) - 1947 -

    Henri - Georges Clouzot ( Classics )

    The Big Knife - 1955 - Robert Aldrich ( Classics )

    Le doulos ( The Finger Man) - 1962 - Jean- Pierre

    Melville ( Classics)

    Ascenseur pour l'échafaud ( Elevator to the Gallows )

    - 1958 - Louis Malle ( Classics )

    Shadow of a Doubt - 1943 - Alfred Hitchcock

    ( Classics )

    The Last Page ( Man Bait ) - 1952 - Terence Fisher

    ( Classics )

    Undercurrent - 1946 - Vincente Minnelli ( Classics )

    His Kind of Woman - 1951 - John Farrow & Richard

    Fleischer ( Classics )

    Tomorrow Is Forever - 1946 - Irving Pichel ( Classics )

    Grand Central Murder - 1942 - S. Sylvan Simon

    ( Classics )

    Crack- Up - 1946 - Irving Reis ( Classics )

    Strange Impersonation - 1946 - Anthony Mann

    ( Classics )

    Suspense - 1946 - Frank Tuttle ( Classics )

    The Two Mrs . Carrolls - 1947 - Peter Godfrey

    ( Classics )

    The Woman on the Beach - 1947 - Jean Renoir

    ( Classics )

    The Gangster - 1947 - Gordon Wiles ( Classics )

    The Man I Love - 1947 - Raoul Walsh ( Classics )

    Lured - 1947 - Douglas Sirk ( Classics )

    Night Has a Thousand Eyes - 1948 - John Farrow

    ( Classics )

    Pitfall - 1948 - André De Toth ( Classics )

    The Maltese Falcon - 1941 - John Huston ( Hi Def )

    Strangers on a Train - 1951 - Alfred Hitchcock ( Hi

    Def )

    Night and the City - 1950 - Jules Dassin ( Hi Def )

    The Night of the Hunter - 1955 - Charles Laughton

    ( Hi Def )

    The Big Heat - 1953 - Fritz Lang ( Hi Def )

    The Stranger - 1946 - Orson Welles ( Hi Def )

    Sunset Blvd . - 1950 - Billy Wilder ( Hi Def )

    Rope of Sand - 1949 - William Dieterle ( Hi Def )

    Pursued - 1947 - Raoul Walsh ( Hi Def )

    Upgrades are requested for the following titles :

    Where the Sidewalk Ends - 1950 - Otto Preminger

    ( Classics )

    Double Indemnity - 1944 - Billy Wilder ( Classics)

    Touch of Evil - 1958 - Orson Welles ( Classics )

    Notorious - 1946 - Alfred Hitchcock ( Classics )

    Du rififi chez les hommes ( Rififi ) - 1955 - Jules

    Dassin ( Classics )

    Night and the City - 1950 - Jules Dassin ( Classics )

    The Harder They Fall - 1956 - Mark Robson

    ( Classics )

    Murder My Sweet - 1944 - Edward Dmytryk

    ( Classics )

    This Gun for Hire - 1942 - Frank Tuttle ( Classics )

    The Postman Always Rings Twice - 1946 - Tay

    Garnett ( Classics)

    Panic in the Streets - 1950 - Elia Kazan ( Classics )

    Key Largo - 1948 - John Huston ( Classics )

    Scarface - 1932 - Howard Hawks , Richard Rosson

    ( Classics )

    The Big Clock - 1948 - John Farrow ( Classics )

    The Naked City - 1948 - Jules Dassin ( Classics )

    The Glass Key - 1942 - Stuart Heisler ( Classics )

    The Narrow Margin - 1952 - Richard Fleischer

    ( Classics )

    Sudden Fear - 1952 - David Miller ( Classics )

    The Blue Dahlia - 1946 - George Marshall ( Classics )

    Odd Man Out - 1947 - Carol Reed ( Classics )

    Scarlet Street - 1945 - Fritz Lang ( Classics )

    Kansas City Confidential - 1952 - Phil Karlson

    ( Classics )

    A Double Life - 1948 - George Cukor ( Classics)

    Act of Violence - 1948 - Fred Zinnemann ( Classics )

    The Big Combo - 1955 - Joseph H . Lewis ( Classics )

    Deadly is the Female ( Gun Crazy ) - 1949 - Joseph

    H. Lewis ( Classics )

    Underworld U . S. A . - 1961 - Samuel Fuller ( Classics )

    Manpower - 1941 - Raoul Walsh ( Classics)

    High Sierra - 1941 - Raoul Walsh ( Classics )

    D . O . A. - 1950 - Rudolph Maté ( Classics )

    Les diaboliques ( The Devils ) - 1955 - Henri - Georges

    Clouzot ( Classics )

    Deux hommes dans Manhattan ( Two Men in

    Manhattan ) - 1959 - Jean- Pierre Melville ( Classics )

    • Upvote 1
  10. Artists of Speed, we need your help to design this

    years holiday banner( s ) for the site! Be creative and

    harness the holiday spirit to get your creative juices

    flowing and see your banner live on the site during

    the holidays !

    The Rules

    All entries must be 920 px by 190 px and saved in

    jpeg format , then uploaded to lookpic.

    Each member may submit a maximum of four ( 4 )

    banners to be considered and voted on . ( Only one

    can win though )

    Your banner must say something like, " Merry

    Christmas from Speed. cd " or something similar .

    All entries must be submitted by Dec . 15 th to be

    considered !


    1 st : 5 GB Upload Credit plus 1 Month VIP, and your

    banner will be used .

    2 nd : 3 GB Upload Credit plus 1 week VIP.

    3 rd : 1 GB Upload Credit

    So what are you waiting for , get to work ! Reply with

    your entries to this post , good luck!

    • Upvote 1
  11. All Veronica Radke content on the site is set to

    freeleech until the next poll.

    Career: Pornstar

    Ethnicity : Caucasian

    Country: United States

    Birthday: May 27 , 1993

    Hair Color: Brown

    Height: 161 cm / 5 '3 "

    Weight : 44 kg / 96 lb

    Bust Size : 34 B

    Veronica Radke was born in the United States on

    May 27 , 1993 , and is also known as Veronika Radke.

    She is of Caucasian descent . She is petite at 5 '3 ".

    Veronica Radke is very skinny and weighs 96 lbs .

    She has a great pair of nice round 34 B boobs as

    well. Veronica Radke has amazing brown hair too .

    She is a pornstar and does both hardcore boy - girl

    scenes and solo shoots .

  12. In addition to the news item below and TranceTraffic

    Radio airing right now , we will be running freeleech

    on the week before New Years for those want to get

    in some serious leeching for the new year ! Hope you

    will enjoy, and have a great and safe Christmas !

    We 're running a 2 - month TranceTraffic Blue Friday

    Christmas Event ! Any donations made starting today

    until the end of January , will give you the below

    rewards. For questions and comments , visit the

    related forum thread.

    $ 25 VIP Donation :

    - 2 Months VIP access

    - 3 Invites

    - All 3 invites are given to your account within 2 - 3

    days .

    $ 50 VIP Donation :

    - 6 Months VIP access ( this is 2 FREE MONTHS

    compared to regular $ 50 donation )

    - 6 Invites ( this is 2 FREE INVITES compared to our

    regular $ 50 donation )

    - All 6 invites are given to your account within 2 - 3

    days .

    $ 100 VIP Donation : * NEW *

    - ONE FULL YEAR of VIP access

    - 14 Invites ( more than twice the $ 50 donation )

    - All 14 invites are given to your account within 2 - 3

    days .

    Other Perks of being VIP:

    - Unlimited leeching .


    ANYTHING YOU SEED. Your download however , is


    - Upon cancellation of your VIP, your ratio will be

    reset to 1 :1 if it is below this .

    - Your account will not be banned . You can remain

    inactive for as long as you have an active VIP

    status .

    - You can request a name change .

    - You receive an invite automatically each month ( up

    to max . of 3 )

    Want to help and make a donation ?!

    Just click on the PAYPAL DONATE button and enter

    your desired amount! ( $ 20 , $ 50 or $ 100 ) . Please

    remember to send us a message after you make a

    donation and let him know the transaction number

    and your paypal email address so we can credit your

    account . Please allow 2 - 3 days for your account to

    be updated . If you make a donation , you can start

    leeching right away, you don 't have to wait until your

    account is updated, we will eventually get to you in

    time .

    • Upvote 1
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