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Posts posted by HTchead

  1. The trial between the MPAA and Hotfile starts next week and the movie studios are hoping to get over a quarter billion in damages from the file-hosting service. The MPAA wants to be compensated for 3,448 pirated video files, ranging from the 1984 classic The Karate Kid to the TV-series Glee. The file-hosting service will not protest that its liable for the infringements of its users, but reserves the right to claim that other files may have been “space shifted” by Hotfile users.

    hotfileFor more than two years Hotfile and the MPAA have been battling it out in court and this month the case will reach its climax

    Next week marks the start of a trial in which a jury will be asked to decide how much in damages Hotfile must pay the movie studios. The trial is limited in scope, however, as the movie studios already won summary judgment on the issues of DMCA defense and vicarious liability.

    With only a few days to go both parties have now reached agreement on the number of copyrighted works that will be part of the trial. Initially the movie studios wanted to include 3,808 movies and TV-shows, but this has now been reduced to 3,448.

    “Defendants acknowledge and concede that Plaintiffs’ copyrights in all 3,448 of the Remaining Works in Suit were directly infringed by users of the Hotfile system, for which Defendants are vicariously liable, and for which Plaintiffs are entitled to recover statutory damages,” the joint stipulation reads.

    The full list of pirated files includes work from all MPAA members except Sony Pictures. Among the pirated files are several episodes of popular TV-shows including Glee, Heroes, Lost, Prison Break, Friends and Fringe, as well as the movies The Karate Kid, The Bourne Identity, Bambi and The Matrix.

    For each of these titles the jury or court can award a fine between $750 and $150,000. This means that Hotfile could face damages as high as half a billion dollars, $517,200,000 to be precise.

    The stipulation further clarifies that Hotfile has waived all affirmative defenses against its liability for direct copyright infringement. The file-hosting service does, however, reserve the right to argue that its users were “space shifting” files that are not included in the suit, which could be seen as fair use.

    “Defendants reserve their right to argue that files on the Hotfile system [other than the 3,448 files in suit] may have been ‘space shifted’ by Hotfile users. Plaintiffs reserve their right to argue the contrary, including that ‘space shifting’ is neither a relevant nor legally viable theory of fair use with respect to any copyrighted files on the Hotfile system,” the stipulation reads.

    Aside from determining how much Hotfile owes the major movie studios, the jury will also have to decide on Warner Bros’ potential DMCA abuse.

    Hotfile previously counter-sued Warner and alleged that after granting access to its systems the studio wrongfully took down hundreds of files including games demos and Open Source software without holding the copyrights to them. Hotfile seeks compensation for these false takedowns and the damage they have done to the company.

    To the disappointment of the movie studios, the trial will be fought out without mentioning words such as piracy, theft and stealing. As reported before the weekend, the MPAA and its witnesses are banned from using such pejorative terms during the proceedings.

    SOURCE http://torrentfreak.com/

  2. LBI RE-OPENED] Dane Maxwell - The Foundation
    Due to the Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S. a lot of folks missed this so we are reopening it for a limited time...

    The Foundation is an intensive six-month personal mentorship program with exact blueprints, scripts, tactics and strategies to build your first six-figure web-based product.

    The focus of this training is building business-to-business web-based software-as-a-service applications for niche markets.

  3. It's time for another round of great staff picks. Please take some time and see what we have to offer. The staff at LzTr takes time to choose albums that are inspirational and entertaining, so I hope everyone enjoys this new batch of music. Please be patient because the staff will be making selections in the days to follow, but we promise to provide our community with exceptional music from every genre. We are always looking for feedback and suggestions on how to improve this section. Your comments and encouragements are always appreciated. These staff picks will be freeleech until the 16th of December.

    Bob Dylan - Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid [1973]

    Peter Gabriel - Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ [1989]

    Jerry Goldsmith - Dennis The Menace [1993]

  4. Advent Calendar HeadsUp
    There has been no official announcement regarding this yet, but its already begun.

    Click Here! to straight away go to claim your first prize.

    Advent Calendar Rules:-

    You can claim a prize once every 24 hours.
    If you forget to claim a prize in a given 24 hour period, the potential prize is lost. Sorry!
    You can receive the following normal prizes: 2500 Bonus Points or 10GB Upload Credit.
    You can receive the following rare prizes: Custom Title, 25GB Upload Credit, or 150 Lumens.
    There is also an extremely rare chance to receive a gold star.
    Once the advent calendar is over, you can redeem any and all gold stars for really awesome prizes.

  5. The emergence of experimental legally autonomous

    startup zones in Honduras and other places is one of

    the most exciting developments in a long time, and

    forebodes the collapse of the copyright industrys

    tyranny over culture and knowledge.

    I believe in competition. I believe in experimentation to

    see what works best and what can be predictably

    repeated call it the scientific method applied to

    society, if you like. This has been a problem

    geopolitically, as the United States has guaranteed its

    global rent-seeking by bullying other countries into so-

    called free trade agreements that are, in the best kind

    of newspeak, the exact opposite: they are agreements to

    prevent free trade in favor of incumbent monopoly


    But a monopoly only lasts as long as all involved

    countries respect it. In particular, a monopoly that

    touches the Internet one such as the copyright

    monopoly requires the cooperation of every single

    country connected to the Internet to live yet another

    day. The first country to defect from this oppressive

    monopoly construct will cause the floodgates of culture

    and knowledge to open imagine The Pirate Bay

    located in a country where it is declared 100% legal, and

    where it is rightly illegal to harass its enormous library.

    Three geopolitical zones stand to threaten the US

    dominance on this rent-seeking and the monopolies we

    know as the copyright and patent monopolies:

    We have Europe, which has strength in its civil liberties

    tradition and its sheer economic strength it is the

    worlds largest economic power, and so, any monopoly

    Europe doesnt like just ceases to exist for all intents

    and purposes. Regrettably, European political leaders are

    perennially starstruck by anything the United States

    does, and wont be challenging them any time soon,

    unless challenged in turn on the matter by something

    like the Pirate Party. (When it happens anyway, like with

    the ACTA defeat last year, it is due to citizen outrage

    not because of any kind of political will.)

    We have China, which has a different cultural and

    idealistic tradition than Europe and the Americas Asia

    works on a timescale of generations and centuries,

    rather than one of weeks and months. There is patience

    to a degree unheard of in the West. The Chinese have

    economic clout comparable to the US and Europe, and

    are anything but stupid. They are copying the

    Intellectual Protectionism (IP) regimes of the United

    States, seeing how they can benefit the Chinese once

    China has taken the lead: protectionism works to

    preserve incumbence, and the Chinese understand this

    perfectly. So while the mechanisms may be preserved,

    their initial purpose may be subverted to a new

    geopolitical power than the one they were constructed

    to maintain.

    Lastly, there is Latin America, which holds no love for

    the United States on any level after the interventionism

    of the past 50 years. Economically, they have half the

    GDP of the US or Europe, and so, they cant compete on

    brute strength. However, they can compete with raw

    competition of the framework, and this appears to be

    one of the most exciting geopolitical developments in a

    long time.

    Yesterday, it became clear that legally autonomous

    startup zones (plural) will be established in Honduras

    and other locations, with Panama and Guatemala

    watching the developments with great interest. A legally

    autonomous zone is a small location that gets to write

    its own experimental laws, in order to compete on a

    small-scale with country-level laws to find out at a

    laboratory scale if something works immensely better.

    As many of these are planned in Latin America, and

    Latin America is rightly and royally sick of the copyright

    monopoly, Im hopeful that one, just one, of them will

    ditch that monopoly concept in favor of real free trade

    and actual ownership rights. On an international

    network, it only takes one single country to declare the

    copyright monopoly obsolete for the entire planet to lose

    any and all copyright monopoly function. Now, weve

    arrived at the point where it only takes a single

    autonomous Internet-friendly startup zone to do so.

    To illustrate, the book 1984 by George Orwell is still

    under copyright monopoly in the United States and

    Europe, but not in Australia, where it is published as

    public domain. This is something that is thoroughly

    illegal to distribute in Europe and the United States, but

    you can access it from there just fine, because it is legal

    to distribute in Australia, and Australia is connected to

    this thing we know as the Internet.

    Now, imagine if one country or one autonomous zone

    desired to do this for all of humanitys knowledge and

    culture, as part of free trade and free judicial


    The future looks immensely bright, and there is no

    copyright monopoly there at all. It only takes one single

    jurisdiction to topple the entire oppressive construct worldwide

    • Upvote 1
  6. Dear user:

    Recently, there passkey for the user breaches,

    the management group for the following special

    instructions, please be sure to do your account

    in order to ensure safety and to avoid losses

    due to leaks caused passkey:

    Please turn off the Thunder, BT download other

    software, cloud magnetic link download

    platform and browser support.

    Please do not use Thunder, BT download other

    software, cloud download platform in any way

    to download any seeds. Please use common

    download seed is recommended to download or

    copy the download address baskets added

    directly in the client.

    Please do not upload it to the public network

    seeds, especially network disk. Screenshot

    usually must pay attention to hide their


    In UT setup sure to turn off DHT network (UT

    Settings -> Tasks -> remove DHT network-

    enabled front hook).

    If you have any questions, please go to the

    forum novice learning area (I) raised.

    If you have violated the above provisions and

    found that traffic anomaly, reset passkey

    immediately. Reset address (I)

    HDWinG Management Group

  7. English comedian Russell Brand is no stranger

    to controversy and in the past few days the

    funnyman has been at it again, this time

    concerning the release of his new DVD. Brand

    informed his Twitter followers that obtaining

    Messiah Complex can be achieved in various

    ways, not least via The Pirate Bay. Potential

    UK viewers need not be concerned about ISP

    censorship either, as Brand helpfully provided

    a link to a Pirate Bay proxy.

    brand3To some, mainly those in the

    entertainment industries, The Pirate Bay is an

    evil parasite that exists on the hard work of

    others. It profits from content to which it has

    no rights and along the way disregards the

    wishes of artists, producers and their

    distributors who want to choose how and when

    their product is made available.

    To others, and judging by its popularity that

    may very well be the majority, The Pirate Bay

    is the worlds media greatest library. Not only

    that, it breaks down the barriers between the

    rich and poor and the haves and have nots, by

    pricing everything at a universally affordable

    zero dollars, euros, pounds or yen.

    Of course, there are artists out there that enjoy

    what the site has to offer. One only has to look

    at the popularity of The Promo Bay to see that

    there are many creators who appreciate a

    helping hand with their profile.

    What is more unusual is when established

    artists, who have business deals with major

    companies and traditional Pirate Bay rivals,

    decide to give the site their endorsement.

    That is exactly what happened before the

    weekend via the Twitter account of comedian

    Russell Brand.

    For those that dont know, its a bit of a

    tradition in the UK for comedians to release a

    new DVD around Christmas. Its a very

    lucrative time for this type of product and many

    joke-mongers fight each other for the top sales

    spot. Brand has a new one out too, its called

    Messiah Complex and its available at retailers

    for around £10.00, which is not a bad price at


    But while sales are gratefully received and all

    add to the chart rankings, Brand made it clear

    to his millions of followers that official outlets

    arent the only way of obtaining his DVD.

    As can be seen from the Tweet above, Brand

    not only linked to The Pirate Bay but also to a

    proxy site. This link enabled UK Internet users

    to bypass the blocks put in place by their ISPs

    following High Court action by the music and

    movie industries against The Pirate Bay.

    Unsurprisingly this has caused problems. As

    noted by MusicWeek, Brands DVD was put out

    by 2Entertain, which in turn is owned by BBC


    Some people whos [sic] jobs depend on it are

    angry. Complex, Brand wrote.

    Complex indeed.

    2Entertains sister company is Demon Music

    Group. Not only is Demon a member of the BPI,

    but until last year its commercial director

    Adrian Sear was sitting on the BPIs council.

    Since the BPI were the driving force behind the

    UK blockade of The Pirate Bay, one of their

    artists promoting a workaround will hardly be a

    welcome development.

    Still, Brand doesnt seem too concerned.

    Ill watch the torrent and if I like it I will buy

    it. Deal? said one Twitter user.

    As you wish mate, Brand responded.

    If i download this illegally will that make you

    sad? said another.

    I dont mind as long as you watch it, Brand

    fired back.

    Whether Brands tweets to his 7.3 million

    followers will result in masses of Pirate Bay

    piracy remains to be seen, but given his anti-

    capitalist stance hes probably quietly amused

    by the prospect, especially if he got his DVD

    payment up front.

    Source: http://torrentfreak.com/russell-


    • Upvote 1
  8. James Brokenshire, the UK Crime and Security

    Minister, has announced his determination to

    save the United Kingdom from websites which

    arent British by censoring the web. Minister

    claimed the end of the free Internet in the

    United Kingdom by revealing his plans to order

    Internet service providers to block websites

    believed to be too dangerous for the people.

    Minister explained he will also create a special

    department to identify and report material

    considered too dangerous for publication on the

    Internet. Brokenshire announced that the unit in

    question will be responsible for censoring a so-

    called extremist content, which perhaps

    follows the success off the model to crack on

    Internet child abuse. You have probably heard

    of the Internet Watch Foundation, partly

    industry-funded, which investigates reports of

    unauthorized child abuse pictures in the web.

    The outfit can ask ISPs to block or take down

    websites containing such images. As a result,

    theres no child porn in the UK Internet now

    thanks to this measure.

    Minister pointed out that Prime Minister, David

    Cameron, wanted to see a similar model for

    terrorist material. Despite numerous freedom

    of speech issues, the government believes it

    can have a process in place to test what is

    against the law.

    In the meantime, ISPs good appeal process

    might overcome some of the publics concerns.

    Apparently, if the government decides to block

    Welsh or Scottish Nationalist websites, it will

    have to explain to a judge why they are

    deemed extremist. This might make sense.

    However, less clear would be websites

    organizing such things as student protests.

    • Upvote 1
  9. The tech giant has problems after a Dutch

    privacy watchdog ruled that Googles way of

    bringing in personal information from its

    numerous online services violated Dutch data

    protection legislation.

    The seven-month investigation by the Dutch

    Data Protection Authority (DPA) of Google is

    finally over and the outfit asked the tech giant

    to show up at a meeting in order to discuss its


    In response, Google claimed that it provided

    users of its services with very specific

    information about the method it would process

    their personal information. The company

    insisted that its privacy policy did respect

    European legislation and let it create simpler,

    more effective services.

    The industry observers point out that the Dutch

    decision is part of a general concern in the

    European Union that sensitive information

    shouldnt flow into foreign jurisdictions,

    especially after the United States started

    insisting that any information which came close

    to its country could be spied on and analyzed

    by its spooks.

    The chairman of the Dutch Data Protection

    Authority said that Google spins an invisible

    web of Dutch personal information, without

    consent, which is forbidden by law. The outfit

    points out that the giant fails to properly

    inform users what kind of personal information

    it collects and combines, and what for.

    • Upvote 1
  10. All members, Hello everyone!

    Because you use Thunder download torrent

    files at the same time, the Thunder will also

    download a copy of the same file on their

    server is offline, the user is unaware of this

    process. In other words, once you had with

    Thunder download torrent files, you have no

    right to reset your passkey, then other

    Thunderbolt users will get into your passkey!

    Therefore, in order to ensure that your own

    interests are not compromised, please

    download PT seed time away from the


    Emergency measures: If you are not careful

    with the Thunder once downloaded torrent files,

    do not hesitate to go to immediately reset the


  11. MyA: New Partial & Unsatisfied Torrent Rules


    During freeleech all unsatisfied limits will now

    be doubled. Also if you have a seedbox and

    tend to seed for a long time please contact

    staff via the staffbox and we can set a higher


  12. As of today Memati has added the double up

    Banner. This means what ever you contribute

    to support BitLeechers will be doubled! What

    you will receive for your donation will be listed

    below. If you would like to support BitLeechers

    you can click on the banner or simply click on

    the donate tab under the sites general menu.

    We have ran this promotion a few times in the

    past before we went to a ratio free site and

    before we added VIP status for donations. So

    we will see how this works out and maybe run

    it again early next year. Just remember all

    members who donate are automatically

    promoted to VIP class. We want to make the

    end of this year special for everyone. This is

    why we added this promotion. There isn't

    much we can do on a ratio free site but to offer

    you this promotion. This will only run for

    December because of Christmas and New

    Years. We pray that Santa brings us 100% in

    donations this month.

    » 2x GB Upload Credits

    » 2x Invites

    » Donor Star

    » Voice in IRC (#chat)

    » 2x Weeks VIP Status

    » Immune to Hit & Runs

  13. Final Drawing for Birthday Bash Promo:

    We are very pleased to announce the final wave

    of winners in the Birthday Bash Promo! We will

    be going through and updating each of these

    accounts over the next day or so, but wanted

    to announce the winners ASAP and we wish to

    thank everyone who participated!

    New Years 2014 Xmas 12TB Promo Relaunch:

    Now the year is almost over and Bitsoup has

    become a stable foundation with the hard

    upgrades the site has faced during 2013, and

    the recent downtime has been resolved we can

    now gladly move forward to a happy holiday

    season followed by a what will hopefully be a

    good start of the year to come.

    In this last year Bitsoup has grown to be a

    large sharing community. Well over 115.000

    active members are sharing many torrents and

    it is on that note that we are pleased to

    announce that on this very day and in the very

    last few weeks of the year, the members of this

    great community have shared no less then 1

    MILLION torrents during Bitsoup's existence.

    We are thankful that all of your sharing efforts

    have lead to this great community

    accomplishment, and we look forward to a

    whole new sharing year! It's Bitsoup's final

    special of the year and while only 30 days of

    2013 remain, we are once again going to

    automatically enter all those that support

    Bitsoup into an appreciation draw. Since

    December is a special month, this draw will

    bring the largest prize Bitsoup has ever offered!

    The winners will enter 2014 with no less than

    12TB of upload credit!

  14. Remember remember the 1st of December..

    actually wait a minute. On with the freeleech

    picks for this month:

    Ovatow - In Loving Memory Of Juvenile Jay

    A great track. A good track. A track I skipped.

    All about the A side here. Lush, verb laden


    Andy C - Nightlife 6

    Until I get another computer going and can dj

    again, this will have to do.

    The Seaman And The Tattered Sail - Light


    7 Hours of Glorious Ambient, enjoy.

    Syen - In Dusk

    This fairly dark foresty stuff is strictly for ones

    who know.

    Gridlok & Prolix - Project Trendkill

    Every track is pretty solid, but a couple of them

    are just massive.

  15. Battling Boy by Paul Pope

    The adventure begins in the new graphic novel

    by comics legend Paul Pope. Monsters roam

    through Arcopolis, swallowing children into the

    horrors of their shadowy underworld. Only one

    man is a match for them - the genius vigilante

    Haggard West. Unfortunately, Haggard West is

    dead. Arcopolis is desperate, but when its

    salvation comes in the form of a twelve-year-

    old demigod, nobody is more surprised than

    Battling Boy himself. It's time to meet an

    electrifying new hero.

  16. PassThePopcorn: News

    PTP: Bottom 250

    There have been a few changes on the Top 250


    Added bottom 250

    Your rating is also listed

    This list can be filter by seen status

    The columns are sortable

    There was another, unrelated but no so easily

    discoverable change recently, so I'm

    mentioning that here too: you can toggle the

    comparison sides on the screenshot

    comparisons with the number keys.

  17. [PT站公告] 【TorrenTGui】官方活动,目前进内


    ttg外站 求邀区 将在之后一段时间允许求邀,会



    我会在 gamegui 吧 开楼发放外站邀请。

    基本条件 关注gamegui吧并且等级达到3级或以

    上。可选条件 规范 诚意的截图说明你了解PT。

    我会择优发放外站邀请,进了外站 一定条件满足

    后即可进 TTG外站邀请区求邀请。






    细则说明2:目前已有内站ID的朋友 推荐注册个


    细则说明3: 本次活动 也会在GameSir和








    Google Translated

    ttg invite area outside the station to allow the

    request seeking invited at a later time , managers

    will be released .

    But there is a need to invite registered outside

    the station , and December 1 to No. 3 , I will open

    the floor gamegui right outside the station

    issuing the invitation .

    Basic conditions and level of concern gamegui it

    reaches 3 or above . Optional specification

    sincerity condition screenshot shows that you

    understand PT. I would stand outside the

    preferred payment invitation to enter into the

    TTG area outside the station to invite outside the

    station to meet certain conditions after seeking

    an invitation.

    TTG final interpretation of this notice to all .



    Details Description 1: TTG invite area outside the

    station can seek to invite , that order is outside

    the station and then into the station can be hired

    from outside the station .

    Conditions Note 2 : There has been a friend

    recommended the station ID registered a foreign

    station ID, there is a good case of timely

    feedback , more convenient.

    Conditions Note 3: The event will also GameSir

    and GameSir it related activities , we hope that a

    lot of attention GameSir [ it] . Sign up GameSir

    Forum issued the invitation when you can

    directly apply it regularly rewarded in GameSir

    active no violation of the forum .

    • Upvote 1
  18. Translate

    Dear Fluxisti!

    We all know that come the winter holidays, so DJ

    team and staff, FluxZone offers you the chance

    to make a wish vocal in mp3 format.

    All you have to do is to register your greeting in

    mp3 format (if you do not know how to register

    the program Audacity and Lame search for

    mp3), and send to the following address:

    [email protected],

    popa.alexandru871 (skype)

    • Upvote 1
  19. Ismét elérkezett a december , és közelegnek az

    ünnepek. Hamarosan minden karácsonyi hangulatba

    öltözik , és megkezdődik a meglepetések időszaka.

    Lassan jön a Mikulás is , de még előtte ezen a

    vasárnapon időszerű meggyújtani az első adventi


    A Majomparádé Staff ebben a hónapban tö bb

    nyereményjátékkal, akcióval kedveskedik nektek .

    Az első ilyen meglepetés számotokra egy adventi

    naptár, amellyel mától karácsony napjáig minden

    nap kisebb - nagyobb nyereményekkel lehettek

    gazdagabbak ( a felső menüsorban a gyertyára

    kattintva érhetitek el , a há tt érképek szabadon

    váltogathatóak) .

    Játszatok velünk , és meglátjátok a karácsonyfa alá

    milyen ajándékokat rejtettünk el .

    Once again arrived in December, and the holidays

    are coming . Soon all the Christmas spirit garb , and

    the surprises period begins . Slowly it comes to

    Santa Claus , but even before this Sunday timely

    ignite the first Advent candle .

    The Monkey Business Staff this month win more

    games, restaurant savings to you .

    The first of these is a surprise for you advent

    calendar , which from today until Christmas every day

    a greater or lesser prizes have been richer ( in the top

    menu bar , click on the candle is available, the

    wallpapers are free váltogathatóak) .

    Can I play with us and you will see under the

    Christmas tree which hid gifts .

    • Upvote 1
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